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23.07% Poseidonn / Chapter 3: two

Bab 3: two

"How do I look?"

Theo twisted and turned in the mirror checking just about every angle possible in the new outfit she bought just for today. The nearly skin-tight black dress was just about the furthest from what she would ever wear to work but she was trying something different for once. Especially when coming face to face with such an infamous mystery of a person.

"Badass. And since it's a scoop neck I'd suggest wearing your hair up with a simple pair of earrings. As for shoes, you can never go wrong with stilettos." Alex added as she lounged across the bed.

"Alright. Should I wear a blazer over it? I don't want to be too unprofessional."

"Definitely, but wear the one with the single button in the center so you can keep it open because no dress like that should be covered up."

She hurried to add on the quick additions and made sure to use her best gel when brushing her hair up into a painfully tight ponytail. As she looked at her reflection staring back she noticed just how the updo enhanced her natural beauty. For what felt like the first time in her life, she then added just a tad bit of highlight onto her cheekbones and went with her usual brown lip.

"Thanks for dropping by last minute. I don't know why I've worked myself up over this guy when he's just another client. Why am I so nervous?"

"Maybe because your career may just depend on it and you're walking into unknown territory with a man the world knows nothing about, perhaps," Alex answered without fail.

She stood again and smoother her hands over her outfit, ridding it of any wrinkles.

"Right. Do I look good?"

She carefully spun around showcasing the finished look.

"You look stunning. He won't even be able to focus on a thing you say. Are you heading into it alone?"

"I do want him to feel more at ease, so yeah. Don't want to ambush the guy."

"But the most important thing is that you feel safe." She reminded her.

"I know. If it turns out that he's some sadistic psychopath I'll have you to thank for all those self-defense classes you forced me to." Theo replied.

"You're welcome in advance."

"I should head out now."

"Where are you meeting him again?"

"Elite headquarters. We'll probably end up going somewhere more comfortable afterward."

"You know what to do if you need a cop-out. All you gotta do is text me the safe word and I will immediately call you in a fit of tears." Alex reminded her.

"Whatever would I do without you?"

"You'll never have to know. Let's head out before you get too nervous."


As soon as she arrived, it was as if every reassuring thought she had just suddenly gone out the window. It was a first for Theo. Her reputation was built upon her inspiring confidence when it came to her stories upon the world's most influential people. She was not only talking to an actual god, but there was so much pressure on her shoulders to nail it at the same time.

"Theo, you got this." She muttered to herself before she finally left the comfort of her car.

She then confidently strode into the building and felt a newfound sense of ease once she made it into her second home. Once she spotted her trusty assistant, the eager to please worker hurried to her side.

"Are you all set?"


"Great. Do you need me to get anything for you or the interviewee?" Rachel asked as she walked alongside her.

"Just follow me up to meet him and I'll let you know then."

"Yes, ma'am. You nervous?"

"Can you tell?"

"A bit. Remember to take deep breaths and that it isn't the end of the world. After all, he needs to impress you not the other way around. You will be the voice that introduces another side of him to the world. You're in control and have nothing to fear." She firmly reminded her boss.

"Damn. You ever thought of doing motivational speaking?"

"Maybe, but you need me too much."

"Damn right. Now let's do this."

With a much more confident stride, she passed by her heavily observant coworkers on her way to the office. Each one was just as curious as the next as to who she would be speaking to. Some would admit that they were even jealous. After all, why did she deserve this once in a lifetime opportunity?

She felt each gaze, each hateful glare, and nosy stare, but as soon as she reached the door it no longer mattered. So with the best composure she could manage, she smoothly opened the door and stepped inside.

"Holy shi-"

"Good morning, Joan," Theo spoke over her shocked assistant.

The usually passive woman sat stiffly in her seat whilst Ryan sat across from her awaiting an introduction.

"Glad you could make it on time. This is Ryan Ross. Mr. Ross, this is Theodora Watson and she will be the one responsible for your spread."

Finally, the mystery man stood and turned towards the patient woman. And if he felt just as nervous as Theo, she couldn't tell. The frosty eyes smoothly looked over her with a terrifying lack of expression before stepping closer.

"Lovely to meet you, Ms. Watson."

"Theo is fine." She mustered up the courage to say.

"This is Rachel, my assistant. If there is ever anything you should need throughout the time all you'll have to do is ask."

"Privacy." Is all he said.

"I beg your pardon?"

"I was told to expect a one on one consultation with you." He briefly looked between her and an anxious Rachel.

"Well, when it hits the pages it really won't be private so does it really matter how the process goes?"

"Yes." He replied.

"It's one person."

"One too many. If it's too much to ask I can call this entire thing off."

"I highly doubt you'd do that considering you're the one who suggested this in the first place."

"Theodora!" Joan snapped.

"Excuse her. What she meant to say was that it will be fine. Rachel, I need you to go prepare the breakfast party in the staff room. Make sure everyone is in attendance and that not a single person disturbs Mr. Ross as he leaves the premises." She then reassured him.

And with a curt nod, she hurried out the room.

"And where will we be headed?" Theo asked as she bit back all the words she wished she could have said.

"A more comfortable location. My driver is waiting downstairs." He promptly answered.

"After you, Mr. Ross."

The two waited a minute until they heard a new silence and swiftly exited the room. Theo found herself following close behind Mr. Ross as he retraced his earlier steps towards the private elevator shaft primarily used by Joan that would lead them straight to the parking garage. And once inside the small lift, it took no time for it to reach the bottom.

And while inside, Theo couldn't stop the subtle shivers that came with the anxiety of being in a tight space with a being with the abilities to do unspeakable things. Yet at the same time, she closely admired him. He carried himself with an air of quiet confidence and power that made him all the more interesting.

"Do you like brunch?" He suddenly asked as they finally reached the garage.

Theo was simply surprised by the quick question that he looked over in what seemed like concern after a long silence.

"I'm sorry, did you say brunch?" She asked.

"At least I think I did."

"Brunch is nice, but I don't usually eat during interviews." She said.

But not a second had passed before her stomach emitted a whale call loud enough to echo throughout the empty garage. Never in her life had she ever wanted to drop dead more than at this moment.

"Did your stomach just speak?" He calmly asked in response.

"Brunch sounds great."

"I'll bet it does now."


After a short car ride filled with nothing but comfortable silence, the two arrived at an empty restaurant, no doubt cleared out by the god himself pending their arrival. Once the driver made sure the coast was clear they were then lead inside to see only a few staff members left inside.

"So, do you come here often?" Theo started off, hoping to break the ice that surrounded the silent man.

"Is the answer to that crucial to the article?"

"I guess not."

"Let's keep it professional then."

"Of course."

"What can I get for the two of you today?"

"I will have a stack of chocolate chip pancakes with a side of scrambled eggs and a glass of apple juice."

"I'd love a stuffed omelet with a side of fruit and some orange juice, please." Theo then ordered.

"We'll have your meals out shortly."

"Thank you."

Once the two were alone, Theo fished out her trusty notepad along with a tape recorder and dived in with her questioning. The sooner she started, the sooner it would all be over with.

"So Mr. Ross, why the sudden desire to open up to the world?"

"It wasn't my idea, but it felt necessary."

"To whom?"

"My brothers. Statistics show an increase in interest when people can actually have an understanding of a subject known by many. There's an even larger increase when they're given the chance to interact with the said subject which may become possible soon."

"So this is a business move. You don't care to actually share your life with the adoring public?"

"No. Why should I?"

"Majority of these people not only adore you, but they worship you. I may never understand why but you're an actual god to them. You don't think it's fair to reciprocate their feelings or show some gratitude?"

"What makes you think I don't?"

Finally, their plates were gently dropped on the table, but Theo didn't have the stomach to touch her plate. She did, however, pick at the mouth-watering fruit and chewed at a few pieces as she gathered her composure.

"Now, what is it that you hope your fans will have a better understanding of once this reaches them? Is there anything you'd like to personally tell them?"

"I don't. I'd rather let my own words speak for themselves."

"Right. Anyways, what can you tell the readers about your relationship with your brothers?"

"They're honestly all that I have left. We may not have begun this journey alone, but we've ended it together and we've become very close over the years. And that's great because it hasn't always been like that."

"Care to elaborate on that?"

"We grew up in a world unlike yours. There was no capacity to care for menial things such as love, only power. Who had it and what anyone would do to get it. We let it blind us and lead us on a path that did more damage than good. I will never forget the things I've done that have gotten me here today. But I will always be glad that I've never lost sight of what was most important and what will always be important; my brothers."

She could tell he was a usually put together man, but there was a profound vulnerability in his tone when discussing his family. He even lost the stiff posture and seemingly relaxed at some point during his answer.

"That's beautiful. And there's no family other than that?"

"More than I can even count. Though only a rare amount has made themselves public."

"Such as?"

"Aphrodite is likely the most known out there. She thrives off of the attention given to her by the public."

"Can you blame them? She is the most beautiful thing I've ever laid eyes on. I'm not surprised to see the socialite she's become. I'd give almost anything to meet her."

"You wouldn't be the first to feel that way. She has a certain gravitational pull that attracts everyone who has ever laid eyes on her."

"You speak from experience?"

"No." He shortly answered.

"Speaking of, has anyone ever caught your eye? You're easily one of the most sought after men in the world. Surely, you've had your fair share of partners waiting for the opportunity to be yours."

"I've had the opportunity, but never the interest. Mortals are a bit overwhelming."

"In a bad way?" She asked.

"In every way."

"Okay. Tell me about Olympus. Is it really a picture-perfect place? And how can it exist without the world discovering it?"

"It is the most valuable piece of our world. So much so that it warded so that only a select amount are allowed inside. And it is much like the rest of our creations, it's hidden in plain sight but it can only be accessed by our kind."

"You never fear it still being discovered anyway?"

"Not at all. And if anyone came close to doing so, they'd never survive some of the horrors kept inside."

"Tell me more." She responded with an adorably curious glance.

"Off the record? I can't put our people at risk, but for you, I could spare a few details."

"Of course."

"It's everything you imagine and more. Fields of green spread far and wide. Magical beings tend to the gardens and you never know what to expect when walking through the breathtaking sights. We have skies filled with the most majestic Pegasus and there's never one like the other. The waters are crystal clear and run so smooth that it looks like it was crafted by the gods themselves. It is the soul of my people and there isn't a place like it anywhere else."

It was the most she had ever heard him speak. And along the way, he'd drifted off with a faraway look in his eyes, but he couldn't stop the genuine smile that had grown as he recounted his early memories of his home. And truthfully, she didn't mind. It made him look years younger and brought a glow about him.

"Sounds like paradise. Why did you leave?"

"Many problems had risen and it felt necessary to leave it in the hands of those capable of maintaining its glory."


"My many relatives. There are a few who sit on a council that keeps it all in check."

"How are you so certain humans couldn't invade it? We are known to be quite the stubborn kind."

"When created it was built with a barrier that would prevent them from ever entering alive."

"Has it always worked?"

"Almost always. It all has to with the measure of the man who tries to enter. To us, humans are seen as misguided people who have no room for purity and kindness in their hearts. We didn't want anyone like that infiltrating and littering our most sacred place."

"Is that how humans are viewed in your world? Just lowly, filthy creatures?"

"Not by many, no."

"But enough to make a difference as to how they're seen by your kind," Theo noted.

"Does it matter?"

"It actually does. It matters a lot to certain people who've already been viewed as less than by people who bleed red just as any other human. But because of the color of their skin or the way they were raised, they are somehow less deserving of common decency and respect. It should come as no surprise to see that a man of your status is just like the rest of the cruel and intolerable world."

"I didn't mean-"

"Sure you didn't. I believe this concludes the interview. I'll have my assistant get in touch for a few follow up questions. You have a good day, Mr. Ross."

"Theo, please."

And with that being said, she quickly gathered her things and sped out of the restaurant and onto the busy sidewalk. Seeing as it wasn't too far from Elite she skipped past the crowd waiting on too few cabs and trekked towards the office fully prepared to have the assignment reassigned to some unlucky writer.

Just as she was about to call her boss, her name popped up on her phone. She didn't hesitate to answer as she was fully prepared to give Joan an earful of colorful words towards the infuriating god who still remained on her mind. Every little detail was etched into her head and she resented herself for somehow obsessing over a man she'd just encountered.

"Joan, I was just about to call!" She all but yelled.

"Good. I need you back here as soon as possible." She said with an unusually quiet tone.

"I'm actually walking back now. I'll explain later. Is something wrong?"

"No, but you have some visitors who are very eager to see you."

"Care to tell me who?"

"Henry and Zane Ross."

"C-Come again?" Surely she heard wrong.

"Zeus and Hades."

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