While walking Xin is tracking the move of the other Shinigami and his friend, and it seems that each of them successfully finds the right opponent.
Ichigo and Ganju seem to be fighting some strong opponents, Chad and Uryu also find their suitable opponents.
While Inoue and Tatsuki on the other hand are cleaning the hideout of the 11th Division, and they don't have any plan to stop their efforts.
He also sensed the other women from Shinigami Women's Association that they started to move in his friend's direction.
When Xin then looked for the other Captain direction he dazed sensing Captain Gin, and Captain Tosen coming straight to where Chad and Inoue were.
It seems that their target is to him but the other, it seems that they plan to eliminate the weaker one before coming to him.
Thank goodness, Xin prepares something for them if this thing really happens, even if they try to eliminate them.
The first one who arrives is Gin inside of the 11th Division barracks, he saw Tatsuki fighting a bunch of shinigami mobs.
Gin calmly grabs his Shikai and shoots Tatsuki from a distance, trying to eliminate her as fast as possible.
Inoue, who supports her behind, feels that killing intent coming straight to Tatsuki, and based on how fast the danger is coming to them, Yaysuki will surely be hit by it.
"Hinagiku, Lily, and Baigon"
"Santen Kesshun"
"I reject it!"
Hinagiku, Lily, and Baigon come out from the 6-star hairpin in Inoue's hair and form a triangle shield in front of Tatsuki, Tatsuki also feels that danger coming to her and she knows that it's impossible to dodge it.
But still, she has the fate to Inoue that she will assist her and defend her in case of an emergency.
Then they see a super long kata hit the Santen Kesshun, it almost breaks the barrier but still, it resists the attack from afar.
Tatsuki punches the last Shinigami mobs and jumps in front of Inoue while taking a fighting pose, she is sure that they will be discovered by a Captain Class.
Gin amazed how they easily blocked his sneak attack, and they also fast to respond, they did not stop, but they formed a defence perimeter for him before he even attacked again.
Gin retracts his Shikai, then uses Shunpo to appear in front of them and try to shoot them down, but this time, his target is Inoue, he knows that having an assist like her will make the fight harder.
Tatsuki already prepared, she grips her fist and uses her fullbring command for more power.
"Heart of Courage 'Yellow Belt (VI Kyu) ' "
The Belt of Courage changes to Yellow Coloured one, and it amplifies Tatsuki's overall stats by 4x.
Belt of Courage
Amplify user over-all stats from Strength, Agility, Stamina, and Power, the amplify is based on how much courage the user has deep in her heart.
Amplify Type:
White Belt (Mukyu "No Kyu") = 1X Amplify
Orange Belt (X Kyu) = 2X Amplify
Blue Belt (VIII Kyu) = 3XAmplify
Yellow Belt (VI Kyu) = 4X Amplify
Green Belt (IV Kyu) = 5X Amplify
Brown Belt (II Kyu) = 6X Amplify
Black Belt I Dan (Shodan) = 7X Amplify
Black Belt II Dan (Nidan) = 8X Amplify
Black Belt III Dan (Sensei) = 9X Amplify
Ultimate Forme = Unknown
Note: Strong body is needed to unlock the other Amplify type.
4x amplify the limit of Tatsuki body, and she can only use this for limited time only, and after that, she will fall to weaken the state.
She then dash punches Gin's face with fast and precise strikes making Gin slightly dazed seeing the fist is already in front of his face.
But he did not let her punch him, he used his palm and pushed her arm upward and ready his weapon to slice him.
Tatsuki is amazed seeing her arm push upward, making her body fully open, then she suddenly turns around and uses one of her feet to perform a spinning kick.
Gin who was about to grab his SHakin hurry blocked the kick, then threw a simple punch to her stomach but the only thing he hit was Tatsuki's knee.
With one swift jump, Tatsuki performs a dropkick to Gin's smiling face, Gin who was about to block did not expect that she hit him cleanly on his forehead.
The drop kick is super powerful, his feet already embedded in the ground leaving him like a plant planted in the ground.
Tatsuki then back step and perform a straight karate punch to Gin who slightly dazed.
"100 Brick Penetrating Punch!!"
Gin's face slightly distorted, the punch dislocates almost all his internal organs, blood already drop from his lips.
Sure that he recessive large damage from that ordinary attack, what he doesn't know is Tatsuki's simple punch can penetrate 100 bricks.
Maybe Tatsuki can already punch a tank and leave a huge hole into it.
"Y-Your strong Little Miss, but, this is not enough," Gin said.
"Shoot to kill"
Gin's blade glows white and extends at high speed and tries to impale Tatsuki who is in front of him. Thank goodness, Tatsuki is slightly fast, he only hits her shoulder.
Tatsuki hurries to jump back to take distance, she wants to stick closer to him so that she can easily dodge but she discovers that the weapon he is using is weird, the attack is pretty fast and it is almost impossible to dodge it.
"Tatsuki-Chan, dodge!" Inoue's voice suddenly rang behind her, she hurriedly jumped and saw the golden triangular cylinder in front of her.
"Hinagiku, Lily, Baigon, Ayame, Tsubaki"
"God force Canon"
Inoue then punches Ayame to transfer her raw power and amplify it, then the amplify force transfers straight to Tatsukitransformign him into a gold-coloured cannonball that flies straight to Gin who is planted in the ground.
Gin is shocked seeing a huge energy shoot straight to him, the energy drags his body up to the air and flies straight to the Captain Commander Office.
The Captain, Vice-Captain, and Xin dazed seeing the attack actually hit the Captain Commander's office, they were pretty sure that Oldman was going to get angry.
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