The next day morning, Aizawa handed out different papers to each one and said, "that is the data I was able to collect about you guys until now. They contain your strengths and weaknesses for each one of you. For the next two weeks, you all will have normal studies in the morning and self-practice in the afternoon at Ground Beta. Whether you improve your strengths or cover up your weaknesses is entirely up to yourselves."
As the classes are over, Class 1A stood up from their seats and just when Uraraka tried to open the door to go home, it was suddenly opened from outside and she found many students are standing outside blocking the way.
Uraraka was taken aback in surprise and stepped back while saying, "what's going on?" Iida asked them, "why are you blocking the way?" While Midoriya replied, "it might because they are curious about us because of USJ incident."
"It's obvious, these small fries want to scout their enemy for the upcoming sports festival," as Bakugo riled them up further with his comment, a student from 1C, General Education Department boldly challenged that he'll beat them and move to Hero Course. Then, Tetsutetsu from Class 1B spoke aloud, "I heard that you fought villains, so, I came to hear about it. Don't get so full of yourself."
Bakugo snorted, "hmpf if you bark too much, it'll be embarrassing for you during the real fight." as he ignored him and went away, others who are also challenging individual names that they'll wipe out the floor with them and things like that making Midoriya and others are getting worried because of receiving too much hate because of Bakugo's comment.
Then, Hiroto stood up as he heard his name and started walking towards the exit. As he reached the door, he looked at everyone and asked with a smile, "Hello, I'm Hiroto Todoroki, class representative of 1A. Now, can you tell me who is the one that just spouted out that he'll easily defeat me?"
As soon as they spotted him, the students began whispering, "he's that guy from the news. No.2 Hero Endeavor's son" and then suddenly stayed silent as they heard him asking. Even the loud guy shut his mouth.
"No one? I guess it's my imagination. Sorry about that. Anyway, Can you give us the way?" said Hiroto as no one replied to him. Then, he turned his head and said, "what are you guys waiting for? Are you guys planning on staying in the class all day?"
While Iida complimented him, "that's class representative for you," Midoriya remembered during the lunchtime, AllMight called him and told him that the time of his transformation is getting decreased each day and then he told Izuku to use Sports festival as a chance to debut as the new Symbol of the Peace.
As Shoto followed Hiro with an annoyed expression, The student from class 1C thought while frowning, "it seems all 1A students are indeed arrogant like I thought."
The next day, everyone scattered in Ground Beta to start training their Quirks evading the two areas where Shoto and Hiroto are practicing. While Shoto is improving his close combat techniques in different temperatures he created using his Quirk around him and Hiroto was practicing his teleportation in Ice technique within a frozen building while trying to improve the control over his Quirk without the need for a costume since they won't be wearing the costume in the upcoming sports festival for fairness.
Two weeks later, the gate of the school opened for the public. Everyone's ID has been carefully checked before they enter school. Meanwhile, the press was enthusiastically live reporting that this year, first-year students are the center of attention instead of 3rd-year students, especially Class 1A who was involved in an attack by Villains.
The public and the Pro heroes split their ways at the entrance to three different stadiums that were allotted to each year. Meanwhile, at the Class1A waiting room, everyone wore their P.E. uniforms and are excited while waiting for the event to start. Then, all of a sudden, Shoto walked towards Midoriya and said, "from the start of the school, I'm observing you. It seems AllMight has a special interest in you for some reason. Is it because you have similar Quirks or is it something else, I'm not sure about that but I think I'm stronger than you and I'm going to beat you."
Everyone surprised as Shoto suddenly challenged Midoriya, instead of Hiro out of nowhere, Shoto turned his head towards Hiroto and said, "of course, defeating you openly before the world will give me more joy than anything."
As Kirishima tried to pacify him, "Hey, cool down, will you? Why are you picking a fight all of a sudden? We're about to start," Shoto moved his hand away and replied, "we're not here to play friends. So, why does it matter?"
Midoriya looked at him in the eye and said, "I don't know why you suddenly bringing up AllMight into this and what is going on you remind when you are suddenly challenging me, I think you are indeed stronger than me. Not just you, several students are better than me. I can't afford to fall behind. I'll be going for the top with everything I have got."
While Shoto turned around and about to leave the room as it's almost time, Hiro said, "your competitors aren't just Midoriya or me. Everyone in this class and the other classes even including the general education department are your rivals too. Remember that the stronger one doesn't win, Shoto. The one who will win at the end is the stronger one."
Meanwhile, in the Sports festival stadium allotted to 1st year, the Present Mic appeared on the screen and announced, "everyone, the audience, and the swarm mass media, here's the first-year students that you all waiting for. The first to enter are the ones who became famous these days because of a recent Villain's attack, Hero course, Class 1A."
As the audience erupted in applause, "now, these students didn't get much airtime on the news like 1A, nevertheless, they are also full of talented people, Hero Course, Class 1B," Present Mic introduced them as they entered the stadium.
"Now, next up, general studies classes C, D, and E. and then, Support course, classes F, G, and H are here too and lastly, business course, classes I, J, and K." he introduced every class as they entered the stadium and stand in the line.
Then, on the stage before them, R-rated hero Midnight stood while Hiroto and the other first-year boys blushed along with men in the audience who got excited while looking at her appearance that is erotic to look at.
She spoke grabbing the Mic, "Quiet, everyone. Now, representing the students is Katsuki Bakugo from Class 1A." Everyone was surprised including Bakugo himself as they expected Hiroto to represent them. While everyone started to become worried, Bakugo blankly looked at everyone and said the words came to his mind, "I pledge I'll become number one by defeating everyone."
As the Class 1A is stupefied, the students from other classes began to boo him and he stepped down from the stage with a serious expression while staring at Hiroto.
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