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56.25% Reality Drift / Chapter 8: Weapon Binding Ritual

Bab 8: Weapon Binding Ritual

Traversing a river like rift formed by carved out rocks from the series of mountains behind the Magkrin, both Korin and Kaye were heading towards the ore mines. The foliage around was emphasizing the vividness of nature as the color of rocks contrasting the greenery.

"So Kaye what are you planning to forge?" Korin asked.

Just like a typical dwarf he was having a beard and it was black in color. A small vertical scar from stiches on his forehead suggested he must have been through a battle.

"I will be forging a sword, specifically the likes of two I am carrying on my back right now."

The pure steel color of his armor occasionally showed its specularity; he once paid for underestimating the dangers of new world, so this time he was wearing it.

"Ohh! That is quite the shape you got of those sword. Do you really think it can withstand the test?"

Korin tried to appraise the swords but end up frowning due to the appraisal block enchantment. 

"Hey I see that these swords are blocking my appraisal. Are these enchanted?"

"Yup they are and if my instincts are right it will definitely pass the test?"

After riding for 4km a small trench appeared in front of them not too deep only 12m in depth, a wooden bridge was formed on it to connect the each side. It was a simple wooden bridge made up of wooden planks connected from each other.

"Hey Korin why is this bridge so simple and weak? I mean compare to structures inside Magkrin, and this is your main path for the mines. Isn't it?"

"Yeah this is and it is working well isn't it?"

"What if somebody breaks it wouldn't it affect Magkrin ores supply?"

"What are you talking about we can make four bridges like this in one day so what's the point in spending resources on such thing. Besides that there is only one way to come here that is from Magkrin, every other direction is blocked with mountains of Lukeria mountain range."

"You are right."

I forgot whom I am talking. They are basically pinnacle of forging and warfare.

After riding side by side along the mountains they finally arrived at the mines. The mines of riches, it was basically the start of Lukeria Mountain range, there were four big cave openings in a broad hill.

"There! We are here."

"Let's go then."

Kaye tied his horse to a side by tree and set along with Korin on the cart and both went inside.

  The bridge was staring in the eyes of the man who came to tear it apart, but the man wasn't able to do it and just standing there for almost 20 minutes.

Is he a pervert or what? The bridge can only think because it couldn't ask.

Sir Rityal lost in whirlwind of his own thoughts of what to do and what not. He surely came here to obstruct Kaye's way, but the lone journey made him lost in his own thoughts.

I must do it for the young master. Kaye's swords are formidable.

I shouldn't be doing this I am not such a person.

Yes you are not like that. Think about it if you do this, it means you don't believe in your young master. It is not like King Theocrus will only teach one of the candidates.

Finally the turmoil created by war between voices' of his loyalty and honesty within his mind ended up drawing with each other. He came to the same conclusion as his master, but for reaching that conclusion he has to travel total 8 km, and bother a bridge as it was stalked for 20 minutes.

Sir Rityal returned to Magkrin without doing anything.

  The overbearing weight of iron ore on the cart stretched every single part of it to its limit, such that it wouldn't dare make the sound it was making before. It made the harmonious footsteps of the horses clear to hear. Since both of them was out of topic and had nothing to talk about, so Kaye was filling his eyes with colors of passing scenery set in front of him by the nature and the ancestors of Korin.

It was almost like he was dreaming. Just to break that dream a golden rabbit passed in front of Korin's eyes. That led him to stop his horses, turning their neighing into alarm clock for Kaye's ears.

"What happened something that matters?"

Kaye gave a concerned look towards Korin. But Korin's eyes were gleaming as if he had found some treasure.

"Look a Rabbichi." Korin pointed towards the golden rabbit hiding in the bush growing on elated bump of the ground besides the road.

"Is it a rare?" Kaye asked frowning at the bush.

"Yup! As rare as Adamantite, but it is nimble so forget it and let's go." Negligent to Kaye's nimbleness Korin said.

There is some time left for sun to go down and we are so close to Magkrin. It can't more brisky than those arrows of wild-elves or serpents of Seredators. Let's do this.

Kaye jumped off his horse and started walking towards the elated bump of the ground.

"Where are you going?"

"I am going to catch that Rabbichi."

"But it is nimble."

"Just wait and watch."

Kaye said to Korin and slowly started walking towards the Rabbichi. His steps became more careful as he got closer to it, Kaye stopped considerably away from it. He slowly unsheathed his sword, picked up a stone, and threw it into a high elevation hoping it to drop beside the bush. While the rock was in the air, he held his Katatan as a javelin and aimed towards the Rabbichi's expected escape route. The rock hit the ground and in the next moment Rabbichi's neck hit the tip of the Kaye's Katana.

Korins' eyes almost popped out from their sockets' by Kaye's that feat. Kaye gave a look of victory and headed towards the bump's top to retrieve the Rabbichi. He pulled his sword from Rabbichi's neck and as he looked up he saw it, it was standing there, tall, breaking through the horizon, taking all those lightning bolt's assaults as it was nothing.

Noticing Kaye was staring at something and had stopped his action Korin approached him.

"Ohh! Isn't it beautiful Luckard the King of this mountain range?" Korin said.

"Yes it is. I would love to see it up close." Kaye said while Korin looked him in disbelief.

It was truly a spectacle. The sun was painting those clouds around it into pink and yellow, while on the other end Luckard bearing those heavy black clouds on its head. It was truly ironic.

Just you wait I am coming to you." Kaye resolved "I found it, the wealth I was looking for.

  The day had come and Kaye completed his sword before the deadline. All the fifteen candidates were present there with their weapons.

The circular series of fire torches were tainting the black walls of the arena into yellow and illuminating the chamber. It was a huge underground arena. The candidates were standing in a row as before; while there weapons were lying on a long curved pedestal which was following the geometry of the arena's wall.

On the other side of the arena just 40m opposite to the candidates, different types of targets were present. Target boards for bows, dolls made of wood, thick ropes tied to horizontal pole.

There were four more people present in the underground chamber. King theocrus and Minister Leo were there with a soldier. The last one wasn't a person it was armor, it was same as any normal knight armor but its height was 2.5m, which had basically no use for any one present there. So each candidates were having the same thoughts "what is the purpose of that armor here. Except Kaye who miscalculated one variable I can't use magic what if Weapon Binding Ritual can only be used by magic manipulation like all these people do.

"His Highness will test your weapons now. First as you can see there are multiple targets hanging there and an appraisal stone is present here. Your weapon first will be appraised by that weapon to let you see the current state of weapon, as it stands not everyone can use appraisal. Second your weapon will be used to pierce those targets and will be appraised again. If the weapon performs as per His highness's measure, he will bless the candidate with the weapon binding ritual." Leo explained to them.

"Ok now! Let see what you newborns have made." For the first time King theocrus said in his stentorian voice, truly depicting command of a King. It felt like he was filled with full of enthusiasm.

For King theocrus to say it like that was not an exaggeration because he was 349 years old and still has almost one century left to live.

" [DATIRIA-NIKIN-MENTO] " King theocrus shouted and the armor present in the room opened up. Inside it was a chamber which could feet a dwarf into it and pretty much that was the case. King theocrus encased himself inside the armor.

" [DATIRIA-NIKIN-FISTO] " on King theocrus's words the armor closed and he was controlling it.

All of them were taken aback by what just happened. While Kaye was astonished that DATIRIA is actually a dwarf made battle armor. But he was wrong DATIRIA was actually something more advance. It was actually a spell-enchant-set which let King theocrus control all the armors within them, as long as he can fit in them. He was a sorcerer and grand master of enchanting after all.

The soldier picked up the first sword present on the pedestal and put it on the appraisal stone. The usual brown smoke appeared and formed a virtual old brown scroll, like it always happens in any Sentians mind.

Entity: Sword

          Basic details: 

               Name: none

               Type: Weapon

            Title: none

            Attack: 45 Niyak

           Defense: 3 Baar

           Durability: 52 Galza

           Rarity: high


          Advanced details: 

           Attack spells: none

           Defense spells: none

           Creator: unspecified

           Enchantment: none

He then handed over the sword to King theocrus.

"thank… thank… thank…"

King theocrus walked towards a wooden doll and slashed it with full power. The sword plunged into it half way through. He pulled it again and repeated the process for two more times. Then he handed over that sword to the soldier again and he put it on the stone.

Entity: Sword

          Basic details: 

               Name: none

               Type: Weapon

            Title: none

            Attack: 15 Niyak

           Defense: 3 Baar

           Durability: 17 Galza

           Rarity: high


          Basic details: 

           Attack spells: none

           Defense spells: none

           Creator: unspecified

           Enchantment: none

"Your result shall be announced after all the weapons will be tested, whether it is acceptable or you need more practice for forging something." Leo announced looking towards the candidate whose swords being tested.

The same procedure was repeated until two weapons left on the pedestal.

"Hmm… These remaining two have unusual shape and size. Let see what they can do." King theocrus said looking towards the Katana and the Dinka.

The soldier picked up the Dinka bow and put it on the appraisal stone.

Entity: Bow

          Basic details: 

               Name: none

               Type: Weapon

            Title: Dinka

            Attack: 198 Niyak

           Defense: 0 Baar

           Durability: 92 Galza

           Rarity: Absolute Extreme


          Basic details: 

           Attack spells: none

           Defense spells: none

           Creator: unspecified

           Enchantment: none

"Hmm… Now we are talking!" King theocrus exclaimed and the soldier handed him the bow as well as the arrows forged by Senleka.

He knocked, aimed, and fired it towards a thick wooden plank.

"thakkk… "

Result the arrow pierced through the wooden block and stuck in the wall behind it. King theocrus once again knocked it, but this time aimed it on a steel plate.

"tann… "

The arrow definitely pierced it but also stuck into it.

"As we can see it is a bow so there won't be any change in its durability after its use. That is if a person has enough arrows and strength to wield this weapon he will be regarded as formidable." King theocrus explained and returned the bow to the soldier.

The soldier put the last weapon on the appraisal stone, obviously it was the Katana forged by Kaye.

Entity: Sword

          Basic details: 

               Name: none

               Type: Weapon

            Title: none

            Attack: 311 Niyak

           Defense: 32 Baar

           Durability: 219 Galza

           Rarity: Absolute Extreme


          Advanced details: 

           Attack spells: none

           Defense spells: none

           Creator: unspecified

           Enchantment: none

To Kaye amusement the Katana he forged this time was better than previous one, while Senleka's bow durability had reduced a bit.

"Hmm… Give it to me." King theocrus complexion became puzzled in disbelief after watching the swords stats.

How a sword without being enchanted can be this offensive? For that bow the case was simple, its size and that reinforced steel explained it but for a sword. And how am I supposed to use it, do I slash with full power or let it go with the moment." After he held it in his hand the answer became clear to King theocrus "This sword! It is perfectly balanced all I need to do is let it flow.

Everyone watched King theocrus watching the sword carefully.

He got closer to a wooden doll and slashed it diagonally. To everyone surprise nothing happened. Theocrus turned around to ask the question Hey boy what's with your sword it didn't cut anything and passed through?

"Thud… "

But he was glad that he was late, because the right half of the doll fell down on the floor.

Every single one present there was surprised except Kaye he has seen it many times happen. (Guess where)

The soldier once again put the Katana on appraisal stone just for formality.

Entity: Sword

          Basic details: 

               Name: none

               Type: Weapon

            Title: none

            Attack: 311 Niyak

           Defense: 32 Baar

           Durability: 219 Galza

           Rarity: Absolute Extreme


          Advanced details: 

           Attack spells: none

           Defense spells: none

           Creator: unspecified

           Enchantment: none


Nothing had changed.

" [DATIRIA-NIKIN-MENTO] " Once again the armor opened and King theocrus came out and went to a small throne like chair and set there.

"I have decided the candidates who have passed the test. Their names are Senlek Lehela and Kaye." King theocrus declared.

"Senleka Lehela and Kaye come here and kneel before his highness." Leo asked them to kneel before him.

Both Kaye and Senleka went in front of king and knelt down, King theocrus stood up and put his hands on both of them.

I don't know whether it will work or not. Kaye thought while Senleka's mind was thinking  I did it father, I did it.

You were right young master! You were right. There was one more person who was rejoicing for Senleka and Kaye, it was Sir Rityal.

"I Theocrus Kartina King of Magkrin deem you two worthy of sharing my blessing with you, given to us dwarfs by Lady Synthia." King theocrus declared.

"Command your weapon what you need, I Theocrus Kartina bless you it shall heed." Just like a poem the blessing of weapon binding given to both Kaye and Senleka.

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