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41.66% Another Regular Reincarnation / Chapter 7: VII - The most troublesome place (P2)

Bab 7: VII - The most troublesome place (P2)

???: All students head to the auditorium, where the principal and the student council president are going to give a speech for the beginning of a new learning year. New students should ask for directions!

Fynn: I guess I'll ask someone then.

Instead of doing what most would do and ask a complete random person, I'll search for someone I know of.

'The problem is... who?'

???: Are you a new student?

Fynn: Hum? Oh yes I am. Kobayashi Fynn is the name.

Sona: Sitri. Sitri Sona. I am the current president of the student council. Are you perhaps searching for the auditorium?

'What the fuck!?'

The actual Sona Sitri is in front of me... I thought I would be more impressed actually. She is a total beauty, don't misunderstand me. But I guess my Au-Ra Blood and the fact I am Campione deters a huge part of that charm. Well, since I am here, I'll take my chances.

Fynn: Would you mind if we make some small talk on the way?

Sona: Actually, it would be my pleasure. 'Why can't I read him? Isn't he a normal human?'

Fynn: So, where are you from originally Sitri-san?

Sona: I come from Germany. What about you, Kobayashi-san?

Fynn: I came from Ireland just yesterday, my dad works in Japan and I liked the culture so... here I am.

Sona: I see... 'I wonder why do I get this feeling like I am just hearing bullshit...'

Sona: So how old are you?

Fynn: Currently seventeen, I am a third year beginning today.

Sona: Do you perhaps play chess?

Fynn: Not really, though I know a lot about the game. You know, moves, strategies, playing the mind of your opponent.

Sona: Then I would like to have a match against you later, if it is not a bother.

Fynn: Of course it is not, I would love to accompany a beauty such a yourself to play a game of chess.

Sona: Then can I wait for you at the student council later on today?

Fynn: It'll be my pleasure.

Sona: Good. By the way, we have arrived at the auditorium. This is where we split.

Fynn: Well then, it was nice meeting you Sitri-san. I hope you have a wholesome year.

Sona: Thank you, and I wish the same for you.

'Interesting, she was probing me all the time with her magic. Well, not like she could see anything anyway.'

I should find a seat where I can more or less sleep at. The fact of the matter is, I hate this speeches of this kind. The only purpose they serve is to make students feel tired before the actual course even began.

As soon as I spotted an available seat I approached it. Since I am not someone prone to be rude, I decided to ask the person who was sitting besides if she didn't mind me sitting there. And god was I surprised when she turned around.

'Fuuka Akitsuki! So she is here... I must keep her alive, no matter what.'

You'll see, Fuuka is one of the few anime I felt something when watching it. It made me realize that life can be hard, but you must never let go the hopes you have and try to keep positive about things. Because no matter how much you want to cry and stay put, the world keeps moving. It is also the anime that got me into the world of music anime. Fuuka Akitsuki... you were my light once, now I'll be yours.

Fynn: Would you mind if I sit?

Fuuka: Hmm? No I don't! 'He is so handsome! I hope I didn't sound weird...'

Fynn: Thank you then... ummm...

Fuuka: Oh yes! Akitsuki Fuuka, but please call me Fuuka!

Fynn: As you wish, Fuuka-san. I am Fynn. Kobayashi Fynn.

Knowing Fuuka's taste for music, I am pretty sure she will know me from my surname. After all, my dad is publicly known as the only owner of MS Music, which is the biggest record company in Japan, besides being a producer himself in his early years.

Fuuka: Kobayashi! As in THE Kobayashi from MS Music?!

Fynn: Shhh, don't scream please!

Fuuka: I'm sorry...

Well she actually did get it at the first try. Not like I expected otherwise but it still is weird. Still, this is a good beginning for me. Since she already knows my background it will be a lot more feasible to explain a lot of things. Though I am not planning to hide the fact I am a Campione from her, nor anything related to the supernatural world. I am going to be outright honest with her and everyone who is close to me.

Fynn: Yes, Kobayashi Kazuto is my father. But please don't have that in consideration, as I am not my father. In fact, I am willing to say that I am nothing similar to him.

Fuuka: Is something wrong?

Fynn: *sigh*... I'll tell you after school, happy with that?

Fuuka: Only if you are willing.

Fynn: Yeah, I guess it doesn't matter anymore.

Guess it really is easy to notice my reluctance to talk about my relationship with my parents. I mean, in the past two weeks everything had gone really well, but there are gaps that can't be filled after some time. And I have a huge gap of seventeen years.

Fynn: Anyway, what kind of music do you enjoy the most? I can tell you are a rally hardcore fan of music just by your reaction to my surname.

Fuuka: I really listen to anything that suits my mood, but mostly Rock, Lo-Fi, Alternative Music and a little bit of Pop, but only emotional songs, not modern Pop ones.

Fynn: I'd say you are really invested in your music then, that is pretty much what I listen to. So who'd you say is your favourite artist?

Fuuka: I don't have one. I just can't find that one person or group that makes my heart shiver.

'That will change real soon, Fuuka'

Fynn: Well... I hope that changes soon.

Fuuka: Why do you say that?

Fynn: Nothing, nothing.

I'll play dumb for now. No need to spoil the fun right? I'll hide it from her as a little secret, at least until I record my debut single! Which by the way I still haven't decided which song I'll use from my rewards. Well whatever, I'll think about it later.

Fuuka: The speech ended! So, what class are you in, Fynn-kun?

Fynn: I am a third-tear, so I think you should call me senpai, Fuuka.

'Oh, she got red. Perhaps dropping the honorifics like that was actually a really good idea!'

Fuuka: I-If you like it, Fynn-s-senpai!

Fynn: Oh you're so cute! Anyways, would you mind guiding me to the teacher's office so I can ask for my timetables and see what class I am assigned to?

Fuuka: Of course, Fynn-senpai!

'Wow she got over her embarrassment very quickly.'

Fynn: Thank you, Fuuka.


The teachers office... I just hope there are no stupid teachers in this school. Perhaps a good looking woman would do fine. I wonder though, who would I find in here...

'So it's Kirisu huh?'

Kirisu: Kobayashi Fynn, right?

Fynn: Indeed, sensei. I came here to ask what room I was assigned to and what my timetables are. But seeing how you already know me, I guess I was assigned to your class.

Kirisu: That would indeed be the case. So follow me now. I'll take you to the classroom and introduce you to everyone.

Fynn: Lead the way then.

Kirisu: 'Why do I have to get a handsome student in my class...'


Kirisu: This is going to be your classroom throughout this year. Class 3-A. Wait here Until I call you in.

Kirisu: Hello everyone. I have something to announce. From today onwards you'll have a new classmate. He just transferred from Ireland yesterday so I hope you teach him all of the local costumes. Come inside now.

Fynn: Hello everyone, my name is Kobayashi Fynn. I like music and techwear. I hope you take care of me through the next year, it is a pleasure to meet you all.

???: Isn't he like super handsome?

???: I was disappointed when I saw almost no boys entering the school, but now that is gone.

???: I wonder if he does sports? He looks very strong.

Kirisu: I'll allow you to ask him a few questions, so stop acting like that. You, third seat.

???: Do you practice any sports?

Fynn: Besides regular fitness? None.

Kirisu: Next.

???: What is techwear?

Fynn: It is a clothes fashion.

Kirisu: Sona, what is your question?

Sona: What kind of music do you listen to?

Fynn: Mostly Alternative Music, Rock, some Pop songs and a little bit of classical.

Kirisu: Ok that's it. Everyone back to your sits. Kobayashi-kun will seat besides Hyodo.


Then I look at who Kirisu was pointing towards. Hyodo Michiru. Guitarist and songwriter from the anime Saekano. This is quite the mashup here. Besides there are a lot of character's I still haven't seen. Though most Idol related anime characters must be in their first and second year. Still, Michiru should be a second year, and here she is. I don't see Rias Gremory anywhere either... This is going to be troublesome. At least I know everyone's personality, that will make it easier to handle each person.

Michiru: Why do you sigh?

Fynn: Hmm? Oh, it's a habit.

Michiru: So, you look like you really enjoy music. Are you related to MS Music?

Fynn: You are the second person to ask me that today. *sigh* Kobayashi Kazuto is my dad. Happy?

Michiru: Ooooh, can you like, set me up to record a song?

Fynn: Not if you don't have the skill. Is there a music room in this school? I mean there must be, it's just too big for there not to be one.

Michiru: Yes, there is one. Why?

Fynn: Would you mind taking me there during recess?

Michiru: It would be my pleasure.

Kirisu: Stop talking and pay attention to class if you both don't want detention on your first day!

Michiru/Fynn: Yes sensei!

Class: *giggle*



Fynn: *sigh* Finally we have a recess.

Michiru: So you up for the music room?

Fynn: It would be an honor to be shown the way by a lady such as yourself.

Michiru: B-b-baka! Don't tease me like that!

Fynn: Fine, fine, I'm sorry.

Michiru: Hmph! Follow me already.

And as we left the room, I was able to hear someone whose interest I have seemed to pick.

Sona: Where are those two going? I'll follow them.

'Weird... has Sona always been so careless? Perhaps she thinks that, since she is a devil, we wouldn't be able to notice her? Naïve.'

Michiru: We're here already, Kobayashi-kun.

Just the sheer size of the room is amazing. The place she led me to is a room the size of a theatre, full of instruments and a few microphones set up for a choir. There are two of each string, air, and percussion instruments. This place is like... awesome. I think I am going to spend a looot of time in this room.

Fynn: So, go ahead.

Michiru: Hmm?

Fynn: Show me your skills.

Michiru: Really? Uuuhh... Is something I wrote fine? ¨

Fynn: Duh, I wouldn't hear it otherwise.

Michiru: Ok... then get closer to the guitars.

Fynn: Fine, take your time.

Michiru: Then, this song is called "Sorairo Days". It is an acoustic since I don't have a way to play it the way I composed it.

Fynn: No problem, do your thing, break a leg.

'So it's that song huh...'

"Tell me if – If you can hear

Even just the sound of my voice

Loud and clear, free from the void

That once consumed it whole"

(Sorairo Days - Cover by Icy Tail - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pUt3SAjVp40)

The melody from the guitar is very up-beat, with a certain touch to it that makes you feel alive. It's a song that expresses a desire to never stop moving. I can feel the passion she has and I totally believe this song expresses her actual feelings. I don't have much to say. This song used to be known as a masterpiece back in my previous life. I find it weird that it has been given to her as her own original, but I like her version a lot too.

Michiru: So? How was it?

Fynn: Hum-hum, I approve! This is a very good song! I'll help you set up a meeting with a producer from MS Music.

Michiru: Really?! Thank you so much!

'Umm... why did she jump on me?'

Michiru: Oh my god I am so sorry!

She looks so flustered that I can't even react to what hapenned, I am having a cuteness overload and it is only my first day in this school. First Fuuka, now Michiru, who's next?

Fynn: Don't mind it. Well, guess I can't be left behind right? I'll play a song to.

Michiru: Really? You can sing?

Fynn: Is it really that hard to believe?

Michiru: Oh no, I'm sorry if that was rude. Please go ahead.

Fynn: *giggle* Don't be so serious, it doesn't suit you. Well, this song is called "Crawling".

"Crawling in my skin

These wounds, they will not heal

Fear is how I fall

Confusing what is real."

(Linkin Park - Crawling Piano Version (Facebook Live session) - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tHXY5qZB0qs)

I really loved this song way back. It was so fun to listen to. But then again I stopped doing so at some point... until I found this version of the song. This, to me, made it all the more better. Crawling is a song about being vulnerable to oneself's darkest side. To that which hurts us and we don't want to accept, but we are forced to. The melody played in the piano, paired with the right vocals, set a mood that shows how you fell deep inside. How you hurt yourself.

Michiru: *sob* That was... *sob* so beautiful...

Fynn: I'm glad you liked it! But now I feel guilty for making you cry.

Michiru: There is no need *sob* to feel like that. I'm crying because your song is that good and I could feel every single emotion you wrote it with.

Fynn: Well, I'm happy to receive you prai...


'Oh shit... here we go again...'


I am currently in the process of writing chapter VIII, so give me your ideas for the next fight.

Also, the first of you who guesses who caused the explosion... will be able to decide a member of Fynn's future harem!

I'll even give you a hint: When they appear, a spacequake occurs. Ok I talked too much already.

Bye, hope to see you active in the comments!

GabrielRott GabrielRott

So, I hope this chapter isn't as tedious to read as it was to write. The amount of dialogues in it make it all the more dense. I just hope you guys enjoy it. Still not everything is bad news! Next chapter has action! Actual action! Hahaha, yeah, praise me more!

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