"Are you really sure it was Barry?" The chairwoman gasped in dread.
Sonny decided to notify Suzette about Barry's existence after a few days. Yes, it took him a few days since he has to check on something first.
"Yes. and it turned out that he's been in contact with Mr. Hanes, his son, for quite some time." Sonny replied.
The old woman fell back and sat weakly at her office chair in defeat. Having the two encounter each other was her biggest fear.
"How's Marcus after meeting him?" She softly asked. "How is he holding on?"
"I'm not sure but looked like he doesn't recognize his father at all." His words made Suzette jerked in surprise.
"W-what did you say?" Her eyes widened in disbelief. How could Marcus forget about his father? She thought.
Sonny tried to recall that fated night once again. He has a good memory even though he's quite the old man now.
Beloved readers,
This author will try to update as daily as she can.
Hope to hear from you all..
Thank you everyone!