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96.44% A True Beginning / Chapter 190: Ch.24

Bab 190: Ch.24

The two weeks to Water Seven were a breeze mostly with only a couple storms and a giant frog to slow us down and the frog was only because Luffy wanted to see what it was doing.

When it got hit by a sea train, we pulled over to the train station and met Kokoro and her granddaughter Chimney as well as her pet rabbit she calls a cat. Luffy got a map of Water Seven, our next stop, and a recommendation from her to Iceberg the mayor of Water Seven and the owner of Galley La the largest and best shipbuilding company in the grand line.

An hour later we made it to water seven and I had Kame pull us to a stop on the outskirts where pirates usually dock. I accompanied Robin and Chopper into town for a shopping trip and when CP9 made contact, I nodded to her silently to let her know I'd be there for her if she needed me.

She sighed and separated from us to see what they wanted and after a deep kiss, I let her go with a reminder to whistle if she needed help and Kame would come no matter what while I'd be nearby regardless. I told Chopper to buy whatever he wanted and use his ring while sending my symbiote to Robin while invisible.

Chopper quickly bought a bunch of books and we headed to catch up with Luffy, Nami and Usopp. We found them causing quite a scene by selling almost all the gold we'd accumulated to several gold exchange shops.

Nami was quite the bargain hunter it seems and nearly ran all the exchange places in the city dry by the time she was done. We'd amassed a decent sized wealth of sixteen billion Berry all things considered. She'd exchanged enough that word got around and a lot more than just pirates were eyeing them by the time Chopper and I arrived.

Usopp felt a lot more confident when we came over and that's when they all chose to strike. I unsheathed my blade and sheathed it back while the entire block of enemies fell down bleeding profusely. Several of them were clearly Franky family members.

I chuckled as Usopp went to brag and do his thing. With everyone incapacitated, we headed to the shipyards. There we met several Galley La employees and finally when Iceberg himself showed up, Nami handed over the recommendation letter.

He asked what we needed and I told him while handing over a detailed blueprint. He took one look at it and shook his head. "While we can get the Adam's wood for you with our contacts in secret, something like this can only be built by one man."

Luffy asked who it was and after he told Luffy about Franky, I asked him. "How much for the Adams wood then and enough to effect any repairs once over?"

He frowned and looked over the blueprint more closely and at the specific dimensions before sighing. "Seven billion Berry to be on the safe side repairs wise. This is about half the size of a navel galleon after all."

I turned to Nami and nodded while she tearfully handed over nearly half our money while Iceberg made our order and receipt. His assistant, Kalifa, handed over the receipt and Iceburg asked how she'd made the money appear.

Luffy told them about the rings and I made Damn sure to spell them to only work for their specific owners and always return to them so there was no worries there. His said they were a mystery treasure that stored meat and money but mostly meat in his opinion as that was what mattered to him.

Iceberg asked about possibly selling one and Luffy turned to me. I shook my head. "We're all out of them and there's only two more for whatever ship write we get and the musician Luffy wants. Even if we take on more crew after that they won't have one for themselves and since we found them in ruins, there's hardly a chance we'll get more."

He shrugged it off calling it a shame while we left to go meet this Franky family. I ran ahead while Chopper rode with Luffy on a Yagara bull which was a sea horse serpent creature that pulled the small boats around the water city.

I found the Franky house easy enough from Icebergs directions and knocked. The door opened a moment later and the guy doing so freaked out when he saw me before running back inside. A moment later The door opened and a cannon was aimed at my face and fired.

I cut the ball and cannon in half before speaking up. "How rude! I came here to do business and this is my welcome?"

After a moment Franky himself came out with some of his men while they moved the broken cannon away. Franky asked coldly. "What sort of business does a pirate have with my Franky's family?"

I smiled. "My Captain and I would like you to build a ship for us! One that can sail every ocean of the world and never falter!"

He stilled before considering it and I continued. "We talked with Iceberg and he sent us to you. Ah, my captain will be here in a bit with whatever money you require but Iceberg has already started an order for Adam's wood! It's the best there is but since it's illegal he can't be seen using it to build ships so he sent us to you. Also I drew up some suggested blueprints but if need be feel free to alter them in some way. Our ship's spirit helped me draw them up as it wants this as well!"

Franky's eyes went wide for some reason before even seeing the blueprints I offered him. He looked over the blueprints with wide eyes because they were almost identical to his own dream ship only scaled up a bit and some minor changes to the weapons to make them shoot more than just cola beams as well as the water filtration system and some minor details I'd made some changes to like a fully functioning fridge with locks on it's well as the crows nest being altered into the time dilation room I had for training that I'd yet to use in this world.

He looked it over with wide eyes before smiling. "Alright, but your captain has to beat me in battle and I want six billion belly for the work itself."

I nodded. "So be it. My captain, navigator, doctor and sniper will be here in three minutes. So if you'd like to talk about details-"

He shook his head. "What did you mean by ship's spirit?"

I shrugged. "It's a shadowy spirit that is our ship Merry. It says it wants to go with us all the way across the world but it's a caravel so it won't make it. It wants to fuse with the bigger ship and use it's old body as a dingy so that it can take and protect us to the ends of the world. Merry has done a damn fine job for us and even our miser of a navigator has agreed that no price is too steep for Merry to come with us."

Franky's eyes went wide again as he asked. "Seriously? Your ship's Klabautermann has shown itself to you???"

I shrugged. "If that's what it's called then yes, multiple times. Merry is our home and friend and it speaks to us on rare occasions and made the overall suggestions to this ship's design. It's even willing to talk to you if necessary to get this next ship perfect. Everything from the mast head to the name has been carefully selected and with it, Merry will evolve into the Thousand Sunny!"

I was spreading my arms and describing Merry's appearance when Luffy and the rest caught up. They came over as we were now sitting outside and chatting. While Luffy chatted with Franky next after I introduced them, Nami hit me upside the head and when I asked. "What was that for?"

She shrugged. "I don't know but I felt it needed to be done!"

Sighing I rubbed my head and more of Franky's family members came back injured from what appeared to be Zoro's blade. I shrugged it off and Chopper healed them while they mentioned getting beat up by Zoro. Franky was irritated but it was his people that were attacking first so he let it go.

I told Nami the agreed upon amount and earned six more welts on my head while she fumed. She wanted to say no but I reminded her that she agreed to pay any amount for Merry and without Merry we'd never have made it this far. A lesser ship would not have been able to make the trip.

I also reminded her that it was illegal to even own Adams wood and Iceberg wouldn't have even ordered it without Kokoro's recommendation and even then he still won't use it to make a ship as the world government is very strict on such things since the Oro Jackson, my father's ship, was made of the same materials.

Finally she relented as I'd made sure to include the fact that all extra parts were coming out of the six billion we'd pay to Franky so he'd be responsible for it all. She made me draw up a contract and had Luffy and herself sign it before handing said contract to Franky to sign on his family's honor and wellbeing.

Franky looked it over and signed though with careful consideration. Luffy and he went farther out for a fight and after drooling over the robot parts of Franky, he got serious and beat him down. Chopper fed him a senzu bean and surprisingly it only healed his current wounds.

I suspected it was because of his own body modifications like the androids before. It mattered little as he got back up and shook Luffy's hand after the fight had been declared his loss. His Franky family was nervous but with Franky himself smiling, they calmed down a bit.

Nami reluctantly parted with the money like the agreement and we headed to Merry with Franky in tow. Elsewhere my symbiote boy was watching and listening in on CP9's predicament. They wanted to use Iceberg's buying of Adam's wood against him but the only receipt was in my hands and that meant a fight with unknown pirates with big bounties on them.

When they questioned Robin, she told them I'd survived a fight with admiral Aokiji and come out stronger than before and practically unscathed so they shut down that notion as they still wouldn't have their primary objective even if they were to win and many of them might die in the process.

They decided on their original plans to use Robin to get the information on Pluton's blueprints whereabouts from Iceberg. They agreed to handle it tonight under the cover of darkness and assassinate Iceberg in the process.

I watched and while Robin was hesitant, she agreed. I spoke to her in secret while they weren't paying much attention and told her it was going to be ok as I would protect her and even keep Iceberg alive. She didn't show any outward signs but I could tell she seemed to relax a bit from my own perspective and knowing her so well.

Back at the ship, I noticed Sanji was missing and sent Chopper and Usopp to find him. Usopp reluctantly agreed when I told him he could always use Soru and Geppo to find him faster. When they left, I smiled as my plan was working. Sanji wasn't far from my Symbiote body listening in as well with a serious face.

On the boat though Franky was admiring the runes and the almost pristine condition of the ship while Merry appeared before him to his shock and began to explain why it needed to change as these runes couldn't take much more damage and were powered by it's soul and emotions and even the strongest of Klabautermann can't hold such things for long.

Merry faded a bit in perceived exhaustion and Franky cried while his family behind him did the same and Merry touched his face giving him a feel of the emotions that made up Merry's shadowy body. Franky was fully convinced now and agreed to do his very best even going so far as to tell us his dream of building a ship of dreams that could sail any sea.

I pointed out. "Such a ship wouldn't be a true ship of dreams without it's dreamer on board keeping it in top shape."

Luffy laughed and agreed before asking him to be our ship write. He refused and said he had to keep his family safe but recommended we ask someone from Galley La.

I shrugged it off and he left with his family as it started to get dark. Chopper and Usopp hasn't found him yet but it hardly mattered as CP9 began to make it's move and he called Luffy and the crew to warn us some government assassin group had kidnapped Robin and repeatedly threatened our lives to get her to cooperate.

As soon as I heard the call, I took off and the rest followed. We didn't make it to Iceberg's place in time except to see Robin leave with them and Chopper fed Iceberg a senzu bean before they warned us of Franky and them going after him.

I followed suit as the rope user, Paulie told us to tell the CP9 agents they were fired. We went to Franky's place but the Franky family was all beat up badly by the time we arrived and after we used senzu beans on them, they cried and told us they took Franky and were taking him to a government base called Enies Lobby.

They wanted to come with us and the alarms sounded for Aqua Laguna. We set out for the train station but Sanji and Robin were already gone by the time we'd arrived and Usopp was trying to get the station manager, Kokoro to let us use the secondary sea train, Rocket Man.

I agreed and she finally relented and took us to it's station. All of us plus the Franky's family giant Kagara bulls got on and we followed in pursuit. When we found a cut in half cart with Sanji alone on it, he jumped onto our train and kicked the cart out of the way.

Minutes later we faced a giant wave and Zoro told me to sit still before he, Luffy and Sanji made an opening for us. I told Kokoro to set it for full steam ahead and to continue no matter what. When we arrived passed the gates of justice before they could close again, I told Kokoro to aim for the fences and told Luffy to send me flying ahead.

He did so and I landed like a missile in a crater in the first layer of Enies Lobby's front. I immediately was surrounded but with one swing, all the soldiers pointing guns and swords at me were dead. My symbiote was already ahead doing the same as I collected all the weapons and continued our slaughter. All the way to the court house. I skipped passed it and jumped onto the roof instead.

It didn't take long for Luffy to catch up as there were few soldiers in between and we were both pissed. He stood beside me and confronted the CP9 agents that appeared. I tossed several bags of Ruiz down and Luffy smiled before attacking Blueno, the CP9 agent with the door door fruit.

I attacked an orange haired CP9 member I hadn't known the name of before and now didn't care to as I cut him down instantly. There was a ruckus below but it hardly mattered as Luffy finished his fight as well. I sent a ki blade, ending Blueno's life as well.

The rest of the crew gathered as the roof to the court house broke open and Zoro, Sanji and the rest came through. Sanji kicked Zoro in the head complaining but it hardly mattered as we were all here.

We gathered on the spires and Luffy yelled for Robin and gave his big speech. Robin immediately said she wanted to live and sail with us again and Luffy told Usopp to fire at the flag of the world government. He did so and I used Geppo and Soru to go over to her as we all did to rescue her and Franky. The Franky family broke down the gates of justice and stormed over as well.

It became mayham as we all picked a target. I chose Spandam, Luffy chose Lucci and we all charged. They tried to make it interesting with the keys as I chased Robin and Spandam all over the place until he socked his sword with the elephant-elephant fruit model: bull elephant at me.

I cut it in half and summoned tons of fruit bags for the devil fruits they'd inevitably lose. Spandam finally stopped running and threatened to hit the buster call but I told him coldly to go ahead and the ballsy bastard did so. Smirking, I cut the cuffs holding Robin's powers in place. "He's all yours love."

She used her fruit to break his back and I grabbed him by the hair and dragged him with us. Luffy's fight was getting out of hand but it hardly mattered while my symbiote went around after each of them, ending the CP9 agents.

Sure enough the government ships came and we all exited through a secret passage way. Once they ships were all in place, I held up Spandam and yelled loudly. "This lecherous bastard kidnapped a member of our crew and caused this."

I didn't hesitate and cut off his head coldly and threw it to the ship I sensed Aokiji on. "The next time the government touches Robin, I'll go to Mariejois and slaughter your so called celestial dragons!"

The navy ordered the island sunk and that there be no survivors so the buster call began while Luffy was still fighting Lucci. The fight took to the air and finally a navy ship before the other ships fired on it, sinking it. Lucci and Luffy ended their battle on one of the last standing structures of what remained of Enies Lobby. I whistled and Kame came with Merry to collect the Franky family, then us.

My symbiote finished off Lucci as well before I grabbed the tired shrunken Luffy and fed him a senzu bean before hopping aboard Merry as well. The navy tried to fire at us and Kame raised a fin out of the water, sinking another ship before going full speed ahead.

A Galley La ship caught up and relieved our poor Merry of the dozens of Franky family members. My symbiote returned and we headed back to Water Seven. For the next two weeks we stayed there while Franky and Iceberg both worked together to build a ship of dreams.

When they finally completed it, we'd been staying in a small rented villa. Garp and his people showed up and Colby and Helmeppo arrived to test Luffy and I. I beat the kid down easily while Luffy beat Colby. The fire user smiled and made Luffy remember who he was.

I smiled and asked for a round against him as well. We fought it out and I came out winning again with a smile as I'd let one of his attacks land. We sat around while Luffy introduced them and Garp until I got an extra helping of his fist of love for threatening the celestial dragons in front of several navy ships and an admiral.

I ate a senzu bean and offered him one before he bit into it and fell asleep. Garp woke up again and hit Luffy with a fist of love as he'd fallen asleep as well. He warned us that our actions meant he couldn't protect us from being hunted anymore and he looked to me specifically. "The higher ups are doing a background check into you now Ace. I can't stop it and soon they'll know for sure about your parents."

I shrugged. "It was bound to happen some day old man. Even if I'd become a marine it would've come out if I got far then they'd kill me easier then."

He gritted his teeth before nodding and sighing. "In that case I must warn you all. I've been commanded to catch you when you leave here as to avoid damaging the city."

I nodded and Luffy did as well. "Don't take us lightly old man, we've grown strong."

He smiled before I offered him a box of crackers and a ring tied to him full of crackers and a few zoan devil fruit I picked up from the CP9. I had no use for zoan fruit and an animal sword was just retarded.

The marines with him were taking pictures of the crew while Garp asked about the creature I used to destroy a navy ship. I told him about Kame being an island turtle with dragon blood in him and that he was almost as big as this island we were on.

I chuckled at his expression and told him how I met him in the East blue when he was just a baby almost four years ago and how he'd tried to eat me then and I'd tried to eat him as well and we both failed.

He laughed as I told him he became my companion and when I joined Luffy's crew he became our mascot and pulled our ship while growing big. Luffy called it a mystery turtle and Garp agreed while telling us not to worry about those old bastards in charge of the world government so much.

A week after he left, our bounties came in on the day of our departure. They'd taken Zoro's drawing of Sanji since he was out buying supplies when they'd taken the new photos and each of the crew had a new bounty but what was surprising was the price.

We'd officially attacked and destroyed one of the three marine islands of power. My bounty skyrocketed to three hundred and fifty million because of my threat and brutally murdering Spandam. Luffy's went up to three hundred million for his supposed murder of Lucci and everything else including destroying a navy Buster call ship.

Two of Zoro's swords had been rusted away but he'd gained a hundred and eighty million bounty on his head. Sanji got a bounty of a hundred million and Usopp, for destroying a world government flag plus everything else, got an eighty million bounty on his head.

Robin's went to eighty million as well while Nami as the second lowest though having shown one of the world's strongest logia devil fruits, got a fifty million bounty on her head. Chopper got his fifty berry bounty and we all laughed about that. What was surprising was that they got a picture of Kame and called him island destroyer Kame and was considered another pet of the straw hat crew with a bounty of two hundred million on his head.

I'd went so far as to tell Garp I'd trained him in the six powers and taught him what all I knew and could find about Haki, making him a unique and powerful threat. I'd even introduced the two of them and they'd clashed once with Kame needing a senzu bean afterwards.

Garp truly was a monster and even with my abilities I knew I stood no real chance yet. He was on another level way beyond the admirals. With five official rookies and one being an island turtle pet, our crew was considered damn strong. Even Franky got his bounty for burning the Pluton blueprints, defeating Fukurou of the CP9, and assisting the Straw Hats in Enies Lobby, Franky received a bounty of forty four million Berry's.

When he called us to the ship and did the unveiling, it played out like in the anime and manga with his nude ass chasing us to the shore and his family saying goodbye while Garp threw cannon balls at us. Luffy, Zoro, Sanji and I defended the ship until Luffy pulled him aboard and we left when Garp threw a seriously large cannon ball at us.

I smiled and yelled an apology to Garp before cutting it into small iron chunks and Franky hitting the cola thrusters. Kame was already ahead of us heading towards the Florian triangle so it was fine.

I heard Garp's cursing and laughter as we left and smiled before grabbing Robin and heading to our room. When we landed again, Kame took over pulling the ship and we headed to our next destination. I on the other hand enjoyed the peace and quiet of our sound insulated room as only Robin's moans and pants could be heard.

When there was a knock on our door, I grabbed a shower with her and we went to celebrate the new crew member joining us. I gave Franky his watch and ring with the extra Adam's wood inside and he told us he'd left the money we paid him with his family and Iceberg except a hundred thousand he'd need for more supplies and his own wallet.

Most of the money he had went towards Iceberg's city ship project to make Water Seven float. The rest went to his family to give them a better life. Nami couldn't argue with that as we'd spent nearly two billion on supplies and food for a giant party we had.

With the giants included the sea turtle meat we'd gotten was gone now and the party had lasted three weeks so it was a fair fun time. She was still fuming but she had a billion Berry's left over so there wasn't anything she could do except leave more welts on Luffy's head for spending it.

We lasted three days sailing before we ran into trouble in the form of a pirate crew without it's Jolly Roger. I stayed in the crows nest training while my symbiote watched over our own Jolly Roger. When the bounty hunters came and led and ambush forcing the ship into an icy path, I was busy mastering my sword heart for weeks inside the time dilated room just under the crows nest.

I'd even changed it to look like the original room Zoro preceded to spend his time in and warned him it was like the rainbow mist where time is wonky. He'd gone out to see what the fuss was while I continued to train alone.

When the pirate hunting family, the Accino family, attacked, I only came out to send the bird-fish flying when it tried to take our Jolly Roger. When more came, I beat them up and left them in the water by the ship until a little girl boarded the ship and started talking to Robin. I sent my symbiote body into the training room to contemplate the sword while I dealt with things here.

I hopped down in front of the little girl while Robin played with her and told her. "Take us to your place, just tell your birds to keep off our Jolly Roger. It's a pirates symbol of pride, hopes and dreams and not something you should be trying to steal."

She looked a bit afraid but nodded while having the penguins take us there. It was odd but I didn't mind seeing a child command animals. She didn't have a fruit ability but she was able to raise such animals and intelligent plants to control them.

I nodded to Robin and went to the edge telling Kame to follow the penguins and not eat them unless they attack before feeding him some fire pills. I sat on a railing and closed my eyes for a bit until we arrived. The girl led us inside and I wondered off to her relief while she was talking to Robin.

I found what I was looking for easy enough and when into the Don's room. He was talking to some guy in a blue tank top. He left before I became visible and walked over to the fat man who was laying down. "So, you're the head of this pirate hunting family?"

I sat down and he looked me over before offering me some wine. "I imagine you're Bloodsword Ace?"

I nodded. "Let's not fight right now though I wouldn't mind a hand shake to experience your powers."

I held out a hand and he took it before his hand heated up, gripping my hand tightly. I smirked as I gained his ability before squeezing his hand and forcing him to let go. He saw I wasn't injured and asked. "Haki?"

I nodded. "Indeed."

He frowned and shook his head. "This makes things difficult but not impossible."

I chuckled and enjoyed my wine. "I'm not the one you'll be fighting, my captain is. Don't worry, he's not managed any significant haki himself so it should be fair."

The Don himself snorted steam and I chuckled before finishing my glass while looking at all the Jolly Rogers. I summoned my symbiote while it was invisible and had it take the Phoenix pirate's Jolly Roger in secret while the Don regaled me of his hobby.

After we finished the bottle, I pulled out a bottle of fire whiskey and spiked it with a magical sleeping sedative before pouring both of us some. He tried it out and like it so I handed him the bottle and told him. "Happy birthday Don Accino."

He cheered with me and downed it before I gave him three more bottles of the same. The drought of the living death quickly took it's toll on him and I stood up smiling. I walked out and sent my symbiote body back to train while I had the Jolly Roger in hand.

I went to where Robin was and cut dow bathe plants holding her before tossing the little girl a vial. "That's the cute to an extremely powerful sedative I gave your father. Even with it he'll be out for a week. Without it he'll never wake up."

I grabbed Robin's hand and told the little girl. "Talk your issues out with your big sister next time."

With that I used Soru and brought us back to the ship. There we found another coming up and Franky and Nami on board already. I handed them the pirate flag and told them what I'd done. There was nothing to gain here any more so I raised my hands and melted the ice around us for miles until we found the rest of the crew.

Luffy and Chopper were on the second ship and the rest came running while the bounty hunters fell into the water leaving one glacier with their home on it standing. With the ice all melted and everyone back, we gave the Phoenix pirates their Jolly Roger back before setting sail.

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