Cai Renhe was so angry that he turned red in the face. He lost control over his emotions and blew up.
A freaking bank robbery? What did he think Xiahai was--the backdrop to a Hong Kong movie? If Xiao Luo was really at a bank robbery by some unlikely chance, then there would have been police officers on hand to deal with the situation. What was an entrepreneur doing getting himself involved? Suddenly, Cai Renhe was reminded about the threat that Jin Yitang posed, and he wisely chose to suppress his anger.
"Let's not waste any more time. Let's talk about that Jin Yitang of yours," Cai Renhe said.
"Yes, what about my Jin Yitang?" asked Xiao Luo. He frowned as the cogs started to turn in his head.
"What about your Jin Yitang? Well, you're about to monopolize the drug market, that's what!"
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