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34.53% Taboo Incest sex stories / Chapter 1416: LOST TOGETHER


I followed a few steps behind my brother as we hiked through the woods. I wondered, not for the first time, if we were lost. This was the sort of thing John did for fun. He loved being outdoors. By all rights he should have been able to navigate the trails blindfolded. And yet, I couldn't help noticing how every now and then he'd stop and look around with a slight frown on his face.

"Are we lost?" I asked.

John sighed heavily, making sure I could hear it. "No, Vi, we're not lost. Stop worrying about it. I know where we're going."

"So you know where we are then?"

He gestured grandly at the trees all around us. "We're in a forest."

I rolled my eyes even though he wasn't looking at me. "Thanks so much for that helpful information."

John finally turned toward me. The large backpack he carried gave him a bizarre profile from the side. It looked like he should fall over backward from the sheer weight of it. Supposedly it wasn't as heavy as it appeared.

"Do you not trust me?"

I took a moment to consider my answer. In the twenty years I'd known him, I'd never once had cause to doubt his navigational skills. As a little sister, it was my prerogative to say something snarky anyway if I so chose, but I decided not to.

"No, I believe you," I said. I waved my arm in a flamboyant imitation of his previous gesture. "Carry on, fearless leader."

John's eyes narrowed for a second, then he shrugged and turned away. His stride seemed more purposeful as we resumed walking. Maybe he felt he had something to prove now and was trying not to look indecisive anymore. Maybe he really did know what he was doing all along and any indication otherwise was purely in my head.

My thoughts wandered, as they tended to on long walks. I remembered last year; the last time John and I had gone hiking together. I wasn't nearly as much of a fan of the whole 'nature' thing as he was, and it was generally up to him to drag me away from civilization. He was probably the only person who could convince me to go when it came right down to it.

Last year we'd taken a different route through the same forest. John had promised it would be an easier trail this time. He'd gotten tired of listening to me complain about how sore my legs were afterward. I smiled to myself at the thought of how much patience he must have for me. He'd be perfectly happy walking up and down a mountain for a week, and here we were taking a path that he'd barely work up a sweat on.

All of a sudden, the trees started thinning out around us. I was confused for a second since I thought we'd made it out of the forest already, but I realized we'd just reached a clearing. It looked to be a small, grassy field with a river running down the middle of it.

"Are we supposed to be here?" I asked.

John gave me a look. "Questioning me again?"

"Technically... yes. I s'pose I am."

He sighed again and started heading into the centre of the clearing. I followed, not having much other choice in the matter. He hadn't answered my question.

"We should stop here for the night," he said. "It's probably the best spot we'll find to set up the tent. Plus there's a convenient source of water, for washing up or whatever."

I shaded my eyes with my hand and tried to judge where the sun was in the sky.

"Are you sure? It looks like we've still got, like, a couple hours of daylight."

"You're welcome to keep going if you want. I'm staying here."

"I knew it, you have no idea where we are, do you? You just want to take a break and try to figure it out."

"If it makes you happy to believe that..."

I didn't, really, but I was confused about his decision. I was always the one who wanted to stop and set up camp before he did. His excuses sounded awfully similar to ones I'd use if I were tired of walking. Maybe I was rubbing off on him.

John located a nice flat patch of ground for us to set up camp for the night. I shucked my backpack-smaller than the one he was lugging around-then stretched my arms and back out. I wasn't used to walking with the extra weight. I'd probably be stiff the next day.

"I'm going for a swim," I announced.

John raised an eyebrow. "How about we get set up here first. You know, get the tent out, gather wood for a fire... all those things you'll be whining about later if we don't have them done."

"I'm hot and sweaty and I want to cool off. Plus, thanks to you, we have loads of daylight left."

"Not as much as you think."

I shrugged. "I'll take my chances."

John bit back a reply, then waved me away. He'd work faster without me 'helping' anyway, so I wasn't sure what he was complaining about.

The ground rose slightly then fell again as I walked the short distance to the river. Standing at the river back, I could only just make out my brother's head as he moved around. I waited a moment to see if he'd give in and join me, but it didn't seem like that was going to happen. I'd just have to swim by myself.

Last year had been different. It had been a hotter day, and was still hot even into the evening. John and I had gone to the river-maybe the same river at a different point, come to think of it-and gone swimming together to cool off. We'd stripped down to our underwear and waded in. I remembered the time vividly, like it had been last week rather than last year.

I removed my clothing slowly as I reminisced. My hiking boots and socks came off first, then my shirt and shorts. I hesitated once I was down to my bra and panties. It had been kind of a pain in the ass getting them all soaked last year. I was tempted to take them off too and go swimming completely naked.

Although... the memory of John and I sitting by the fire in our underwear, waiting for the soggy material to dry came unbidden to my mind. I remembered how he kept stealing glances at me when he thought I wasn't looking. My bra had done a much worse job of protecting my modesty when it was all wet and clingy. I'd pretended not to notice, and luckily the glow of the fire had masked my blushing.

I shook my head and unclasped my bra. Voyeuristic possibilities aside, it would be far more comfortable and practical just to ditch all of my clothes and keep them dry. Besides, the longer I stopped to think about it, the less time I'd have in the water. Sometimes any decision was better than no decision at all.

The river felt just as cool and refreshing on my skin as I'd anticipated. I stepped in slowly, feeling for the bottom with my toes before committing my weight. Even at its deepest point it was only up to my shoulders, and the current wasn't nearly strong enough to pull me away against my will. Still, I didn't want to do something stupid and have to yell for my brother to come rescue me. That'd just be embarrassing to have to get pulled out, all naked and wet and...

I bit my lip and tried to stop my train of thought before it got too far away from me. I'd gone off on completely the wrong tangent. John was still over dicking around with the tent or whatever; this was me time. It had nothing to do with him. I bent my knees and relaxed into the water until it was up to my chin. All the dirt and sweat of the day's hike was like a bad dream. I felt cleansed, purified... or at least far less grimy than before. I'd take what I could get.

I floated in the middle of the stream, anchored only by my toes. I leaned my head back and closed my eyes, letting the sun warm my face and dry off stray droplets. Being in the water by myself was far more peaceful than it would have been with John. We were probably the same as a lot of siblings in that we had a hard time leaving each other alone. If one of us tried to relax, the other would splash them, or dunk them, or anything at all, really. Some scenarios just turned us into kids all over again no matter how old we got.

My sense of time got a bit fuzzy as I floated, drifted, and occasionally swam. It must have been longer than I thought because all of a sudden John was there, sitting on a rock on the river bank. He had a faint smile on his lips that broadened once he saw that I'd noticed him.

"How long have you been there?" I asked.

"Not long. I was busy, you know. I had to get the tent up and gather some wood and-"

"Yeah, yeah. Ever the martyr, aren't you?"

"Sometimes, sure. It comes with being your brother."

I stuck my bottom lip out in a pout. John just laughed.

"So you're just gonna sit there and watch me now?"

"I was thinking about it. It's an interesting view."

I followed his gaze down to my chest. My breasts were technically underwater, but not so deep that they'd be too obscured. I felt my face heat up.


John shrugged. "You're the one who took your clothes off. Don't blame me."

"Well... turn around or something. I'm ready to get out anyway."

He arched an eyebrow and stayed where he was for a moment, but I stared him down until he finally spun around on his perch. With his back to me, I trudged to the edge of the river and crawled up onto the bank. My clothes were right where I'd left them.

"I was expecting you to at least have your underwear on or something," he said as though that explained everything.

"Woulda got wet."

"Isn't it going to get wet now anyway? You know, when you put it on your wet body? Or am I expected to avert my eyes until you dry off in the sun."

"How 'bout you shut the hell up?"

That got another chuckle from my brother. I hated to admit that he kind of had a point. I was going to have to put something back on if I didn't want to wander around naked, and whatever it was would get damp. Damp underwear was at least slightly better than soggy underwear, but it still wasn't ideal. I put my bra and panties back on anyway since I didn't know what else to do. They absorbed some of the water on my skin right away. My bra went transparent enough that my nipples were visible through the material. I wasn't sure how to feel about that.

"Can I turn around yet?" John asked.

"Yeah, sure. Whatever."

I faced him as he turned back toward me. His gaze immediately dropped from my face to the rest of my scantily clad body. To his credit, it was only a few seconds before he made eye contact again.

"That's a good look on you."


I shifted my weight from one foot to the other, trying not to look as awkward and nervous as I felt. I'd been in similar states of attire in front of my brother before, but he'd always been stripped down too. It was different being on display when he was still fully clothed.

Abruptly John turned away and pulled his shirt over his head. I watched the muscles in his arms and back flex as his torso was revealed. He had the definition of someone who enjoyed being outdoors rather than someone who specifically worked for it. I kind of liked the more subtle display.

"You going in now?" I asked.

"Mmhm. Looks refreshing."

He knelt to untie his boots. I watched him for a moment, intrigued by the slight flexing of his arms. I shook my head and started picking up the rest of my clothes.

"I'm gonna head back," I said.

"Okay. I'll come find you when I'm done here."

I clutched my bundle of clothes and boots in my arms as I walked away. I glanced back a few times, noting the progression in my brother's disrobing. Luckily, he fell out of sight before I got too distracted and tripped over something.

John had set the tent up for us and had a pile of wood ready just like he'd said. I decided to get a fire going since I was starting to get hungry and I'd want to be able to cook some food before too long. Building a fire was one of the few things I'd learned from my brother and gotten really good at. It took some time and patience working my way up from twigs and bark to good sized sticks, but I didn't mind; I liked watching the flames flicker and dance and slowly spread. Eventually I had a real campfire going.

The heat from the fire helped dry me out, but my bra and panties had absorbed the water more than my skin and remained slightly damp to the touch. I took them off and pulled my shirt and shorts on instead, leaving me comfortably dry at last.

The sun was just hitting the top of the tree line in the sky. It still wouldn't reach the horizon proper for a bit, but it was getting late. I frowned and looked over toward the river. I hadn't been keeping track of time, but it seemed like John was taking quite a while over there. I decided that if he wasn't back by the time the sun sank below the tree line I'd have to go check on him.

Fortunately, John returned, fully clothed and quite dry, before I had to form a solo search party. He must have simply lain out by the river to dry off before getting dressed again. That would explain his long absence.

"Decided to put your clothes back on, huh?" he said.

"Well duh. I just had to dry off a little first."

"I still say it wasn't a bad look for you."

I turned and poked at the fire with a stick to mask the flush on my face.

"You're such a charmer," I said as sarcastically as I could manage.

"I know. The girls love me."

"I'm sure they do."

John must have had the same idea I did, because he started rummaging around in our bags for food. He'd brought along an old frying pan so we could heat things up. I'd insisted he carry it because there was no way I was lugging that heavy old thing around.

"Are you cooking?" he asked.

"I'm gonna have to. We both know you can't cook for shit."

He laughed and didn't bother to contradict me. To be fair, his cooking was passable and he clearly hadn't starved to death yet, but we both knew I was better at it.


John and I sat together by the fire long after we'd finished supper. It had gotten dark out, although there was enough moonlight that it wasn't truly pitch black outside our bubble of flickering illumination. We sat side to side, sometimes chatting, sometimes lost in thought. It was the part of the hiking trip I'd been waiting for.

I had a marshmallow on the end of a long stick and I was holding it over the fire. The way I liked to cook marshmallows to a perfect golden brown drove my brother crazy. Admittedly, it took a fair amount of time and patience, but I enjoyed the process as well as the result. He only cared about eating them.

"I think that one's done," he said.

"Nope. Not quite yet."

I pulled my marshmallow toward me for a second to verify that it hadn't quite reached its optimally heated state yet. John made an exasperated noise, but I ignored him. It was none of his business how long I took.

"It's a nice night," he said, changing tactics.


"You can see the stars and everything."

I looked up. The stars were indeed very visible in the sky.

"Pretty," I said.

"Uh huh. Remember last year, we stayed up so late stargazing."

"That was nice. We could do that again, if we wanted."

I retrieved my marshmallow, carefully sliding it off the end of my stick. I didn't care what John thought, they were better when they got the proper attention. This one was nearly perfect. It was all crisp on the outside, and warm and gooey on the inside.

"Another?" he asked, offering me the bag in case I wanted to cook another one.

"No, I think I'm good."


I hunched forward, hugging my knees to my chest. The flames were hypnotic. Despite their warmth, I still imagined I could feel John's body heat. He was sitting so close that we were almost touching. I leaned toward him ever so slightly, a small enough shift that he might not have even noticed. After a moment I did it again, and this time my shoulder grazed his. I held my breath without really meaning to.

At first it seemed like John had missed the faint contact, like maybe he was too deep in thought. A moment later he shifted and slipped his arm around me, pulling me against him. I relaxed into him and slowly let out the breath I'd taken. I let my head rest on his shoulder and moved my arm down to his leg. I squeezed his knee gently.

"I'm glad you invited me to come hiking with you again," I said.

John gave me a soft squeeze in return. "You think I wouldn't? After last year..."

He trailed off, but I knew what he meant. It was something we couldn't talk about, but also something I couldn't seem to stop thinking about. I would have been devastated if he hadn't wanted me to come along with him at all this year.

I felt my brother's fingers moving on my waist. He toyed idly with the hem of my shirt as though simply looking for something to occupy his attention. Slowly, so slowly, the hem crept upward until his hand could slip under it. His attempt at subtlety left something to be desired, but it was still a step in the right direction. I bit my lip and stayed silent as I felt his palm flatten against my bare skin.

My heartbeat quickened, pounding insistently in my chest. Against a background consisting solely of the crackling sticks in the fire, it felt embarrassingly loud to me. I was probably imagining that. In all likelihood John couldn't hear my heartbeat anymore than I could hear his. And yet...

His hand slid upward, maneuvering with all the stealth of a puppy who thinks you aren't watching. If he got high enough he'd feel my heart pounding, even if he couldn't hear it. That knowledge only worsened my nerves, and my excitement.

John pulled away, reaching over to our wood pile to throw another few sticks on the fire. I curled my hands into fists in frustration, but managed to keep my mouth shut. I didn't exactly want our fire to die on us either. Besides, in only a matter of seconds he was right back where he was supposed to be. I hardly had enough time to get properly irritated.

"You feel kinda warm," he said.

"I'm fine."

In reality, I was quite warm. The air wasn't exactly cool to begin with, although the temperature had dropped somewhat from earlier. That along with the fire and my brother's body heat left me in a decidedly cozy state.

I closed my eyes and bit my lip again as John's hand reached the bottom of my breasts. My shirt had been pulled halfway up my torso, leaving my tummy exposed. I wanted to just pull it off, get it out of the way, but it wasn't time for that yet.

"And no bra," he said.

"It was damp. I took it off."

John carefully pulled the bottom of my shirt up and over my breasts, leaving it bunched up above them. The sudden exposure to the night air made my nipples tingle. I sat stoically, pretending not to notice that he'd done anything at all. It was the single most difficult instance of doing nothing that I'd ever participated in. I was so wound up with anticipation I was practically vibrating.

He cupped my breast, holding me in a way that was almost casual, except of course that it was anything but. I risked a glance over at him. He was staring at the fire, seemingly not paying any attention to me at all. I watched him a little too long and got caught. He turned his head and our eyes met. His lips twitched into a crooked smile. I smiled back automatically, without any conscious thought behind it.

I was even more aware of my uncovered breasts than before. My nipples actually ached a little. As if waiting for his cue, John suddenly pinched the nipple his hand had been covering. I made a small, pathetic whimpering noise that only lasted a second before I was able to cut it off. His smile grew wider.

"Hiking trips just aren't the same without you," he said softly. "I've definitely learned that since... last time."

He pushed me gently, but firmly, onto my back next to the fire. I submitted to his physical guidance. He pulled off his shirt, then followed me down and lowered his head to my chest. I saw his lips part just before my line of sight was blocked by his head. His tongue flicked across the tip of my breast, making me suck in a sharp breath.

It was what I'd been waiting for. There in the woods, in the dark, just the two of us, the time was finally right. I couldn't explain it to myself, let alone to anyone else, but somehow we both understood it. This was our forbidden time, our chance to do what we couldn't during our normal lives. Out here things were different. Rules, laws, morals, self-control... those were all just words.I tangled my fingers in John's hair, holding him to my chest. He sucked on my nipple as though he were a nursing baby rather than my full-grown brother. It was a further mixing of familial and erotic love; the kind of love that was forbidden in the real world. For a brief time, I didn't have to care about whether or not it was wrong, or what any of it meant. I craved my brother's touch, his love, just as he desired me. Out here we made our own reality.

"I need you," I whispered in his ear.

He grunted, unwilling to move his mouth away from my boobs long enough to give a response. I smiled and stroked his hair. My need only grew stronger by the moment, but the pleasure he was already giving me held it back for now. My body was coming awake in a way that only my brother could manage, my control slowly ebbing away as he licked, and sucked, and caressed me. It was all too easy to surrender my will.

Something poked the top of my thigh. I raised my leg slightly, bending at the knee. John groaned as I pressed my thigh against his cock. He felt so goddamn hard. I shivered with barely restrained excitement and held his head more firmly to me. He nipped at my nipple, tugging on it with his teeth just for a fraction of a second. It might have been meant as a rebuke for trying to control his movement. The pain only added to my pleasure. I was too worked up to be so easily chastised.

"I need you," I repeated more insistently.

I reached my hands down, trying to wedge them between us somehow. I got a brief, tantalizing feels of his cock, but he was moving and grinding on me too much for me to get a solid hold on anything. I eventually had to grab the waist of his shorts at the hips and pull them down. He didn't have anything on underneath them. It seemed we'd had similar thoughts regarding the necessity of underwear. At this point it would just have been in the way.

John gave up on my breasts and buried his face in my neck as his newly freed erection slid against my leg. He made a noise somewhere between a moan and a whimper. I grabbed his butt, digging my nails in just a little to urge him on. His dry thrusting kept moving higher and higher up my thigh, guided by the shape of my body until he was bumping against my pussy. It was my turn to moan once I started feeling some of the same sexual sensations that he was.

He fumbled with my shorts, pawing ineffectually at them in his over-excited state. I had to help him pull them down, then kick them the rest of the way off. His cock slid smoothly against my bare slit. My pussy had done an excellent job lubricating itself for him. His shaft glided near-frictionlessly over my clit several times, making me shiver and convulse beneath him. I wanted him inside me so badly. I spread my legs and lifted my hips a little, doing everything I could to get him where I wanted him.

John's thrusts were getting longer and harder. It seemed to take forever-though in reality was probably a matter of seconds-before he finally hit his target instead of sliding past it again. He hesitated ever-so-briefly as the tip of his cock penetrated my welcoming pussy. Other than that small stutter, he kept right on going, plunging deeper into my wet hole.

"Yesss," I hissed.

I kissed his ear, his neck, and his shoulder, rewarding him for giving me what I needed. I dragged my fingernails up his spine and felt his back arch at my touch. My hips moved in synch with his, working to make his thrusts as hard and as deep as possible.

"Fuuuck, Vi," he moaned.

I smiled and nipped at the skin between his neck and shoulder. He responded by biting me in the same place on the opposite side. My eyes rolled back and I lost all control of my body for a second. I didn't know how my brother did that to me, how he combined pleasure and pain and the forbidden in a way that so completely dominated my physical being.

I dug my nails into his back as though desperately trying to hold onto him. Again he answered in the sort of way I'd hoped he would. He slammed into my pussy with a particularly hard thrust, pressing my butt painfully into the ground. His eyes gleamed in the firelight for an instant as he raised his head. He had a look more wild, more feral than I'd ever seen in him before. He kissed me fiercely, using his teeth as much as his tongue. I moaned into his mouth and latched onto him even more tightly with my fingernails.

John's breathing was getting ragged. He was pounding his cock into me like he was on the verge of cumming. I was getting pretty close myself. Our frantic, incestuous fucking was bringing us both toward an abrupt climax. I urged my body on, maintaining the rhythm that had brought us so far already. I felt it get closer, ever closer, until at last I was there.

I let out a primal scream into the darkness that surrounded us. An engulfing maelstrom of pleasure exploded outward from my pussy, and from my brother's constant pounding. I was sucked into the internal vortex, at once consumed and torn apart by it. I was only dimly aware of my body and my physical reactions. The waves of pleasure and the aftershocks emanating from between my legs were all that I could process.

I slowly became aware that John's grunting had taken on a different tone. It sounded kind of like he was in pain. I realized that my grip had tightened involuntarily in my throes of ecstasy. I'd clawed his back far more viciously than I ever meant to. His pace had slowed a little as a result of the distraction.

"Sorry," I whispered.

He frowned in confusion, like he hadn't quite heard me. I shook my head and smiled. I pushed against his chest, just enough to get him to stop.

"What?" he asked.

I could see the desperation in him, the need for release. He was so close.

"Roll over."

I hoped the damage to his back wasn't too bad. Either way, he rolled over after only a moment of hesitation, finally kicking his shorts the rest of the way off. I took his cue and pulled my shirt off as well. It had been bunched up above my breasts for so long I'd forgotten I still had it on. The collar had gotten ripped at some point and I didn't remember it happening.

Totally naked, illuminated by the fire, I straddled my equally naked brother. His eyes were twin orbs of pure lust. He reached for me, running his hands up my sides and down my tummy. I guided his cock as I lowered myself, impaling my body on his shaft. He grabbed my ass and helped pull me the all the way down. I shamelessly reveled in the way his gaze took in my form and the way his cock filled me up so nicely.

I rocked my hips forward and back, grinding on John's shaft instead of bouncing on it. He groaned satisfyingly. It was my turn to take control, to give him pleasure just as he'd done for me. I loved the feeling of surrendering myself to him, but I also loved being in control. Manipulating his senses and reactions so directly with my body was a sexual power trip unlike any other.

I leaned over my brother, supporting some of my weight on my arms. He ran his hands up and down my body, fondling my ass or boobs as he felt like it. If I moved my hips just right, I could sometimes get him to twitch and grab me a little harder for an instant.

He was so close to release; so very close. His cock pulsed inside me. I imagined I could feel his heartbeat through it and that it would join with mine through our physical connection. I gripped and squeezed and massaged his erection with my pussy while I writhed on his lap. He moaned more and more desperately as he approached orgasm.

John grabbed my waist and thrust upward as though somehow he could force himself even deeper into my pussy. I felt his cum explode inside me. I closed my eyes and threw my head back, rocking on his cock as much as I could with my movements limited. I clenched and unclenched my muscles around his cock, milking it of everything he had.

I was more alive in the aftermath than I'd been in months. I liked the thought that by taking my brother's essence into me, somehow he was more a part of me than ever before. He was softening, but I was still far too horny to relax yet. I slid off his lap onto his tummy, giving his cock a chance to recover.

"You're fucking awesome," he said.

"Mmm, you're pretty good too."

I traced a single fingernail across his chest. His gaze was drawn to it for a second, but it didn't stay there long. There were plenty of other parts of my body for him to look at. If I just gave him a couple minutes, he'd be ready to go again. I was prepared to help him along if need be.

"Fire needs wood."

I glanced to the side, noting that our fire was burning kind of low. I shrugged and stood up to deal with the problem. I made sure to take my time bending over to pick up some pieces of wood.

John didn't move from where he was lying. Once I'd tended to the fire, I settled right back down straddling his tummy. When I back my butt up a little, I was delighted to bump into a partial erection. I smiled predatorily and reached back to help it along.


Morning came too early. I had bleary, somewhat headachy start to the day thanks to not getting very much sleep. I was in a little better shape by the time we lazed through a few hours and got some instant coffee and 'just add water' pancakes into us.

John and I didn't talk much as we slowly got our stuff all packed up again and prepared to get moving. We caught each other staring a lot and we couldn't help the goofy grins that took over our faces, but in the light of day that was as far as we could go. We both understood that.

It was oddly satisfying to see my brother wince when he shouldered his backpack. Until his back healed, he'd have a constant, physical reminder of me. Similarly, I had a bruise on my butt that I was hoping wouldn't go away for at least a few days.

"Ready to go?" he asked.


John started off with no more preamble than that. I followed along, falling naturally into pace a few steps behind him. Even though the hike yesterday hadn't been particularly strenuous, I was hoping today would be easier. I was aching in some weird places and not really in the mood for anything at all taxing. After less than ten minutes, my curiousity got the better of me.

"How much farther do you think we have to go?" I asked.

He glanced back over his shoulder at me. "Oh, maybe an hour. Hour and a half tops."

"Really? That's hardly anything."

"I know. Why do you think I stopped us early yesterday. We made way better time than I expected. Probably could have finished the whole thing in one day. That's what I get for trying to pick an easy trail for you."

A slow grin spread across my face. My brother really did have his moments.

Neither of us said anything for a while after that and I let my thoughts wander where they willed. I was already starting to think about next year's trip. It was basically Christmas for me. The waiting would get unbearable, but it was totally, totally worth it. I smiled to myself as I watched my brother in front of me. The things I'd do to him next year...

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