Grabbing Hua Dexing and Hua Xiaorong by the scruff, Xiao Luo dragged them out and hurled into the minivan they arrived with. He then went back into the house, retrieved the gifts they brought along, and dumped them into the vehicle. This was precisely how his father had been treated back then, and Xiao Luo wanted his uncle to know how it felt being humiliated. He couldn't understand how Hua Dexing could still have the gall to borrow money from him and even castigate him when he refused. It was as if he was in the wrong for not lending Hua Dexing the money.
"Son, have we been a little too harsh?" Hua Heying said, a look of worry written all over her face.
Xiao Luo shook his head, "It's true that he's my uncle, but that doesn't mean that he can just swagger in here and step on our heads, yelling at us as he pleases."
While Hua Yeying nodded, her brows were still knitted as she was feeling very uneasy about the affair.
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