A violent gale blew across the vast sea, accompanied by rolling dark clouds beyond the horizon.
As they drew closer, the portentous dark clouds descended on the surface of the sea, churning its surface, and causing angry crests of waves to surge upward, as if welcoming the looming storm clouds. As the howling winds picked up, peals of thunder and the threatening flashes of lightning became more frequent.
The raging winds carried wave after thunderous wave of the angry sea inland, smashing viciously into the shoreline. As the ominous clouds advanced toward the shore, angry flashes of lightning glowed intermittently within its abyss.
Such was the nature of a raging thunderstorm in the Pacific.
The massive storm system shrouded a good half of the Ri Nation island within it, including Dongjing, as a torrent of heavy rain drenched the city of skyscrapers and neon lights.
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