Unduh Aplikasi
23.35% A True Beginning / Chapter 46: Ch.1

Bab 46: Ch.1

I awoke in another body, of this I was sure, but whose body? And who was I before if not this person? Of this, I'm unsure. I found myself in a dark pool of liquid once more and a stray thought hit me, fucking again? I'm unaware of why I had such a thought as the pool of liquid emptied and I felt a squeezing sensation.

A women's scream was heard and I found myself opening my eyes to a strange man that clearly wasn't anyone I knew from before, but before where? My stray thoughts were all over the place and what I could only describe as a vision companied by the worlds largest splitting migraine hit me.

I saw the future, I think, or at least what could be. The blond man holding me spoke in a language I recognized but I've no idea how. "His name shall be Kol Mikaelson, the greatest warrior of our clan!"

I heard a weak woman's voice now. "You always proclaim they'll be the greatest warrior of our clan Mikael, now let me see my son."

I heard a grumble from the man but ignored it. Something in me was telling me to hide my presence. I closed my eyes and whatever it was went quiet as the man passed me off to what I assume to be the woman who'd given birth to me.

With one sniff I knew it wasn't, not yet anyway. This woman smelled nothing like me or the man. She smelled of sage and magic. Wait, how do I know these things? What is magic? Does it really have a smell?

All this flew through my mind for a minute before I felt myself being passed off again. Everything in me went quiet now as I even breathed shallow to hide my own presence.

The woman's from before spoke. "He carries great magic inside of him. Powerful, ancient and beyond anything I've ever felt. Be careful how you treat this child Mikael, if he ever hates you, you'll be too dead to ask why. Power like that cannot be questioned or fought with a blade. Even with all I know there's nothing I could do to stop him myself."

Mikael snorted. "He shall be a warrior, not some mystic or healer, a fighter. He doesn't need any magic's to fling about like the world is made of toys."

The woman holding me spoke up. "What do you feel Ayana?"

The witch frowned. "Power not of this realm yet linked to the earth. He is touched by Jörð, the earth itself protects him. His is god touched."

Mikael grew grim as anything directly linked to gods never turned out well for those involved. Yet all were great warriors so he decided. "He will be a warrior. If you have to bind his magic and I shall raise him to be the greatest warrior we've ever had."

Ayana spoke seriously now. "To do so would be going against the gods."

Mikael shook his head. "The gods prefer warriors to Völva. Do it."

The woman holding me asked the witch. "Can you do it Ayana? For me?"

The witch looked at my still barely breathing body while I peaked at her through slits. She nodded. "I shall call upon the spirits. It will be my greatest act of magic yet. Bring him to me in a months time. I shall link the spell to the moon itself. Be warned, magic this powerful will manifest itself in peculiar ways during the full moon. It may even drive him mad on those days."

The woman holding me asked. "Just those days though right?"

The witch nodded. "That and the days the moon is closest in the sky. He will be free of it when they pass though."

They agreed and the witch left while they talked some more. This was his greatest child since he'd lost his darling Freya. He wanted the child to have nothing to do with magic and it's ilk. He'd raise the boy good and proper into a warrior of legend.

They looked down at the babe and wondered what caught the goddesses attention that she'd bless him so. As time passed I slept as my tiny body needed constant food and rest. I felt something stirring in me every time the witch visited and on the eve of my first month alive they performed the ritual.

From an outsiders perspective it would seem as if the witch was casting a deadly curse on some poor soul. The bitch, I mean witch set me on an alter under the moonlight and began chanting with the women who was supposed to be my mother helping her.

Instantly I felt pain and and cried. It was like they were ripping me apart. Something in me finally gave way as the earth shook repeatedly until the ritual reached it's final point and I felt my mind split. Something else was in here with me now.

It whispered of pain, blood and retribution. It, we, had sworn to never be a victim again and they made us break that oath. I remembered something, images of pain and torture flooded my mind now as my cry's went silent. It was too overwhelming as my mind simply shut off and I passed out.

I woke some time later as I could no longer perceive time from when I passed out to when I awoke again. When I came to though the thing inside of me whispered things. Images of things it remembered that I'd clearly forgotten.

It remember how to hunt, the pain and torture of before, the loneliness of being at the top of the food chain then a mate. It's how it describes it. Every time I look at those memories I think one word, mate.

It didn't remember specifics but it knew our mate, then, eventually, mates. It remembered our death though. An animal inside a man and a battle of epic proportions before we sacrificed it all to protect our mates and weaken our enemy.

It urged me to get stronger no matter what. It wished to go back and protect them. It remembered one other thing as well, plants moved to our will. I hadn't tried it yet as I feared the bitch and her friend would do more damage to us, me. It still felt weird thinking about it.

It urged me continuously to get stronger so we laid low and bided our time until we were bigger. Years passed while on the full moons the thing inside me tried to get loose. Each time I wound up on my back or stomach in my bed crying in agony.

It only got worse as time went on and we got bigger. It was confused more and more with each full moon as to why it couldn't run free. It kept saying it was alpha and it feared nothing but as months turned into years I began to feel anxiety and fear from it.

Eventually it shared a useful memory. One of building a mind scape. I followed the memory and with time and patience I had little success. I was able to make a forest and a hut in my mind and finally I saw what it was. A wolf, but not just any wolf. It was humongous.

Every time I looked at it I felt terror run through my body. At four years old I'd seen a true living nightmare. Tortures and pain can be endured but that thing was simply to big to fight.

I saw what kept it immobile as well, the moon. A beam of moonlight surrounded it and locked it in the beam. It circled the round beam eternally from what I could tell. As soon as it noticed me it stilled and looked my way. A rush of memories hit me. A man I vaguely recognized as myself fought and killed the beast and two others.

He fused with their essence and something happened but the memory ended there. The giant wolf spoke in impressions. It wanted my help in freeing itself. It promised power and retribution for breaking us apart and injuring us.

I denied it say out loud. "My body is still to week to use your power. Even if we wanted to we can't win against them. Magic users can do worse from what Nik says."

The wolf growled and vague memories Sam through my head now. Memories of magic and spells but nothing clear enough to use. I understood what it meant though. We used to be powerful and beyond them.

Sighing I told it. "And we used to have a stronger and bigger body as well. As it is the moment you try to use my body for anything it's more likely to burst. No, we must wait and be patient. We need time is all. Once we are strong again I'll help you break the spell and reform together. We will become all we were meant to be and more. No silly witches or a warrior with a training obsession is going to break us."

The wolf stilled by my words then laid down and huffed. I felt annoyance and acceptance from it because of my words. Finally we had an agreement. From then on when I wasn't training my mind space into what it showed me it could be I was learning skills in the outside world.

Hunting was taught at age seven and I'd perfected it in a week. Mikael has been impressed by my marksmanship and my ability to not flinch from the kill. After he carried the buck home he showed me how to skin and clean it. The next time he expected me to do it I showed him a better way. A way to get more out of it including a perfect hide to tan and turn into clothes or a blanket or rug.

From there he spent a lot of time teaching me the sword and battle techniques. While I couldn't lift a sword yet he made me watch him as he performed the techniques daily. Six years it lasted until they'd been forced to leave me in the woods on full moons as I'd begun to get to violently.

Even Mikael grew worried on those nights as he could sometimes no longer hold me down or would on occasion get hit and sent flying. As I grew older my body grew stronger more rapidly and on the night before the full moon after my thirteenth birthday I was alone in the woods as wolves circled us.

I say us because the wolf was in control. Even in human flesh it sent out an aura of dominance and cowed the wolves. That is, until their leader, their alpha, attacked. We fought like wolves and tore at each other. The alpha managed to bite us good but we'd ripped a very large patch of skin and fur off of its hide as we fought.

In the end it fled and it's wolves followed. From then on the locals called me moon touched, or mad one. When Mikael asked why I told him and showed him the bite marks. "They attacked me a few nights ago on the night before the last full moon. The thing inside me and the lead wolf fought. It fled after the thing inside me nearly skinned it alive."

Mikael grew worried and confronted the locals about attacking his son. The chief told him simply. "The boy challenged the wolf inside me and he nearly killed me to boot. My wolf won't go anywhere near him now. You should be careful as well. The child is moon cursed. That thing inside of him smells old and draws fear from our inner wolves. Fear brings respect but also danger. We are unsure what that thing is but it's dangerous to us all."

A few more years passed and slowly I became a young man again. My skill with a blade only matched by my ferocity in a fight. After the second year I picked up a blade, Mikael proclaimed I'd mastered it and moved on to the quarter staff. I quickly continued to master everything he through at me until one eve he decided it was time for a real bloodletting.

At seventeen he took me to my first battle. There I gained a name for myself. The beast they called me. Said I fought like Fenrir himself and slaughtered warriors like they were mere mortals and I was a god above them.

Mikael didn't approve of the name but said I did him proud. From then on I went to every battle at his side. Finn and Elijah, the two oldest, were there on occasion but only as backup to bring honor to our clan name.

Niklaus has yet to visit a battlefield and yet I could smell changes in him as well. He smelled like our neighbors, the wolves. For four years life went on like this. Occasionally I'd amuse Rebekah, my sister. She was only a few years older than myself.

Mostly I trained with my brothers or father but I had a soft spot in my heart for Beckah. She was so sweet and innocent and always stood up for Nicklaus who, while weaker than the rest of us, had some skill with a sword. One eve I caught him sparring with real swords with Elijah.

When he removed Elijah's belt and laughed as if it were a game Mikael told him to try him. I stopped it saying. "Show me that move again Nik, I think it can be useful in battle if I alter it a bit, a real side splitter."

Mikael stilled and looked at me questioningly before turning to Nik. "You heard him boy, show it again."

Nik looked at me with pleading eyes and I nodded confidently. I told him. "Show me."

I drew my sword and stepped forwards. Mikael grabbed my arm in a small bout of fatherly love for Nik. Sighing I changed my mind. "Finn then. I don't wish to kill you Nik, I was merely curious. Finn, step forward and soar with Nik, I need to see that move once more."

Finn did as I asked and I backed away with Mikael. When I saw the move once more I told him. "Instead of focusing on the belt, sweep the blade through the side at an upwards angle. It should be a fair move to kill or maim without injuring yourself. Thank you Nik, more of our enemies will die in agony because of you."

Mikael took out his sword and faced me. "Prove it, show me what it is you've made from his games."

I gripped my sword asking. "Are you sure father, these are not practice blades. I'd kill you easily if I'm right or at the very least wound you badly until it's perfected."

He nodded and drew my blade once more saying. "Rebekah, go get mother and the healer. Father's going to need them soon if he's not to dead by then."

She took off and I began circling Mikael. He'd seen my tactics before and knew it was never a good sign to stay still. He began circling as well. I a blur of movement we crossed blades as I set up for Nik's move. When he saw it Nik himself smiled a little wickedly. As soon as Mikael dislodged my blade I swept it at an Arlington slash and split his side open like paper.

He grimaced and fell to his knees. I spoke calmly. "I missed by a short length. He should be fine after some bandages and a trip to the healer. I need to practice it more to perfect it or he'd be dead in seconds."

Elijah rushes to Mikael's side with Finn and helped him into the hut. Becca came back with Esther and the witch in tow. I stood by Nik as I cleaned my blade. "Next time you play around like that Nik, be Damn sure it's something I can use in battle or I won't be able to save you his wrath."

Nik nodded and asked in a whisper. "Would you protect me his wrath if you knew it?"

I sighed and turned to him now fully. "Nik, I'm going to tell you something I've not even told Becca. I love you."

He looked at me weirdly and I continued. "You're my brother and I love you. You're so free spirited and happy. Even your drawings and carvings are unique unto themselves. You're a creator. Mikael and I are destroyers."

He smiled lightly as I continued. "All we do is take life and end happiness. I've felt cold and nearly dead inside all my life. While you, you create things and inspire others. A true gift to this world in comparison to my curse. I've killed more men on the battlefield than Becca has picked flowers her entire life. That is not a joke or jest either Nik. Did you know they call me the beast on the battlefield because I'm little more than an animal designed to kill? This is the first time I've ever even been able to say the words I love you in my entire life. They sound so foreign and cold to my ears."

Nik has a few tears in his eyes before putting his hand on my shoulder. "And I love you too brother. For what it's worth it's an honor to have been hopefully the first of many you say them to."

I shook my head. "I've seen my fate Nik. Every time I look I'm alone and cold inside with only rage to keep me warm. I just wanted you to know it and that I meant it. So yes, to answer your question. If you ever asked me to interfere with father about punishing you, if it gets that bad that you can't take it and ask for my help, I'll do so."

Tears fell from his eyes as he pulled me into a hug. It felt forced and foreign as well. After so much practice and killing I'd been cut off from emotions for so long that I'd felt very little other than rage. My body was nearly ready now and once I figured out how I'd break the spell and unleash the wolf inside me.

Hopefully it would kill my parents and the witch. They deserved it for breaking us. We'd been forced to suffer when if they'd left us whole the wolf says we'd have been fine. As it was I'd felt so many full moons of impotent rage that I'd been clawing at my own skin with the wolf.

It was hell experiencing it all repeatedly without end. At least the tortures the wolf remembers had been different and creative. I feared it was driving us insane to be bound like this. I left Nik there and went into the woods to try practicing the plant control once more.

I felt very little as it was being resisted by whatever spell the bitches put on me. Growling in frustration I attacked the trees like I was in a battlefield. I was a whirlwind of death as I ended up cutting large chucks out of the trees around me.

Finally I dropped the sword and screamed as I beat my fists against the trees. I heard a crack and stopped. I turned and saw Henrik, my little brother and the last of my siblings. He was watching me in fear.

I picked up my blade and he flinched but I stowed it saying. "You've been warned repeatedly by father not to follow me in the woods Rik. Go back home now or I'll see about making mother a switch to replace the one father broke."

He asked. "Is it true what they say? You're moon mad?"

I snorted. "Do you see a moon anywhere Rik? I was just frustrated my training wasn't going like I planned and took it out on the tree."

I heard other crack and the large tree fell over with a crash. I flinched saying. "I must've cut it pretty deep. Let's head back."

He nodded and followed me back where I bandaged my knuckles before tying string around my fingers so they'd stay separate and the skin would heal properly. A trick I picked up from Becca during one of our handful of brother and sister bondings.

I'd taught her how to wield a knife properly and use a bow while she'd taught me some basic healer techniques. Finn and Elijah were talking when we came out of the forest while Nik and Becca were in the village. When Elijah and Finn saw us I turned to Henrik. "Shoo, if you follow me into the forest again I'll not be so forgiving next time and tell Mikael."

He scampered off and Finn asked me. "What have you been up too?"

I shrugged. "Practiced until I got frustrated and took it out on a tree. It sort of fell down afterwards so I'm thinking of chopping it up and using it as fire wood this winter. It should be dried by then if I do it soon."

A few minutes later Nik and Rebekah came back in a hurry. "They're gathering warriors. More invaders."

I turned to Elijah and Finn. "Tell Father and meet me with the rest. Elijah, father the armor and weapons we need to be quick. Finn, tell father he's too injured to battle and that if he tries I'll skin him for a new coat. He can sit this one out I'll represent our clan with his blessing. Are you two good to accompany me?"

They nodded and we got moving. Mikael understood and reluctantly gave his blessing while we strapped up and headed to the gathering. I represented our clan with Elijah and Finn at my back. None of the seasoned warriors questioned it but one of the newbies did.

A tall fellow with a strong build asked. "Are you sure you can stand for your clan little man?"

The seasoned warriors backed away as I drew my blade. "Would you like me to cut you down to size and use your skull as a chalice? Or are you going to take my word for it wet one."

The tall stalky fellow didn't like the fact that I referred to him like that as it meant he had yet to wet his blade so he's more likely to wet himself. One of the far more seasoned warriors stopped him saying. "Save if for the battlefield Mikaelson. He's not yet out his cloth and you already want his blood, that bodes ill all around."

I snorted. "Farnrick you can save him once because I owe you for that move you taught me years ago but if he speaks again I'll kill him then go to battle with his skull on my helmet, wet with his own blood."

Elijah and Finn were stoic by nature but they both cracked rare smiles at my words. The newbie went to speak and the battle leader spoke. "Enough! Brogan if you speak again no one here has the balls to save you against the beast. We've a battle to win or our homes will be burned and our women fucked. Now get your asses ready for battle or it'll be me you're facing."

I snorted but he ignored me out of respect. I turned to Elijah and Finn. "Nothing fancy just protect each other and for the gods sake don't get in my way. Not even the gods could save you then. I need to release some rage."

They both had the decency to pale a little before nodding. The invaders landed along the shore and we greeted them. The veterans got the fuck out of my way when the invaders proposed a test battle.

They laughed when they saw my short stature. I was six foot even but their warrior had a good foot on me easily. He was much bulkier and carried two battle axes. I grinned and we roared and charged at each other. In seconds I was behind him with only a small cut on my arm where he'd clipped me while his head plopped on the ground. Blood squirted out like a fountain and I roared.

The others behind me smacked their shields for a minute before I went quiet. Our battle leader asked in a loud tone. "Is that the best you've got? If so this battle won't last but a few moments of Thor's time!"

They sent out one other with the same result. Finally they charged and I did so without regrouping. I slaughtered my way through there people like I've learned to do and left only a hand full alive for the rest of the war party.

They finished them off and I told the leader. "I need the axes the first idiot carried. They seem good and I've some trees to cut for winter."

He nodded while Elijah and Finn collected our portion of the loot. When it came to the ship I shook my head as since I did the most I had first choice. "If you decide to break it down I'll take the sale and the nets. If not then it's means nothing to my clan. We can make better ships if we need them."

The now wetted guy was standing at the back with a fresh puddle of piss at his feet. Snorting I told Elijah and Finn. "Take the clans share, I'll carry the axes. Use the sails as bags and store everything to carry easier."

They followed my instructions and we left with most of the war party. We split up from them when we reached the village and headed home. We had a dozen extra armor pieces and some decent cloth to make into sheets or clothes. The weapons were mostly sub par but the net was the real prize. We could use it for fishing or game hunting to stock the pins.

When Elijah and Finn set it all down I told him. "Krona said he'd supply our sheep's fat and oil for the next season. He really needed the boat for his trading. I took the offer before the battle and still got the sails and net out of it. The weapons are sub par except these axes. One I'll use for lumber the other can be traded when meat gets lean."

He nodded. "Anyone give you lip?"

I shrugged. "No one that's still willing to. The usual warriors already know better and only the wets dares speak. I offered to wear his skull in battle and use it as a goblet afterwards. Grogan was the battle leader without you there. He gave me the signal but I declined. I dislike dealing out others shit."

Esther frowned. "Language-"

I growled and Mikael stopped her knowing I was still riding a battle high. "Nows not the time for that. Tell me, did Elijah and Finn do me proud?"

I nodded. "They took out seven while watching each other's backs. Only Grogan took out more and that was just because he was expecting me to charge alone. He picked them off while I was dealing with their main assault."

Mikael nodded and turned to Finn and Elijah. "If all goes well you'll be joining us from now on. No more tricks and play fighting now. If you spar or train you do so with the intent to improve not play around."

Elijah nodded swiftly while Finn was more steady. I turned to them saying. "Go get washed up in the river. I'll be there in a bit."

They listened and I turned to Father. "Alone please. Women folk shouldn't have to hear me offend their sensitive ears."

He told Esther. "Gives us a minute."

She left after giving me a look of disappointment. When she closed the door I took off my armed and he caught me barely. I'd cracked seven ribs and broken three fingers. Mikael swore and I grunted as he helped me patch myself up.

We'd had an agreement with each other that so long as it wasn't life threatening the rest of the family need not know. Me because I didn't want the witches to find out I'd been injured and him for his pride. After setting my fingers with bandages and string he wrapped my ribs and I slid my musky shirt back on.

I checked his side telling him. "Two weeks tops, then you'll need to test it with staff training. Use Elijah, he needs the practice. Finn is a constant but Elijah can improve. If Nik wasn't so weak all the time I'd suggest him as he's got the talent but no real power."

H grunted as I re-bandaged him saying. "You asked for that one. It was a good move and one that I used today. I killed three with it in close range and one by way of pike."

He nodded slowly before saying. "And the rest of our compensation?"

I sighed. "The Cougans promised in a fortnight we'd have the mead while Whoward insisted he needed what he had but that he'd give us a crop of his best maze come winter. At least we won't starve."

Mikael nodded. "That'll do. I need you to go hunting come fall. Take your brothers except Henrik. The least they can do is carry it all."

I sighed. "It's time Henrik learned to wield a bow. I was four years younger than he when I did. Perhaps he'll be another natural."

Mikael sighed. "I'll teach him myself after staff practice. I want to be there when he makes his first kill. It's tradition."

I shrugged. "Suit yourself. Tell Esther and Becca the sail is there's as they see fit by the net we need if we're to refill the pens and get some fish from the rivers. I've plans for it. As for the axe, I'll leave it with the rest of the weapons. I felled a tree in practice this morning and I think It'll make good fire wood to see us through the winter if I dry it now."

He shrugged. "Do as you see fit. You don't need to be asking me. I half expected you to strike out on your own after your first battle. A title like the beast was well earned. Or at least to find a female."

I snorted. "Says the destroyer, besides, the only decent looking female in the village has both Elijah and Niklaus pursuing her. I've not the will nor inclination to get in that hot mess. No, if and when I settle down it'll be with someone outside the village."

My words had him fidgeting but he neglected to say anything so I dropped it as I left the room. I saw Esther starring at me so I told her. "The sail cloth is yours to do with as you please. I need the nets to refill the pens and catch some fish from the rivers before they freeze up."

She raised an eyebrow. "And if I need them for stitching?"

I shook my head. "I'm not asking. Take the sail or get nothing."

She looked furious that I wasn't giving in. "Kol, I am you mother and-"

I growled and Mikael stopped me as I reached for a blade. "Enough, you need practice and to bathe, see to it. The nets are yours."

Esther tried to speak but Mikael shook his head giving her a hard stare. "He's earned them and more. We've no claim on them as we got all but the nets and one axe. I wasn't even there and he's paid tribute to this family so enough!"

She let it go as I took the nets and left. I dropped them off at my hut I'd built after my second battle. It was near the forest between the pens and the woods full of animals that'd eat the livestock. A dangerous place for most as we had bears on occasion and wolves but those stayed away from me either way.

I dropped the nets off and headed to the river to wash up. While I was there I saw the cuts on Elijah and Finn. Sighing I gave them my good bandages and used my old ones to wrap my ribs again. When I was as clean as I was going to get I went and chopped apart the tree I felled and carried the logs to the huts where'd I'd plot them and stacked them to bake in the sun.

When I was done supper was ready. It was rabbit stew that Esther had made. After that I headed into the woods as it was a moon night. We heard the wolves in the distance but ignored them to hunt for food. A bear cave nearby presented a challenge for us when we were smaller but now our body was strong.

We killed both the male and female and left the cub to grow on it's own. We wanted to feast but this body wasn't ready for blood and raw meat yet. Too bad for it that we had a few bites anyway. It tasted fine to us but the body rejected it as we threw up.

Growling we carried the catch to just inside the forest so we'd enjoy a bit after the moon went away. We roared and the warrior saw us and our kills before we backed away and ran back to hunt some more. Something was off this night though as we felt uneasy.

We sniffed the air and found no magic's so it must be something else. We roared as we felt pain that was unfamiliar to us. A roar of primordial rage and pain not heard since the dinosaurs walked the earth rang out and woke many weary villagers.

A while later the moon lost it's hold on us and I returned to my hut. Mikael was there cleaning the two bears and saw my pale face. "What's wrong?"

I shook my head. "Pain. Somethings wrong but I don't know what. I doubt I'm ill it feels different like rage but not the same."

He frowned before saying. "Sadness."

I shrugged. "Not used to it but it sounds right. Something is wrong and it makes me feel sadness."

He nodded. "The sun will be up in a bit. Care to give me a hand?"

I sighed and got to work helping him. He asked. "Where'd you find them anyway?"

I shrugged. "I didn't, not really. It was a smell on the breeze that led it south away from the wolves. There a cave by the river there that they stayed in. There was a cub as well but it left the cub for later or something."

It was strange explaining it to him but he understood it for the most part. After we finished morning had already come and everyone was getting up. That's when we heard it.

Niklaus's hoarse scream. "Mother! Father!"

We all turned to him carrying Henrik. I moved faster than Mikael before taking the body. I cursed saying. "He's dead, cold! He's been attacked by something wild."

Mikael was enraged. He roared at Nik. "What happened boy?"

Nik flinched as Esther grabbed Henrik from me. "It was the wolves. We went out to watch them from a distance and, and they must've caught a scent or something because we tried to run but, he tripped and they were on him so fast!"

His speech was broken up into tears now as he finally got it all out. Mikael shares a look with Esther before going to strike Nik. I caught his hand saying. "Now is not the time for that. The wolves have tasted our blood. Odds are they'll hunt us on instinct tonight. We need to prepare."

I turned to Elijah. "Take Henrik to my hut. It can be used to prepare him for a funeral pyre to see him off to Valhalla."

Elijah took Henrik and Mikael asked. "The wolves fear you, they won't come near will they?"

I shook my head. "Not me but I'm not in control of myself and I'm as likely to kill you as them. I can't defend you tonight. We need to maybe get you out to sea away from land until the nights through. If they come for me they'll be in for a different surprise as my body isn't that of a child any more."

He shook his head and turned back to Esther where they went off towards the bitch, arguing along the way. I took the sail and cut it up wrapping it around my little brother's body after cleaning up the wounds. Once he was fully wrapped I told Finn. "Use the old stock of firewood. I'll fell another tree tonight or tomorrow to dry out. That with what I've drying should see us through winter. Have Elijah and Nik help if you can get him out of his mopping."

He left and soon it was just me and Becca. I gave him a warriors serenade of battles to come at Thor's side. When I finished I told him. "Rest well little brother. One day I'll meet you there in the halls of Valhalla and expect tales of your great many deeds."

Becca was still crying so I left her to it to help build the pyre. When it was done I set his body there and lit a torch in preparation for Mikael and Esther's arrival. I told Becca. "Make a feast in his honor. Use the bear meat I got last night. Crack the last of the ale and light the hearth."

I turned to Elijah, Finn and Niklaus. "After tonight I intend to leave. It's time I moved on from this village. Perhaps find a waif and bare some younglings. I've made my name and earned more than enough to do so. One of you can have the hut till you're ready to do the same."

Finn shook his head. "You're leaving? At a time like this?"

I nodded. "I expect Mikael will insist you all move as well or try a truce with the wolves. Either way you'll be safe after tonight so it's time I found out who I am in this world. I've been a hunter and a warrior but I've a feeling I can be more."

They grew quiet by my words so I offered. "If any of you are interested you're welcome in accompanying me. Just not you Finn, as the oldest the clan falls to you once father retires sorry. But any luck we'll meet again and if you're ever in need of help just send word and I'll come running."

They didn't answer but I could see Niklaus considering it.

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Rank -- Peringkat Power
Stone -- Power stone

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