Xie Eun almost inhaled the drink from her nose and started a coughing fit. After catching a breath,Xie Eun stared at Shan Shan incredulously before asking,"Shan Shan?Have you lost your mind?I am a married woman!"Shan Shan Rolled her eyes and said,"That is why I said pretend.It's not like I am coming onto you.We don't even have to pretend kiss we can just hold hands and the message will be clear.Hell, the man might even tattle to my Aunt and she would be so scandalized that she would stop setting me up! And we can even click some nice pics together,so that even if someone else tries to set me up on a blind date I will use you as an excuse.."
A Very Happy Birthday to my favorite band's favorite boy and the youngest Jeon Jungkook! Armys rejoice everywhere!
Hello everyone!I hope you are all doing great!Have you checked the goals I have set for this week?So let's do a get set goal!
Also let me tell you to check the Win Win event!It is a great one..So please support this author and let's do a win win!