Elise can't put her fingers to the situation. In a blink, once she had closed her eyes only to open and find herself where she was, in the highest spot of the castle. The distance to the ground wasn't too far compared to the cliff but if she fall, for sure, her soul would be no more from her body.
"Elise," called Ian and Elise shifted her eyes to see how there was an intense look on Ian's eyes. "Wait there." Ian told her.
Ian had come out of his room after noticing how there was no heartbeat from the room of the girl who slept right bellow his room. Even though he normally sleep like a human, at most of time he didn't need the sleep which was why he woke up through the night. Ian recently found most beautiful melody was Elise's heartbeat but at one point, her heartbeat disappeared from bellow and instead appeared from above him.
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