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85.78% A True Beginning / Chapter 169: Ch.3

Bab 169: Ch.3

In the barn I met with Earl Jenkins, an old farm hand that used to work for my dad when Clark and I were kids. I scanned him and saw the meteorite fragments inside his body. Most were microscopic and only slivers but they were there.

I told him. "Earl, you look sick. Here, sit and I'll get you some water."

He sat down and I ran off before grabbing a glass of water and putting a nanite pill in it and programming them to cloak and take out the meteor rock pieces. I handed him the glass two minutes later and after he drank it, he told me he was here to see my dad about helping him.

He started to shake but it subsided quickly as he passed out. Clark came running and asked what happened. I pushed him back and pointed at the green ooze that was pushed out Earl's pores. "It's meteor rock fragments. I saw it in his skin and used a bit of that power I got that can suck the warmth out of things to try and suck the meteorite fragments out of his skin. He needs to let it finish and grab a shower. I'll buy you a new couch because that one is going to be ruined."

He agreed and sighed. "I'll keep everyone away from the barn. You make sure to hose him off before bringing him inside for a shower. I think he'll fit in my clothes so I'll leave a change in the bathroom."

I agreed and took Earl to the backyard and hoses him off, waking him up in the process. He got up spluttering and I told him. "You passed out and started shaking until that green stuff came out of your skin. Clark's upstairs getting you a change of clothes. Whatever that is, you should get it off you as fast as possible. You can crash in dad and moms room tonight and I'll call them in the morning to let them know what happened."

He looked relieved that his problems were over as it seemed. The next morning Clark cleaned your the house and I called mom and dad to cut their weekend short. When they got back, Earl told us about a sub lab at LuthorCorp called level three.

He said Lex was experimenting with meteor rocks and now that his head was clear, he gave exact details of what and where. I gave Clark a look as he was going on a class field trip to LuthorCorp today. "Stay away from it Clark. There's no need to risk yourself with that stuff. You saw what it did to Earl."

Earl agreed. "He's right Clark. I'll speak out about it but there's no need for you to risk yourself like that. Stay out of it. John, I was hoping you could call Ross and see about representing me. The puddle of the stuff in your back yard plus a statement should get the cops investigating my claims. Luthor can't cover this up. It's too dangerous."

Dad agreed and soon enough Mrs.Ross and the police were here taking statements and samples of the toxic crap on the ground while Earl was checked over by a home doctor, Ross called over. The doctor noticed micro fractures on Earl's skin where it exited as well, giving his own professional statement of what he thought occurred in his professional opinion.

The cops took Earl, judge Ross and my parents who were concerned about Clark's safety to the factory. Clark was already there and had broken a cement wall to the elevator that Luthor tried to hide after sneaking away and back to the group again.

When the cops found it with the warrant judge Ross signed, the questioned Lex repeatedly about what was going on there. The whole place, according to the doctor and forensic specialists, had been soaked in the same meteorite solution they'd found in our back yard. There were clear signs of attempts to clean it up but when they clearly couldn't they bricked over the entrance.

It was a media circus as Ross advised all the parents of the kids at the field trip to sue as well as the workers already exposed like Earl. It went to high court claims and LuthorCorp was forced to fill out money like it was Christmas for all the potential environmental damage as well as the lives they put at risk.

Lionel, as the CEO, was brought before the court and he covered it all up, making it go away with millions in cash. We even got a settlement as Clark was on the field trip. Chloe and even the Ross's got their own. It was a rather odd case as a small town judge was acting as the lawyer for the whole town verses a big corporation.

The settlement, all in all, was a hundred million. That left two hundred thousand for every family individual caught up in the case. Clark and my college funds never looked better while the farm was already afloat thanks to yours truly and everything was already in the green.

Clark was angry and disappointed at Lex for doing such a thing and I was indifferent to it all. Chloe however was happy to report her own college fund was set and she called me over for a rabbit like celebration.

A month later Chloe printed an article in the school newspaper about meteor freaks and principle Kwan got into her about it until I stepped in with a packet. "You said we need proof of the meteors being dangerous, well here's a copy of the EPA's report on the LuthorCorp incident. They were using the meteorites to experiment on crops and animals."

"It was so dangerous that exposure caused Earl Jenkins, the man who opened the lawsuit against them, to experience extreme tremors to the point of near fatal cardiac arrest. Though it could be misconstrued as meteor powers, the effects are relatively accurate. The same can be said for Sean Kelvin, Tina Greer, Coach Arnold as you well know and many more besides. Chloe's article is both relevant due to the school field trip there and accurate by professional standards."

Principle Kwan swallows his tongue before telling Chloe. "No more mutant articles. The very name is offensive."

I turned to Chloe and she nodded. "Then meteor infected or-"

I coughed. "Meta human. A mixture of otherworldly class and up to date culture. It's both accurate and positive."

Chloe smiled. "Meta human, I can live with that."

Kwan sighed. "I'm that case, carry on."

I watched him take the packet away and sighed. "Well that was close. Chloe, you really need to learn to cut him off before he starts to build up steam. Otherwise he could end up firing you before you can present your case. It's just how he is."

She nodded. "Thanks for the save."

I chuckled. "Any time. Now if you'll excuse me I have photos to take of some spirit squad or some such. I'm not to clear on it but Clark here says it's for his article."

Clark stood up while typing. "It is. It's the football teams spirit week. The cheerleaders are doing a performance to get them riled up for the off season practices."

I shrugged. "Whatever, I'm off to take photos of pom poms and world domination leaders."

Chloe laughed and Pete stopped by to lead the way. That night Clark went to Metropolis for an event at a museum Lex was hosting and he ended up stopping a bus crash. He said he was fine the next morning but that no one saw him. I on the other hand knew differently.

That same day he got accosted by a dirty cop and dragged into his mess. Dad threatened the cop but it hardly mattered as it was in public. Clark snuck off that night to help the cop with his problem and when he returned, I waited in the fields.

I caught the dirty detective sneaking onto the property with a dead body and held him at shot gun point. "Get off my land before I put two in your head and call the county sheriff to collect the bodies."

He announced. "I'm a cop, don't shoot!"

I snorted. "Leave or those words will be put on your grave stone."

He reached for his gun and I cocked mine. "Now!"

He turned and acted like he was leaving until he turned again and pulled his own gun. I put a slug into each knee, blowing them to shit and called the police while disarming him. He screamed like a woman and cried as his legs were nearly blown off.

Dad and Clark came running and I told them what happened. When the cops showed up with the ambulance, they took my statement and Dad showed him his gun license. I told them I'd warned him to take the body he was trying to plant and leave but he dropped it and tried to shoot me instead so I put two in his knees and called the real cops as I hadn't seen his badge.

I was taken to the sheriff's department where they took the guns, both his and mine as well as the one in his jacket pocket in a ziplock bag. I was allowed to leave by sun up and Metropolis PD had a lot to say about the dirty cop.

He'd barely survived the blood loss but his legs were amputated the rest of the way. The IA supposedly had files on him and he'd used the last of his pull getting out of whatever Clark had done to him the same night.

He was looking at life in prison as he hadn't yet wiped down the gun he was about to plant and it still had his finger prints on it while the bullet in the corpse matched those in the gun. He was basically caught red handed and super fucked to the point where he couldn't even argue his case as the blood-loss put him in a small coma and deprived his brain of too much oxygen. His short term memory was fried from it as a result.

On the bright side, I even got the shot gun back from evidence after they released me. Dad was a bit angry at me but I explained to him and mom a week later. "Your threats the two days before were too public and I couldn't bring myself to kill the guy so I did the next best thing. The doctors say he fried his short term memory because of the blood loss and lack of oxygen to his brain and he has no clue who we are or why he was here. I'm calling it a good thing in my book and leaving it alone."

Th they were a bit relieved and glad for the news I'd snuck into the hospital to learn. Lex of course had stuck his nose into it and bugged Clark for his secret but Clark simply told him there was no secret and that he needed a fall guy to pull off some heist so he chose the closest one he could pin to Lex himself to be that guy.

Lex quickly apologized and swore he hadn't known their friendship was causing him problems like dirty cops. Several weeks later an incident happened in the boys locker room while I was showering before the track meet I ran for.

One of the students was attacked by someone invisible and when Clark and Pete went to find out what was wrong, the invisible assailant brushed into me. My mimicry powers took over and soon enough I was invisible to. It took me a bit longer than I'd like to admit to learn to control that power and damned if it wasn't weird.

It was a plant based oil that only reacts with refraction like properties when introduced to human skin. As such when I went invisible, my own body produced said oil automatically through my pores.

When I figured it out, I learned how to turn it off by simply willing the sunlight to hit me instead. The oils stopped being produced and returned like they were a permanent part of me now. It was like a light switch for invisibility.

I mentioned it to Clark saying the assailant looked like Jeff Palmer from what I could X-ray. He went with that and I destroyed the meteor roses in the Luthor mansion that evening like a blur as they mysteriously all disappeared and caught fire by the lake further away from the property.

Clark went to confront Jeff in front of Lex and he lost it, attacking Clark and Lex before he was taken away by security. While the Palmer's were forced to leave, Amy, Jeff's little sister, was ousted as having stolen Lex's watch for a shrine. Both siblings were put in a psychiatric home while their parents were let go from Lex's staff.

I took a trip to the woods next by old miller road and met with Kyle Tippet. I forced him to take my hand before mimicking his power to persuade and told him as I influenced him. "You have a gift Mr.Tippet, one that could bring people together and change the world for the better. I won't say you have to do anything with it, but you could make a difference in so many peoples lives. All I ask is that you think about it."

I released him and he looked at me thoughtfully before asking. "What did you do?"

I sighed. "You have your gifts and I have mine. I copied your gift and told you to think about doing good with yours, making a difference and changing lives."

He nodded before sighing. "You're a weird one Kent, don't look surprised, I live in a trailer, not a cave. I'll think on your words but I still think it's too dangerous to use. The temptation alone-"

I nodded. "Trust me, I get it. But the good you can do, will always our way the evil you think of doing. It's what makes you a good man Mr.Tippet. Now that I've said my peace, there's something you should know. Rickman industries just announced their looking to expand to Smallville. I know your ties to Rickman, so I'll leave it to you to convince him otherwise. Don't give him the option to have you killed either, people tend to die around him so he can get what he wants."

Kyle sighed and shook his head. "It seems the world will drag me kicking and screaming from these woods one way or another."

I chuckled. "It's not the world, it's your fate to do good. You could convince people to end world hunger, stop wars and even convince debt collectors to forgive billions, saving innocent people from feeling hopeless. You can literally bring hope into this world and breathe life into it with words and a simple touch. That's more than most can hope to achieve in a lifetime."

He looked me over before nodding. "I think I'll do that, thanks. Though I've no idea when teenagers got so wise."

I chuckled. "It's a weird world out there, we just live in it. Now, do me a favor and forget about my abilities? I'm not ready to step out of the shadows just yet myself."

He agreed and began packing up his trailer while I left him there. A few days later I heard Bob Rickman, CEO of Rickman industries and known for polluting everywhere he goes, killed himself and gave away all his assets to charities in his will.

Rickman also admitted to all the crimes he'd done over the years and his old company went up in flames. A month later I began investing in Wayne enterprises and Queen consolidated with the leftover cash I'd saved up while I bought a truck with my saved up cash from my betting on games.

I hadn't needed to worry about anything since I'd begun investing from then on as I knew when to back off and change investments. The new truck wasn't shiny or even remotely pretty since I bought it used but I buffed the rust out and rebuilt the engine from the ground up while reinforcing the chassis with Gradium. It was only at the level of refined steel but it had it's own shock absorption properties and I could carve runes into it to reinforce it even if my magic was weak here.

The magic itself came from the environment so it worked out just fine. By the time I was done it did in fact look brand new and even had a fresh coat of paint on it. I'd used the space in the barn to build it up so no one saw it until I unveiled it to them two weeks after I bought it.

Dad was speechless asking when he found his voice. "Are you sure that's the same truck?"

I nodded. "It took a bit of work and some elbow grease but it's the same truck. What parts I lacked, I simply forged myself with my pyro-kinesis and brute strength. It was cheaper to buy the steel and make the parts myself rather than buy all new ones. Here, take a look under the hood. I practically built the engine myself. Only the compressor and ac filter are original and I've cleaned them with acid wash."

I popped the hood and he looked it over before asking. "How are you with tractor parts?"

Chuckling I sighed. "I'm fairly certain I can come up with something. I painted my truck green and black because it felt right, I'm thinking a cherry red for the tractor, after I fix the axel of course."

He rolled his eyes and agreed I could fiddle with it if it didn't cost much. I mentioned having extra metal leftover after reinforcing the truck to withstand a train wreck and he had me switch the truck with the tractor and get to work. Clark was on another class field trip to the quarry to find rocks so I had free time.

I sped through making the parts and practically building a new tractor all together, runes included. When I finished it was nearly indestructible by most regular damage and rode like a dream with practically no vibrations or bumps.

When I finished bolting the cab and chair down as I refitted it with new shock absorbing coils, I painted it a cherry and hot rod red with a bit of gold like Tony's armor. When I finished it that evening, I presented it to them fully functioning. Dad drove it out into the fields with the harvester I rebuilt equipped and when he got out after a first pass, he commented. "This damn fine work son. I can hardly feel the engine and it's almost as quiet as a car engine. What did you do to it?"

I chuckled. "I cleaned it out and rebuilt half of it while replacing the compression coils and put in what I like to call inertial dampeners on it. It'll still need regular fuel but it takes far less now to do three times the work."

He looked gobsmacked and I smirked. "What can I say, I'm good with my hands."

I chuckled at his expression until Clark showed up worried. He said. "I think I lost my powers."

I raised an eyebrow. "Where did they go? Clark, this is serious, powers that are genetic just don't disappear. Think, what we're you doing when you lost them?"

He frowned. "I saved a kid from falling off the dam and got struck by lightning. I think he had a meteor rock when I saved him."

I sighed. "Odds are he has your powers now. You need to get them back Clark. I may be an exception but most people would abuse them."

I blurred away and came back, tossing him a meteor rock. "There, if he has your powers, odds are he has your weaknesses to. We need to replicate the events."

Dad looked worried but agreed. "He's right Clark. You were a handful when you didn't know how to use them and you're a good kid. If this other kid has your powers, lord knows what he might do with them or who he might end up hurting."

I grabbed Clark's shoulder and sped him to Eric Summer's house. I waited for the kid to go to sleep and snuck in with Clark. I nodded and he grabbed Eric's hand as I supper charged my electricity and shocked the hell out of them both, watching the power transfer back.

When Clark reacted to the meteor rock, I kicked it under Eric's bed and we left in blurs after I made sure Eric was fine. He was a bit out of it but otherwise ok. The next day at school he was acting weird but then, it really didn't matter to me. He was arrogant but the jock who kicked his ass and was pulled off by Clark, changed his mind.

A couple weeks later Chloe called our trist off and I agreed with her. We really weren't compatible and other than teenage hormones, she wasn't my type at all. We were still friends and it wasn't really awkward as we hadn't stopped talking and hanging out even after she called it quits.

She did however mention her cousin Lois was my type from what she understood of it. I chuckled and said I'd think about it if we ever crossed paths. I did however mention I might use her cousins name in a song I was feeling like making.

She called it sappy until I sang it to her. (Waiting for Superman by Daughtry if you all want to find it.) Chloe nearly laughed her butt off and had me sing it after I altered it with a music board. She wanted to send it to her cousin as a gag.

That led to me listening to her cousin rant about how it was a touching albeit sexist song as she'd never wait to be saved by a man. I laughed my ass off as well and introduced myself. She said I'd need to join the army as she liked her men tough and not just good singers.

I smirked and agreed I'd see what the army was like one day anyways so there was a good chance we'd meet in a few months after I joined uncle Sam's boy scout brigade. She mentioned asking her dad to look out for my name if it ever hit the rosters. I chuckled. "October sixteenth, I'll sign up the same day I'm eligible. See you then boot camp princess."

She snorted and hung up after saying goodbye to Chloe. Chloe asked. "You're joining the army?"

I nodded. "Why not? It sounds promising and I can get a few degrees under my belt besides, I'm not meant for farm work all the time. It also means the army will pay for my education. That means mom and dad can use the money they put back for my college fund for other things. Besides, Clark doesn't need me looking over his shoulder all his life. Once I'm on tour he'll have to learn to stand on his own two feet and figure out what he wants out of life."

She nodded slowly before sighing. "Just be careful, whatever you do."

I agreed and caught a glimpse of Whitney meeting with a few dangerous mortal types with green tattoos that looked like Kryptonite. I ignored it until later the next day when shit got bad. They'd tried to rob Lex again and now they were threatening to kill Whitney.

Clark saved Whitney while I fought the meteor infected with corporeal issues. They could phase through solid matter and once one tried to reach inside me, I could to. I beat them down and the cops showed up with Lex. Clark talked Lex out of pressing charges against Whitney as he was going through things of his own.

A week later Clark was off dealing with Lex issues until Chloe started asking questions about Clark's adoption. Their relationship became strained until I told Chloe. "There were issues with the adoption back then and he doesn't like to think about it Chloe. Let it go, please. I get that you have the reporter bug but don't turn it on friends, you never want to force your friends to tell you what they're not ready to. Otherwise it defeats the purpose of a friendship, trust takes time and the more personal the question, the more trust it takes. Everyone is entitled to their own secrets Chloe."

The next evening after Clark did whatever he needed to with saving Lex, Chloe met him at the barn to apologize and I gave them some space.

Two weeks later a strange flower gassed dad, Pete and Lana. I took it back to Lex with his sick scientist and demanded he fix it. I wasn't asking as I beat his guards down and tossed the scientist who was twitching and flipping out, at his feet with the flower. "Fix this now! My father and two friends are in comas because of your pet scientist playing god with extinct plants. Either find an antidote before they die or you have my word you'll be joining them Lex. I'm not my brother, I don't give a rats ass if you're good or not."

The guard went to stand back up and I booted him in the head, knocking him out while I glared at Lex who caved. "Fine! All you had to do was ask."

I snorted. "Just get it done and keep your pet from trying to resurrect something worse like a plague or heaven forbid, dinosaurs. Man is only top of the food chain because creatures like those are extinct."

I left and sure enough the cure was given to my dad and the rest six hours later. It seems the doctor was already working on an antidote as a fail safe. I couldn't care less about their issues as dad was released from the hospital. Lex mentioned me leaving 'quite the impression' on him earlier.

I rolled my eyes and ensured Clark dropped the issue. A month later mom was returning from a trip to Metropolis when she brought home a kid who by off chance tried to read my mind. I blocked the attempt long enough to become immune and grinned as my own mental powers took a leap forwards as I could now read minds with ease.

I handed the kid a couple books on the mind arts as I told him. "Control is about finding your deepest thoughts and building a bubble around them. These books will tell you how. I picked them up when I was studying the subject and that's why you couldn't read me before."

Clark raised an eyebrow. "He couldn't read you before? Wait, so he's really psychic?"

I nodded. "And now so am I. His power is still growing so he's not used to all that it can do, but I'm a different story. I wasn't meditating for years without reason Clark."

He rolled his eyes and I chuckled as I told him. "Your mind is an open book now so don't play coy, you totally thought I was doing it to look cool."

He snorted. "That's unfair! You can't just read my mind like that!"

I chuckled. "Relax, it was a one time deal to prove a point. I've no interest in reading anyone's mind, especially family."

I turned to Ryan. "Go read and practice. We'll deal with your adoptive parents."

He reluctantly agreed and left to read in the living room while I told Clark. "Drop a tip that they're thieves and have robbed several dozen places to Lex. He should be able to drop an anonymous tip to the cops. When they pick them up, I'll talk to mom and dad about what to do with Ryan."

He nodded and left to see his bald friend. Later that night a woman pretending to be child services showed up and I promptly knocked her out before disarming her. "Mom, call the sheriff, we found Ryan's stepmother and she was impersonating a child service agent."

I tied her up and handed dad the gun she was carrying. Ten minutes later Lex showed up to say goodbye to Clark and I knocked out his driver as well, tying him up and tossing him next to the hogtied woman while telling Lex. "Sorry about that but these are Ryan's thief step-parents. If he was with you then odds are you were their next target. The sheriff is on the way now."

He nodded and asked. "How's Ryan?"

I sighed. "He's inside, go see for yourself."

I pulled the shotgun out of the passenger seat of the car and tossed it to dad as well. "Their weapons of choice. Both were used in robberies and murders all over the state."

The sheriff showed up and took them away with my statement and my proof was the guns they were concealing that I'd noticed as well as Ryan's descriptions of them. When Ryan coo-berated my story, they locked up the two thieves and murderers.

While Lex, Clark and Ryan went to the barn to talk, I sat down with mom and dad for my own conversation with them. "I think you should adopt Ryan."

They went to speak and I raised a hand. "Hear me out."

When they went silent I told them. "In a couple months I'm turning seventeen. I plan to join the army and be all I can be or however it goes. Clark can do the chores here at the house and with Ryan's help, he'll be a lot safer with his secret. I've thought it through and the army thing is my best bet. They'll pay for college so you'll have plenty of money from what you put back for Ryan and the farm."

The began with my dad asking how sure I was about the army and I merely sighed. "I want to see more of this world than Smallville and Metropolis. The army can help with that. I'm not changing my mind, you know that."

He grunted before sighing and I told them about Ryan's aunt in Edge city but that a young gifted like Ryan would be too much for a single mom. She'd be overwhelmed with a regular kid, let alone one that wasn't hers to begin with and a powered one to begin with.

They agreed to leave it up to Ryan to decide and I would move into the barn loft until my deployment after my birthday. Then came the talks on responsibility and not being reckless or showing off. Finally they were stopped by Ryan and Clark coming in while Lex's replacement driver showed up to take him to the mansion instead of Metropolis.

A month later Ryan was settling in better while helping mom with a bake sale and food donation. He mentioned one guy that was planning to kill Whitney's dad and Clark and I stopped him. Unfortunately, he'd grabbed me and his power became mine as well. I had to stop and back away while I concentrated on turning it off.

I managed to do so but not before he got away and subsequently ended his own life. Now I could add death touch to my repertoire and I wasn't sure if that was a good or bad thing. Fortunately Clark was immune as well or else it took more than that to kill him and me because while the guy got away, he'd touched Clark whom I dragged into the sun to recover.

Another month went by with class elections for president. I stayed out of it while Clark handed the queen bee. Pete had forced him to run anyways and I merely went along with it watching how political power corrupted his innocent mind.

Towards the end he was glad he'd lost. Two weeks later a kid with telekinesis named Justin Gaines came back to school. He'd been a comic artist for the Torch before his car accident that left his hands useless. Now his mind did the walking and he hadn't been afraid to prove it by tripping me with his telekinesis to prove a point.

He was however shocked that it hadn't worked a second time. I'd simply continued to walk passed him and talk to Chloe. Some time later he was hospitalized after Clark through him into the barn wall for trying to kill Chloe.

I heard he'd been transferred to Belle Reve after that. Another month went by and Lana ended up caught in a serial killer mess which Clark dutifully saved her from while k stayed in the background, avoiding helping unless he needed it. I was proud to see he was growing up.

One last month went by and I learned Whitney would be shipping out with me. I'd signed up officially and my contract would start the day after my birthday which so happened to be the day of the dance everyone was going on about.

Chloe has gotten her moment to shine with Clark asking her out and I'd said my goodbyes as well as leaving Clark my truck keys and warning him I'd do serious violence if he destroyed it.

I met Whitney at the bus stop when Lana dropped him off and he chuckled, happy to see he wasn't going at it alone. "I guess this means I'll be watching your back now Kent."

I smiled. "Hardly. I've heard from a reliable source I'm to be transferred to a special training unit under some three star General. He wants to see if I have what it takes to be the best of the best. His daughter is Chloe's cousin and the chick you saw me talking to on the video chat."

He sighed. "Where you shopping off to them?"

I sighed. "Kandahar, Afghanistan. Straight into the blood and death zone. I'll either grow strong or be dead soon enough."

He flinched. "You're not afraid?"

I shook my head. "Death is a natural part of life. Everyone dies eventually. I'll just be doing it in service to my country. Besides, if I live they'll pay my way through college for whatever degrees I want to apply for."

We chatted about the benefits for a while until we got to the airport. We met with our recruiters and while we went to boot camp next, I shined brighter there then anyone and was called out as a private to be transferred to the seals for training. Another month with them and I was called to special forces and black ops.

I did a year long rotation with a guy named Slade Wilson and my Co, Wesley Keenan. Or he was until he took a bullet to the thigh and was transferred. Slade and I were killing some random Afghan terrorists called the circle of Islam or some such when it happened.

Bullets, blood and death were what we lived and breathed for that year we were inseparable. Even when Wes returned to active duty, we'd already been promoted. I was currently the Major in charge of the operations with Wes and Slade as my Captains leading a platoon of marines.

When my rotation was about to be up, we, Slade, Wes and I, performed a feat that would be talked about for months to come. We took Kandahar and shook the hornets nest, killing over three hundred Afghan terrorists with our guns, grenades and pistols and finally the last fifty with knives.

By the end of it, I carried both Slade and Wes out of there to an evac chopper and radioed in our missions success. When word got back to the brass with our report and clearing of the region as well as mapping all terrorist cells in Afghanistan, Iraq and a sub cell in Pakistan.

We'd accomplished so much and while I killed our way out, they were awarded the Purple Heart and all three of us got a Medal of Honor for going above and beyond the call of duty.

It had started simple, raid a terrorist stash house. That ended up leading to the major confrontation as it was Bin Ladin's stash house and it had ended up having the location, bank accounts and plans for a lot of terrorist activity.

We'd secured it all and dragged Bin Ladin out with us when the major fight ensued. I still managed to carry both of them out while old Bin was killed in the fire fight. The top brass considered it a major win and it was being announced on the news while our unit remained confidential.

As my rotation ended, I got to meet the famed General Lane for the first time and his daughter for the first time in person. I was rugged and badly shaven from the lack of a decent mirror and it didn't help that I was covered in blood and guts when I saluted him.

He looked at me appreciatively. "At ease soldier."

I stood with my legs spread and my arms behind my back while he spoke. "That was a hell of an accomplishment you did out there. You three are up for promotion. Unfortunately with no proof of Bin Ladin's death, it won't be made public."

He saw I wanted to speak and nodded. "Go ahead, say your peace."

I smirked and told him. "Permission to retrieve a gift from my bag General? You have my word you'll like it."

He nodded and I pulled out a sack saying. "I didn't know what to get the famed General Lane, and since I figured my rotation would be up anyway and I'd have a chance to meet you, I got you this."

I gave him the bloody dripping head of Bin Ladin. "He was shot by his own women when they saw they couldn't retake him so I figured I'd need proof and you'd need a door stop."

He burst out laughing his ass off. Lois hadn't even blinked though she did look at me oddly after that. General Lane spoke up, ordering some men to send a picture and blood analysis back to find out if it really was Bin Ladin. While we waited, he asked how I liked my first two tours.

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