The thunderstorm raged on for two whole hours before it eased, leaving the entire city of Dongjing inundated.
Cabinet minister Oshima Jun deployed a thousand Self-Defence Force soldiers into the prison. They were all wearing gas masks and were equipped with chemical dispensers that would neutralize the toxic gas. It was a covert operation carried out under the cloak of darkness. There was an urgent need to remove all evidence that very night.
Anpei was still in the presidential suite dancing with a few maikos. He drank and sang, joked around, and was having the time of his life.
BOOM! Suddenly, the door burst open.
"Who's there?"
Anpei and the maikos accompanying him jolted in shock. They instantly swung round and Anpei almost wet himself when he saw the terrifying figure of that enigmatic murderer, Xiao Han, standing at the entrance.
"How refined you are, Anpei Shinzo."
Xiao Han's lips curled up in a smirk as he strode over.
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