Two other persons sat at the other corner of the second floor. One was a little older than the other. The younger one said to the older one, "Zheng Feihan is trying to take advantage of innocent people again. Should we help them, Supervisor Hu?"
Both of them were members of Mu City Academy. The younger one, Luo Jinshi, was a student in the same class as Zheng Feihan. The older one was a supervisor named Hu Qingsong.
"Let's see first. Zheng Feihan's grandfather is one of the academy's elders. I'm afraid he might make things difficult for me if I intervened and lectured Zheng Feihan."
Hu Qingsong furrowed his eyebrows. He found this issue rather tricky and knew such an action could not be taken so easily. "I think that girl and that young man will give in. I don't think Zheng Feihan will make things difficult for them as long as they do. It's better for us to just avoid any unnecessary trouble."
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