"It's called First-Stage Soul Cultivation," Lyghtning revealed. "And… well… there a bunch of steps to it, but…"
She scratched at the top of her head.
"I'm really no good at detailed explanations, so…" Lyghtning sent everyone an impish grin.
Then she happily pointed her two thumbs sideways at Ath3na.
"My best mate here will fill you in on all the details, loves," she insisted.
Ath3na had just enough time to roll her eyes at her friend before the memory of her own experience washed over her mind.
It had been the previous day and right after Lyghtning's own harrowing journey into her Sea of Possibility.
"Well, well," Morrigan at Twilight gave them an amused expression. "Don't you look gorgeous?"
Almost as if in response to the compliment, Lyghtning flexed the four bronze spider blades attached to her back.
"I do feel like a whole new… me," she laughed.
Greetings, fellow reapers!
Think this chapter was awesome? Then don't forget to vote so I'll write more like it. :D
Also, I forgot to say, but this volume's going to be slightly different from the others as I'll be adding short stories at the end of some chapters. Why? Because there are dozens of characters in the game and I'd like to tell their stories in a small way. Plus, you guys have been such awesome fans that I thought I'd provide some extra content for you. :D However, take note, this won't be every chapter okay? I'll decide when to add one in so it'll be a surprise each time. lol.
My first one might be for Dragon Joe, former Deathly Challenger and current Coven master of the Slayers. :D Look forward to it!