Brad turned around when he heard a sniffling sound beside him. Was she crying? He wondered as he drew closer to her to look into her face, but Grace quickly turned her face away in embarrassment.
They were seeing a movie titled 'Me Before You', and as touching as it was, Brad hadn't figured Grace to be the sort of person to cry over a movie.
She hadn't even laughed at the funny scenes, so why was she crying? He had been thinking she had slept off until he heard the sniffles.
He had expected her to sleep off the moment the movie started since she had claimed she wasn't a movie person.
He sighed before taking out his neatly folded handkerchief and handing it to her without saying a word.
"You do realize there is nothing embarrassing about crying, right?" He asked a few minutes later as they walked outside the cinema hall after the movie.
"What are you talking about?" She asked, feigning ignorance.
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