Mr. Wilson smiled at her and then turned towards Neil before threatening him, "Though you are my son but I'll be more supportive towards Willa, remember it always.. As I have always a special soft corner towards daughters so I'll always be more protective towards her than you...
So you better not hurt her otherwise I'll be the one who is going to beat you into a pulp. Don't you dare to hurt my precious daughter Willa... Understand?"
Neil smiled joyfully and promised, "I swear on my life Dad that I'll not even let a single tear fall from her eyes. She is my responsibility from now on. Though she still hadn't fallen in love with me but I'll make sure that the day will not be far long away. She'll be mine with her whole heart very soon."
Willa's eyes breamed with tears as she heard Neil's truthful emotional words. Never in her life had anyone specially a man had stood up for her...
Louis has been brutally bullied by his friends..
Poor him..
But nevermind...
He's going to boost over his relationship very soon..
Are you guys ready to join into another rollercoaster ride???