Together with the Duck Emperor, Xiao Luo traveled through many colorful walls of light and he quickly realized he was traveling through space. Xiao Luo felt tension during the teleportation, and his ears were ringing as if he was in a train traveling through a tunnel.
After several dozen seconds, the feeling of traveling through space eased off, then stopped, and they appeared to have arrived. The colorful lights around them disappeared, and they saw a massive circular platform with a high wall around it. He was standing right on it.
While he was there, more and more travelers arrived on the round platform, out of nowhere. That platform was the receiving terminal for all the travelers teleported from different locations.
"This is the Stan City. Please do not remain on the receiving platform after your arrival. The exit is that way. This is to avoid hindering arrivals from other locations." An impersonal voice made that announcement.
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