Unduh Aplikasi
96.02% Taboo Incest sex stories / Chapter 3937: 2

Bab 3937: 2

A few days later, I was lounging around in front of the TV. I had sort of been avoiding mum after the whole trying to make out with her thing. It was difficult as I'd still been needed to help her to the bathroom and prepare meals for us both. While it was a little awkward to start with, the silences didn't last long, we were talking, not quite as openly as before, but still, bearable. I was half way through an episode of some sitcom, when the doorbell went. Usually I'd make my 'I'll get it' joke, but didn't think we were quite back there yet. I got up and went to the door. Stood on the doorstep was Beth, carrying 2 bags over both her shoulders.

'Hi Beth, can I get that for you?' I reached out as she shrugged off a bag and offered it to me.

'Thanks stud,' she said with a smirk on her face. She stepped in past me, usually we'd make small talk as we made our way to mum's room, but today she stood in the hallway and turned towards me. 'So, how was date night?' She asked with a broad smile across her face.

'Err, it was good, thanks.... why?' I realised I was a little too fast and defensive with the question.

'Oh, no reason, I spoke to your mum yesterday, she said she had fun and you were a proper gent,' she smirked up at me. Had mum told her about the kiss? No, why would she do that? I'd be mortified if she told anyone else, there's no way she'd do that to me. She stood there holding her bag, like she was waiting for something more. I smiled back at her like a gormless loon.

'Yeah, she said you were the consummate gentleman and even... kissed her goodnight,' the statement hung in the air, the smile slowly left my face, to be replaced by widening eyes and blushed cheeks. I could feel face burning, I started stumbling for something to say but Beth cut me off.

'Haaa, don't worry stud, your secret is safe with me, Scout's honour I won't say a word,' she held up 3 fingers by her shoulder in a mock salute. Trying to gain some composure I said,

'You weren't a scout!' To which she just giggled. 'Look Beth, it was nothing, I kissed her goodnight, usually I kiss her cheek, but it was like a date night thing, so I gave her a peck on the lips, I have no idea why she even brought it up with you, it was nothing.' I blurted out. Thinking about it, I probably sounded a little more desperate and over defensive, in a 'the lady doth protest too much, methinks' way, than I intended!

'Don't be silly,' she said, 'I think it's beautiful and you are an amazing son. Your mum is lucky, and she knows it.' She looked directly into my eyes, the smile had gone, she looked genuinely sincere. My face contorted into a quizzical expression, my lips pursed to the left side of my mouth and I raised my left eyebrow.

'Oh yeah?'

'Yes,' she said, her tone hushed. 'Look, let me finish up with your mum, then I want to have a talk with you. I haven't got anyone else to see today, so when I'm done, I'll shut her door and you can stick the kettle on and let's have a chat over a cuppa, OK?' My expression hadn't changed, I was wondering what she could possibly want to talk to me about, but I agreed and she walked off towards mum's room.

I sat back in the lounge, going over the conversation I'd just had, trying to fathom what Beth wanted to sit down and talk to me about. We'd never done it before, sure I'd talked to her but usually around mum and they were usually digging fun at me. Every now and again I would hear them both laughing, it made me self conscious. Were they laughing at me in there? Was mum telling her more stuff about me and having a big joke at my expense?

About an hour or so later, I heard her saying her goodbyes, so as promised, I got up and made my way to the kitchen. I flicked the kettle on got a couple of mugs out to make tea. I heard the bedroom door clunk shut and Beth appeared in the kitchen, clutching her bags. She hung them over a chair and sat down as I waited for the kettle to finish boiling.

'Your mum is an absolute hoot, I feel like I've known her forever,' she said as she slid into a chair.

'Funny, she says the same about you,' I replied.

'Really? Ha, cool. You know with this job I come across allsorts and I've only really been able to be this open and honest with maybe 1 other client and she's become a very good friend to me too. I love coming here and spending time with your mum, she's great,'

'I know, I can hear' I said smiling, as I finished up making the tea, 'sugar?' I asked, 'no thanks, I'm sweet enough', she replied. I smiled at the terrible, age old joke and turned towards her and brought the mugs over to the table and sat opposite her. 'So what do you want to talk to me about?' I asked.

'Oh nothing really, just wanted to have a chat,' we both took a sip from our mugs, looking at each other. Beth smiled as she set her mug down. She reached over and took my hand in both hers.

'Look Jake, just be honest with me, I promise absolutely no judgement here,' she paused, I waited. 'Do you want to fuck your mum?' The world seemed to stop moving, time slowed down, I was stuck in this moment, my mouth hanging open. How. The. Fuck did she know?! A few seconds had passed and I hadn't replied. I was shocked she'd asked the question, my head was spinning. 'Jake? You look scared! Don't worry, be calm, I'm just asking a question, do you want to have sex with your mother?'

I pulled my hands away from her. 'Wha-? NO I don't... I mean, why would..... what the.... What a ques-... why, wh-... I mean, has she said.... look Beth, I think...'

My heart was pounding, I could hear my heartbeat pulsing in my ears. I had NOT expected THAT question! I still couldn't form any coherent sentences, just the odd word strung together, I was stuttering, umming and arring.

'OK, breathe! Calm down,' she leaned forward and pulled my hands back to the middle of the table, where she could sit back down while still holding them, she was smiling at me. 'It's OK, trust me, I want to help.' This whole conversation had stumped me, but I had my legs completely swept from under me, if I'd been standing up, I'm sure I would have collapsed on myself.

'Wh- wh-what? What did you say?'

'Haha, you're cute when you're flustered.' She looked like she was thinking for a second, then it seemed as if a decision had been made in her head. She let go of my hands and fished out her phone. She held it to her chest and looked me in the eye.

'OK, I'm going to show you something, but I want you to understand, the only reason I'm showing you this, is because I want you to know something about me that if I were to tell anyone about you and your mum, you could tell someone about this and ruin my life. This is big, so I'm only going to show you if you're honest with me from this point on, understand?'

I did not understand, I had no clue what she was on about. She looked down at her phone and started tapping away. She put the phone on the table and I watched her enter a pattern, even upside down this wasn't difficult to decipher. It was a 'B', starting at the 7, sliding up to the 1, across to the 3, down to the 6 across to the 4, back to the 6, down to the 9 and back to the 7. I could see she went to her secure folder and tapped on an image. She turned the phone and slid it towards me.

'Hit play,' she said, then put her hands in her lap and looked down. I picked up the phone and hit the large triangle on the screen. The image came to life, the phone was shaky and blurry and I couldn't quite work out what I was looking at, at first, then the image focused and I was looking at the top of someone's head, bobbing back and forth on a huge black cock. Then the woman looked up and it was Beth, looking directly into the camera, making eye contact with me, with a black cock in her mouth, she smiled, her left hand stroking it as she held the guys tip in her mouth and sucked it like a lollipop, her wedding ring clearly visible. I looked up in shock, but she was still looking down at her hands. She was giving this guy an unbelievable sloppy blow job. I wanted to turn the volume up, but a sneaky plan entered my head.

I stopped the playback and it went back to the gallery, I saw there was about 20 other images in her secure gallery. I knew if I wanted to send these to myself, first I'd need to get them back to her gallery, so I highlighted them all, hit the 3 dots in the top right, hit 'Remove From Secure Folder', the security pattern popped up, I quickly put her 'B' in and they all disappeared. In my peripheral vision I could see she had looked up at me, I held my mouth open looking at the screen as if I was still watching her sucking a black cock, I chanced looking at her, then back to the phone. I stealthily went to her gallery, found the movies, highlighted them all and hit 'share'. A box popped up asking how I wanted to share them, I chose email and tapped in my address and hit send. A notice came up, 'files too big to go in one email', so I copied and cut a load of them and opened a 2nd email, putting my email address in again. Still no joy, luckily I was fast on phones like this, it took 7 emails to send all the files. Jeez, they must be big! There was 24 files in total. I hit send on them all, within a minute the emails had gone. I looked at Beth again. She looked genuinely worried and vulnerable at this point.

'I know right,' she said, she looked down again, 'Obviously that isn't my husband,' I said nothing, managing to send the files all back into the secure file, I was now in her Gmail, in 'sent items' deleting the email I'd sent to myself. Just had to get back into the secure file and open the movie and she'd be none-the-wiser. I started playing another movie.

'Are they all like this?' I asked, she looked over at me and made a grab for her phone.

'What do you mean all, you cheeky bastard are you looking at another one?'

'Ha, of course, there's loads on here! Are they all with the same guy?' I asked. She sat back in her chair, she knew the damage had been done, so it didn't matter if I'd seen more than one clip.

'No,' she said, looking down at her hands again. I took one last look at her phone as she was on all fours in front of the black guy, he was easing his cock into her. I leaned forward and handed her back her phone, looking chivalrous, but knowing I'd have a fun evening tonight watching Beth get fucked. She took her phone back with a meek smile on her face. I guess it's true what they say, looks can be decieving! Beth didn't look innocent per se, but you would never guess this nurse loved cheating on her husband with black guys with huge cocks!

'So, you see, whatever we say here today, is just between the 2 of us, I have no intention of ruining your life because I've showed you movies of me cheating on my husband, so I know, if I say anything, you can, in turn, ruin MY life. I love my husband and would die if he ever found out,'

'So, why do you cheat on him, if you don't mind me asking?' I interrupted.

'Honestly, I don't know. I really DO love him, but I cheated before our 1st wedding anniversary and I've pretty much been regularly cheating since. He's a lovely guy and I don't want to hurt him, but he's just not up to it in the bedroom, the first 6 months of our marriage, you know, the time when we should be doing it like rabbits, we had sex maybe 10 times and it was fine, but not mind blowing earth shattering sex. Then I met this guy at the gym, one thing led to another, and I ended up in the showers of the men's changing room late one day. There were still a couple of guys in there changing after their workout. They had no idea I was in a stall with this guy getting fucked and having some of the best sex of my life. I guess the fear of getting caught was a massive turn on, oh and he had a massive dick,' she chuckled, looking off reminiscing with herself. After a hazy moment, her eyes refocussed on me, 'It's just sex with the other guys, well,most of the time', again, she looked off, trying to stifle a smile, but failing, 'I mean, I love my husband and that will never change, but sometimes the guy I'm with might want to assert his dominance and tell me, like, he owns me now or, if I want his dick again I have to stop having sex with my husband, yada yada yada, I happily play along, but they don't realise, I barely have sex with him anymore by his choice anyway, he hardly touches me, let alone fucks me, seriously,' she gestured at herself, 'my husband doesn't want to have sex with this all the time!' She put her elbows on the table, made fists and plonked them under her chin, she looked like a bratty child for a second. 'I'm lucky if we have sex 3 or 4 times a year.... the other guys just help keep me sane'. Her hands dropped to the table again and that far off, hazy expression returned with the mischievous smile.

I wanted to ask her a ton of questions and hear more about how she cuckolds her husband on a regular basis, but suddenly, her expression cleared and she looked over at me again.

'So, anyway, where were we? You've got some ammunition on me now, so let's talk openly and freely, agreed?' I nodded. 'I'll ask you again then,' she said being more authoritarian now, the meekness completely gone, 'do you want to fuck your mum, yes or no?' It was my turn to break eye contact, I looked down, after a moment or 2 I said quietly,

'I guess.' She scoffed at me,

'You guess? You're going to have to do better than that Jake. I've spoken to your mum, she told me about your date night and the kiss, which was more than a 'peck' by all accounts, and I also know about your little panty fetish.' I was about to protest when she continued, 'Don't you dare try to deny it, we agreed to be open and honest here remember, I'm not judging you, I just want you to be truthful!'

'Well, yes, but how did you-'

'How did I know?' She interrupted, 'you forget I helped her get ready for the date. I was looking for a pair of panties to go with her dress, when I picked up those white ones, they felt cold, then I realised, they were actually a bit wet, I held them to my nose and breathed in the scent of cum.' She looked at me with her eyebrows raised, as if to say, 'what do you have to say young man?'

'I- err, well, I mean, I-' I was stuttering like a child. Then a thought hit me, WOMEN TALK! 'Shit, does she know?' I must have looked anguished.

'No, don't panic, stud, she doesn't know, what do you take me for?' She looked at me with an annoyed expression on her face, which only lasted a couple of seconds, as she continued.

'I purposely picked those panties, it sent a tingle through me knowing you'd jacked off into your mother's knickers and she was going to wear those cum stained knickers on a date with you. It seemed too good an opportunity to pass up on!' That made sense now, I'd wondered at the time, why had mum got all dressed up in a fancy outfit, done her make up but worn ordinary white cotton panties?

'OK, yes, you got me,' I could feel my face starting to burn as I blushed, 'occasionally I 'borrow',' I made the air quotes sign with my fingers, 'a pair of her knickers and wank into them. I don't wear them or anything,' I quickly added, 'I'm not a weirdo.' I realise how ridiculous that sounds under the circumstances.

'I don't know what's happened, but since I got back from college, she's been depressed and we've talked and she opened up about thinking she'll never get a man again, which I think is mental, because she's awesome, so beautiful, funny, sexy, but she thinks no one would look at her, and to be honest, it would be difficult to get her out there to meet anyone, so I suggested tinder, but all the while I was looking at her thinking, I'd be honoured to be her man, whatever she wanted or needed I'd give her, and the more I thought this, the more I looked at her like a woman, and like I said, she's hot.' I'd let go of my inhibitions a little and was actually surprising myself how honest I was being about this, the most taboo of subjects. I'd never even really talked to myself about it like this!

Beth was listening intently to what I was saying, she reached forward and took my hand in both hers again and let me continue. 'I knew she'd never go for it, I mean, it's incest, isn't it, a life changing decision right there, so I started to take her dirty knickers and use them to wank with, then I started to take clean ones, in the hope I'd catch her wearing them, which I did and it was so hot, but now I can't get her out of my head, I want her so bad, so the other night I tried to kiss her, to test the waters and she rejected me, not in a nasty way, but she stopped me and basically said we couldn't take that step.'

'But you really want to take that step, don't you?' She asked.

'I do,' I said back immediately.

Beth smiled at me, 'now that wasn't so hard was it?' I laughed.

'You have no idea,' I said, 'I never thought I'd be sharing this with anyone, it's mad,'

'Well, what are we going to do about it?' She asked.

'What do you mean?' I asked, confused.

'I've had the same conversations with her, you know we're close, we talk about everything! She's told me she feels lonely, and to put it bluntly, she told me she wants some cock,'

'Yeah, she didn't quite put it like that with me, but I got her jist,' I said.

'Well, you've got a cock, so let's get it inside her,'

'Easy as that,' I said, 'and how do you propose we do this?'

'Leave that to me. I've told her that when she next has the place to herself I'll arrange for someone to come with me on my visit, and I'll introduce her to him,' she held her hands up in a 'ta-da' pose.

'OK, and when I walk in, she'll just say, oh it's you, come on then, jump on?' I asked sarcastically.

'No, dufus, I'll get her to wear a blindfold, I'll say, you're shy or you're into some kinky stuff or something... we can work that out later,' she said waving off the semantics, 'what do you think?'

'You really think that would work?' I asked.

'We can but try,' she said shrugging her shoulders and holding both her palms up to the ceiling.

'Um, well OK, I'm willing to try anything. I don't think she'd go for it ordinarily, if our date is anything to go by, I tried a bit harder than I made out earlier... I kissed her 3 times, but she stopped me when I got a little over amorous,'

'I know,' Beth said, 'I told you, your mum tells me everything, you naughty scamp. But you know what? You'd be surprised how she might react. If we get the right set of circumstances I bet she'd go for it and let you go further.'

'Really, what makes you say that?' I asked.

'Just some conversations we've had over the last few months,' she paused and then leaning forward looked to her left then her right, conspiratorially, 'I have a confession,' I leaned in too. 'You see, something you and my husband don't know about me... I'm a kinky bitch! Since I've got to know your mum better and we've become close and we have that sort of relationship where you can be open with each other with no worry about judgement and you know what?'

'What?' I quickly replied.

'I think, with a bit of carefully timed, gentle nudges, I think she'd dive off the deep end too'.

'What makes you say that?' I asked, very hopefully.

'Well, she always seems very interested in my tales of shameless debauchery and always has hundreds of questions and giggles like a teenager when I divulge some of the more, shall we say, dirtier details.'

I couldn't believe what I was hearing about my mum, the fire of hope suddenly began to burn hotter within me.

'So, I've told her about some of my infidelities, which is probably why she keeps trying to set us 2 up, she knows you need a girl and I cheat on my husband,' she brought her hands together and linked her fingers, as if this explained the rest of that sentence,

'Well, every time she talks about needing a man or she wishes she could just get some no strings cock, I always say, 'well, you've got a perfectly fine specimen just across the hall'. The first couple of times I said it she almost choked and wouldn't hear it, refused to even joke about it, but I won't let it drop and I always bring it up when she's in one of those moods, well, over the months, she doesn't protest anymore, in fact she jokes along with it. I'm sure she'll eventually come round.' Ha, yeah, I think I heard the tail end of one of those conversations. You said something about not forgetting condoms and she said something like, 'you know I prefer skin on skin' or something along those lines!' I said.

'Really?! Wow, yeah I remember that, just before your date... I bet that got you hard!' She laughed.

'Yes, actually it did. I may have wanked into her panties that night!' I said and laughed with her. I couldn't believe I was being so open with her, I mean, I'd known her for less than a year or so, we'd talked but never about anything real and yet here we were sharing VERY intimate insights into our personalities.

'You ARE a kinky sod, almost as naughty as me!' She said. I heard mum call from her room, I thought it best she didn't know Beth was still here chatting with me, so I got up and putting my finger to my lips, so she knew to be quiet I started towards mum's room. Beth mimed zipping up her mouth, locking it and throwing the key, I smiled at what a dorky thing that was to do. I opened mum's door.

'Wassup mum?' I asked.

'I just wondered if you'd want to watch a film with me after dinner?'

'Err, yeah sure. I was just about to make some tea, do you want one?'

'No, that's fine, I was going to have a nap, but wake me for dinner, then we can sit and watch something later, OK?'

'Sure mum, I'll close the door, see you in a bit.' I said and pulled the door to. That was weird, we'd spent the best part of 3 days not spending any quality time together, now she's asking to watch a movie with me? I walked back to the kitchen and told Beth what mum wanted and flicked the kettle on again. As I sat down, I noticed she was smiling broadly.

'What?' I asked.

'You're welcome.' She said.

'What for?'

'Well, let's just say, Auntie Beth has been whispering in your mother's ear.' She pushed her empty mug over to me. I stood again as the kettle had finished boiling and picked our mugs up and walked over to the counter.

'OK, I'll bite,' I said, 'what have you been whispering exactly?'

'Ha, I've been sowing seeds for months! I've been like a little devil, sitting on her shoulder! I've been trying to get her to dress more provocatively, be more open about sex with you, and let me tell you, it hasn't been easy,' she replied. I was stunned, I had noticed mum behaving a little differently, for instance, she used to wear a long cotton robe but now she wore a MUCH shorter one and no bra, only panties. She seemed less prudish too, did I have Beth to thank for this welcome change?

'She was always very against the idea of even mentioning sex with me at first, but once we got to know each other her true personality started to come out. We're more like sisters now, we tell each other everything!' I wasn't sure I liked the sound of that, if anything real ever happened with mum, I wouldn't want her saying anything to anyone! It must have showed in my face, because Beth began to smile.

'To be honest, she talks about you a lot... I mean, A LOT, a lot! I teased her that she talks of you like a boyfriend, not a son,' my eyes widened at this revelation. 'Yeah, I know,' she continued, 'she was very coy to start with, but like I said, I've gradually got her coming out of her shell. Honestly, I thought she was going to report me, the first time this came up, to be fair, I was being completely inappropriate, but I thought I could get away with it, but she wasn't 100% comfortable with me at that point, it was very early in our relationship, I thought I'd misinterpreted and over stepped my boundaries,' she flapped her hand at me, 'Obviously, we got passed it!'

I was loving these revelations, I had no clue Beth had been working my corner, even before I knew myself.

'Then since you've been home, we've chatted about you a couple of times and I've been trying to convince her to test the waters with you, honestly, I think it would be good for her, plus, now I know you're as kinky as me, it'll be good for you too!' She took a sip of tea and continued,

'So, eventually I began to feel like I was actually convincing her that you were a viable option. She told me she put on one of the films I put on her list, an erotic thriller with lots of sex in it, it was then I knew she'd turned a corner and it would only be a matter of time before my twisted little plan became a reality,' she paused, almost as if, for dramatic effect, then quite matter of factly, she continued, 'you know she masturbated that day? Right next to you, she said you were asleep and she slipped her hand into her knickers as you lay there next to her.' I was stunned. I KNEW it! I KNEW I could feel her masturbating!

'She said she actually touched your cock and was transfixed. She said, she wondered what it would feel like in her hand and very nearly tried to slip it into your shorts, but unfortunately she came to her senses and just rested it on, and I quote, your 'impressive bulge'!'

'I knew it,' I said, 'damn, I wish I'd not pretended to be asleep! Fuck, are you saying she'd have wanked me off?!'

'You weren't asleep?' She exclaimed, then laughed, 'Oh wow! She thought you'd passed out!'

'Shhhh, Beth, keep it down, mum'll hear you! No, I wasn't asleep and fyi, she had her hand on my cock for ages! Well, maybe not her hand, more like her fingertips, but it counts!' She laughed again,

'Ha, she said she had no idea how long she was touching you, she said it felt so wrong and she would have been mortified if you'd woken up, but she couldn't stop herself, she didn't want to stop herself, but then she remembered she was your mum and reluctantly pulled her hand away! Then she told me about your little shower together...' at this she raised her eyebrows, I could feel my cheeks start to burn as I blushed. 'Do you want to know what she said, stud?'

'Errr, yeah, I guess.' I said, trying to sound as nonchalant as I could, but desperately wanting to know what she'd said.

'Let's just say, she was quite surprised and said you were a big boy, definitely bigger than your father!' I couldn't hide my smile. I couldn't believe what I was hearing. The 2 of them had sat and discussed and probably had a giggle about the size of my cock, which was now pitching quite the tent. Then Beth said, almost to herself,

'Oh this is good, this is SO good... Jake you do realise what's happening here? You are going to have sex with your mother, you're going to fuck your mum, I'm sure of it.'

She took another sip of her tea, 'you know, I can tell she's still very conflicted, she knows it's taboo and she is very worried about how it might affect you, which is holding her back somewhat, she still needs convincing to take that final leap. Since you've been back, she's been a bit confused about everything and how she's starting to feel, I convinced her not to freak out, and it was only natural, and there is no deeper love than that of a mother for her son and vice versa, so I talked her down and tried to get her thinking about you in a more neutral manner, like, not thinking of you as her son but as a red blooded man, just a non descript male with a cock!'

That's when I said she should try to do something normal with you, like watch a movie and just see how things go. I'd used this tact before, remember the other week when you watched an erotic film with her?'

'Yeeeah,' I said, drawing the word out. How could I forget that?! It was the most amazing night of my life!

'Who's idea do you think that was? I even lined up a few films in her account! Oh, and don't think she didn't tell me what you did, you little pervert!' She laughed. My mouth hung open.

'I knew she was awake! Wait, what did she say?'

'Ha, well, I'd been laying some groundwork for you and I'd all but convinced her to test the water with you. Honestly after weeks of working on it, she very gradually came round to the idea, but wasn't sure about you and didn't want to ruin your relationship, because she treasures you highest against anything in this world, Jake. I was pretty sure how you felt, so I'd been training her on what to do or say when any particular scenario popped up. I got her to accidentally choose one of the films I'd earmarked, did you notice they all had older actresses with younger men?'

I nodded.

'So I told her all these things to do, but apparently when it came down to it, she bottled it, except when I said, if in doubt, pretend to be asleep and see what he does... well, showing your mum your cock is a sure fire way to get her to suck it. Only, again, she bottled it.'

'OK,' I said, 'but did she say anything about after that?' Beth looked at me again with that quizzical expression.

'No.... why?' She asked squinting at me.

'Well, I don't suppose it matters now, I trust you,' I waited, building the tension. 'When she took her pill and put her sleeping mask on, I went back in her room and she was out for the count, so I may have felt her up a little bit and wanked, standing right over her, while pulling the knickers she wore for our date tight against her pussy!'

Beth let out a little squeel. 'Shhhhhh, mum will hear us.' I quickly interjected

'You dirty little pervert, you ARE as kinky as me! You wanked on your mum? Wow! Oh this is on, this is SO on!' She hissed at me with delight in her eyes.

'Well, actually, I only rubbed her over her knickers and pulled them up so I could better make out the contours of her..... um, pussy, but I think that counts!'

'That definitely counts,' she said holding her mug up for a congratulatory clink. I suddenly realised, that I was telling these things to someone who had just told me tells my mum everything!

'You won't tell her though, will you? I don't want her to feel like I took advantage of her,' genuine concern in my voice.

'JAKEY, JAKEY, JAKEY, I hope you know that you and I have turned a corner with our relationship, I will never divulge anything to anyone you don't want me to and I'll always have your back as an alibi and same goes for you with me, ok?' She held out her little finger in a pinky promise. Relieved, I reached forward with my own pinky and cemented our tryst. I did begin to think that I'd be called on more than she would, if she ever needed an excuse for her husband, I'd be required to back her up, which I had no problem with, the more I spoke to her, the more amazing I found her.

After a moment of sipping our teas I asked, 'so you got her to act all coy with me and be all cuddly and put on softcore porn?"

'Correct,' she said in between sips.

'What were you trying to get her to do? Like, I mean, were you coaching her to seduce me into her bed, or something a bit slower than that?!'

'Well, first she kept telling me about you strolling around in your tight shorts, so I convinced her it was OK to look, he's a red blooded male, I said, you're only looking, there's no harm in that, I said, you were probably doing it, on some level, for her benefit and that she liked to look and it was the reason she'd started to crave cock, it was a primal instinct in her head kicking into gear, to be honest she wasn't buying that, damn I wish we'd had this conversation sooner, I swear, I'd have had her riding your cock weeks ago!'

She took another sip of tea. 'So basically, I was trying to get her to push the boundaries, little step by little step, like only wear panties under her little robe and ask you to watch a naughty movie with her, which you've done a couple of times now, I hear. I've desperately been trying to get her to show a bit of skin and to either get caught masturbating or to openly encourage it while watching a movie I've suggested, but she seems reluctant to take the plunge there.'

'Maybe she'll take the plunge tonight?' I said, with hope in my voice.

'Maybe, but I just don't think she's there yet. She's edging up to the door, she might even be peering inside, but she's not ready to walk through just yet, I don't think.... but she's getting there, she's getting there. I almost feel sorry for her, she doesn't stand a chance with us 2 working together on her!'

She held up her mug and I did the same from across the table. All of a sudden, my weird, sick, perverted little fantasy, had taken a giant leap forward. I had no idea Beth was a twisted pervert, like me! She was right, I wished we'd had this conversation a lot earlier, my heart was pumping and I was hard just thinking about it.

We swapped numbers and agreed to keep in contact with any developments. She said she'd message mum every now and again and try to egg her on. I walked her to the door, as we got there I was about to open it when she stopped and turned towards me.

'You know, this is a big step, not to be taken lightly. Your secret will always be safe with me, but if you are just doing this because you got dumped and you think your mum is an easy target, I'd advise against moving forward.'

'No, it's not like that. I-... I mean she's like... jeez, I know this is going to sound corny as fuck, but, she's the woman of my dreams!' I looked pleadingly at Beth.

'Correct answer,' she said, then, 'Ooh we're going to have some fun together!' She was almost giddy. She stepped towards me and threw an arm around my neck, then she pulled me towards her and kissed me on the lips. Not a deep kiss, no tongues or anything, but still an open mouthed peck, if you will. She pulled back then gave me a wink as she reached down and squeezed me between my legs.

'Oh, we are a big boy aren't we?' She said as she gave me another squeeze and then as if it was the most normal thing in the world, she spun around, opened the door and skipped through it. She was wild. I closed the door after watching her sachet down the path. What just happened?! Blood was pumping into my groin, then I remembered the movies I'd mailed to myself. I had a good hour or so before mum was awake, so I hurried towards my bedroom, quietly shut the door behind me, grabbed my laptop and jumped on the bed. I opened the laptop and put my password in, then hit the Gmail tab. My inbox had 10 new messages. 7 of which were from Beth.

I pulled my shorts down in preparation, my dick slapped against my stomach. I picked one file at random and hit download. After a few seconds I was ready. I got comfortable and hit play.

Although it was her phone, her male friend was doing all the filming. It started with a shot of a door, a deep voice was calling her name, impatiently, then she stepped through the door. It was a bathroom in, what looked like, a nice looking hotel. She had on some lingerie. A tiny pair of black satin panties, a bra that pushed her nicely sized tits together and a garter holding up black stocking, all topped off with black stilettos. She was hot! I'd never really looked at her this way. Every time I'd seen her previously, she'd had baggy scrubs on, and not much make up. I had no clue she was a kinky wannabe porn star under them!

She sauntered over towards the camera, her man shifted on the bed and sat with his legs off to the side, feet flat on the floor. She rubbed his thighs as she leant in and kissed him, then grinning broadly directly into the camera, she knelt in front of him. The camera followed her. She was staring intently at the bulge right in front of her face. She pulled his underwear as he lifted his butt off the bed. His cock bobbed in front of her. She literally licked her lips as she moved towards it and took him in her mouth. I watched her sucking on this big black cock, which was hot enough as it was, but the dirty talk between them was something else. He was calling her all sorts of names, 'slut', 'whore', 'worthless slag', but she just smiled that devilish grin and sucked him harder.

In the next movie, the phone had been set up by the bed, he was hammering into her from behind, she was squealing with each thrust and again the talk was unbelievable.

'You like this cock, slag?'

'Uh-hnmm, arrrrr, yes- oh god hummmmm yes, I love your cock,' she managed, in between strokes. She was pushing back as he thrust forward. I couldn't believe what I was seeing.

'You sure? Better than your husband's?'

'Oh fuck babe, hmmmm- you are SO much better than my husband, httt ummmm- in every... Way,' she buried her head in the pillow as he gripped her hips and pushed harder and faster into her.

'Look into your phone and tell him,'

'Wha- what?'

'DO IT, look into the phone as if your husband was watching us right now and tell him,' Beth made eye contact with me, her face contorted in ecstasy as her lover slammed into her. 'Tell him what a slag you are and you love taking my black cock,' looking into the phone while getting fucked by a huge built black guy she said,

'Hun.... he fucks me SO.... much better than... you.... your little dick has.... NEVER done.... anything for me....'

'You love my big black dick,'

'I love.... this big black dick.... more than.... you,'

'You love riding it bare,'

'I love.... taking his cock.... bareback... I never let him.... put a condom on,'

'You want my baby,' there was a pause, she had kept eye contact this whole time, then she said it,

'I want to have his baby,' then she erupted in an earth shattering orgasm, 'I want to have his baby sweetheart... I want... a little black baby.... growing inside my belly..... cum inside me daddy, cum in me.... give me your baby.'

Her lover slammed into her, pulled her by the hair and she hung there, seemingly only attached to the bed by her knees as he ploughed into her, then he cupped her tits with his free hand and pulled her hard towards him as he grunted and moaned. They both came together, quickly followed by me. He shot his load deep into her married pussy, I unloaded on the carpet. That was so hot. So Beth liked it rough as well?!

After he'd cum inside her, he all but threw her on the bed. He disappeared from view then picture started moving as he picked up the phone and I was treated with a close up of her well fucked pussy, leaking cum down her leg and onto the sheets.

'You see what a real man does to your wife? Look at that pussy, full of my cum. Bitch, if I hear you've been fucking your husband ever again, he's going to see this little movie, you hear?'

'Yes, I'll never fuck him again, I won't let him near my pussy,' she sounded meek, but her face appeared in the picture above her gaping pussy with that sly smile on her lips again.

'Who's pussy?'

'Sorry, I meant YOUR pussy.'

'That's right, you worthless married slag.' There was the start of a laugh coming from her but then the movie cut off. Shit, I loved the fact that her husband was at home, no clue where his beautiful wife was and that some other guy was calling the shots on his sex life! I wondered how long ago this was and how long he'd not had sex with his wife for. I made a mental note to ask her, next time I saw her.

I remembered mum, I'd need to start on dinner, but I wanted to watch more movies of my new favourite porn star 'Buxom Beth'. I was so horny, I'd have to hold it until mum had gone to sleep later.

I went to the bathroom and cleaned up, before heading to the kitchen to start on dinner. Around 7, I plated up our food and went in to mum's room. She was awake, but there was something about her I couldn't quite put my finger on. I ignored it, put her plate on the bed next to her while putting her little bed table over her legs, I placed her plate in front of her then walked round and sat on her bed, I carefully flipped my legs up on to the bed and sat with my plate in my lap.

'So, er, what do you want to watch?' I asked. She just looked at me,

'What would you like to see?' She came back. Well mum, I'd like to see you slip that robe off, slide your knickers down your legs, throw your dinner to the side, spin around and present your pussy to me.... is what I wanted to say, but I went with, 'I don't know, you want to watch one of your rom coms?'

I'll have a look after dinner,' she said without looking up from her dinner. After a couple of bites, she said,

'Honey, are you planning on going out any day this week? You haven't seen your friends this whole time you've been back.' She was still looking at the TV, like it was the most interesting thing on the planet at that moment. Despite having NO plans I said,

'Yeah, might meet up with Nick and the guys for a drink one night, maybe go into town?' She knew that whenever I went into town with the guys, I would, invariably, end up crashing at Nick's.

'Yes! You should, it'd be nice for you to get out and let off some steam, rather than have to look after your old mother!' She let out a nervous laugh.

'I like looking after my old mother,' I said, turning to face her, 'Why? It sounds like you're trying to get rid of me! Ha, got your boyfriend coming over?' It was my turn to let out a nervous laugh.

'Don't be silly.... well.... I mean, I don't know.' She let that comment hang in the air. Then she let out a long breathe of air and sighed.

'Well, I was talking to Beth and she said she was going to ask one of her boyfriends if he'd like to come round for dinner with me one night this week and I just didn't want things to be awkward, so thought it might be best if you were out.' For the first time in the conversation she faced me. A sad smile on her face, her brow slightly pinched. She looked so vulnerable at this moment. I hit the roof! Nearly kicking my Dinner off my lap,

'What the fuck? Who? What are you talking about? I don't want some random stranger in here mum, what if he takes advantage of you and robs the place? You can't just let some random guy come into our home! There's NO fucking way I'm going out leaving you alone with some strange man,' then I remembered, she'd called the guy 'one of Beth's boyfriends, 'and wait, what do you mean, one of Beth's boyfriends, she's married, she doesn't HAVE boyfriends!'

'Oh hun, don't be like that, we've talked about this, Beth is just... helping me out with something,' then she leaned towards me slightly and said in a conspiratorial tone, 'you can't tell anyone, but she has more than 1 boyfriend!' Then she sat back with a naughty grin on her face and turned to the TV again.

Wow, they really DID tell each other everything! 'Wait, what?' I said, trying my best to play dumb, which for a college boy like me, was surprisingly easy.

'She's been cheating on her husband for as long as they've been married! I think she even got someone else's cum on her wedding dress, but don't you DARE say anything to her!' She said this with wide eyes and an expression of, 'or I'll rip your nuts off!' Obviously I knew this already, well, everything except the cum on her bridal gown. I wondered if it was still there. I made another mental note to ask her, next time I saw her.

'So wait, Beth's a cheating slag and she's going to bring one of her boyfriends over here one night and what? Watch him fuck you?' I was getting quite angry, knowing Beth's penchant for black guys, images of my mum getting thrown around by a muscular black guy started to make my blood boil, especially after the conversation we'd had that afternoon. She'd said she was on my side, but now she thinks she's going to bring some black guy she's previously fucked to have a go on my mum? Not on my watch, I've seen the type of guy Beth hooks up with, I don't want those guys anywhere near my mum!

'No Jacob, don't be so vulgar! I don't know what she has planned, but it won't be like that!'

'We'll see about that,' I said and pushed off the bed. I needed to calm down, I went to my room and messaged Beth immediately.

"WHAT THE FUCK, BETH! MUM JUST SPOKE TO ME, YOU'RE SETTING HER UP WITH ONE OF YOUR BOYFRIENDS?!" I hit send. After a minute or so of pacing around my room, my phone pinged.

"NO IDIOT, I'M SETTING HER UP WITH YOU!!" I stared at the phone. OF COURSE! She'd told me already, she had been trying to get mum to come around to the idea that she should just seduce me and that wasn't moving forward as quickly as either of us liked. I wasn't sure how this was going to work, so I replied,







I put my phone on my bedside table and sat on my bed. First things first, I'd have to now go see mum and apologise and tell her I was cool with it, she might tell Beth she's not interested if she thinks I don't approve. Next, I'd have to think long and hard how Beth's little plan might work.

I stood up and walked to mum's bedroom. I stood at the door and knocked lightly, when she didn't answer, I just opened the door.

'Mum? You OK? Can I come in?' I asked.

'Of course sweetie, come in and sit with me.' She said, as if nothing had happened. I walked over to her and sat on the bed by her.

'Mum, I'm really sorry, I was just surprised, of course I'm OK with you seeing someone, I just thought it would be a guy you met out somewhere not some guy Beth sets you up with,'

'A guy I meet out?' She said, gesturing with her hands out to her sides, as if to say, 'how am I going to meet someone 'out' when I'm stuck in this room?!' I looked down, feigning shame.

'I know, I'm sorry, look, just let me know when Beth's 'friend' is coming round,' I made the air quotes sign with my index fingers when I said 'friend', 'and I'll make sure I'm out for the night, so you can go wild and scream the house down!' I smiled at her with my cheeky grin. She pursed her lips and tilted her head.

'Funny,' then she smiled with me, 'thank you sweetheart,' she reached up and cupped my cheek. I leaned in and hugged her. I gripped her tight. I couldn't wait for Beth to work out how to do this. I so badly wanted to please this woman, every way I could.

'I think I'm just tired, I'm going to go to bed,' I kissed her cheek and stood up.

'Oh, OK, night hun.' I think she wanted to still watch a film together, but I had more pressing things to do.

As soon as I got to my room I picked up my phone and started typing.

"OK, I'VE HAD A QUICK THINK, ALL I CAN COME UP WITH OFF THE TOP OF MY HEAD IS: BLINDFOLD, DARKENED ROOM, GLORYHOLE, HYPNOSIS... HAVE YOU HAD ANY LUCK?" I sat back and waited for a reply. It took a little longer than before, but 5 minutes or so later, my phone pinged again.



I still couldn't quite believe what I was planning. I was grateful Beth was in on it, because I'd probably bail and bottle it if I didn't have someone on my side encouraging me.

I closed my eyes, ignoring my raging boner, I wanted to save up some cum so when it happened, I'd plant the biggest load on my mother and impress her even more!

I dreamt that night, a wild and vivid dream about me and mum, that I remembered when I woke up, which was rare for me, as I was usually in a fog first thing.

I'd gone to her room after cleaning up from dinner, she was laying on her bed, cool and relaxed, her robe untied and slightly open, not showing her tits, but hanging off both her breasts as she wasn't wearing a bra, it fell down either side of her waist and I could see she was wearing a pair of knickers I had emptied my balls into a couple of nights previously, her legs open and one out to the side and bent at the knee, so her legs made a 'p' shape, or a 'd' depending which way you were coming at her from!

She'd put on a movie and my heart started racing as I recognised it as a porno I had seen many times, with an actress called Kay Parker. She sees me at the door and pats the bed next to her, I hover over and sit on the bed, then swing my legs uo so my back is against the headboard. She turned and smiled the most natural, loving smile at me, then said,

'You know, it's OK if you want to, you know...' nodding down briefly at my obvious bulge. It was approaching a scene where Kay was going to go to her son's room and start playing with him as he slept, like I said, I knew this film well!

Even in my own dream I seemed reluctant to take the leap.

'If I want to what?' I asked.

'Play with your cock, baby. I know this is one of your favourites...' She turned back to the screen as Kay stood at her son's door. Breathing heavily, I watched as she lifted her butt off the bed and slid her cum drenched underwear down passed her buttocks and along her legs, before playfully kicking them off. She turned back to me and giggled.

Even here, in my own subconscious I was agog and unsure of what to do next, I didn't want the dream to end, but I didn't want to wake up before anything happened. So, I took a deep breath and fished my already hard dick out of my shorts. Mum was staring at it, lust in her eyes, the smile gone.

'Don't be shy, you can stroke it if you want...' she said, as Kay was now sitting on the bed, battling her own demons about touching her son. Mum turned back to the TV, closed her eyes and rubbed between her legs in a slow circular motion. I started to slowly stroke myself, oblivious of the TV, I just watched her, she had brought her outstretched foot up the bed and bent her leg, her other leg was still out to the side. I watched her masturbate, my dick was so hard. She squeezed her breast and pinched her nipple, I could see her breathing was becoming more ragged. Her eyes we're shut, I was stroking a little faster, then I heard, 'Jesus Christ' from the TV, mum opened her eyes and I turned to the screen to see Kay sucking off her son who had just woken up, mum reached over and placed her hand on my leg as she rubbed herself harder. I stroked harder as her touch, even in my dream, sent electricity through me.

She lightly scratches my thigh moving ever so much closer to me masturbating, transfixed by her hand and the sounds of sex between mother and son on the screen. Mum is watching the TV, mouth open. I put my hand on mums to stop her doing anything she might really regret (I know, I'm such a stand up guy, even in my dreams!)

She then guides my hand over to her and takes it with the hand she was masturbating with, freeing her other hand to reach over and very matter of factly, grab my cock. I am in heaven. I'm rubbing my mum's pussy as she is wanking me, I edge closer to her in the bed, my chest is on her shoulder, she turns to me and smiles as my fingers dance around her opening at her clit.

'Kiss me...' she moans and I lean down and kiss her. We share a loving kiss, despite the fact my cock is in my mother's hand and I am fingering her.

The action on screen has escalated too, Kay is now getting pounded by her son. They are moaning and grunting together, the music is too loud in my opinion, but I try to block it out and concentrate on the actors.

Without warning, mum sits up and turns onto her knees next to me, she's just too far away for me to reach between her legs without leaning and stretching towards her. But I can see from her face an internal decision has been made and she has a determined look as she reaches forward with one hand and places it on my chest, then lowers her head towards my cock and guides it into her mouth.

'Jesus Christ mum...' I moan, not sounding dissimilar to the son on screen only a few minutes ago, he was now on top ploughing into his mum, Kay.

She bobs her head faster, Kay is moaning on screen 'oh I'm cumming....' this only seemed to spur mum on and her head bobbed harder on me, realising I was close, mum then pops my cock out of her mouth and quickly swings her leg over me and lowers herself onto me with ease. I slide effortlessly into my mothers wet hole.

She sits right down and grinds on me. I can hear the action building to a climax on screen.

It isn't long before I can feel that familiar tension along the back of my legs, the action on screen is ramping up too, I know the scene well, I know he is about to cum on Kay's tits and face, this sends me over the edge and I grip my mum's hips as I ejaculate into her, 3 thrusts and trembling legs, I am spent. Mum collapses onto my chest after her own orgasm subsides. Everything becomes hazy and next thing I know, I'm slowly waking up, the sun is beaming through my window. I get my bearings and suddenly images from my dream shoot across my inner mind's, usually blank canvas. I recall the dream as if it were a movie I watched the previous evening. That hardly ever happens, at best I recall a few glimpses of the 'good stuff', but this morning, I could remember the whole dream. I just lay back on my bed, hands behind my head, close my eyes and replayed it.

It was going to be a long day, waiting until I next see Beth and we can discuss our sordid little plan a bit more. BETH! I suddenly remembered the files on my laptop. Damn, this was going to be difficult, as much as I wanted to start the day right and relieve my pent up tensions, then go shower, I knew I wouldn't be able to control myself as soon as I started watching one of her little amateur pornos, I'd be cock in hand, masturbating furiously.

I hoped I'd be able to take advantage of that situation with Beth. I mean, yes, she was hot and yes, in any ordinary circumstance, I'd definitely want to have her bent over in my bedroom, ploughing into her from behind, relentlessly until unloading my balls, as deep inside her as I could manage, so she could take a warm little present home to her husband, but these weren't 'ordinary circumstances'! I genuinely had no desire for anyone else but my mum, but that's not to say at some point in the future I wouldn't want to exploit the cheating little hussy, just because I could. I'm usually the one getting pushed around and dumped on and told what to do, it would make a nice change of pace to hold control over someone else. A list of things flew into my mind, all at once, that I could make her do, or hubby would be getting some very interesting movie recommendations in his inbox!

Ha, could I really do that to her? Honestly, I wasn't even sure at this point, I was so horny, I could easily see the red mist descending and making her do all sorts of degrading things and taking all sorts of unnecessary chances, for my own amusement, despite her being a great sport and helping me with mum. At this point it was all just fantasy, I doubt I'd have the will to actually threaten her with ruining her life, unless she did EXACTLY as I instructed her. I'm not a complete arsehole.... I'm more, 75% arsehole!

I decided to get up, shower and devote my day to the issue at hand. How was I going to either convince my mother that she didn't need anyone but me for her every need, emphasis on EVERY, or if I was going to go down the more probable, cowardly route, how was I going to be with her without her realising it was me initially. This was such a delicate balance, ultimately, I wanted to start a real relationship with her, but I'd probably have to ease her into it slowly and with Beth's help, mum wouldn't stand a chance against us. One thing I was becoming more and more sure of? This was going to happen!

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