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98.68% Taboo Incest sex stories / Chapter 4046: SISTER LOVES FACIALS


It's no longer fair to call her "baby sister," but old habits are hard to break. Our seven year age difference (I'm 25, April is 18) meant I took care of her and she looked up to me, rather than being combatants like so many siblings I know.

"Tom, you are the best brother ever!" was something I never got tired of hearing, and incredibly enough I still heard it throughout her teen years. The credit for that goes fully to her sweet and open nature, not to me. Where her optimism and loveliness of character comes from is a complete mystery-- I'm not like that, and certainly our parents aren't either.

As far as I'm concerned, the only negative thing she's ever done was getting involved with a church group that I found creepy. Even that was understandable because of our parents' divorce and my moving out of the house at about the same time.

So I was shocked to hear that our Mom was kicking April out of the house. The details aren't important, except to say Mom chose to put her new control-freak boyfriend ahead of her daughter. Which lead to April ending up on my doorstep needing a place to stay.

So one evening I opened the door to "Tom, you are the best brother ever!" and a hug and kiss on the cheek. It had only been about two weeks since I'd seen her last, but it struck me that the adorable girl I knew was now a beautiful woman. She has wide sparkling eyes in a heart-shaped face, flawless skin, a cute little nose and the broadest smile that lights up her face and the rest of the world.

But at this moment she was upset and I was determined to make everything all right again. I helped her bring her things in and carried them into the second bedroom, recently vacated by a shitheel roommate.

"You'll have to sleep on the futon for tonight, but we can go out tomorrow and get you something more comfortable. Is there anything you need? I can still run out to the store."

She hugged me again and held on tight. "I'm ok. Thank you, I don't know where else I could have gone." She was on the verge of tears.

"You don't have to worry about anything," I promised. "You can stay as long as you want."

That brought the first smile of the evening and a sigh of relief.


The last thing in the world that I wanted my sister to find out was that I loved porn and facials in particular. Whether it's a girl-next-door type or a heavily made-up porn goddess, I love to see an attractive face splattered with cum.

I have my favorite porn sites of course, but I also have videos I've download to my laptop and even some still pictures. I had arranged a few of those into slideshows so I could more easily browse through them as I got myself off.

I make no apologies for this, but it meant a lot that April looked up to me, and I didn't want to lose her respect. It seemed there was no danger of her finding my porn since it was confined to my laptop and I never carelessly left it lying around unlocked for anyone to stumble across.

Until I fucked up, of course.

April and I had been getting along great. It was a joy to have her back in my life every day and she made it clear how happy she was too. We cooked together, cleaned together. shopped together and suddenly the most mundane things in life were fresh and fun.

One night we decided to go to a movie and together we checked the times on my laptop. She wanted to show me a YouTube video, so she started to look for that while I went to use the bathroom. I didn't realize that I must have left a facial slideshow up on one of the secondary screens, just waiting for an accidental swipe to bring it into view.

I walked back into the kitchen, coming up behind April, who, sitting there apparently in shock, was staring at a picture of a hard cock in the act of shooting cum on a young girl's face.

There was a moment of silence before April, crimson-faced, jumped to her feet while I began to stammer incoherently. I grabbed the offending laptop and and sprinted with it out of the room as if it were a live grenade. Not being able to think of anything better to do, I sat on the couch and cradled it in my arms.

Meanwhile April had dashed into her room. I sat there, imagining her packing up her things and wondering whether she'd let me give her a ride back to Mom's or if she'd give me the cold shoulder as she left to meet an Uber.

A few minutes went by and I heard her door click open.


"Yeah, I'm in here, April."

She came a few steps into the living room and thank God, she wasn't carrying a suitcase.

"I'm sorry I did that. I shouldn't have been snooping and I'm sorry I embarrassed you."

"April, you didn't do anything wrong at all. I shouldn't have...I didn't want you to see..." I just trailed off.

She came in further and sat down carefully at the far end of the sofa.

"I'm ok. That's your private business, I just don't want you to be mad at me."

"No, never. I can't blame you if you're disgusted with me," I said dejectedly.

She slid over closer to me and reached for my hand.

"No, never. I know all guys-- all people-- have needs. You don't have to hide that from me."

I started to breathe a little easier.

"Let's go see that movie now," she suggested. "Okay?"

So we went, but I was still agitated. She just had to be grossed out by me. In the theater going for our seats, I let her sit down first and then left an empty seat between us as I sat.

She said, "Don't be silly!" got up and moved into the empty seat next to me. Then she reached over and held my hand and kept it for most of the movie. At a certain point she leaned over and rested her head on my shoulder.

"I love you, April," I whispered.

"I love you too big brother."


So I had a happy home once again, happier than I had ever known before. To this I owed a debt of thanks to my old roommate for moving out-- and in with my now ex-girlfriend. It turns out that one of the ugliest events of my adult life cleared the way for me to have a home with April, for however long she chose to stay.

A few blissful days went by and no mention of the porn incident came up, until late one night just as we finished a TV program together.

I got up to go to bed and April asked softly, "Are you going to look at those pictures now?"

I stopped. I knew exactly what pictures she was talking about.

When she didn't receive an answer, she continued, "It's all right if you do. I know that men like pictures of women and that you're a young, healthy male and not just my brother."

"Then you know that young, healthy males don't talk about certain things with their sisters," I said sternly, or at least as stern as I could be with April.

She ignored this and continued. "Something from my church group made me think about those pictures and I just wanted to ask you...questions and stuff. I know this may be weird for you."

Shit! This sounded bad. Was she going to talk to me about my eternal soul? I sat down and steeled myself for a conversation I didn't want to have.

Instead, it took a very different turn.

"Pastor Joe was talking about obedience and how it's the woman's duty to please her husband. Do women have to let their men do that? Is that normal?"

I was a bit confused. "What do you mean?"

She hesitated. "That stuff... that sticky stuff on their faces. That was sperm, wasn't it?"


"Pastor Joe talks a lot about a wife's duties. Would I have to-- do that-- if I ever got married?"

"No, of course not. You can say no to anything you're not comfortable with." My indignation with this this Pastor Joe character was quickly overtaking my embarrassment. "What kind of crap was he telling you?"

"There was a lot about obedience and modesty and faithfulness. And obedience. That was the biggest thing." She gave a rueful smile, then asked "Do you like doing that?"

Oh God, back to me and my porn. "Well, I'm kind of busted. Truth is I haven't done it myself yet, but yeah, I like to watch it," I admitted reluctantly.

"I've heard girls talk about it, it seems a lot of guys ask for it," she said. "Why do they like it so much?"

I did't know if I should even try to answer, but April seemed truly curious and not judgmental. "I think a big part of it is it's a marking-my-territory type of thing and the feeling of power that brings."

"Oh. Does that mean guys only want to do it with a special person?"

I suppressed a laugh. "No, I don't think most guys are picky at all."

"What about you?"

I paused. I didn't know how much I should tell her, if anything. Finally I said, "I'll just say I'd enjoy it most with someone who cared for me and was glad to make me happy and not think I was a perv."

"God, Tom, I know you're not a perv! A perv is a weird creepy guy and that's not you at all." She seemed offended that I might have put myself down.

"Thanks. I did have someone freak out once when I brought the subject up. That really sucked."

"Then that girl was an idiot."

"I wish you were there to argue my case for me," I blurted out. "I mean, no, it's not that I'd want you to be there, I mean you shouldn't be there. it's just that you're sweet and you're great..." I trailed off awkwardly.

She giggled. "You're the sweet one. It's ok that you like it. It's kind of naughty, but it's not a sin, I mean it's not premarital intercourse."

She squeezed my hand and got very quiet for a moment. "Tom?"


"Could I look at those pictures again?"

I fumbled for a response. "What? You know there's lots of stuff out there-- the internet--yon can find all kinds of things."

"Gosh, I know that. I don't want to wade through a whole bunch of gross stuff."

I responded tentatively. "You didn't think those pictures were gross?"

"Well I was shocked, I wasn't expecting that at all. But thinking about it, it was just faces and-- you know- cum." She reddened adorably, "And-- oh yeah-- maybe a penis or two."

"So you want to see them again?"

She nodded. "I'm kind of curious-- and I feel so stupid about these things. Like there's a whole adult world out there and I'm still just a little kid. l don't way to feel that way anymore."

I thought it over. I should be the last one to judge her for being curious. I went and got my laptop from the kitchen and put it on the TV tray near the sofa. I found a slideshow with facial screen shots and clicked it open for her. Then I got up to leave and give her some privacy.

"Tom?" she said. I stopped. "Please don't go. I want to look at them with you here. It makes me feel safer."

This was beginning to be an out-of-body experience. My sister finds my porn. Instead of being freaked out, she's her sweet, curious self. And now she wants to check out this secret, hidden, dirty world that I enjoy.

I slowly sat back down, not too close to her but not all the way at the end either. She moved the TV tray to her side near me and scooched closer.

She clicked on the slideshow to make it full screen and first up was a smiling blonde with lines of cum crossing her cheeks and up onto her forehead. I heard April draw in her breath then exhale as she studied it carefully. She began to click through the photos one by one, sometimes backtracking to an earlier one.

"Some of them have a lot more stuff- you know- cum on their faces than others. Do some guys make more than others?"

"Yes, that can be a difference. But also guys produce more at different times. If you've just-- you know-- finished, you won't be able to produce as much for a while yet."

She clicked to one particularly messy pic. "This guy really puts out a lot."

I glanced at that one and recalled the video. "I think that's from more than one guy."

"Oh my gosh I never thought of that. See how dumb I am?"

"April, please, you're not the least bit dumb. It's just a new thing for you."

She nodded and sighed, "I know" and went back to the slideshow. Soon a screen shot came up that I'd taken from a bukkake video. She drew in her breath at the sight of the cum-drenched starlet.

I felt myself blush furiously and looked away from the pic and my poor sister.

"Wow. Oh wow." I expected a question or an expression of disgust but April just gave a bit of shake of the head and said, "I don't think I could take that much."

I'd been both embarrassed and excited, but at this I instantly became rigid. She can't take that much means she can take some? My baby sister is sitting next to me, looking at pictures of messy facials and thinking about taking one herself?!

As she continued her exploration she leaned to her side up against my shoulder and snuggled in.

Near the end, she got to a slide that stopped her short and which I was sure would send her flying out of the room and away from me. The cum-covered girl in this slide was a just a bit older, mid-20s perhaps-- but otherwise was the spitting image of my own little sister! And no, she wasn't spitting (or swallowing) but was sweetly smiling with her head tilted back as streaks of cum decorated her face and hair.

I felt a shudder run through April's body-- or maybe it was mine. But she didn't move away, if anything she snuggled in a little closer. I glanced at her and I thought I saw a faint smile around her lips.

"Hmmm," she exhaled. After giving the pic a long look she clicked ahead only to find a series of photos with the same girl. "I see my brother has a favorite," she giggled.

Some were different shots from the same session; others were from other photo shoots. Then, at the very end was a series of shots I remembered well-- the girl with her mouth wide open and tongue extended, then with a load of white cum on her tongue, then her mouth closed and cheeks full, then just sitting quietly, cheeks no longer full, and finally one with her mouth open and empty.

April clicked back and forth through this series several times as if figuring it out and then confirming her suspicions. She then clicked back to the very first picture of her twin and left it up.

Very softly I heard April. "You can do that to me if you want."

Time stopped. I couldn't breathe. "What?"

"You can do that if you want. On my face."

"April, you can't...you don't...I wouldn't," I trailed off.

"It's ok, it's not like it's premarital intercourse. It wouldn't be a sin. It's something you want and I could give it to you... Then we'd both be happy."

She clicked back to the end of the slideshow, to the photo of her twin with her mouth full of cum. "I think I could do that too. Please be patient with me though."

"April, we can't..."

"Oh my God, I'm freaking you out right now, aren't I? Please don't be mad."

"I'm not mad. It's just that I couldn't...I could never use you that way."

She reached over and touched my cheek with her hand. "But I want you to... I want us to do it together. That's not being used. I'm happy and safe with you, and if anything that would make me feel happier and safer."

I had no coherent reply. She hugged me. "I want you to be happy too, big brother. I know you need to think about it. Just know that I really want to do this for you." And with that she went off to bed, while I just stood there, stunned.


I couldn't sleep that night. Part of me felt like a kid waiting for Christmas morning and part felt like I was about to jump off a cliff. I worried about how things could go wrong, but I also knew that there was zero chance I would turn her down.

What happened that next morning was: nothing. We didn't talk about it. April was more cheerful and adorable than ever and seemed to have an extra shot of confidence. As that day and the next couple of days went on, April, without saying anything directly, made it clear that she expected this to happen. She'd give me little kisses and smiles and touches of the hand. To me this affection, above and beyond what we'd had before, was as if I had been dying of thirst and had finally reached an oasis. I was afraid to do anything to jeopardize it and thus I couldn't take the initiative to either deny or to give her the facial she was asking for.

Near the end of that week I was driving home and noticed some wildflowers in a field. I remembered being in the car with the family when we were young and how April always noticed things like that and pointed out how pretty they were. I pulled over, got out, and in my business suit ventured into the muddy field to pick flowers. For a vase I used a tall disposable coffee cup.

I came in the door and April bounded up to me in her usual good mood and gave me a hug and a kiss. She was wearing a cute sun dress that showed off her legs and petite figure. Never had I seen her more sweet and adorable.

I'd had the flowers behind my back, and when she let go I handed to them to her. "I was driving and saw these and I thought of you," I said awkwardly. As she took the coffee cup bouquet, tears welled up in her eyes.

"You are always so thoughtful and sweet," the words tumbled out. "Thank you for being so good to me."

"April, you're the most important person in my life and I love you."

She put the flowers on the table, and melted into my arms. I held her tight and stroked her hair and her back as we swayed back and forth together. She rested her head against my chest and I kissed the top of it. She looked up at me and our eyes met and held and I leaned in to her and we kissed. And then we kissed again and I felt her lips part and our tongues began to explore each others' mouths. My hands dropped to her bottom and I squeezed it through the thin material of her dress.

We made our way to the couch, kissing and fondling each other as my suit jacket dropped to the floor. I ran my hands through her hair, her beautiful hair, and worked my way across her breasts.

We broke apart and looked at each other, practically panting. "April," I said as I reached out and took her right hand in mine. I slowly brought it towards me, turned it palm down and pressed it against the bulge in my trousers. I let go and April began to squeeze my bulge- my hard cock- through my pants and kept squeezing and rubbing, squeezing and rubbing. I was enjoying the most erotic, mind-blowing scene of my life, but quickly realized I needed to stop her if I wanted it to continue.

I stopped her gently and then took hold of a pillow and laid it on the floor at her feet. She looked at it and then back at me and I nodded.

"Stand up," whispered April. "Please? Then I'll get down on my knees for you."

I stood up and we both kicked our shoes off before I stood in front of her, fully erect although still sheathed. She held my gaze as she dropped to her knees and reached for my belt. As she began to unbuckle it, she looked up at me and said, "Tom, are you ready to cum on my face? I want you to do it, I'll make you so happy."

"Yes, April, yes. You'll give me your whole face?

"Yes, it's all yours. Cum wherever you need to, wherever you want."

We worked together to get my pants and underwear off and out of the way and for the first time she could see and touch my bare erection. She ran her fingers along it, up and down, before putting her hand around it and began to gently, tentatively tug on it.

"April," I groaned. "You turn me on so much."

She stroked me more and more firmly. "I do? You like the way I'm touching you?" She smiled.

"God, yes."

"Do you want me to put it in my mouth?," she asked innocently as her hand moved. "Or should I kiss it maybe?"

"Kiss it please. Yes, kiss it."

She leaned forward and for the first time ever, pressed her sweet lips to the head of my cock and gave it a gentle kiss. Her mouth moved lower down the side of my shaft and gave another kiss. Then, another one underneath the shaft and then a fourth kiss coming back up the other side.

Just a little bit of touching in this amazing encounter with my sister was going to be too much.

April? I'm going to cum."

I backed away as April shifted around and looked a little uncertain. "What do I do?"

"Just wiggle down a bit lower on your butt... that's it."

I reached out and gently guided her chin up slightly and gazed down at her eager face, her lips slightly parted, now perfectly presented for me.

"April, I'm going to cum all over your pretty face."

"I'm ready now," she breathed. "Cum on my face. Please..."

I stroked my cock in front of my 18 year-old sister, inches from her face, and groaned as I began to cum. My first stream hit April on the left side of her face, landing up along her cheek, past her eye and into her hair. She flinched and turned away, presenting me with the clean, untouched side of her face. I shot another stream of cum on that cheek and near her eye, mirroring the first one. She turned her cum-covered face back to face me directly and held her ground as my third stream of cum landed dead center on her forehead and stretched down along her nose.

She was smiling and gasping-- "Oh my. Oh God," as my last few spurts arced through the air and landed on her cheeks, nose, lips and chin. I paused and breathing hard, shook my cock and one last gob of cum flew out and landed right between her eyes.

As she knelt there glistening in cum, I cautiously began to rub my cock over and around her mouth and chin. Her lips parted and closed around the head and she sucked gently for a few seconds before I pulled back and collapsed onto the couch, totally drained and awestruck by what had just happened.

April remained quietly on her knees as I saw my cum drip down along her face, some of it forming strings hanging off her chin, then breaking and falling into her lap.

She tried to blink. "I don't think I can open my eyes."

"It's ok honey, I'll get you cleaned up."

"But I have to pose for you first," she said.

"Huh?" I was confused.

"Like in your pictures."

It struck me that she assumed we weren't done yet and that I wanted to stand back and admire the facial I had just given her.

I was more than happy to tell my beautiful cum-covered sister, "Come forward just a bit. Let me take a good long look at you."

She smiled and slid forward, proudly presenting her messy face to me. I took my time admiring my handiwork, and I asked her to turn her face back and forth so I could see and enjoy it all.

She smiled and tossed her hair from side to side as she angled her face for me. Finally she relaxed and sat back and we both remembered to breathe.

"April, would you like to taste it?"

She hesitated, then gave a quick nod.

I took a small glob of cum and held my finger up to her lips. She sucked it off.

"That's not too bad," she commented. Then her pink tongue poked out and licked a bit off her upper lip. She giggled. "What would my Bible group think if they could see me now with my face covered in my brother's cum?"

"I don't know what they would say, but the guys would be jealous."

I helped her up onto her feet and lead her into the bathroom. She carefully pushed away the cum from her eyes, and blinked rapidly until she was finally able to keep them open.

She breathed in. "Wow, that was different," she laughed. Leaning forward, she gazed into the mirror and studied her first ever facial. "You really got me. You shot so much and spread it around so nicely." She turned, tilted her head and posed for me one more time with a happy smile. "How do I look?"


After a few more moments of looking herself over, she said, "I guess you can clean me up now."

I ran a washcloth under warm water and wrung it out. Starting with her forehead, I gently ran the cloth all over her face, making sure to get every stray drop. I carefully plucked some cum out of her hair and even tried to clean some off of her dress.

As I finished I gently ran my fingertips all over her face, especially along her forehead and eyebrows, and she was purring contentedly.

"Will you clean me up so nicely every time you cum on my face?" April asked.

"If you're polite I will," I said cockily.

"What do you mean?"

"A polite little sister always says 'please' and 'thank you.'"

"But I did say please..." she said before the light flashed on and her face broke out into that dazzling smile.

"Thank you for cumming on my face big brother!"

What do you say to your little sister the morning after you've blown your load on her face for the first time?

In my case, I think I just smiled like a goofball.

"It's nice to see my brother looking so happy and rested!" was the greeting I got from April at breakfast, along with a peck on the cheek.

"I'm so lucky I get to spend the whole day with you," she continued. "I've got my list ready, I hope you don't suffer too much in following me from store to store."

April had hurriedly moved into my second bedroom after a fight with our mother, bringing only a few clothes and personal items. We were planning a full-blown expedition to get her more settled.

"Well, I'm willing to make the sacrifice for my favorite baby sister," I teased.

She smiled at the old joke-- she's my only sister, my only sibling, period.

"I'm going to get changed and I'll be ready to go in about a half hour," she said. "Is that good for you?"

"No problem."


Mall traffic and crowded stores be damned, I was getting to spend time with my favorite person in the world. A sweet and adorable girl who just happened to be my 18 year-old sister-- and who had discovered my love of facials and responded by offering her face up to me.

How could anyone look that fetching in simple jeans and a t-shirt? Somehow the t-shirt and bra underneath perfectly presented her shapely breasts without being in any way vulgar or showy. They were round, firm, and delicious, lifted and separated perfectly.

But it was really the jeans and the way they shaped April's pert, perfect ass that kept me hypnotized. The ass that I had just oh-so-briefly squeezed and caressed for the first time and was now just fingertips away, as I followed her through racks of clothing and down aisles of home goods.

What took her sexiness to another level is that she was totally unselfconscious. Whether it was the swing of her hips as she walked, or how she'd stand up on tippy toes to reach for an item on a shelf, or how she'd bend over to take a closer look at something, she seemed completely unaware of how much she was turning me on.

I used an old-fashioned word-- fetching-- to describe April, but there's another eight letter f-word that's even more fitting: fuckable.

So I spent my whole day fighting through crowds and waiting in lines with my adorable, fuckable sister. It was one version of heaven.


We had a quick, casual, important conversation as we waited in line for the register at the first store.

"Let me help you out with this," I offered, reaching for my wallet.

She stopped me, surprisingly forcefully. "You're sweet but I need to pay my own way."

"Can you afford everything you need?"

"I've been saving up for a security deposit for a long time so I wouldn't have to stay with Mom. I'm using some of it now."

I contemplated that. "Well, I know somewhere you can live where you don't need one anyway."

There was a brief pause.

She didn't make eye contact when she responded. "I like that place. That's where I want to be."

"Then that's settled."

"I'll be able to pay rent too once I get organized."

"Get whatever you need now. All the rest can be worked out later."

So April bought lots and lots of stuff and I contentedly carried it all out to the car.

I did insist on treating for dinner and we relaxed and enjoyed ourselves at the Cheesecake Factory before heading home-- to our home.


After unloading everything from the car, bringing it in and then getting it at least semi-organized, we collapsed on the couch in front of the TV.

April had brought a blanket over, and she drew it over us as we cuddled together.

After a bit, she stood up, took the blanket and put it over herself as she laid down with her feet in my lap and her head at the far end.

"Would you rub my feet for a bit like you used to?"

I'd almost forgetten about that. Years earlier, I had occasionally rubbed her feet and she loved the attention. We were caught doing it one time and a parental freakout occurred, even though it was truly innocent. I think our parents just didn't get the concept of family members who actually liked each other and showed affection.

She had socks on and I left those on as I stroked and massaged her feet. She squirmed a bit and made happy little noises.

I was holding one foot, when her other foot found its way into my lap and began to gently rub my crotch area. I let that continue as I worked on her other foot.

"I'm so comfy I think I'll just spend the night here. Tom, could you tuck me in?" April asked.

I stood up, steered her feet back to the couch and covered them with the blanket. I then moved up by her head and tucked the blanket in just under her chin. Her arms were underneath, leaving just her sweet, sleepy face exposed.

I was standing right by her head and she could see the bulge in my pants.

She blinked as she looked up at me. "Take it out...please?"

I unzipped and brought out my hard, aching cock. It had had a long, hard day of gazing at her ass without relief.

"Stroke it for me."

I began to slowly stroke my cock directly in front of her face.

"Turn sideways so I can see the whole thing."

I turned to the side and showed off my full erection for her. I stroked faster and more steadily. Her eyes were locked on my cock.

"Ooh, it looks so nice. It's so smooth and pretty."

"Can a cock be pretty?" I grunted as I stroked it in front of her.

"Mmm...yes. My brother has a pretty cock and he lets me play with it." She brought her hand out from under the blanket and reached for me. I let go of my grip and I felt her fingers gently run up and down the shaft and around the head.

"Tom, my face is ready for you," she said as she caressed my cock.

"It's yours any time. You can walk up to me and cum on my face whenever you want. You can ask or warn me if you like, or you can just step up and do it."

I groaned as she languidly stroked me. "April, I want to come all over your face every day."

"Yes, please. I want to do it outside too," she said sleepily. "I know it's naughty, but I want to do it outdoors and in public too."

"Oh God, I want you!" I turned to face her.

"Tom? Put it in my mouth," she said, forming a perfect circle with her open mouth.

I leaned forward and bracing myself with both hands on top of the couch, slid my cock into her warm, wet mouth.

She sucked and slurped on the head like a lollipop. Seeing and feeling her lips close around it, alternating with her tongue swirling all over it, brought me right to the edge in no time.

"April, your mouth feels so good!"

"Mmm...," she replied as she slurped.

"Tell me you want my cum!"

She pulled my cock out with a pop. "I want your cum so bad. Give it to me. Please!"

I reached down and tucked her back in under the covers, leaving her face vulnerable and nicely presented for me.

My sister watched with big eyes as I stroked away, inches from her face. Finally my cock erupted and rained down gobs of cum all over her pretty face. She took it all in with a beautific smile.

"Thank you, that's so nice," she murmured, as she ran her fingers through the cum on her face. I wiped my cock off in her hair and stepped back to admire her. The sight of my white cum splattered across her cute features and perfect skin was the finest work of art I'd ever seen.

Exhilarated and exhausted, I went to the bathroom to clean myself up and to get her a wet washcloth. When I got back to the couch she was sound asleep. I debated on whether to wake her up to clean her, or to leave her as is. I ended up leaving April asleep on the couch with her face still covered in my cum. I left the the washcloth in sight, gave her a gentle kiss on her sticky forehead, and went to bed.


After that, it was open season on April's face, with her enthusiastic consent.

I'd give one word, one gesture, or one look and she'd obediently drop to her knees in front of me. More than once I entered a room and she was already kneeling or lying face up, waiting for me. I felt like the King of Sweden.

It quickly became normal to see her studying, working, or relaxing with fresh cum across her face, or dried cum on her cheeks and in her hair. It was almost odd to see her with a clean, unmarked face-- it seemed like only a transitional phase until her next facial.

It's fair to say that April initiated many or most of these facials. Only once did she raise any objection to my demands.

It was a Sunday night and April was leaving to meet her church group, which explained the conservative blouse, pleated skirt, and stockings. Her hair was pulled back and held in place with barrettes and she was carrying her Bible.

She was literally out the front door when I reached out, grabbed her by the wrist and pulled her back inside.

"What's the matter, Tom?" she asked with concern.

I let go of her, closed the door, turned back to her and reached for my zipper.

A bemused smile played on her face. "You're going to make me late! Can't you wait until later for your fun?"

I shook my head as I looked her up and down. "No."

"Oh gosh, do my church clothes turn you on?" she said in mock censure. "You are being such a bad boy."

"Yes, and you are such a good girl, so prim and proper and sexy in your church clothes."

She couldn't fight back a smile and put her Bible down on an end table.

"You really think this is sexy?" she asked as she gave me a twirl, her skirt swirling up and giving me a glimpse of thigh just above her stockings.

"You have no idea." I said, taking my cock out of my pants.

"Well, it looks like my big brother really needs me," she said with an exaggerated sigh. She kicked off her shoes, dropped to her knees, and arranged her skirt carefully before looking up at me and smiling.

I was already stroking myself at full speed.

"Oh my, you're close already, aren't you?"

She glanced down at herself and said, "Oh no! Stains will never come out of this blouse!" But she didn't move. "Keep it on my face, okay Tom? Do your best."

I had a sudden inspiration. I reached over and handed her the Bible. "Hold this up under your chin. That'll help protect your clothes."

She instinctively took it and held it sideways with both hands, just under the lovely face she was willlingly presenting to me.

"What's going to happen now, April?" I asked as I stroked myself.

"My big brother is going to cum on me!"

"That's so wrong, isn't it? A big brother cumming all over his sweet baby sister."

"It's naughty. It's very naughty. But it's not a sin."

"April, confess something," I panted. "Confess that you want me to cum all over your face."

"I do! I want you to cum all over me! Please!"

I groaned, stepped closer, and unloaded all over her face. Two powerful streams hit her high on her forehead and ricocheted, splattering all over her cheeks and up into her hair. Two or three smaller blasts landed on her nose and chin.

Her face was an absolutely beautiful mess, dripping with my cum. "Thank you, Tom." She blinked, trying to look down at herself. "How are my clothes?" she asked anxiously. "Are they okay?"

She held perfectly still as I carefully inspected her.

"Your clothes are good, but you need to clean this off," I said, tapping her Bible, which sure enough, was now splattered with sperm.

"Lick it clean," I said with an evil grin.

She was breathing heavily with my cum still running down her face. She glanced up at me and back down at the Bible in a bit of a daze before snapping out of it.

April carefully adjusted her grip on the Bible, and then, taking nice long strokes, began to lick it clean. I'll never forget seeing her pink tongue gliding along the Book, collecting my sperm, and swallowing it down.

When she had cleaned it thoroughly from end to end, she jumped to her feet and dashed into the bathroom for a quick clean up. When she came out and headed for the door, I couldn't help asking, "You're still going to church?"

She gave me a smile. "I just licked my brother's cum up off of a Bible. Of course I'm going to church!" And with a turn of the knob she was gone.


I was caught up in a amazing whirlwind of a new sex life with my sister. I had never felt so alive every instant of my life.

What kept me grounded and somewhat sober was my love and concern for her. I knew if this needed to end for her sake, I would willingly do it. I was alert for signs that she might be unhappy or feeling used, but for the life of me, I could only see a beautiful, sweet girl maturing into a happy, self confident young woman.

I had yet to see her naked and had barely touched her in a sexual way, despite the otherwise intense, orgasmic part of our relatioship. I was dying to see her, touch her, kiss her, but I knew I needed to let her lead the way and set the pace.

One night she approached me and I sensed something was up.

"Tom, I've wanted to ask you something, but I've been afraid to."

"You can ask me anything, April. I'll be here for you."

"Promise you won't think less of me?"

"I promise."

"Can I give you a blowjob?" she asked shyly.

I was surprised by her hesitation and chose my answer carefully. "You don't even have to ask. We've been very close to that before, but you held back. What's been stopping you?"

She was looking at the floor, too shy to answer. Finally she looked up and said, "I've been afraid that that would make me...that it would change things. That I would stop being your sister and I'd just be a girl that does sex things to you."

"That could never happen. You're the person I respect and care about most in all the world."

She exhaled and looked as if a giant weight had come off her shoulders.

"I've wanted to do more to make you happy and that's one thing I couldn't stop thinking about," she said. "Maybe we can try it on Saturday?" She apparently needed time to prepare (this was a Tuesday).

"Of course we can. Do you need a break on this stuff until then?"

"Maybe that's a good idea, I think I've gotten a little obsessed," she said. "At school I find myself reaching out and touching the cum on my face, only there isn't any there."

"You're obsessed?!" I exclaimed. "I find myself looking at fire hydrants and stop signs and thinking that they're waiting for me to cum on them!" She laughed and all the tension dissipated.

"It sounds like we have a plan, sis. Love you!" I kissed her nose.

"Love you too."


I realized in hindsight what a big moment that was for her. Until then, what she had been doing was essentially passive-- receiving my cum. This held true even though she had initiated a lot of activity and had stroked and sucked me a bit.

Now she was declaring that she wanted to be an active lover-- my active lover-- and I was thrilled.

The next few days were great. We enjoyed each other's company as much as ever. I made sure to pay extra attention to her and she was even more affectionate towards me than before. The break did us good, and by Saturday we were both rested and ready.

After dinner I made my move. I wanted more than a blowjob, and there was something I was going to push for.

As she sat down next to me on the couch, I pulled her close and kissed her-- a passionate "I Want You!" kiss. I backed off for a second and saw that she was a bit surprised and then I went back in. I kissed her with my tongue, she opened her mouth willingly, and our tongues danced in each others' mouths. I'd pull back for a few seconds, then dive back in. We took turns sucking on each other's tongue, before I moved and started to kiss her along her neck and up to her ear. Meanwhile I squeezed her breasts through her clothes and ran my hands up and down her legs.

She was hot and moaning and responsive to my every touch. In other circumstances with other girls it would have time to undress her, pick her up, carry her into the bedroom and fuck her.

But this was April, my sister and a virgin. So I picked her up, fully clothed, carried her into my bedroom and put her on the bed. I sat next to her and held her in my arms but didn't kiss or otherwise touch her.

She was breathing heavily and seemed confused.

"April, I've been dying to kiss you and touch you like that for a long time."

"Why did you stop?"

"Because I know your virginity is very important to you, and if I didn't stop there things might have gotten out of hand."

"Dammit Tom, you need to stop taking care of me and just fuck me already!" she blurted out.

My jaw dropped. There was dead silence.

"I don't know whether to be offended or turned on. I think I'm both."

"Oh Tom, I didn't mean to yell at you. It's just..." she hesitated and then seemed to form some sort of resolution. "Here's the truth," she said firmly. "I want you. I've always wanted you. I want to be your lover and be with you and do everything with you. I never wanted other guys and I doh't want to see you with anyone else."

It was my turn to say something. Honesty seemed to be the best policy.

"April," I said gently. "I'm never going to apologize for taking care of you or at least trying to take care of you."

I looked at her and she nodded.

"Also, I'm in love with you and I want you so bad I can barely stand it."

April practically leaped at me, pressed her lips to mine and began to run her hands all over my chest.

I kissed back and then took charge.

"Take your pants off. Now!"

She unsnapped her jeans and started sliding them down her legs.

"I want to see that pussy you've been hiding from me. I want to see it and touch it and kiss it and lick it."

She sent her jeans flying across the room.

"Take off your panties and hand them to me," I demanded.

She whisked them off and obediently presented them to me.

I stretched them out in front of my face, gave them a quick kiss, and tossed them aside.

"Lie down." She did so.

"Spread your legs." She did.

"Wider!" She spread them wider.

I got down, reached underneath and took firm hold of her ass, Her sweet pink pussy was spread open before me. I was expecting that she'd be clean shaven or have just a landing strip, but a nicely trimmed triangle of hair greeted me.

I took my sweet time with my sister's virgin pussy. I kissed her mound gently before teasing her with gentle kisses on her belly and the inside of her thighs. Then I went to the bottom of her slit and began a series of long, slow licks straight upwards.

April drew in her breath and I felt her legs flex as I picked up the pace and began licking her side-to-side with the flat of my tongue. I switched to a swirling motion for a bit before diving straight in to suck on her clit.

She reached down to run her hands through my hair and gave a gentle moan.

"April, you are so my beautiful everywhere," I said as I fingered her. "Do you like it when I lick your pussy? Do you want some more?"

"Yes, Tom, yes! More please!"

I dove back in and sucked and licked, sucked and licked.

"Oh please, I'm going to...going to...ohhhh..." she wailed. Her hips began to buck till she tensed up, her head raised up off the bed and she gained her release.

She went limp. After a few moments she lifted her head and looked down at me, still happily ensconced between her legs.

"Are you going to...are we going to do it?"

"I love your pussy, I want your pussy, but I'm not going to fuck your pussy tonight."

She took that in. "Tom, you're taking care of me again, aren't you?"

"I am."

"You want to have a grown up talk about things, don't you?"


"Are we lovers? Are you all mine?" April asked.

"Yes, I'm all yours. I want only you."

"Then, yes, dear. Whatever you say."

She smiled and I moved on up to kiss her.

"I promised to give you a blowjob tonight," she murmured.

"The night is still young."

"I know you love to finish on my face, but tonight I want to try and swallow all your cum. Is that okay?"

"Yes, dear. Whatever you say."'m 25 and my sister April is 18 and she's the most admirable person I know. What I admire most about her is her positive attitude. April sees the best in people and situations and always expects things to turn out for the best. There's nothing phony or forced about it and she doesn't pretend to be immune from pain and loss. She just expects good things and is grateful when they happen.

Her positive attitude is key to the recent change in our relationship. She accidentally discovered my love of facials and instead of being judgmental and repelled, she was curious and anxious to make me happy. So she offered up her own pretty face for me to cum on.

After some hesitation, I accepted her generous offer. While I worried, she had faith that this would make us closer rather than making things strange and awkward.

She discovered that she liked the whole process— kneeling in front of me, watching me stroke myself, touching me, feeling the hot cum hit her in the face, posing for me while the cum dripped down her face, and letting me clean her up and kiss her.

Naturally, I was in heaven and soon we had settled into a nice routine of her cheerfully accepting messy facials from me on a daily basis.

Of course more sexual exploration between us was inevitable. I went down on her for the first time and she asked if she could give me a blowjob.

Now here she was on her knees, my erection bobbing in front of her face as she nervously contemplated the task of sucking me off.

April looked up and asked, "Should I start now? Are you ready, Tom?"

I looked at my sexy 18 year-old sister kneeling in front of me and nodded. "Yes. You'll be great, April. I know it."

She flashed a smile and reached out and gently took my cock in her hand. She slowly began to stroke up and down, and looked at me for encouragement.

"That's so nice April. And you know I love you no matter what."

"Being with you makes me so happy. I want to make you happy too." She began to stroke me faster as she grew in confidence.

April brushed her hair back, leaned forward and parted her lips to take in the head of my cock. She sucked me gently for a minute or so before popping up to kiss me on the lips and touch the side of my face.

"Just lie back and let me take care of you."

I tried to relax, but the situation was too exciting. She ran her hand all over my chest.

"Tell me what you like."

My cock throbbed at her implied offer. Where to start?

"I love the way you're looking up at me. Give me a lot of eye contact when you put me in your mouth."

"Like this?" she said, as she brought her face level with my erection while keeping her eyes locked on mine. She began pressing kisses all over my cock, gently at first and then more firmly. She gazed at me adorably the whole time, and then held my erection up against the side of her face. "How do I look? Do you like seeing my face next to it? She gave it a big kiss.

I could only nod. She clearly enjoyed posing next to my stiff cock. She held it for a bit, pressing it against her face, letting me look at her, and then giving a few wet kisses alternating with long slow licks. I couldn't help but twitch and groan.

"I know you love to look at me after you've given me a facial. Watch this," she said as she leaned forward and slid my cock into her warm, wet mouth. She was able to take more than half of it in and she held it there as her eyes gazed up into mine.

She posed for me, her bulging mouth stuffed with hard cock as she gently moved her head from side to side. She had a mischievous glint in her eye and and a unmistakable smile on her lips. She then drew her mouth back, brushed hair away from her face, and dove back down my cock, taking me deeper than before. "Mmmmph," she whimpered as she stared up at me lovingly.

I threw my head back. "April, suck me! Suck my cock!"

April began sucking in earnest. I watched in awe as her head began to bob up and down in a steady rhythm. I felt the warmness of her wet mouth and tongue caressing my cock and it struck me who was giving me the greatest pleasure of my life.

My sister.

This beautiful 18 year-old was my own adorable sister The sexy slurping sounds were coming from my sister. The warm mouth willingly accepting my throbbing cock, the lips that slid up and down my shaft were my sister's. The saliva and drool coating my cock and running down my balls came from my little sister's mouth.

"April, your mouth feels so good! I love being in your mouth," I groaned.

I heard a gasp of acknowledgement as she slurped on my cock and her head bobbed up and down. "That's it April! Faster, faster!"

Her hair bobbed up and down, her cheeks bulged in and out, her groans of pleasure became steadier as she willingly continued to service me with her mouth. She was bringing me to the edge and I was going to reward her with a warm load of cum.

But not just yet. I pulled out and away from April, clambered to my feet and gently took her head in my hands.

"Is this okay?" I asked. She nodded. I adjusted my stance and positioned her face in front of me, pausing with my cock at her lips.

"April, you are so amazing. I want to fuck your mouth now. Okay?" I was panting.

"Okay. Do whatever you... glumph!" I thrust my cock into her mouth, cutting her off.

Taking a firm grip on her head, I drew back and then thrust forward again, pushing in deep. She gagged and waved her hands at her sides as she struggled to take me in, before dropping them into her lap and passively allowing me to start pistoning in and out of her mouth.

She moaned and drooled as I thrust my cock repeatedly between her lips and along her tongue, hammering it up against the back of her throat. What had begun as a sweet, sensitive blowjob was now me flat-out face-fucking my sister.

She kept moaning and gurgling as I used her mouth for my own pleasure. I was frantic with lust and the ecstasy she was giving me. "April, it feels so good! You suck me so good!"

I was amazed at my 18 year-old sister's ability, with so little experience, to swallow almost my entire cock. I backed off and gave her a breather, while I determined how to get that last inch or two down her throat. She gasped a bit for air but waited patiently in place for me to continue.

I kissed the top of her head and stroked her hair before pushing forward again, looking for just the right angle as I slid into her wonderful mouth. And suddenly there it was— her last resistance was gone and her gag reflex had been conquered. April's nose was pressed up against my crotch and my entire cock was in her mouth.

I just held myself there for five, ten, fifteen seconds- I don't know how long. And then I began slowly and steadily to drill into her, until I just completely lost it and in a frenzy fucked April's mouth as fast as I could while my balls slapped her chin again and again.

I groaned as I forced out the words, "April! I am going to cum down your throat!" She gurgled a reply I couldn't understand.

I let loose and shot a powerful stream of cum that ricocheted off the roof of her mouth and down her gullet. I shot another load along her tongue and into the back of her throat. Two or three more blasts followed, filling her mouth and leaving my cock submerged in a sea of my own cum.

I was breathless and super sensitive. Then I heard a gulping sound and I swear I could feel the cum level in her mouth drop. I fired one last small spurt and then distinctly heard another gulp as all the cum around my cock disappeared.

April looked up at me proudly— she had swallowed it all like a trouper, depositing my creamy load down her throat and into her stomach. A bit leaked out and ran down her chin, but I held myself in her mouth until she had completely finished.

i released her then, not realizing how tightly I had been gripping her head. I was completely drained and slowly collapsed to the floor next to her.

"Are you okay April? Was that too much?"

She had traces of cum and spit around her lips and mouth and was panting as she recovered from my invasion of her throat.

"It was rough, but I knew you wouldn't go too far," she said. "I'm sorry I couldn't take it all in, so I know you had to do that." She smiled gamely.

"Whoa, April— you were amazing!"


"Very few women can take it all the way in and guys don't expect them to. I got carried away because you were so great. I couldn't believe it."

"So I don't have to swallow the whole thing every time?" She asked shyly.

"What you were already doing felt great and would have gotten me off too, it just takes a little longer."

She snuggled up against me. "Honestly, that's big relief. I love that you got so carried away, but that was a lot. So next time I can do it the easier way?"

"Next time you can do it however you want. It'll be wonderful. Just being with you is wonderful."

She kissed me, I kissed her back and we rested.


The rest of the evening was the calm after the storm. April was very affectionate and I tried being attentive despite being totally— but wonderfully— drained of energy.

As the evening went on, I started to regain some strength but I noticed something a little off. April seemed distracted and lost in thought. I let it go for a while because I didn't want to make a big deal out of nothing, but as it become more pronounced, I decided to speak up.

"April, something's bothering you," I said gently. "If there's something you need to say to me, I want to hear it."

She didn't try to deny it, but she was hesitant and wouldn't make eye contact.

"I don't know how to say it or even if I should," she said softly.

I sat next to her and pulled her close. She sighed and rested her head on my chest. I gently stroked her hair.

"It's all right, honey. I can take it whatever it is," I said. "If you regret anything or have any second thoughts, you can tell me." I was still worried that I had gone too far, but if so I needed to know it.

She demurred softly. "No, it's not that and I don't have any regrets about what we do."

She paused and continued. "It's about what we didn't do."

"What we didn't do?"

She couldn't quite look at me. "During our... times together... you've always finished on my face. This time you didn't."

"You didn't like it when I finished in your mouth?"

"I did like it and I did ask for it in the first place. And I loved how happy you were." She smiled shyly at me.

"You literally blew me away. That was wonderful and amazing."

"That's the problem! " she burst out.

I was kind of shocked and confused, but I held my tongue and waited for her to continue.

She took a deep breath and finally looked me in the eye. "I missed having you finish on my face. I like that, okay?"

She reddened as she looked away again. "And now you probably won't want to do it that way anymore."

"You missed me cumming on your face?" I asked wonderingly.

She exhaled and nodded.

"You would miss it if I didn't cum on your face any more?"

She nodded again.

I chose my next words carefully. "Would it help you feel better if I came all over your pretty face right now?"

She nodded vigorously this time and blushed adorably.

I stood up and moved closer.

I touched her face gently. "You're so beautiful. Your face turns me on so much."

April was still blushing.

"Cumming all over your pretty face is always going to be my first choice," I said as I eased my zipper down and pulled out my cock. "Knowing that you really like it is so amazing and hot." I stroked myself a few times.

"Rub it on my face," she whispered.

I started to rub it on her forehead and nose, but it was too dry. She stopped me and quickly sucked it a few times to cover it with her saliva.

"There. Now rub it all over my face." She tilted her head back and looked at me.

I started to run my cock all over her face and into her hair. I rubbed and gently spanked her nose, cheeks and brow. I ran it back and forth across her lips, pushed it into her mouth for more moisture, then took it out and rubbed it more firmly all over her forehead.

"Yes, that's it April. Give me your face!"

"Use my face! Take it!" she moaned.

I started to spank it harder, going back and forth from one cheek to the other.

"April, I'm going to cum all over your face! Tell me you want it!"

"I want it!"

"Tell me you like it!

"I love it! I love it when you cum on my face!"

I put it back in her mouth and began to thrust in and out.

"Your mouth feels so good! It's so warm and wet— maybe I should finish here instead," I teased.

She pulled my cock out of her mouth with a pop. "Noooo! You promised!" she mock protested.

April tilted her head back and started slapping my cock on her face. She tossed and turned her head as she did it, slapping her own face harder than I had dared to.

I towered above her, loving the sight of my younger sister on her knees worshipping my cock.

"You love it when I give you a facial, don't you? Tell me how you love it."

She spanked my cock on her face a few more times, paused, then ran her lips up and down my cock as she considered the question.

"I love that your cock is so hard and throbbing in my face. I love knowing you could explode all over me at any second. I love the feeling of your hot cum on my face."

She leaned forward, sucked me into her mouth and began bobbing up and down. I loved it but I wanted to hear more.

"How did you feel the first time I came on your face?"

She stopped and looked up at me. "I loved it. I felt wild letting you shoot your hot cum all over my face. I was being so naughty to let you do that!"

She dove back down and started sucking me again.

"Now my naughty sister lets me do that any time I want."

"Yes, that's because I'm a good naughty sister," she said, before sucking and slurping on me some more. "I have such a good brother and nobody can take care of him like I can."

April stuck her tongue out as she again began slapping my hard cock on it and against both of her cheeks, sending precum flying.

"You're going to make me cum!" I groaned. "Tell me where you want my cum!"

"On my face! On my dirty, slutty face!"

I reached for my cock, but April had an iron grip on it that she refused to yield as she knelt beneath me.

"April, you're jerking me off on your face! Oh yes, keep going!"

My cock throbbed as a stream of cum rose from balls, up my shaft and arced through the air to land on April's right cheek and up into her hair. She gasped and squeezed my cock, aiming it at herself, at her own face, while she leaned forward and caught the next stream on her forehead and in her left eye. She tossed her face from side to side, making sure to cover herself as much as possible with my hot cum. She vigorously jerked me off, covering herself with spray until she was sure she had gotten every last drop.

She finally dropped her hand to her side. Her face was a beautiful sticky mess, with streaks of cum draped in her hair and dripping down the sides of her cheeks.

"You've never done that before." I said.

"What? Taken a facial? I think I have," she laughed.

"No, I mean using your hand all the way to the end. I always did that part."

"Didn't I do I good job? How was my aim?" She giggled and touched her sticky cheek. "I think it was pretty darn good." She smiled and tilted her head back and forth, posing for me.

"You look beautiful but you missed a spot over here..." I said as I used my cock to spread cum from her cheek along the side of her face.

"And here's another one up here," I said as I smeared cum from the right side of her forehead all the way across it to the left.

April was quiet, looking up at me curiously.

I gently bopped her nose with my cock, then rubbed cum back and forth over her upper lip.

She held still and let me continue. I waited for an objection but none came. Finally she closed her eyes, let out a low moan and whispered one word.


April had completely surrendered her face to me. I growled as I marked my territory. I rubbed my cum all over her face- over her brow and forehead, down her nose, across her cheeks, on her lips and chin. I spanked my hard cock on the sides of her face, slid it into her mouth, pulled out and spanked her some more.

I had rewarded April with cum over just about every square inch of her face, but I wasn't done yet.

I held her in place with one hand in her hair, and with my still hard cock in the other, I began to firmly rub my cum into her skin. I started on her forehead and moved down to her cheeks. Like someone giving herself a facial with cold cream or moisturizer, I rubbed circles all over her face, trying to get her skin to absorb all of my cum.

I rubbed and rubbed and when I was done, my cum-smeared sister sat back and looked up at me with big eyes.

"You used my whole face."

"I did. And I enjoyed it."

"It's yours to enjoy."

"And you don't have to worry, I won't forget about traditional facials. I love seeing my cum all over you."

"That's us, the traditional facials couple," she said chirpily. We both laughed.

She hopped up and went to the mirror.

"You know what? I can still feel it and smell it." She licked her lips, "And taste it. But you can't really see it. Oh my gosh, it would be fun if we did it and then walked through the mall holding hands together."

"I am at your service, young lady."


Our first true public appearance as a (unannounced) couple came later that week.

April had resumed talking to our mother and a partial reconciliation was underway. She was hosting a birthday party for her new boyfriend and we were invited.

Neither of us was enthused to go, but an aunt and uncle we like would be there, so we decided to give it a shot.

I was ready to go before April. I dressed up a bit more than usual for the party, but my look was still basically clean and casual.

April stepped out of the bathroom and I was floored. She was absolutely stunning. All of the changes from her usual girl-next-door look were subtle but the cumulative effect was transformative.

She wore a simple off-the-shoulder black dress that was sophisticated but showed off her great figure. Her hair was down and swept back in a new way. She had never worn much makeup (and didn't need to) but she had done something that really brought out her eyes and her cheekbones.

I just stared at her. She stared back at me staring at her.

"Is something the matter?" she glanced down at herself.

"No. It's just... You are absolutely gorgeous."

She flushed a bit and her mouth moved a bit like maybe she was going to dispute that. But she stopped and kissed me on the cheek.

"I'm glad you like. And I like being with my handsome brother." She ran her hand across my chest before taking my arm as we went out to the car together.

We held hands in the car, then started rubbing and squeezing them. I kept sneaking looks at her as we fondled each other's hands. Yes, she was beautiful, yes, she had reached a new level of sophistication, yes, she was still very appropriate— but she also exuded a sexuality that a dead man couldn't miss.

I had to let go of her hand to make a turn and she dropped it onto my thigh. She gave me a little squeeze and stroked my leg two or three times. It wasn't anything aggressive, just affectionate.

But I became fully, unmistakably rock hard.

She noticed and drew in her breath. She let it out and began to stroke my leg again.

"Gosh, that came up quickly! It looks like you're about to bust out. Does it hurt?"


"We could turn around and go back home. Or if you want..." she hesitated. "I could take care of you here in the car."

"You'd take care of me here in the car if I wanted?"

"Of course. You will need to pull over first."

agreed that would be a good idea.

"And of course we can't be as messy as we usually are."

"No, that would be a problem."

"We'd have to try and be very very neat."

"Do you think you could manage that?"

"I think so, I have a little practice now." She smiled.

"What kind of practice?" I asked, knowing the answer.

"Practice with my mouth." Oh God, she was turning me on.

"It could all go there?"

"Yes. All of it."

I was so hard it really was hurting. "And then what?"

"Then I'll make it disappear."


"I'm not saying," she teased.

We were on the right street now, and I maneuvered the car well past our mother's house and pulled over near a hedge that afforded some privacy. It was dark and there was no foot traffic, but cars were passing by.

April dug something out of her purse, pulled her hair back and fastened it into a pony tail. I reclined my seat a bit and she reached for my zipper before we realized we hadn't taken our seat belts off yet. We laughed and untangled ourselves and then she unzipped me.

She leaned her head onto my shoulder looked up into my eyes as she took my cock in her hand. I stroked her cheek gently and gave her a kiss.

That was all the encouragement she needed. Down she went into my lap.

She firmly kissed the head of my cock and followed with a few quick licks along the shaft. She put her lips around the head, paused for a second, and dove down, taking my cock as far as she could into her mouth and down her throat.

What a wonderful world it is when your sister gives you a blowjob! I was soon in ecstasy watching her head bobbing up and down on my cock.

As she eagerly pleasured me I also became aware of the sounds in the enclosed environment of the car.

My sweet and proper sister loudly sucked and slurped me and was totally unselfconscious about it. Amongst the wet slurps and smacks were little whimpers and moans, and when she backed off and restarted she made the sexiest gulping sounds.

She became aware of the noises she was making and it seemed to spur her on to slurp harder and harder. She would even gag herself on my cock until she had to back off, leaving a trail of saliva, before gamely putting it back in her mouth as she kept on blowing me.

"April, you suck my cock so good! " I moaned. "You know what that makes you?"

She slid her mouth off, wiped it with the back of her hand and looked up at me.

"A cocksucker?" She seemed to contemplate it for a moment and nodded to herself. "Yes, that's what I am," she said cheerfully. She dove back down, sucked me hard and then came back up.

"Call me that."


"Call me that." She stroked me by hand and waited.

"April, I can't."

She dove down again, sucking me just as hard as before. She came back up and looked at me. "A cocksucker. That's what I am. Just for you."


"Say it." She dove down, accepting my cock deep in her throat, fighting to get every last inch down, until her nose was pressed into my pubes. She held herself there.

"April, you are a cocksucker! You are a naughty little cocksucker!

"Mmmmh," she moaned around my cock.

"And you're my sister! My sister is a cum-swallowing cocksucker!"

"Mmmph!" She was still holding the entire length of my cock in her mouth.

"You're my little cum target!"

She came back up and began furiously bobbing up and down on my cock.

"And you're going to swallow all of my cum like a good girl!"


"That's what you want isn't it?"

"Mmmh hmmm," she murmured around my cock. Then her head began rapidly moving up and down again.

I heard "slurp, slurp, slurp," and felt the warm wetness of her mouth— my sister's teenage mouth.

Then there was an explosion and I lost track of time and space.

I became dimly aware that I had been spurting and spurting. I sensed a pair of lips were still firmly attached to my cock. I heard multiple gulping sounds and then I slowly started getting back in touch with reality.

I couldn't see much in the dimly lit car. April was still sucking me, very gently now, and I was going soft.

Finally she sat up and we both fell back in our seats to catch our breath. April recovered before I did, carefully checking herself in the mirror, while I zipped up and tried to remember where the hell we were and what we were supposed to be doing.

April reapplied some lipstick, brushed her hair, and was ready, even eager, to get to the famiy party. She looked me over when I got out of the car to make sure I was good to go, and then she bounced ahead of me to the door.


I followed her to the party in a daze. Looking back, I should have been worried about a lot of things— Had anybody seen us in the car? Did we miss some telltale stain? Could anyone tell we were now a couple?

None of that proved to matter. April was the obvious center of attention, and for my self-involved family, that's saying something.

Her beauty, her new sophistication, her self-possession and confidence just blew the room away. She's usually outgoing anyway, but she seemed to chat with, amuse, laugh with and brighten up everyone there.

I was happy but surprised in how animated she was, and so were Harry and Joan, my aunt and uncle (they're two of the good ones).

"I wonder what's gotten into her?" asked Harry to the two of us.

Joan replied instantly. "Isn't it obvious? She's in love. Has she met someone, Tom?"

"No one new," I answered honestly.


I brought up what they'd said with April on the car ride home.

"Aunt Joan is very perceptive," she laughed. "But that wasn't the only reason I felt so great."


She leaned over closer to me and almost whispered although we were alone in the car.

"I could still taste you. I was surrounded by everybody and I could taste you and nobody knew and it was amazing."

She put her hand between her legs and squeezed her thighs together.

I could see that my little sister would need her big brother's full care and attention when we got home.

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