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96.42% Ponypastas / Chapter 27: The Friendship Test

Bab 27: The Friendship Test

Written by Magpiepony on filmfiction.net

Dead weight. That was what Twilight's limbs felt like as her mind finally stirred to consciousness. Her eyes fluttered as she tried to focus on her surroundings, allowing them to adjust to the faint light. In the cold confines of this unfamiliar place, five bodies stood motionless. Twilight's heart began to race. Her first instinct was to lighten the room with her magic, but her horn refused to respond. Her breath began to quicken as she looked for windows, doors, anything that could identify her location. Instead, all she could see were stone bare walls. It was at that same moment that she spotted each of her friends. They stood frozen, in a circle around the room, their eyes shut as if in peaceful sleep. With no obvious light source, Twilight strained to make out what illuminated their bodies. When she focused hard enough, she could make out a single translucent silver of magic that surrounded them like a ring. Her eyes darted to her own body and she realized that she was surrounded by what seemed to be a spell. Though it was rare, this spell was unmistakable. 

Across the room, Fluttershy began whimpering softly as she too came to consciousness. 

"Fluttershy?" Twilight asked, trying to maintain her composure. 

"Twilight...where are we?" Fluttershy whispered.

"Don't move, Fluttershy." Twilight cautioned. "The spell holding us in place is dangerous. Whatever you do, don't leave the circle. Do you understand?"

Fluttershy merely nodded in response.

"Why? What is it?" Applejack asked. Twilight and Fluttershy turned to see their friend with her hoof raised. She hesitated to take a step after she heard Twilight's warning. 

"It's old magic, something that was once used to contain dangerous things...or dangerous ponies. Anything that leaves the rim of the circle will be met with a shock. A tip of the hoof can send a wave of electrical current through the body, but anything more than that can be deadly." Twilight explained, her expression grave.

"That doesn't make a lick of sense. Who in Equestria would do such a thing?!"Applejack asked angrily. 

"Ugh...what...what's going on? Applejack...is that you?" Rarity called out groggily. 

"Hey...What's going on…?" Rainbow Dash interjected. 

"My head feels swimmy whimmy no good yucky." Pinkie Pie added.

"DON'T MOVE! Keep your hooves inside the ring until I can figure out how to get us out of here." Twilight warned.

"Very good, Twilight. I knew I could count on you, keeping every pony safe before our little test." 

Twilight's ears perked up at the seventh voice in the room. Her head snapped to the source of the sound. She tried to focus her eyes on it. Twilight knew that voice. 

"Starlight, what's going on, and...how did we get here?" Twilight asked cautiously. 

Starlight Glimmer slowly stepped out of a dark corner and used her magic to ignite torches resting on each wall. Her face was blank of any emotion. "A short time ago, I had a thought. You see, my magic seems to be just as powerful as yours, which is quite impressive giving the fact that I am still a unicorn. And what got me thinking...is the so-called 'magic of friendship' really all it's cracked up to be?" She asked, positioning herself in the middle of the circle of friends. 

"What are you talking about? Let us out of here!" Rainbow Dash insisted, ruffling her wings and suppressing the urge to take off in flight. 

"All in good time, Rainbow. All in good time. Now, where was I? Ah yes. Twilight, I am a grown mare with enough magic to con an entire village out of their cutie marks, alter a time-travel spell, and assist in the reconstruction of the crystal heart. Does that sound like somepony who still needs lessons in the 'magic of friendship'?" 

"What are you saying?" Rarity asked, confused.

"I'm saying that I realized that I don't need your friendship, and I certainly don't need the second-rate magic it gave to all of you. Still, you six are impressive. You've saved Equestria enough times to warrant some attention. I merely want to test your magic against my own. I want to see what happens when the six spirits of harmony are forced to face the traits they embody. Maybe then we will know what true power of friendship has in Equestria."

"You don't know what you're saying, Starlight! You've seen first hoof how powerful friendship can be. I thought you embraced it and understood where you went wrong." Twilight insisted.

"I DID try! I did EVERYTHING you stupid little ponies said would bring my life fulfillment. But you can't erase a lifetime of emptiness and disappointment. You can't mend a friendship that was so easily destroyed just because you assign it to me like it's another part of a school-filly's homework! He didn't want to be my friend...no pony WANTS to be my friend! You ponies would have sent me to tartarus had Twilight not stopped you. Friendship is a LIE!" Starlight screamed, the vengeance seeping from the last word. She cleared her throat and replaced her tears with the mask of unfeeling, pretending the lapse of emotion hadn't happened.

"That's not true! I had LOTS of friends and I never leave them feeling icky lonely feelings." Pinkie interjected.

"There's really no point in reasoning with me, the test has already begun. You see, your heroism has always been based on your ability to embrace generosity, kindness, laughter, loyalty, honestly, and magic. But what if you were given a situation where those exact traits could harm rather than help you?" Starlight proposed.

"You've gone mad!" Rarity exclaimed. 

"As Twilight kindly explained, the rings around each of you are quite deadly. This spell certainly was a difficult one to dig up, but the Princess of Friendship wouldn't dream of having an incomplete library at her disposal. So, it was only a matter of time 'til I found what I needed. There's really no use in trying to use your own magic Twilight and Rarity. I've already disabled them before you were brought here, you won't be able to use it unless I remove your magic containment fields. The spell they used at the Equestria games was very helpful with that. Now, there will be six tests conducted, each based on those six harmony traits. When the tests are over, you can go free and punish me how you see fit, proving once and for all that your magic does surpass my own. If, however, you can't or won't perform; I doubt you will be leaving this room. Alive." Starlight held her chin high, her eyes gazing down upon Twilight.

"Alive? What do you mean alive?" Fluttershy quivered. 

"Well it's not a very good test of extreme situations if the stakes are not high enough. But let's not waste any more time with questions. I'm sure you're all just as eager as I am to begin." Starlight's horn lit up and dragged a strange device from another corner of the room into the center with her. It appeared to be a large dissected metal egg, resting atop a tray of firewood. Inside the egg were coals and a large metal poker. Starlight's eyes remained locked on Twilight as her magic engulfed the wood in a fiery blaze. The girls all stared in wonder and terror as the metal began to turn bright sun-red. Twilight's eyes widened as she understood what the actual metal poker was. Starlight took a branching iron out from the egg and gingerly twirled it around the mares who stood before her. 

"The first test is a test of kindness. Each of you will be given a choice. You can either be kind to your neighbor and elect to have the branding iron used on yourself, or you can abandon your kindness and brand the pony to your right instead." Starlight explained.

"Brandin'?! Brandin' what?!" Applejack demanded, stamping her hoof angrily. 

"Why your flank, of course. It's a bit of a call-back to my life before you ponies ruined everything. Not to mention it will satisfy my urge for vengeance to see a scorched and permanent equal sign scarred over your oh-so-special cutie marks." Starlight's tone slipped from calculating to scorned as she betrayed the emotions she was working to suppress. 

"I REFUSE to take your stupid test! I won't let you hurt my friends or me." Rainbow shouted.

"Ah, but that's the best part! You see, you'll only have thirty seconds to make your choice and if a choice is not made, or you decide to get bold and try to escape, one of your friends will be killed at random by the circles containing you now. You didn't think I would make this easy, did you? Let's start with the element of kindness herself...Fluttershy." Starlight narrowed her eyes on her prey, pointing the branding iron to her first test subject. She placed the iron back in the egg to heat as she released her magical grip on Fluttershy. This left the frightened pegasus free to move about. 

"Fluttershy stood motionless in shocked silence, her whimpers getting caught in her throat. Though her friends shouted words of encouragement and advice, their voices were a muffled buzz of unintelligible noises in her head. Her thoughts focused on the betrayal of Starlight's trust in the little village she helped to free. Had Starlight singled her out because of what she had done? She looked at the branding iron as tears began cascading down her soft yellow cheeks.

"Fluttershy? Fluttershy just do it...it's okay! I-I'll let you brand my cutie mark." Pinkie Pie conceded, trying her best to mask her own panic.

"I can't!" Fluttershy sobbed.

"You have to, Fluttershy! Time's running out...you have to do this, I understand. I forgive you." Pinkie's voice quivered as tears filled her eyes. A smirk spread on Starlight Glimmer's face. She said nothing, but levitated a parchment in front of her jot down the test's effect on its subjects.

"Your time is up, Fluttershy. What will it be?" Starlight said, pulling the branding iron from the hot coals.

"I...I'll brand Pinkie." Fluttershy whispered in defeat, hanging her head. 

Starlight levitated the branding iron to Fluttershy who shakily gasped the handle. Soon after, Pinkie's circle disappeared and she stared into Fluttershy's frightened eyes.

"Just...get it over with, Fluttershy." Pinkie stammered. Unsure what to expect but fearing the worst, she shut her eyes.

"Pinkie...I'm so sorry!" Fluttershy wailed.

"Now Fluttershy you have to press into the flank hard and hold it there for five seconds. If you fail to do so, I will brand you and Pinkie myself and I will not be gentle." Starlight cautioned, still jotting down notes.

Fluttershy could only cry harder in response, and Pinkie's mane deflated. Their friends continued to scream in protest, but no pony could hinder the inevitable. Fluttershy cried out in anguish as she pressed the branding iron onto Pinkie's flank; almost matching the scream of pain from Pinkie in response. Both ponies' eyes were shut as Starlight counted each agonizing second aloud. When time was up, Fluttershy dropped the iron and fell on the ground in a puddle of her own tears. Pinkie's legs gave out and she too fell onto the unforgiving stone floor, gasping for breath between each sob.

"Very good, Fluttershy. Now, let's give Pinkie a moment to gather her wits and then she'll make the choice. Back to your circle please." Starlight said in a mockingly pleasant tone as she placed the iron back into the metal egg.

Fluttershy crawled to her position in the circle and curled into herself, facing away from her friends in shame. Starlight reignited the magic circle around her, then turned her attention to Pinkie Pie. 

"Now, Pinkie Pie...would you rather brand Rarity or have me brand your other flank?" Starlight asked as she methodically placed the branding iron with hoof's reach.

Pinkie could barely speak but the timer appeared above her head regardless. She shakily pulled herself up off the ground, gasped the branding iron, and shot Rarity a terrified glance. 

"Oh Pinkie…" Rarity whispered in fear.

"I-I choose...R-Rarity." Pinkie said, dropping her gaze.

"Pinkie...please no…Pinkie I beg you!" 

"I'm sorry, Rarity...I...I-I don't wanna lose them both." Pinkie stuttered, shooting a glance at her unbranded flank.

"Interesting." Starlight noted coldly; jotting down more notes. As Starlight released her magical hold of Rarity, she caught a glimpse of the panic in Rarity's eyes.

"Ah ah ah, remember Rarity, if you attempt to leave one of your friends will pay with their life." Starlight quipped.

"You're a MONS-AAAAAAHHH!" Rarity shouted moments before Pinkie the iron to her fur. Rarity screamed and stumbled to the ground immediately, but Pinkie held the iron in place for all required seconds. When it was over, she shuffled back to her spot and continued crying in silence. Rarity gingerly brushed the singed fur from her flank as she gasped for breath. 

"Your turn, Rarity." Starlight noted, magicking the timer above the unicorn's head.

"Rarity, I--" Twilight began. 

"I chose Twilight!" Rarity exclaimed.

"Wow, that was fast!" Starlight commented in a gleeful manner, jotting down more notes.

"I was going to let you anyway, Rarity." Twilight muttered, stunned at how quickly the decision was made.

"I-I didn't want you to have to be brave for my sake, Twilight." Rarity stuttered, trying to clarify.

By this point in the kindness test, the other ponies had stopped shouting their objections and useless comfort. Instead, there was dead silence broken only by the sounds of pain. Twilight squeezed her eyes shut and each of her friends turned their heads away when the branding iron made contact. Her screams of anguish brought a sick smile of satisfaction to Starlight Glimmer's face. Starlight hurried Rarity back into place, eager to give the princess a turn. While Twilight was still doubled over in pain, Starlight presented her with the branding iron.

"Twilight? How about you?" 

Twilight stood her ground, tears pouring down her cheeks. She looked Starlight directly in the eyes, not wanting to give the unicorn any satisfaction by her response. 

"Brand me again." Twilight replied with a cold unforgiving glare.

"What? No! Twilight that's not fair! You don't have to lose both!" Rainbow screamed.

"Brand me again, Starlight." Twilight insisted.

"Ah, I figured you would make that choice. I am interested to know if this takes your special talent away, seeing how it's irreversible, but that doesn't matter to you does it? You have to be the strong and kind one. Set an example." Starlight retorted sarcastically.

"Just do it!" Twilight screamed.

Starlight didn't hesitate, she used her magic to violently ram the branching iron onto the princess' other flank. She used so much force that Twilight skid helplessly along the ground as she did so. Twilight's screams turned to garbled sobs as her friends stared in terror. Starlight took the iron away after five seconds, as agreed, and contained Twilight in the magic circle again. 

"You're up Rainbow Dash." Starlight said smugly.

Rainbow looked to Applejack with determination. The timer over her head was counting down while the branding iron was re-heated. Rainbow wasn't going to stand idly by and let this madness continue. A sporadic and desperate thought sparked in Rainbow's mind as she eyed Applejack. While their gaze was locked, Rainbow tried to convey a smile of reassurance despite the next words out of her mouth.

"I ch-chose to brand A-Applejack." Rainbow stammered, pretending to have wrestled with the decision. 

"That's...unexpected." Starlight observed, writing down more notes before pulling the iron from the fire. Rainbow's illuminated ring fizzled away, and without hesitation she sprang from her place towards the pony that held them captive. She didn't need to jump very far to reach the unicorn, but was deflected away by the invisible shield Starlight used to protect herself. Suddenly, the spell containing Applejack began to glow. In a fraction of a second, an electric shock zapped the earth pony with such force that the room flashed with blinding white light, and a mighty cracking sound was heard. 

"No!" Each pony cried in unison, unable to wrap their minds around what they had just seen.

"Did you ponies really think I wouldn't have thought ahead? What exactly do you take me for?" Starlight snapped bitterly, disappointed that her precious test had gone awry.

"Applejack!" Rainbow screamed, falling over the charred body of her friend. "I wasn't thinking; I was just trying to make it stop...Applejack please...no!"

"You still have to brand her, Rainbow Dash, that was your decision." Starlight said returning to her pleasant yet indifferent tone. 

"GO TO TARTARUS!" Rainbow screamed.

"Now now, you don't want the same thing happening to another one of your friends do you?" Starlight warned. Eager to get it over with, Rainbow angrily swiped the iron from Starlight and pushed it onto Applejack's flank. 

Not a single sound was heard except the sizzling of flesh.

Starlight retrieved the iron and pointed in the direction of Rainbow's original spot. Rainbow didn't need to be told twice; she too curled in place faced away from her friends.

"My, my, my, it seems YOU lucked out Fluttershy! With Applejack gone there's no pony left to make a choice and since you've already had your turn I suppose I can let you keep your marks. Ironic, isn't it? The element of kindness was in fact not kind at all to poor Pinkie Pie, but she remains unmarred by a brand. I'd say that was a failed test for kindness." Starlight observed jotting down the final notes on the kindness portion of her test. 

Starlight lit her horn to douse the fire beneath the metal egg and pushed it back into one of the dark corners of the room. Next she made a simple dagger, out of magic, with an ornament handle and a thin but hard metal rod and placed them in Rainbow Dash's hooves. 

"Since Rainbow Dash here took it upon herself to break the rules and rob us of our dear Applejack, I believe it is only fitting that we resume our test with the subject of loyalty." Starlight started.

"Fuck you." Rainbow whispered. 

Undeterred, Starlight continued. "This test is also about choices, though it will be made clear that they are far more deadly than the last. Rainbow Dash, how far does your loyalty go for your friends? Will you take the dagger and stab Princess Twilight to the hilt of the blade, or allow me to give you three swift lashes with the metal rod?"

Rainbow remained silent as the timer above her head counted down. 

"Five seconds Rainbow Dash, it's not very fitting to allow another friend to die just because you refuse to--" 

"THE ROD!" Rainbow screamed, startling Starlight at the intensity of her response. Starlight removed the magic encasting Rainbow Dash and she pounced; though not at her, but instead to the remains of Applejack. Rainbow covered AJ's body with her own as if she were protecting her friend. Starlight lifted the metal rod with her magic and brought it down hard across Rainbow's back. Rainbow wailed into Applejack the instant that the rod struck. It came down two more times leaving the pegasus with great bruises and lesions on her back that had narrowly missed her wings.

"Now, Twilight, will you--"

"The Rod." Twilight said, almost emotionless.

"You didn't let me finish." Starlight said with a smirk. "Twilight, will you stab Rarity to the hilt...or give Rainbow Dash three more lashes?"

"WHAT?!" Screamed Pinkie Pie in horror. 

"It's all a part of loyalty, Pinkie Pie. Where does Twilight's loyalty lie?" Starlight wondered aloud, locking her gaze on the horrified princess.

"To my FRIENDS! ALL of my friends! I'd rather you take my life than subject me to this sick decision!" Twilight spat bitterly.

"Ah, but that's not how the test is performed. If you refuse to choose, I suppose there's a one in five chance that it'd be you that was killed, but I don't think the Princess of Friendship is willing to play the odds." Starlight retorted.

Twilight looked to Rainbow Dash, still sprawled over Applejack, then to Rarity.

"A knife can do serious damage no matter where it is stabbed...it doesn't give me any real choice at all." Twilight explained to no one, rationalizing her thoughts aloud.

"Twilight, no...you can't!" Pinkie sobbed.

Starlight presented the rod to Twilight and stood back to give her ample space. 

"Just do it, Twi." Rainbow whispered.

"Hit her hard, Twilight, or it won't count." Starlight said, keeping a close eye on the princess' movement. 

Twilight squeezed her eyes shut and brought the rod down hard on Rainbow's back. A sickening snap was heard and the pegasus screamed in agony. When Twilight opened her eyes to see what had happened; she noticed Rainbow's right wing now laid helpless down her side, the bone clearly fractured. 

"RAINBOW! I'M SO SORRY!" Twilight screamed, realizing her mistake. Rainbow just continued to sob.

"Two more Twilight." Starlight reminded her.

Twilight kept her eyes open for the remaining lashes, avoiding her wings as best she could. Starlight nodded in approval and the princess returned to her place. 

All eyes focused on Rarity as it was her turn to make the choice.

"Stab me, stab me, Rarity, please!" Pinkie demanded, watching Rainbow struggle to breathe from pain.

"Now now, Pinkie, this is Rarity's choice, not yours. Your time will come." Starlight cautioned. 

"If...I were to choose the blade...where would I have to stab Pinkie Pie?" Rarity asked.

"Anywhere you like, though it must be to the hilt." Starlight said calmly.

"Rarity don't! There are too many places that could kill her!" Twilight cautioned.

"Oh come now, Twilight, the blade isn't THAT long. There are plenty of places that would keep Pinkie Pie alive." Starlight said, rolling her eyes.

"Rainbow?" Rarity asked in a voice barely over a whisper.

"I know, Rarity." Rainbow said. "You have to do it."

"No! NO RARITY, SHE CAN'T TAKE MUCH MORE!" Pinkie screamed.

Rarity disregarded Pinkie's outcries and levitated the rod as her choice. She would have kept her eyes close, but learned from Twilight's mistake not to do so. The rod came down hard three more times, and the pegasus moaned softly with each new strike.

"Now it is your turn, Pinkie Pie." Starlight said, placing the two objects before her.

Pinkie looked up at Fluttershy who was shaking her head and pleading to be spared.

"She'll die, Fluttershy! I have to do this!" Pinkie cried, she grasped the blade and took a shaky step in Fluttershy's direction. Fluttershy pleaded to Pinkie to reconsider, but Pinkie tuned out her cries, thinking only of the pain she would be sparing Rainbow Dash. The blade made contact with Fluttershy's back hind leg, and the pegasus wailed in response. Pinkie had been aiming for something closer to her hoof, but a combination of her blurred teary-eyed vision and Fluttershy's reflexive movement had landed the dagger closer to the flank. Pinkie noted the excess blood already pouring down the pegasus' leg but knew the job wasn't completed. 'To the hilt' Starlight had said, and Pinkie didn't need to be reminded. Fluttershy saw Pinkie approaching her again and tried to make an escape. Pinkie pounced, pinning the pegasus to the ground, and forced the blade deeper into her friend's flesh until Starlight was satisfied. 

"You're lucky that Pinkie Pie had the sense to stop you, Fluttershy. Your impulses could have cost somepony her life." Starlight pointed out.

"Am...am I going to die?!" Fluttershy panicked, covering the wound with her hooves as Starlight pried the dagger free. Once the blade was free, a spurt of blood followed but the flow eased as Fluttershy applied pressure.

"Hard to say, really. Only time will tell. Though I'm sure Rainbow Dash was grateful for the decision." Starlight said, guiding a silent Pinkie Pie back to her place. Pinkie didn't dare look up from the ground to see the damage she had done. 

"Now yours is an interesting choice, Fluttershy." Starlight started. "You can whip Rainbow three more times, or stab any player of your choosing."

Fluttershy whimpered in pain and reached out for the metal rod.

"Fluttershy...wait…" Twilight cautioned. 

"Stab me! Stab me!" Pinkie screamed.

"I can't…" Fluttershy said wobbling on three hooves with the metal rod held by her wing. "I'm sorry, Rainbow...I just can't stab somepony, I can't."

Rainbow made a soft gurgle sound in response. 

Fluttershy grunted and brought the rod down lightly on her friend.

"Ah ah ah, that doesn't count." Starlight cautioned.

"Please…" Fluttershy sobbed. "Please don't make me do this."

"You know the penalty, Fluttershy." Starlight reminded.

Fluttershy cried out in anger and came down hard with the metal rod. She swung to hit her again, but missed and hit Applejack instead. Her vision blurred with tears as she brought it down for the fourth time making contact with Rainbow's broken wing. Everypony expected screams of anguish from Rainbow in response, but she remained silent. 

"Rainbow? Rainbow! Say something, please!" Fluttershy pleaded.

"One more Fluttershy. Quickly now." Starlight said growing bored of the wait.

Fluttershy brought the rod down for the fifth time and once again, Rainbow made no response. Pinkie screamed Rainbow's name repeatedly and Fluttershy dropped the rod in shock.

Starlight leaned down to examine Rainbow, noting the severity of her lacerations and the discolored fur along her back.

"Hmm...internal bleeding and possibly a damaged organ; I"m afraid our dear Rainbow Dash has left us, proving that loyalty to your friends is indeed subjective. Not all friends are created equal for you ponies, are they?" Starlight said, feigning sorrow at Rainbow's death.

Starlight jotted down more notes on her parchment while the remaining four ponies mourned in shocked silence. When she finished, she ignited her horn and a great burst of magic filled the room. When it struck each pony in the chest, they were left momentarily dazed before collapsing unconscious on the ground.


"Sorry I had to spring this one on you all, but it was much quieter and easier to place you here myself while you were unconscious." Starlight's voice echoed as the four remaining friends slowly regained consciousness. They were no longer standing in the circle but were instead held up by their hooves against the wall, side-by-side. Metal straps held them in place and the strange chamber that held them appeared to be made of reinforced glass. It didn't take long to notice that it was built for six pony captives, but there were two obvious missing participants.

"Where's Rainbow? And Applejack?" Pinkie demanded, craning her neck to see if their bodies were still within sight.

"I would refrain from opening your mouth, Pinkie Pie. This is the test of laughter after all. You know, they say laughter is the best medicine and it can cure any ailment. Well, I'm going to test that with you four ponies. In a few moments, your enclosure will be flooded with a gaseous substance of my own creation. It's a mixture of toxicity and laughing powder that, when inhaled, will burn through the back of your throats causing irreversible internal damage. It's mostly attracted to moist places, so breathing through your nose will be painful, but not deadly. If you so much as open your mouth to take a breath, I imagine your death will be eminent. You have to suppress your laughter, or your screams, to live through this one. Clever, isn't it?"

Starlight didn't give her test subjects time to answer her rhetorical question. She pulled a lever attached to the side of the chamber, and her gas began filling the enclosure. Each pony inside squeezed her eyes and mouth shut making only short deliberate breaths through their nose. The gas burned as Starlight had predicted, though there was the presence of the laughing powder tickling their nostrils, and daring them to respond. Starlight observed each pony's behavior and jotted them down individually in her notes.

Fluttershy's entire body was shaking and she made occasional whimper noises. Starlight assumed her greatest challenge was not to cry as the moisture would attract the poisonous gas to her eyes. Rarity's face was turned a sickly shade of red then purple then blue.She was attempting to hold her breath for the duration of this test, rather than inhale the gas by any means. Twilight seemed the most calm under the circumstances; she had a thoughtful yet determined look on her face as though she were simply meditating. Pinkie Pie, however, visibly struggled; her body twitched and spasmed as she labored to regulate her breathing. 

Mentally, Pinkie was screaming at herself to hold on. She fought more against the laugh, and she loved to make her friends laugh too. No pony could laugh as long, or as hard, as Pinkie Pie, with the exception of Rainbow Dash. It seemed like an eternity ago that the pair of them had gone on a pranking spree together, and the deafening thought that it can never happen again, tugged at Pinkie's heartstrings.

Thinking of Rainbow in this moment proved to be her downfall. When the memories and the anguish proved too much, Pinkie cried out with a mixture of a scream and laughter. Knowing that she had failed, she embraced her laughter, sucking in more of the poison with each outburst. She clung to the hope of seeing Rainbow Dash again until the poison had done it's work, leaving the party pony limp and lifeless in her restraints.

Starlight shook her head and glanced at the timer on the wall that her test subjects had missed. With only seconds remaining in the laughter test, Rarity finally had to suck in a breath through her nostrils. Moments before she cried out in shock and pain, a bell chimed and the gas receded. 

"My that was lucky, wasn't it Rarity?" Starlight said with a chuckle while the unicorn and her friends gasped for oxygen.

"Pinkie...no…" Twilight sobbed.

Rarity screamed at the sight of their newly departed friend. Her mangled face was a clear depiction of the pain and sorrow she felt at death. Pinkie's eyes were bulbous and blood-shot with a glassy glaze over the pupils turning them translucent grey. Her mouth hung open showing a great number of boils and blisters lining her cheeks, throat, and tongue. The tears she had wept in her final moments, caused a trail of blisters to form down the paths they took on her cheeks.

Starlight calmly pressed a button on the side of the chamber that released Pinkie's body from the straps that held it. She tumbled to the ground for a moment before her body was levitated away in preparation for the next test.

"Since I have you all here, it's only fitting that we resume with the generosity test." Starlight announced. She pushed three more buttons on the side of the chamber releasing the remaining three subjects from the clasps that held them. As they struggled to their hooves, their surroundings changed around them. Thick transparent walls jutted from the ground between each pony encasing them in their own individual compartments within the glass chamber. Attached to the new wall of the ponies' right were a series of six red buttons, three of which were lit while the others remained dark.

"Generosity...now THAT was a challenge. How could I possibly think of a situation where one would need to be selfish to pass? It certainly took the longest to create, though I am quite pleased with the results. As I'm sure you have guessed; these buttons in front of you correspond to the different sections of my clever creation. As Rainbow Dash, Applejack, and Pinkie Pie are unable to take this portion of the test, their buttons have been...disabled. Rarity, Twilight, and Fluttershy, your chambers correlate to the remaining buttons, respectively. If you would kindly direct your attention to the vents above you, you will see they are in fact not entirely open, nor entirely closed. In a few moments, water will begin to pour into your chamber as quickly as those vents will allow. When you press the buttons in front of you, the vent corresponding to the chamber you have chosen will open further. Now, these chambers you have chosen will open further. Now, these chambers are connected to one large water vat and if you choose to abstain from pressing any buttons the water will pour into your chamber in equal amounts leaving only a few seconds of breathable air, at best. You will need to survive five minutes in these chambers after the water has stopped pouring in order to pass. So, will you be 'generous' with your precious oxygen, or selfish in the hopes that you will survive?"

Starlight smirked and pulled a second lever on the side of the chamber which released the water from the attached tank.

"Twilight!" Fluttershy screamed in terror, pushing her body against the wall closest to her friend. "What do we do?"

"We have to choose, Fluttershy. We don't have any other options." Twilight said, the hopelessness in her tone sending a shiver down Fluttershy's spine. 

"But...but if we press a button that means...some of us will die!" Rarity cried avoiding the downpour with her mane and tail as long as possible.

"No, just one." Twilight corrected. "If you and Fluttershy press the button for my chamber, you'll both have enough oxygen to live." 

"How do you know that?!" Rarity asked. "It's not like we're getting exact measurements here!"

"It's a pattern, Rarity! Don' you see? Every test was designed to eliminate a player...if more than one player is eliminated it ruins her precious test!" Twilight bitterly realized. 

"Then...that means...only one of us can pass 'The Friendship Test'?" Fluttershy asked, barely audible above the downpour.

"Yes, Fluttershy, I think it does."

Each pony was now lifted from her hooves, the water having filled each chamber half full. Twilight pointed at the buttons on the wall with a stern look on her face. 

"Do it!" She demanded. "Do it or we'll all die anyway!"

"But you're the princess of friendship! Equestria needs you!" Fluttershy protested.

"What's the princess of friendship without her friends? I've already failed Rainbow, AJ, and Pinkie...I couldn't be a princess of something I failed! You've got your animals that need you Fluttershy, and Rarity...you've got to be there for Sweetie Belle and the other crusaders now. You have to go on, both of you, so push the button!" Twilight yelled.

Rarity didn't respond. She reached her hoof in the water for the button to Twilight's chamber and pressed it; the vent lowered in response. Seeing Rarity make the decision, Fluttershy too pressed her hoof on the corresponding button and watched sadly as the vent lowered completely in Twilight's chamber.

"I love you both, and please tell the princesses I'm sorry...tell Shining Armor and Cadence that I love them, and tell Flurry Heart I--" Twilight started, but was cut off when she was submerged in rushing water.

Fluttershy and Rarity struggled to keep their mouths above water when the last few drops tickled from the vents. From the corner of their eyes they watched helplessly as Twilight thrashed around aimlessly searching for any remaining oxygen. She reached out her hooves towards each of her friends pressing them against the wall. Twilight's eyes flickered shut and the last bubbles of air trickled out slowly from her lips, as water began to fill her lungs. Within moments, the princess' body bobbed aimlessly in her watery grave. Starlight continued to take notes of the events unfolding before her, a smirk slowly rising from behind the parchment while Rarity and Fluttershy still fought to stay alive. 

When five minutes had passed, there was a loud buzzing sound and the water rapidly drained through a new series of holes that appeared on the floor. Rarity and Fluttershy chose to look away from Twilight, neither of them wanting the last memory of their friend to be of the princess' lifeless body. Starlight ushered the two of them out of her chamber before she pulled the switch that turned off the lights within.

"Well I can't say that I'm surprised that Twilight's insightfulness would discover the nature of my test, nor that she would sacrifice herself for her friends at the earliest opportunity. She always wanted to play the martyr, and now she has. I certainly hope it was worth it." Starlight said, leading the final two ponies to the next test that awaited them. 

Rarity and Fluttershy were surprised to learn that the room where this nightmare began, was seconds away from the massive chamber where they were held. When they looked back in the direction they had come, a stone wall blocked their view, making the room appear small again.

"Oh I've learned all sorts of interesting spells and illusions to prepare for this test. This room isn't as small as you might think." Starlight said with a chuckle when she saw the confusion on her remaining subjects' faces.

"So, was she right? Are you waiting until one of us is the winner before you end this madness?" Rarity demanded bitterly.

"This is a test; one does not 'win,' one can only 'pass' or 'fail'." Starlight corrected. "And if it weren't for Rainbow Dash's rash decisions making, we might have been able to take all six tests, but, I suppose you can't plan and predict everything when making a test such as this one. The final test will have to end on Honesty." Starlight ushered the remaining ponies to the center of the room and indicated for them to sit facing each other. Once each pony was seated, Starlight ignited her horn and the same magic ring, the one that had once held them, made their reappearance. In conjunction, four magic balls of light in the shape of apples appeared, two in front of Rarity and two in front of Fluttershy.

"Forgive my satirical humor, but I thought it was only appropriate for the honesty test to have a little bit of an apple flair. It really is a shame Applejack had to die first; I thought she'd make it this far. Even so, the test must go on. Now, there is a single word etched onto the magic apples in front of you: 'Chance' and 'Choice'. If you both select 'Chance', then your livelihood will be left up to fate; one of you will die at random. If one selects 'Choice' and the other 'Chance', the pony who picked 'Chance' will be killed and the other spared. If, however, you both select 'Choice', you will both die. You must touch one of these two apples before the timer runs out, or you will both be eliminated in the same manner as Applejack."

"What are we choosing, exactly?" Rarity asked. 

"Which of the cider mugs you will drink. I bought these apple ciders from the Apple family in anticipation of this very event. Prior to this test, one has been poisoned. The test is to conclude when both ponies drink and one of you fails. You have two minutes to talk and convince each other which choice you will make, but will you be truthful, or lie to save your own skin?" Starlight asked.

There was a silence that hung in the air. Fluttershy and Rarity stared into each others' eyes, uncertainty lingering. 



A timer appeared above the final pair of ponies. For the first few seconds, neither pony said a word until, at last, the pegasus broke the silence.

"Y-you should go on, Rarity. You can still grow and prosper without me, your boutiques and your fans...it would be a lifetime of work lost. Not to mention you mean more to Sweetie Belle than I do to my animals." Fluttershy pleaded. 

"Fluttershy no! I could never compare my work to your own. Your care for these animals has saved lives, and no dress could ever amount to that. I could never continue my work after living through this ordeal...any sort of happiness I achieve will forever be tainted on the idea that I had to watch you and my dearest friends die just to spare me. I won't let you sacrifice yourself for me." Rarity countered.

"Then...should we…"

"Yes, I think it's the only way we can live with ourselves. We must pick the 'Chance' and promise each other we will do everything we can to go on if we are, in fact, the one that is spared." Rarity said as confidently as she was able.

Fluttershy nodded and reached out her hoof while Rarity did the same. They made their selections, and all four floating apples disappeared leaving a mug of cider in their place. Rarity and Fluttershy stared at the liquid in fear, picking it up with shaky hooves. 

"Thirty seconds." Starlight warned, writing more notes on parchment. 

"Together?" Rarity asked.

"Together." Fluttershy nodded.

The pair of ponies brought the cider to their lips and reluctantly took a gulp. Neither of them could taste a poisonous difference so each became confident that theirs was the cider that was safe. Once each pony neared the end of their drink, Starlight interrupted.

"Oh, did I forget to mention that the decision you made will be etched onto the bottom of the cider mug for the other pony to see? That must have slipped my mind."

Both ponies almost dropped their mugs simultaneously when they learned this last bit of information. They looked into their respective mugs to see what the other pony had chosen and the color drained from their faces.

"Fluttershy…" Rarity whispered in anguish. 

"I...I…" was all Fluttershy could manage.

"I-I'm so sorry."

Starlight smiled as the fast-acting poison she created took effect, causing Fluttershy to cough as if she were choking.

"I'M SO SORRY!" Rarity screamed, wanting to reach out to her friend. 

Fluttershy couldn't respond; she was desperately fighting whatever strange poison was taking its hold on her. All Rarity could do was watch in horror as the life of her friend slipped away.

Starlight levitated the mugs with her magic to inspect them, Rarity's mug had 'Choice' engraved on the bottom, while Fluttershy's had 'Chance'. Rarity's betrayal was clearly stamped on her face as she fought back a fit of nausea.

"Congratulations, Rarity, you've failed. Thanks to you, I have proven that magic is only as powerful as the ponies who wield it. As promised, you're more than welcome to return to your home in Ponyville, and seek whatever punishment for me that you deem appropriate...though given the fact that my magic has picked your friends off easily, I caution you to choose your vengeance carefully. If I were you, I wouldn't anger somepony that powerful." Starlight muttered. 

"Oh but there's one last thing you need to do before you're allowed to go. It will give me such satisfaction to hear the conclusion of this test read aloud by the only living participant. It's only one little phrase...and then you're free."

Starlight took the parchment that she documented on for the duration of the test over to Rarity with only one line visible. The unicorn read it to herself then looked up at Starlight in hatred. 

"Here, I'll get you started." Starlight offered, clearing her throat. "After thorough investigation and testing, it can be concluded that…"

Starlight gave Rarity a frightening smirk, waiting for the unicorn to finish the sentence. She hung her head in defeat and uttered the final words.

"Friendship...isn't magic."

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