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80% Reincarnated As Alchemist / Chapter 8: Chapter 7 - Cure and Recovery

Bab 8: Chapter 7 - Cure and Recovery

The day of my punishment finally over. I was free to do any experiment or magic training now. But, instead of heading back to the lab, I decided to visit the castle instead. There, I didn't see the face of my best buddy at all.

"Are? It's rare to not seeing him at the courtyard. Did he catch a cold?"

I wondered.


I heard a feminine voice from the castle. I turned toward the castle entrance and saw Alicia running toward me.

"Hora, don't run!"

I told her off. She reduced her speed as I walked toward her. She jumped toward me as I had entered her range and hugged her.

"It has been a month, Alicia."

I greeted.


She snuggled into my chest. She's so cute. I want to bring her back as my girlfriend. Ah, she is my fiancee, isn't she?

"How's your body?"

I asked.

"The medication is running low but as you can see, I'm still good!!"

She boasted. I smiled and patted her head.

"Ren-sama, I was wondering, where have you been?"

She asked me.

"Well, I just simply traveling around and tested my strength. But, it seems like I've grown too strong. Ahahaha!"

I laughed.

"It's good to see you well, Ren-sama."

Molar greeted me.

"Thank you Molar-san. I'll make the elixir later. I had gotten some rare materials so perhaps I'll be able to make some better elixir for her."

I said.

"Much appreciated, Ren-sama."

He bowed.

"By the way, Ren-sama."


He called me.

"No, I just wondered since when did you get such strong aura around you."

He said.

"Yes, Ren-sama now felt like a lot cooler than before."

Alicia added.

"Well, perhaps its an aura from my Dragon Slayer trait."

I guessed. There was no retort or praise. I looked at both of them. Molar looked at me with shocked looks as Alicia was looking at me with amazed looks.

"You have met them, Ren-sama? I mean they are dragons you know!!"

I laughed dryly as Alicia inquired.

"That's aside, I didn't see Leo today. Is he out again?"

I asked them.

"Ah, Onii-sama is not in the castle anymore."


Alicia said. I was surprised by that statement.

"Onii-sama is attending the magic academy and had departed a week ago."

She added.

"Why the magic academy? Isn't he a paladin?"

I asked.

"Etto, I think it was for the sake of proposing Princess Ameralda. If I'm not mistaken, she only would accept anyone who can cast a high tier spell."

She added.

"Pal, my condolence."

I prayed for my best buddy.

"Etto, won't Ren-sama also attend it?"

Alicia asked.

"Hmm... I don't know. I probably won't make it to the entrance exam even if I rush it."

I said.

Well if I rode Sora's back probably I'll be able to get there though.

"Well, maybe I'll attend it next year. I still want to cuddle around with my cute fiancee."

I said as I lifted Alicia's face by her chin. Alicia blushed red and ran away.



The glass tube in my hand gave a light explosion. It seems like the dragon blood couldn't be mixed with any ordinary essence. With my current level, I supposed to be able to craft some high leveled potions but it seems like it was not the case.

"Another fail huh? This stuff is quite delicate isn't it?"

I muttered.

"Maybe I should check the auction house later. Man, this is difficult."

I grumbled. This was my 20th failure. I had used various essence and composition for this elixir I was going to make. Usage of magic beasts blood was quite effective for creating strengthening type pills and potions. However, the technique, temperature, and composition was very crucial and needed a lot of attention compared to the mix of herb essence.

"Maybe I need some rare medicine"

I muttered. I picked the list of the medicine I had identified so far. I compared them with each other.

The substances in this world had many things and aspects that couldn't be explained with science.

I scratched my head hard. This is quite difficult to handle dragon blood. I sat in my seat and pondered.

"Dragons are fantasy created with high-grade rarity."

I recalled the things from my past which I had forgotten for long. Rarity, quality, amount, and concentration. All of those are the things I need to reconsider.

This was the first time I got troubled when I crafted potions.

"Rare herbal in fantasy huh? What would that be?"

I pondered.

"Ren-sama, it's time for dinner."

Natalia called me. It seems like I've lost the track of time here. I washed my ganda and followed her to the dining room.

"Is something bothering you, Ren-sama?"

Natalia asked me.

"No, it's nothing important. I just thinking about the rare herb that can be compared with dragon blood."

I Said with a wry smile.

"Wouldn't a mandrake fit the criteria? If I'm not mistaken you have some right?"

Hearing her words my thought process stopped.

"That's it!!"

I said as I got enlightenment.


"Please this way, Ren-sama."

Molar guided me into the castle. This would be my first time visiting a girl's room in this world. The reason why I headed there was that I came here early in the morning. Alicia was not a morning person since long ago. She would always sleep in except on certain occasions.

"Hime-sama, Ren-sama is visiting."

He said as he knocked on the door. I didn't hear anything behind the door. Molar slowly opened the door and entered. I followed him and saw something surprising. Inside the wide bed with canopy, there was a girl who slept comfortably. She was hugging a hug pillow with a smile on her face.

I smiled gently seeing her figure. She was looked very childish yet her beauty and cuteness covered it.

"Then, shall we wake her up?"

Molar asked.

I shook my head at his question. Seeing her like this, my childish mind was triggered.

"Molar-san, instead of that..."

I whispered my Idea to his ears.






"Fua~ I slept well."

Alicia said as she woke up.

"Yes, you seem like had a very nice dream."

I replied to her. She gasped and turned her face toward me. I was sitting beside the tea-table beside the bed. I was enjoying some warm tea as I waited for her to wake up.

"Good morning."

I greeted her. She blinked her eyes and pinched her side.

"Ouch! It's not a dream."

She muttered. She then looked at me and then looked at herself.


She turned red and panicked. I put down the teacup in my hand and stood up. I approached her bed.

"Good morning Alicia"

I said again before kissing her forehead.

"I'll call the maid. I'll wait in the backyard."

I said with a smile. I left the room with a satisfied smile on my face. It would probably take some time for her to be able to calm down from the little prank of mine.




"Thanks for waiting."

Alicia greeted me. I turned my face toward her. I widened my eyes. Alicia was wearing a beautiful light blue dress. The arm gloves reached above her elbow and her hair was tidily arranged, a perfect appearance of a princess.

"You're beautiful, Alicia."

I praised her.

"Mou, Ren-sama... Saying that after earlier mischief is a foul play."

She acted bashfully. We walked toward the pavilion beside the flowerbed.

"By the way, why did Ren-sama come here this early?"

She asked innocently.

"Well, I just want to tell you that I had finished the elixir."

I said.


She titled her head.

"Etto, it's a cure for Alicia so that you won't have to be afraid of the relapse of your condition."

I explained.

"Really?!! I can finally able to play like a normal girl!!"

She was excited.

"That's right but..."

I stopped mid-sentence. I averted my eyes and scratched my cheek.

"The side effect might be troubling a bit."

I said.

"Side effect?"

She titled her head.

"What's the side effect you're talking about, Ren?"

I heard a voice behind me. I gasped and straightened my posture. I turned back and saw a figure with a crown on his head, the king.

"Otou-sama!! Listen!! Ren-sama said he had found a cure for my body!!"

Alicia said to her father excitedly.

"That's quite good news. But, I'm a bit worried about this side effect thing you had mentioned before."

He gave a pressuring aura.

"Well, that's... a bit..."

I hesitated to tell him.

"Baron Ren Concerto, answer my question."

His gaze turned very cold and intimidating.


I said.


He frowned.

"It means that you'll partially be turning into a dragon."

I explained more.

"How much she will transform?"

He inquired me.

"I have yet to know. But, I can guarantee that her transformation wouldn't be affecting her too much."

I added.

"What do you mean by too much?"

He inquired further.

"Etto, less than my case, I think."

I said with a hesitant tone. The king widened his eyes.

"That's... Don't tell me you're trying it on your own body?!!!"

He was surprised when he knew my dragonification.

"Rather than the elixir, my dragonification is caused by my body got exposed by a lot amount of dragon blood, eating dragon meat, and killing a dragon by myself. There are probably some additional factors that I didn't know but in my case probably they were the cause."

I said. I mentioned the last part with a small voice so that the king wouldn't hear it. The king sighed.

"Then, how much is your transformation?"

He asked.

"Apart from the increase on strength, my eyesight, hearing, and smell are improved, I gained a night vision, increase in stamina, and my magic increased a bit, my iris changed a bit and my canines are growing longer. Also, I felt some urge to protect my possession."

I explained anything that came to my mind.

"Well, in that case, why not? Even she is transformed into a dragon, you're also the same right?"

He said.

"If she turned into a dragon from this, I would have transformed long ago as my dragonification is quite severe."

I said.


"But, isn't that too risky?"

The king asked.

"Well, I intended to leave it to your disposal. I also think that this elixir is still not perfect. I will try to research more for a better solution."

I said. I secretly looked at my status.

Ren Concerto Level 96 Alchemist Level 89 Arcanist Level 45

Titles: Genius Alchemist, Saint's Son, First Prince's childhood friend, Scientist, Prodigy, Miraculous Eyes possessor, Auction Hall's VVIP, 3rd Princess' fiancé, Baron of Maximilian, Dragon Slayer, Demon Tribe's Nightmare, Savior, Hero Candidate, Philosopher

Race: Human, Demonification Level 0, Dragonification Level 4

Seed: Acedia Level 39

I tried to hold my surprise inside. My dragonification was getting worse as expected but to think the seed also would level up from this was giving me unease.

"What's wrong, Ren-sama?"

Alicia asked me. It seems like she could see through my hidden surprise.

"Ah, no. It's nothing."

I tried to feign it off. I glanced at the king. He was looking at me with suspicion.

"Since you said you had completed the potion, if you mind can I see it?"

Molar said. It was quite surprising for him to make an initiative for this matter.

"I also wish to see it."

The king joined.

"Though I said it is already completed, I haven't tested it on anyone yet so I couldn't say this is the final product."

I explained.

"Is that so, however, does that mean you don't have it on you right now?"

The king asked.

"No, I have it with me in my waist pouch."

I replied. I patted the magic pouch on my waist which was a rare artifact I got from the king.

"In that case, may I see it? I'm quite curious about the medicine created from the blood of a dragon."

He asked.


I said as I reached for my waist pouch and took out a small vial filled with blood-colored liquid.

"This is 'Elixir'?"

The king asked.

"To be exact this is a low-grade blood Elixir. Actually, I wish to make the advanced one but it seems like I am still unable to make it yet."

I explained.

"It probably can't cure her completely but she should be fine for a while."

I added.

"Hou, just from seeing it I already can feel the aura inside this potion. This is undoubtedly a high-grade potion."

Molar said.

"Then, I'll leave it in your hand, Molar-san."

I said as I walked toward him. But, just before I could hand it to him, Alicia swiftly snatched it from me. Without any hesitation, she opened the lid and chugged on the potion.


Neither me, Molar-san nor the king was able to react to her action.

"Ugh, it tasted weird."

Alicia said after finishing the elixir. She looked toward the three of us who had our jaw dropped after seeing her recklessness.


Just a moment after that, she crouched down holding her stomach. Just before anyone could react, I rushed forward to support her. However, suddenly I received a roundhouse kick from the side.


I breathed some air heavily. The damage I received was quite severe.

"Just what did you give my daughter?"

The king asked me. His eyes were looking at me with extreme fury.


Just as I was about to answer, another kick was sending me flying. I crashed to the castle wall. I could taste the blood I had vomited just now. I looked up and saw Molar was standing in front of me. He was looking down on me with an expressionless feature on his face.

"Any last word, Ren?"

The king asked. He was approaching me with a sword in his hand. I closed my eyes. It seems like instead curing her, I made her suffered more. I made up my mind and decided to accept the wrath of the king.


I heard a feminine voice from a distant place. I opened my eyes and saw Alicia jogged toward us. I smiled weakly as I tried to support my tattered body from the ground.

"Alicia? Is your body alright?"

The king asked with a dumbfounded look.

"Yes, father. Instead of feeling sick, I feel much better than before. So, don't blame Ren-sama, please."

Alicia pleaded. I looked upon her status in secret.


Alicia Michaelo Level 12 Archmage Level 3

Titles: Third Princess of Maximilian, Weakened Princess, King's doted daughter

Race: Human

Status: None


It seems like her weakened status had disappeared. With this, she should be fine, probably.

"Your Majesty, if allowed, may I check on Alicia's condition? I need to confirm if there was a side effect on her body."

I asked. The king nodded in affirmation.

"Please excuse me."

I whispered to Alicia. Although I already knew that there was no side effect, I needed at least pretending to check on her before declaring that there was no side effect of dragonification on her body. I checked the pulse for several seconds and stared into her eyes to check on the eye color.

"There's no side effect on her body."

I said.

The King became excited about his daughter's recovery. He held a small celebration on that day.

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