In the large hall, there were four people standing around the coffin where the woman called Ban Yuewei rested. Everything was quiet for a moment before the fragment of Bai Qiaoying urged them on.
"What are you waiting for? Aren't you going to claim your prize after conquering all those trials?"
Huo Tang played with a strand of hair. "Well, it is not my prize to claim. This divine one has no part in this entire affair and is merely collateral damage. I've never had an interest in those crude things." She shot Bai Qiaoying an accusing glare, only to remember that her frustration was wasted on something that wasn't even a whole.
Yuan Xuelan scowled at her, ready to leap forward to take over his own damned body once and for all. But Liu Sumeng finally stepped up to look over the grave. He bowed respectfully to the woman who lay there, perhaps asleep or perhaps dead.
Okay so...I...keep sleeping on my wrist weird and now it hurts like a bitch like why T_T and how. I don't understanndddddd weeps. I hope everyone is doing well though cuz I'm !???!!
Check out Second Chance to Save the Villainous Tyrant!