The gruesome sight of their commander being pulverized right before their very eyes had a terrifying effect on the Libyan rebels. It was a complete shock to them, and they wavered in their lines.
In that split second of confusion, Xiao Luo punched and kicked two Libyan rebels in their chests and sent them flying off as if they were hit by a train. After landing hard on the ground a few meters away, they vomited quantities of blood and struggled for a brief moment before they dropped dead.
Xiao Luo's strikes had crushed their sternums and smashed their hearts to a pulp, killing them instantly. There was no doubt about their cause of death, as blood streamed copiously from the cavities in their chests, much more than oozing out from their mouths.
The Libyan rebels were stupefied, and in a panic, they suddenly reacted.
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