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53.29% A True Beginning / Chapter 105: Ch.7

Bab 105: Ch.7

Zeus asked while growling. "Hades, what have you done? You aren't supposed to raise gods so casually! There are laws!"

Hades sneered. "I've abided by those laws brother. He has saved my daughter, beaten both a titan and a giant in one day and done massive damage to both armies while also successfully taking a golden apple from Hera's tree. He has done more in a single day then any other demigod since Heracles! Not to mention he personally recovered my helmet of darkness Hermis's bastard son stole from me and gave to Ares who hid it to start a war between us! All at the same time no less!"

The other olympians were shocked to hear my accomplishments as well. Any one of them would earn a god's favor. Combined it was certainly enough to earn the right to attempt godhood at the least. Hera looked me over coldly and I gave her just as cold a gaze.

Zeus looked to me as well, drawing the rest to do so. I gave them each a cold expression before saying. "If you've come to congratulate me, than I accept your welcome. But if you've come to start a fight-"

Bloodlust and killing intent radiated off me and had the others reeling and remembering the titan wars. I continued. "-then let's get this over with. I assure you while I may not win, your numbers will dwindle enough that the next battle would fell Olympus without real contest no matter who waged it."

Ares was the only one looking to fight now and even he was sweating under the pressure I gave off. He snorted. "Young punk! Come say that to my sword!"

I stood up and my intent focused solely on him, dropping him to his knees while he panted and fought against it. Zeus growled. "Enough!"

I gave him a cold glare as the master bolt came for life in his hand. Hades spoke. "That's enough cousin."

I nodded and released Ares from my killing intent before sitting down again, showing Hades deference. He approved whole heartedly as he told them. "As my new god of rebirth says, you're welcome to stay and celebrate his ascension but if you've come for a fight then you'd better be prepared to stay behind with the dead. Remember well brothers, this is my domain."

Poseidon and Zeus both eyed us wearily before leaving and taking all but Artemis and Athena with them. Athena looked at me sadly before disappearing as well but Artemis asked. "Now that you're a god-"

I sighed. "You'd have to find someone to pass off the chastity domain to. Then and only then, would I consider facing your brother's curses to win your hand."

She bit her lip before sighing and leaving in a flash of light. I knew she couldn't do it because her hunters were bound and made immortal because of the power of that domain.

I stood up now as my throne went away. "I've a lot of work to do and so little time to do it. I'll be seeing you soon I'm sure cousins."

I teleported to the place over the Elysian Fields. I took stones and made bricks and clay from tartarus itself while adding the bones of the damned and using water from the river Styx and Acheron while a fountain of water from the river Lethe stood in the corner of the throne room. Inside it was a garden of sorts that had almost every plant and tree I'd ever ran across inside.

It took a bit of doing but I forged the entire place with my green flames, backing it all into a solid castle. I used the faith and happiness of those in the Elysian Fields to keep the palace in place as it was connected to all the fields of punishment and peace.

With the self updating list in hand, I decided my essence as most of it began building a cycle of samsara and sending the souls Hades deemed worthy through it at a refined pace. There was plenty to do as another large chunk of my essence started collecting evil souls on earth within the Greek and Roman territory and bringing them to Hades for judgement.

A smaller part broke off and started blessing the world with fertility, whether it be animals, plants, insects or humans, they all were blessed to lesser extents depending on what species needed it.

The last and main piece of me, the actual physical me that is, was released from the rest while my essence worked tirelessly, fueled by faith. I headed to New Mexico where I could feel Pan before.

I flashed to his side as he lay slowly dying on his bed. He looked up at me with acceptance, no doubt expecting me to finish him off. I smiled and laid my hand on him, reaching inside him to his dying essence and poured my power over nature into him as I connected to the wild of the world through him.

With great bursts of power I, began cleaning up this planet. Forests were regrown in moments, rivers, sky's, landfills and oceans were cleaned of all pollutants and with a final jolt of my laws of the wild i comprehended, Pan started to recover rapidly.

I released his essence as he grew younger, healthier and stronger. When he was able, I told him. "Wait for them to find you. Until then remain here and regain your strength. The wilds are recovering and soon the ecosystem will be back in balance for a good long while. If you feel the need, have Poseidon freeze the ice caps fully once more. I've done all I care to do for now while my power recovers from what I have done."

He bowed to me thanking me for what I'd done for him and the wild. I waved it off and flashed to Hades before offering Charon a place to hang out when he's not busy ferrying souls. My essence could relay his words to me in real time so I thought it'd be good to start making friends with the gods I could stand.

Or in his case I'm pretty sure he's a titan like Thanatos. Plus the added bonus of him might being my elder brother was something I wanted to dig into. It was a bit confusing when it came to the Greek mythos. Everyone tended to be everyone else's brother, sister, son and daughter/lover.

It's one of the reasons I curse my father daily for choosing the Greek pantheon to have me conceived into. Not that any other religious pantheon was any better as they all had serious flaws in the end but it would've been nice to have been asked.

After saying goodbye to Charon, I teleported topside and grabbed a shower before heading downstairs while ignoring the sex sounds Lucifer and Chloe were making. I made it just in time as Ella showed up.

I grabbed us a booth and ordered piña colada's for the both of us. The bartender knew who I was and that I'd had the ingredients stocked just for tonight. Ella and I chatted about everything from sports to music. When I told her I played a bit and on occasion recorded my own music, she asked to her some.

Smirking I gave her my earbuds and iPod I recorded songs on. Most of it I'd copied from other realities further along in their timeline or simply had music this world hadn't produced but I had three albums of my own jazz and soft rock songs I'd made during my time on Serenity and with my wives on Destiny.

She was polite but I could tell when she really liked a song or wasn't much of a fan. When she finished listening to the first seven songs, she'd liked three of them well enough to ask me about producing them. I declined saying. "My songs are for myself and for those I care to share them with. I'd rather see one special person smile than a thousand fans cheering, if that makes sense to you."

Ella smiled. "Thanks and I get it sort of. It means something to you so you don't want to profit from it."

I shrugged. "Something like that. Before I came here I might've sold them but now, well, I'm finding it harder and harder to part with things personal to me."

She sighed. "I get that actually. In Detroit I had a lot of meaningful things but when I came out here I only brought a few precious things. Those things I brought with me are harder to part with than what I left behind because it reminds me of the good things there."

I nodded. "That's the feeling. I grew up on the streets of New York. I was kicked out at four. I lived in a rundown library that had been condemned. I taught myself to read and write. Hell, I studied the books there to the college level by the time I was nine. Then they demolished it almost before I could get out."

She listened intently commenting an OMG and I'm sorry every now and then. I similes lightly. "I met a few friends and we made our way to Long Island where a camp took in stragglers. There I stayed until I was fifteen, learning to take care of myself. I built a library there by myself from raw materials. Here check this out."

I showed her a picture of the library and a few of the Athena campers. She was shocked to see the library even going so far as to ask. "You built this?"

I nodded. "By hand with mostly lumber I cut down and treated myself. Leveling the site was the hardest part as people used to walk through it frequently but once I had the foundation up they realized I was serious. The only part I didn't build myself was the sign. That was something the patron of the camp had put in because I dedicated it to Athena, the Greek goddess of wisdom."

She awwed at it before telling me about her own experiences with community outreach work. We talked for hours about growing up in tough neighborhoods, music and the occasional favorite questions.

After a while she felt like dancing and I had to agree as she dragged me to the dance floor without a real choice. It was mostly hard beat grinding music but the occasional slow song had her in my arms until we got thirsty and she headed to the restrooms.

I ordered us another round before Amenadiel showed up. He went to look for Lucifer but I stopped him suggesting. "Whatever it is can wait until the morning I'm sure. Unless you're in a joining mood and you can convince Chloe of the same."

He caught on quickly before leaving repeatedly saying. "Oh, I see."

When Chloe's ex, detective douche as Lucifer fondly calls him, showed up. I told him they were busy and suggested he grab a drink and wait till they came down. He looked a bit gut punched before seeing Ella come out to join me.

He gave me a look before telling her in a whisper that I was seventeen. I in turn, gave him a serious case of the crabs and genital herpes for his troubles. Ella gave me a shocked look as detective douche left scratching himself something fierce.

She finally asked. "Are you really seventeen?"

I nodded. "I just turned seventeen last week but if it helps any, Lucifer is my father so there's no real age limit for me. As for your worries on sex or whatever, I would've told you before we'd done anything. After all, I didn't actually intend to take you to bed tonight."

I stood up and waved the waitress over before handing her my card and telling her quietly to have anything she orders put on my tab and charged to me each night from now on. She was a friend after all. I turned to Ella. "I apologize if I've ruined your evening with my age being as it is. Consider your drinks free here from now on."

I walked away, leaving her there to mull it over. When I got to the elevator she stopped me, pulling me to the side. "Why didn't you tell me before?"

I shrugged. "I prefer to have an intelligent conversation with a beautiful woman rather than to listen to someone go big sister on me. I told you before I was a young genius, well it's kind of hard to actually enjoy people treating you like a child when you know more than they do. I figured you'd enjoy a night out with someone who can talk on your level and enjoy the time with you rather than worrying about wether or not I'm putting moves on you because I'm socially unacceptable to date."

I told her straight how it was and while it's true that I'm a god and actually older than any other god of or possibly in this entire reality, to the mortals at least, I'm still technically a teenager. I walked into the elevator and asked her. "Would you care to see my place now and maybe enjoy a stress free evening with a friend?"

I held out a hand and she debated for a moment before taking it and saying. " I'm twenty six."

I shrugged. "If you believe Lucifer than you'd probably believe me when I say I'm twenty three thousand years old and the son of the devil himself."

She snorted and rolled her eyes before I shrugged as the elevator doors closed. I hit the button for my floor and told her. "There's a bar on my floor as well though it's my private stock, much better than the crap they serve at the bar downstairs."

She raised her eyebrow and I chuckled. "Benefits of being the son of a notorious club owner and having my own money."

She asked. "Do you work?"

I shrugged. "Not like you think. I trade stock online and run a internet security business. No one can crack my firewalls. The first company I started the last time I was in town ran off as a testing grounds. I challenged the governments and any free lance hackers they could find to try breaking in. They all failed and what's more, my firewalls attack back and ran a ghost hack of nearly every government on the planet. I sold most of the intel I gained to the US but the personal stuff that could be used as offensive like as a first strike, I destroyed. I'm not interested in turning America into a tyrant."

She frowned. "How've I not heard of you before now then?"

I shrugged. "The company is called Frosthaven."

She instantly recognized it and her eyes went wide. "That was you?"

I nodded and showed her my setup. It was a simple laptop that had six monitors hooked up to it. I told her. "Countries would go to war for this laptop. I built it myself. It's nearly all state of the art crystal technology I designed from the ground up. This one laptop can hold all the data in this world a thousand times over and it's hard drive wouldn't even hit one percent full."

I popped it open so she could see under the hood and let her try it out. She asked. "What language is this in?"

I smirked. "It's an archaic dialect of Latin that dates back to before Rome or even Greece was built. It's also coded to prevent anyone from translating it even if they knew the language."

She was completely shocked when I showed her how it worked for the most part. I showed her my stock trades going automatically and the prediction algorithms that kept me ahead of the competition.

When I was done with that she had me hack a few things to prove it was real. Nothing dangerous, just the dmv and a few satellites to find her brother. I got her a live feed of him boosting a car to which she finally believed me.

When I put away the toys, I turned on the music and poured us some cocktails while I showed her the jacuzzi Lucifer insisted I get installed. When I stripped down and grabbed some swim trunks, she noticed the angel wing tattoos that actually turned into wings when I wanted them to.

I slid into the jacuzzi and told her. "There's a closet with swim wear if you need some. You'd have to decide on a shirt or not as well."

I sipped my drink and closed my eyes while contemplating what I should do next. When I heard her get in, I opened my eyes and was surprised it was her own bra and panties she chose. I chuckled and handed her the drink she set aside before asking her. "Have you ever seen a hologram of the world that was 3-D accessible?"

She shook her head and I grabbed the remote next to the jacuzzi. With a click, two 3-D goggles came out and I set the programming to relaxed. I handed her one and she put it on and relaxed back like I did.

When it began, I told her to relax as the program was mind sensitive. So long as she kept it away from sexual thoughts nothing to interesting, aka bad, would happen. I'd let Lucifer borrow them once and now there was enough sexual deviancy on them to scare a prostitute.

I led it at first, showing her an accurate hologram image of the world. I let her take over and it became about cars, excitement, music, then dancing and finally what it would be like to have sex with me. It was definitely an interesting process as the goggles transferred synaptic senses through the optic and auditory nerves, triggering the rest of the body to respond as if I'm that situation.

After five minutes I took the googles off and watched her body respond to my hologram's touch. When she was about to climax, I slid the goggles off saying. "Naughty naughty. After all, you're the one offended before."

She looked at me as if I'm need and when her thighs brushed mine, she leaned closer. I didn't stop her as she kissed me. When she crossed that line, all bets were off. Her bra came next, then my trunks and her panties. She was riding me in the jacuzzi while experiencing some few mortals get a chance to, true carnal desire.

I pulled no punches and had her screaming my name repeatedly for the rest of the night. When the jacuzzi got to dirty and filled with our leftovers essence, I carried her to the bedroom and ravaged her there while the balcony door sealed up, making my floor soundproof for mortals.

She didn't know it but she'd become loud and was competing with Chloe to my ears. Luckily the last time she came she past out because my own orgasm had my back arching as I spent into her and my wings unfurled.

If I weren't a god and couldn't decide wether to knock her up or not, she'd definitely be pregnant by now as I was a god of fertility. I slid out of her from behind and cleaned us up with a thought as I tucked my wings away and laid in bed, holding her.

The next morning I woke up as she went to slip out doing the walk of shame as it were. I stopped her at the bedroom door and kissed her as I lifted her effortlessly against the door frame and entered her, to her surprise as soon excitement.

Every time she went to sneak out, I brought her back to bed with another round of hot sex in increasingly inspiring ways. I healed her while she slept so she wouldn't get sore so when night fell once more, she finally gave up and told me she needed to get home as tomorrow was a work day.

I gave her the keys to my car and told her. "It's the Maserati. Drop it off after work and I'll give you a deep tissue massage and treat you to dinner. I'm an accomplished cook and a decent massager."

I hadn't even gotten dressed as I saw her out, still blushing and watched her well sexed gait as she headed for the elevator. She hadn't said no so it was a wait and see thing. I did notice Chloe had left in the morning when Ella tried to sneak out. I'd brought Ella breakfast in bed after the second round in the morning.

Then a simple dinner of hamburgers from the burger joint nearby that delivers. As the morning came in full force I ventured into an area I'd been dying to explore, the labyrinth! It's entrance appeared behind the club one evening and hadn't disappeared since.

Unfortunately for the locals, they had. The labyrinth eventually claimed a few idiots dumb enough to enter it willingly. I left a bit of my essence to switch with should time start going wonky inside as the labyrinth is known to do.

After that I walked in battle ready as I'm not an idiot and I know it's where Kronos and his army of idiot children are hiding. As I delved deeper into its passages I was keenly aware that it was alive and moving. Smiling I started moving at speeds no mortal could comprehend, mapping it all out in my head as I went.

It resisted my attempts but I was simply too fast for it and far more powerful than it's creator that it was being directed by and responded to. Eventually I found my way into Daedalus's workshop. There I found the central core of the labyrinth and studied it.

It was a true magical artificial intelligence interface with an organic and magical component. He'd truly worked and put apart of himself into his work. As the creator of the labyrinth, Daedalus was acutely aware of me being here though he wasn't even in the labyrinth itself at the moment.

I copied the AI layout to predict it's responses and see the full monstrosity that was the labyrinth today. It had truly grown into the very foundation of the planet and the various dimensions of each pagan pantheon. Hell, there was a back door into the Christian Hell as well!

While I was connected to it I saw all those within it's chambers. Kronos and his kids, monsters, cyclopses, demigods exploring it, gods hiding in it, everything. It was amusing for a few minutes until I felt my time was up then I teleported back to the club with the few humans that had ventured in and survived.

I did however leave a small tether of essence so that I could keep track of it's changes as it shifted and grew. It was a truly fascinating sight to behold for those with an explorers heart and a scientists mind.

I grabbed a shower as while I may be a god, it's the simple pleasures in life that make it worth living, even for me. When I finished I set up a massage table and prepared the evening meal's ingredients while sending a few ideas to Frosthaven industries to slowly speed up this world's technological evolution. Things like air and water purifiers and desalination pumps for the humans.

I added a few things like air, hydro and electrical power generators to reduce pollution and the carbon footprint for the wild and nature in general. All three were viable alternatives and would be much cheaper to build and run over the more costly coal and oil plants.

As for the reactors, well, that was an even bigger bonus as the humans would be basically dropping radioactive and hazardous power plants for much cleaner and far safer alternatives. I'd went so far as to give the ok for the company to patent a reactor core that runs on heavy water.

It was the same design as the one a group of racists had used to power their shields before only much smaller and far more efficient. I also gave them the green light to expand and replicate as they were founded and built with my own replicator human hybrids. They were basically replicators with the ability to make actual skin and blood using bio organic materials that came from human molecular structures harvested at morgues and hospitals.

Basically they made their own skin by cloning dead human skin they scanned to wear as their own for a more human appearance. Even to my senses they merely feel like soulless humans which isn't that uncommon unless you take into account the amount gathered in a single building.

A regular god wouldn't even notice and while angels and a few gods of the dead might, the rest sure as heck wouldn't unless they tried to mess with them. Perhaps only Hephaestus would notice them of the rest of the gods as he was basically the god of machines in this world.

When I finished chopping up vegetables and making homemade bread, I heard the elevator ding. I popped the lasagna, pizza and roast in the ovens and headed to see who'd arrived. When I rounded the corner, I was met with Lucifer looking particularly happy.

He smiled. "There you are, I just got off working on a case with the detective and wanted to see the man who made our young forensic scientist walk like a well sexed woman. I believe the term hyperactive sex god was coined to describe you. You do a father proud!"

I rolled my eyes. "If what I heard from you and the detective are anything to go by than she's most certainly into your father at least, I believe he was mentioned repeatedly and with frequent volume changes as she 'prayed'."

His eyes flashed a bit red and I smirked. "How's about we not mention what happens in our own bedrooms and stick to the more normal conversations for humans?"

He looked muteness for a moment before sighing. "Fine, be that way sour puss. So, what are you up to now? I wanted to talk to you about the 'plan' to see mum off."

I sighed. "Well, I've got things cooking but if you want you can talk while I prep dinner for me and Ella. I'm hoping she stops by for dinner and a massage. I've this excellent movie series she mentioned not seeing called the lord of the rings trilogy. If you'd like I can suggest something similar for you and the detective and perhaps even make you dinner to go so you can take it to her house pre made. Maybe have a nice dinner with her and the kid while you're there."

He liked that idea immensely so I made a pot roast and a full coarse meal while he texted her the dinner plans for the night. I gave him the appropriate movies to watch with her and the kid as well. It was mostly fast and the furious types as anything more would be inappropriate and anything less wouldn't hold his interest.

I sent him off with the food in a carrier bag I'd put in stasis to keep fresh and another bag of dvds as soon as I felt Ella's presence in the building. Chuckling I realized he forgot to actually talk about his original problems. After making sure the table was set and everything was prepared, I waited at the elevator door as she came up.

It was a bit awkward at first but once I told her to keep the car keys, I asked. "So, would you like the massage first or the food? There's also a movie prepared on the projector in the theater room and if you get bored with that the game system is hooked up in there as well. I've nearly anything you'd want to play downloaded to it."

She bit her lip before saying. "Message first then definitely food before movies."

I chuckled before waving her to the bedroom. She bit her lip before sighing and going in. There she found the message table, a rose and a note that gave her instructions on what to do. It basically told her to strip down to whatever she was comfortable wearing before using the towel and laying on the table.

Once there, the bell on the stand of the table would ring for me to come in. I lit several incense and aromatherapy candles before entering as the bell rang. I found her in the buff and not even a towel on. When she looked up to me she saw my raised eyebrow and snorted. "Don't think about it buster, I just figured I'd save us both the time and besides, you've already seen more than this."

I chuckled and grabbed the massage oils while beginning. I hummed a tune while I massaged her methodically. Moans of pleasure and satisfaction came from her mouth as I worked the knots out of her body and sent pulses of healing and relaxing magic into her.

By the time I worked my way to her backside I saw the glistening proof that she was truly enjoying the experience more than as a simple massage. Satisfied that it was me doing this to her, I continued onwards until I got to her feet. She almost cried in ecstasy when I finished working them over.

Smiling I trailed a hand up her now glistening thighs as I'd finished and helped finish her off, causing her to moaning as gasp until her right passage discharged and milked my fingers while her body shuddered.

When her tight grip loosened and she stopped shuddering after the fifth time, I removed my hand and helped her roll over. I then worked on her front side while she watched me with narrowed eyes. At first I thought she was angry but that proved false when half way through she grabbed my hand and brought it back to where she wanted it.

Chuckling I gave her what she craved for another twenty minutes before wagging a glistening finger at her and saying. "Ah ahh, we've the whole night for more. For now let's finish up here and have a meal. Then we can watch the movies you found interesting and perhaps play a few games. I'd rather not be just a sex puppet to anyone, no matter how satisfying."

She looked at me before nodding and I let her lick my finger clean erotically as she tried to change my mind. Seeing I wasn't swayed accept for my hard manhood, she sighed and tried a different tactic. When I finished the massage, she stuck her hand down my pants and gripped me.

Growling, I saw her challenging eyes and sighed. "Fine, but only for an hour or two, I fully intend on treating this like a reverse date now."

She grinned. "I knew that would get you to change your mind, that always-"

She couldn't complete her sentence as I'd covered her mouth and removed my clothes almost impossibly fast before entering her right there. She gasped into my mouth while we made love like rabbits. The massage oil made it far more enjoyable for us both as she was far more open about both ways now.

After the first hour she was finding it hard to stand even with her legs wrapped around my waist so I helped her out and put some pillow under her as I laid her down on the bed. The next position reminded me of a Slade X Raven hentai video I'd seen from he who shall not be named in the bedroom's mind. (Xander)

When I finished inside her she was even nearly as tired as the poor girl. She panted while I rolled her onto her side and entered her once more. She gasped as I slid right into her already filled passage and groaned as I began giving her slow deep thrusts that bumped her cervix.

When she finally orgasmed around me once more, letting me in deeper as she milked me for all I was worth, our eyes connected in that moment and I could swear I felt her heart fluttered as I released an explosive amount into her deepest depths before she cried out spasmed further, closing her eyes.

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