"It's Winston's. You can put it on first."
At the instant the animal skin skirt was passed to him, Muir heard the sound of his intense heartbeat. "Ba-thump— Ba-thump—" It was beating with such great intensity that he almost clutched at his chest for fear that his heart might pop out.
When females gave a male an animal skin skirt, it was usually a gesture of them liking the male. Even the males that were accepted by the female might not necessarily have such honor.
He knew that Bai Qingqing was kindhearted and had just wanted to give him a piece of clothing to cover himself with. However, his heart still palpitated at the thought of those unmentioned customs.
Muir's heart calmed down a little after hearing Bai Qingqing's explanation. However, it was still a lot quicker than usual. He quickly received the animal skin skirt from her, appearing a little constrained.
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