The forest wheeled below the small bird, a lush verdant canopy of living green. Not that the bird, which didn't have a name because it was just a bird, thought of it like that. It didn't really think at all for that matter, merely being a small creature driven by the primordial instincts to survive, eat and procreate, not necessarily in that order.
The primordial instinct it currently felt was to have a bit of a rest, as it had had a busy day hunting for worms and insects and what not. Hence it swooped down and alighted on a branch of a small tree. Opposite this particular tree was a small mound, and in the side of this mound someone had built a stone wall, presumably to block off a tunnel behind. This must have happened some time ago, as the wall was mostly covered over by soil and various climbing plants.
As the bird watched there was a muffled noise, and the bricks quivered, as if something had hit them from the other side. A moment later the action was duplicated, sending bits of loose earth tumbling to the ground in a miniature avalanche. The wall shook again as it was repeatedly attacked until, in a dull explosion, the bricks erupted outwards.
A hand appeared in the resulting hole, tearing more of it away and enlarging the gap, until it was finally big enough allowing an oversized shape to squeeze through. It was followed by a smaller figure, which clambered out after the first and stood next to it.
"We out!" exclaimed the big one.
"I told you we would find a way Gut. Hammath Highhand always keeps his word," the second one said.
Both forms had obviously been through a lot. The giant's clothes were torn and ragged, and several large and recent scars marked various points on his torso. The elf by his side wore armor that was dented and grimy. Bloodstains and other unidentifiable marks tarnished the metal, and his long hair was raggedy and ruffled.
"Where we go now?" asked the one called Gut.
"Now we'll go to my home. Many good hunters have lost their lives recently. Indeed, I may have joined them if you hadn't come to my aid against those damned dark elves. I shall return to Jollygreenwood and gather more fighters. Together we shall track down Dreth, who has taken your lady of course, to recover our lost child."
"Ok," said Gut.
"Let us be off," said Hammath. "We have some distance to travel."
The two turned and set off through the trees, quickly disappearing from view.
The bird, who hadn't understood any of this, decided it was rested enough and left too soaring back into the blue sky, only to be tragically* eaten by a hungry eagle a bit later on.
*For the small bird that is. The eagle was quite happy with the situation.
End of Book 1.
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