Ginny sat with the marauders, Snape and the rest of the Black family by the lake. The week had been peaceful so far, nothing big had happened. Sirius and Regulus currently leaned against a tree, reading a newspaper together while James and Lilly skipped rocks across the lake. Everyone else was just lying down in the soft grass, the only sounds was their talking.
"What are you guys reading?" Bellatrix asked Sirius and Regulus
"The latest on Harry" Sirius answered, Harry had been gone for a few weeks and nearly every day came a new article on how Harry had stopped some death eaters and/or saved some innocent people.
"According to the newspaper he's taken out a lot of death eaters" Regulus added "he dropped a few off at the ministry but he also killed some"
"By the way" James said "I've been wondering, does anyone know how Harry got out of those handcuffs? You know, when he was strapped to that chair?"
"Why do you want to know?" Lily asked
"It'd be a neat trick" James replied
"He dislocates his thumbs" Ginny answered
"He dislocates his thumbs?" Andromeda repeated "that must hurt!"
"Yeah but you can train yourself to get used to it" Ginny responded "once he pops them out he pops them back in and escapes."
"Really? He didn't use magic?" Bellatrix asked
"They were magic suppression handcuffs" Narcissa reminded her
"Oh yeah" Bellatrix said as she remembered that Narcissa was right "most wizards wouldn't think of stuff like that"
"Harry's not most wizards" Remus pointed out "most wizards don't tackle werewolves off cliffs. Still can't believe he did that"
"I can" Sirius replied "we all knew that Harry was crazy, didn't think it'd be the type of crazy that's involves singlehandedly ending this war"
"Does anyone else find it weird how we're being so casual about this?" Snape asked "I mean, he is killing people."
"Yeah but it's not like he's killing everyone for no reason" Ginny argued "he's only killing those who disserve it. Besides, if nobody else is willing to do it then you can't blame Harry. He's capable of ending this war early and saving lives, you can't expect him to sit down and stay on the side-line."
"She's right" Regulus agreed "Harry's never been one to let other people suffer"
"He's a fighter" Ginny said "he fights to protect people, that's his thing. As his family, the only thing we can do is support him"
"Ginny" Sirius said "do you think that what Harry is doing is right?"
"I think he shouldn't have to do it in the first place" Ginny answered "thanks to Harry everyone knows that Tom used to be a student here, Dumbledore could have put a stop to him ages ago but chose not to, now he's complaining that Harry wants to end the war early.
It's not like I enjoy killing people for no reason but Harry's only doing what he thinks is right and he's taking the lives of evil madmen in order to save innocent men, women and children. So, I do think he's right. He's capable, willing and incredibly likely to end this war without getting himself hurt. What more do you need?"
"Everyone might start thinking that Harry is a dark wizard" Regulus commented
"So what?" Ginny asked "people will always judge other people, it's just the way that the world works. People are always going to judge Harry, some for his heritage and others for what he can do. The important thing is that we, as his friends and family, don't judge him. We know him better than everyone else, we know that he's dangerous but he is also the kindest person we've ever met.
Think where we would be if it wasn't for Harry, some of us could have been mini death eaters in training, the rest of us could just be arrogant Gryffindor's who were warring with Slytherin's. Me and Lily could have just been two muggleborns that nobody cared about, Remus would still be a werewolf and we might even have hated each other. I don't think Harry is exactly proud of what he is doing but I do agree with him in saying that it's good that he's doing it"
"When do you think he'll be back?" Bellatrix asked
"Don't know, maybe by the start of next year" Ginny guessed "he's got the death eaters running scared and many of them are turning themselves in so that saves him a lot of trouble. Once he takes care of the big bad 'Voldemort' then he'll come back"
"I hope so" Narcissa smiled "life's boring without him"
"True" Bellatrix laughed "I miss him"
"We all do" Sirius sighed "I don't care if he is a murderer or not, he is Harry, my brother."
"My brother" Regulus said "I don't care what people say, I'm with him all the way. We're the brothers Black and nobody can keep us apart"
"The brothers Black" Sirius started with a smile "the smart one" he pointed at Regulus
"The funny one" Regulus returned the smile and pointed at Sirius
"The awesome one" They both said together and pointed at the picture of Harry in the newspaper "and we stick together" They finished, as the moving picture of Harry smiled at them.
Ginny couldn't help but smile at the loyalty show by everyone, Harry would be back eventually and he'd be able to come home to his family. Harry would be back, and he'd be back soon.
In the holidays, Sirius and Regulus had returned home. Harry hadn't come home yet, interaction with their parents had become limited. They got together for breakfast, lunch and dinner but barley said anything.
It was clear to Sirius and Regulus that they were not the only ones missing Harry, Orion tried his best but he couldn't help showing that he missed Harry. That sad look he had in his eye made it obvious, so did the smile that appeared on his face when he saw Harry in the newspaper.
Walburga had been very thoughtful since Harry had saved them and revealed the dark lords true nature. The dark lord, who she wanted her sons to join, was nothing but a half-blood born from a muggle and squib but she was fooled by him, like so many. The fact that this powerful man was a half-blood, not a pureblood showed her that maybe Hadrius was right, as much as she loathed to admit it.
One day Sirius and Regulus had gone to Diagon Alley with the rest of the family to get their supplies, it was the first time they went without Harry. Kreatcher had accompanied them, it was clear that Kreatcher missed his favourite master so Sirius and Regulus tried to keep him busy with things to do.
They had just brought their supplies, they gave them to Kreatcher and told him to take the supplies home for them. Kreatcher bowed and did so, he left with a pop, taking the supplies with him.
"Come on boys, let's get some ice cream" Arcturus, the grandfather Black has said.
He missed Harry just as much as the others, he had no regrets about making Harry his heir over his son. At first he did it because Hadrius was so powerful and could have been raised and moulded to become the perfect heir, but Hadrius was much better than he expected.
In fact, he could admit that Hadrius had taught him some new things. Hadrius had made him rethink many things and he felt like a better person after learning from Hadrius. Yes, of all his regrets in life, making Hadrius his heir was not one of them.
"Get down!" A voice screamed
Orion tackled Sirius and Regulus to the ground, the three barley avoided a killing curse that flew overhead, Walburga and Arcturus began firing curses while Orion picked up Sirius and Regulus.
"Stop" a voice said, the Black family looked towards the group in front of them. They found a group of death eaters standing, aiming their wands at them.
"Greetings" One death eater said, the other shoppers had ran and hid in the shops by this point "I'm asking you, the Black family, to control your eldest son. If you do not stop Hadrius Black, we may have to take action"
"You cannot threaten me, boy" Arcturus said, not backing down.
"Yes" Walburga said "we're the most ancient and noble house of Black, we do not bow to anybody, especially not the followers of a half-blood with delusions of grandeur. We support my son, and you cannot change our mind"
"I was hoping you'd say that" The death eater aimed his wand at the Black family. The death eater aimed his wand at the young children, he'd make Hadrius Black pay for killing his brother. He aimed it, the killing curse was on the tip of his tongue. "Avada Keda…"
The death eater didn't get to finish the spell, he couldn't talk, due to the blood that was pouring out of his mouth. He dropped to his knees, and his face hit the floor. The other death eaters jumped back in surprise and aimed their wands at the Black family.
"I wouldn't do that if I were you" A voice said, the death eaters turned around to see who was talking to them.
"Harry!" Sirius and Regulus cheered
In front of the death eaters stood Hadrius Black in his 'curse' costume, looking incredibly intimidating. He stood wearing black combat boots and trousers, a black shirt that clung to his skin and black robes. He pulled the hood down revealing his smooth black hair and green eyes.
"Hi guys" Harry smiled
"Black!" One death eater spat "I will…"
The death eater was cut off when Harry raised his arm, he opened his hand and a lightning bolt shot from his palm. It killed the death eaters in front of them with ease, everyone who watched from the shops were amazed by the casual ease in which Harry killed the group.
"What are you doing here?" Harry asked his family as he walked up to them, as if he hadn't just killed a group of terrorists with one hand.
"We were shopping for our school supplies" Regulus smiled "what about you?"
"Oh, I claimed some vaults from some people I killed thanks to right of conquests" Harry answered "plus I brought my supplies, I sent them to McGonagall to keep for me until I get back to Hogwarts."
"Hadrius Black!" A voice shouted
"Oh what now?" Harry groaned, the Black family turned around and saw two death eaters holding a small boy in front of them with both their wands aimed at him.
"You'll come with us now!" One death eater shouted
"Or we will kill this boy!" The other death eater shouted
"Bloody hell" Harry shook his head "give up now and I turn you into the ministry, if you don't then I will kill you both"
"You don't intimidate us!"
"Yeah, we've got this kid and we will kill him if you don't stand down! Keep your hands down, if we even see you raising your hands then I will shoot"
"Well, I offered" Harry shrugged, his green eyes turned incredibly bright, a smile came up on his face.
The death eaters were a bit unnerved by the killing curse coloured eyes and the evil smile coming from Hadrius. Before anyone could say anything, a pair of green lights shot from Harry's eyes and flew straight through the air, striking both men in the chest. They dropped dead on the floor, the boy screamed and ran to his parents who had just exited the shop.
"Was…that…the killing curse?" Orion asked slowly "Did the killing curse just shot out of your eyes?!"
"Yes" Harry nodded
"I fucking knew it!" Sirius shouted "I knew those eyes were dangerous!"
"Yes" Harry turned his eyes back to grey "yes they are. Okay, I'm off now"
"Do you have to go?" Regulus asked, pleading with him to stay
"I've found him" Harry said "I'm going now, I'm going to end this all, and I will be back by tomorrow. I promise, just hold out for a day. I'm ending this"
"I love you" Regulus wrapped his arms around Harry's body
"Me too" Sirius did the same
"Listen" Harry wrapped an arm around each of his brothers "I'm not going to leave you guys until death takes splits us apart and death is still a very long time away. I'm going to end this, then tomorrow, we'll be laughing about all of this. Together, I promise. I love you two, stay safe."
"Hadrius" Orion said once Harry let go, he did something he had never done before and pulled his son into a hug "I am proud to call you my son, never forget that" Harry was definitely surprised but slowly put his arms around his father.
"I won't" Harry said softly "I'm proud to be your son." Harry let go, then Walburga came up to him.
"Hadrius" She spoke softly "I may disagree with you, on many things, but I will agree that you are the future of the Black family. And from the looks of it, the future is bright"
"Thank you mother" Harry knew that this was hard for his mother, so he appreciated her saying it.
"Hadrius" Arcturus said "you've located him?"
"Yes" Harry nodded "I'm going to go finish everything"
"Good" Arcturus gave Harry a small smile "when you finish, come home, I want to spend some time with my grandson"
"Likewise" Harry stepped back "I'll be back soon, I love you all."
Harry pulled up his hood, covering his face, he disappeared in front of their very eyes. None of them questioned how Harry disappeared even though Diagon Alley had apparition wards, none of them questioned how Harry took out a group of death eaters with one lightning blast. And none of them questioned Harry's confidence because they knew he would come back.
Right now, the only thing that the family did, was pity Tom Riddle.
Voldemort was in his hideout, he had his horcruxes with him, he had the diary and cup with him. He would need to hide those as soon as possible, the locket was still in the cave, the diadem was still at Hogwarts and the ring was still at the shack.
He was very worried, he knew that Hadrius Black was powerful but he didn't realise how powerful. At first he dismissed the rumours and stories as the result of gossiping idiots. He thought that him beating Dumbledore was more due to the old man's age, but Hadrius made it clear that he was more powerful than the rumours and stories lead him to believe.
Voldemort couldn't help but feel a bit nervous, the boy was dangerous, a blind man could tell that the boy was dangerous. He walked through those death eaters with ease, Voldemort could still see him.
See him flying in the air, his face hidden in the shadows by that hood of his as he shot lightning from his hands while the wind violently blew around him. Voldemort wouldn't admit it but he wanted to avoid Hadrius for as long as possible, he couldn't fathom how the boy had so much more power than himself. He had spent years undergoing dark rituals and reading about dark magic, yet Hadrius Black made him look like nothing.
In Voldemorts eyes, Hadrius Black was everything that he himself should be. Handsome, rich, from an important family and feared by all.
"My lord" Hugo Brownwood brought him out of his thoughts, Voldemort looked around and saw his death eaters looking at him "it appears that Hadrius Black has taken out more of our men, the attack on his family was unsuccessful, what would you like to do?"
Voldemorts answer was cut off by the door which smashed open, a body flew from the doorway and landed on its neck. Hadrius Black stepped into the room, his Curse costume was worn with the hood up. He closed the door, and magically locked it.
"Hadrius Black" Voldemort said
"Tom" Harry replied "I should let you know that your secret keeper isn't feeling good, might have been me removing his heart from his body. I'm here to end you"
"No….no, no!" Voldemort shouted "you will not be the end of me! I'm immortal!"
"Are you?" Harry asked as he casually tossed a bag towards Voldemort, the bag landed on the floor, right in front of his feet. Tom's eyes widened when he saw his locket slip out of the bag, along with the diadem. "I got the ring as well, destroyed that little shack of yours as well. Now, it's time for the rest."
Harry raised his hand and before Voldemort could stop him the diary and cup flew straight to Harry's hands, Voldemort raised his wand and fired a killing curse at Harry. Harry didn't appear to have noticed it hitting him in the chest, he looked at Voldemort and was smiling underneath his hood.
Voldemort was about to fire off another spell when flames erupted from Harry's hand, engulfing the diary and cup. A loud scream pierced the air as the two horcruxes burnt under fiendfyre, a look of shock and horror smacked its way onto Voldemorts face when he realised what had happened.
"Now" Harry said "let the killing commence"
"CRUCIO!" Voldemort screamed, Harry dodged and clicked his fingers. The fire in the candles and fireplace were snuffed out, leaving the room in total darkness. "KILL HIM!" Voldemort roared
Spells fired, the death eaters screamed and began firing spells. Voldemort fired any spell that he could think of. Ranging from the unforgivables to blood boiling and skin ripping spells, in his panic he even used a stunner. The death eaters were no better, they fired spells wildly at any and everything.
A scream was heard, everyone turned in the direction and fired a spell. Their heart rates rose in the dark room, the silence only helped increase their fears. No noise was heard, other than the wind that possessed the room.
Another scream was heard, Voldemort was about to fire another spell when he felt something brush against his leg. He aimed his wand but he couldn't see anything.
"Lumos" He said, the bright light shout out of his wand, allowing him to see whatever was on the floor. To his horror, he found a head next to his feet, it was looking back at him with a face that was frozen in fear. Hugo Brownwood's head stared back at him, with its mouth open and it's eyes frozen.
All of a sudden Voldemort fell to his knees and screamed in pain, his wand had stopped providing light. Voldemort continued screaming as he used his hand to grab his wand arms wrist, he was in unimaginable pain, he had just lost his wand hand. All he had now was a bleeding stump, some more screams were heard but Voldemort couldn't hear them, he was too focused on the fact that he no longer had two hands.
He couldn't believe it, he was Voldemort! He couldn't die like this, he couldn't! He was supposed to rule this country! He couldn't die like this, he couldn't die unimportant and in a dark hole.
A silence fell over the room, Voldemort struggled to get back to his feet, he clenched his teeth and stood up. He couldn't see anything, he couldn't hear anything, he moved his head around wildly.
"WHERE ARE YOU?!" Voldemort shouted , silence was his answer. Something whooshed by on the right, Voldemort looked in that direction when he had heard the same sound from the left. "WHERE ARE YOU?! WHERE?! WHERE ARE YOU?! HADRIUS BLACK! SHOW YOURSELF BLACK! WHERE ARE YOU?!"
"Right here"
Voldemort turned around, in front of him stood Hadrius Black in all of his terrifying and intimidating glory. Hadrius swiped his hand and Voldemort fell to his knees once more.
Voldemort stared up at Harry as the blood poured from his neck, he looked up at the man responsible for his death. The master of death kneeled down so he could look Voldemort in the eyes.
"A bit anti-climactic" Harry commented "but I don't really care. Goodbye Tom, and good riddance"
Harry turned and walked, his curse costume dissolving as he did so. Harry was pleased, Voldemort was gone and he had just singlehandedly ended the war. Now the only problem he had left to deal with was Dumbledore.
Harry arrived back home later that day, he entered the house, smiling in satisfaction as he did.
"Master!" A voice screamed in joy and Kreatcher tackled Harry's legs
"Hi Kreatcher" Harry chuckled "how are you my friend?"
"Kreatcher is good master" Kreatcher let go and wiped his eyes "Kreatcher is knowing that master be coming back, Kreatcher had faith in master"
"I thank you for that" Harry said sincerely "where is everybody else?"
"They's be in kitchen, master Hadrius" Kreatcher answered
"Thank you" Harry nodded at the loyal house elf and made his way into the kitchen.
He entered the kitchen to find his brothers, parents and grandfather sitting at the table and eating their food. They hadn't appeared to have noticed him yet.
"I can't believe that you lot started eating without me" Harry said
"Harry!" Regulus blurted in surprise as everyone looked at him
"Honestly, I save the country from war and my family doesn't even have the decency to wait for me before eating" Harry joked
"You mean to say that you did it?" Arcturus and the other adults stood up
"Tom Riddle is dead" Harry proclaimed proudly "you're welcome"
Sirius and Regulus jumped out of their seats and ran straight at Harry, they wrapped their arms around him with as much strength as possible. Harry placed his arms around them and pulled them closer.
"I knew you could do it" Sirius whispered
"So did I" Regulus also whispered
"And I knew you believed in me" Harry smiled, looking at his brothers who were looking at him with pride and love. "I'm here for you both, permanently, together until death. The 'Brothers Black'?"
"The Brothers Black" They both grinned.
Soon came the day where Harry had to return to Hogwarts, he arrived at the sorting feast on his own, because Sirius had insisted that he make an entrance. He entered and all eyes laid on him, he looked around, sinking in the silence.
He stretched his arms out, as if he was about to take in their applause. Ginny winked at him from her seat, knowing full well what he was going to do.
"I have two things to say" Harry announced "the war is over and I'm back bitches!"
The hall burst into applause, clapping and cheering could be heard. Some whistled, some screamed his name, some shot fireworks into the air from their wands. Amidst all of the celebrations Dumbledore sneaked out of the back, Harry noticed this but he didn't care.
He just enjoyed the moment, he enjoyed it even more so when Ginny decided to run up to him and pull him into a long kiss. Cat calls and more cheering followed but neither cared, they eventually pulled away and looked at the rest of the hall.
The marauders were clapping to a beat, Bellatrix and Regulus were burning their hands at the speed that they were clapping, Snape and the other Black sisters also clapped at a fast pace. The teachers got into it as well, Slughorn wasn't holding anything back as he clapped and cheered for all he was worth. McGonagall clapped at a slower but still fast place, Sprout was hurting her hands at the speed that she was clapping while Flitwick began shooting colourful fireworks into the air.
The cheering lasted for quite a while, nobody wanted to stop.
Dumbledore was seething in his office which he had just magically repaired after his last outburst, it was night and the students had just gone to bed after celebrating Hadrius's victory against Tom Riddle. It infuriated him immensely.
Firstly they didn't care about the fact that Hadrius had just killed him without offering him a chance to redeem himself, but he also ruined Dumbledore's plan! Dumbledore's plan was simple, wait until Tom became more famous and feared. Then when everyone is cowering in fear, he would rise up and defeat him, just like he did Grindelwald.
He would defeat him and lock him up and be hailed as the man responsible for stopping two dark lords but Hadrius Black took that opportunity away from him. He couldn't believe that the brat killed Tom and there was nothing he could do about it! He had to find a way to make Hadrius pay, somehow he needed to pull him down a peg! Hadrius was untouchable but his family wasn't, yes, that would be a good idea. He would start with the youngest Black, then build his way up from there.
"I wouldn't do that if I were you" A voice called, Dumbledore looked up and jumped back in surprise and out of his seat when he saw Hadrius Black standing opposite him, not wearing his robes or jumper, just his white shirt which had three buttons undone at the top, revealing a bit of his chest.
"What are you doing here?!" Dumbledore pulled out the elder wand and pointed it at Harry
"You're not going to mess with my family, don't deny it. I read your mind" Harry replied
"Impossible! You couldn't have gotten past my defences without me knowing!"
"I'm possible" Harry replied "now Dumbles…"
"STOP CALLING ME THAT!" Dumbledore shouted
"Dumbles" Harry said, unfazed by his outburst "I knew that you would be less than upset about me defeating Tom and I knew that you would be planning revenge against me. Which is why I wanted to offer you something"
"Offer me something?" Dumbledore kept his wand trained on Harry
"Answers" Harry replied "you asked a lot of questions, I'm offering you answers to those questions"
"Why? Why now?!" Dumbledore demanded
"Well I'm hoping you hear the answers and then either suffer a heart attack or your brain stops working" Harry answered honestly "now, shall we get on with this?"
"Fine, my first question is simple, how you are capable of surviving the killing curse?" Dumbledore asked
"Simple, the killing curse attacks the soul" Harry explained "and I don't have one of those"
"What?!" Dumbledore exclaimed "What nonsense is this?!"
"I don't have a soul" Harry repeated "check if you don't believe me" Dumbledore aimed his wand and threw some diagnostic spells at Harry, he gasped and stepped back in shock.
"You…you don't have a soul"
"Yes, I just said that, try and keep up" Harry responded
"How?! You're not a vampire!"
"No, I'm not. Though I like to think that I'd make a pretty good one, as for my soul, I lost it when I took up the position that I was trained for."
"Position?! What position?! Who trained you?!" Dumbledore's heart rate rose while he developed a headache.
"I was trained by the founders and Merlin so I could take up Merlin's position as the one thing you've always wanted to be" Harry answered "I was trained to take up the position of the master of death"
"You liar!" Dumbledore exclaimed "you are not the master of death! I have the elder wand!"
"No Dumbledore, what you have is a secondary hallow" Harry calmly responded
"Secondary hallow?" Dumbledore repeated
"Yes, did you really think that just anyone could become the master of death?" Harry asked with a smile on his face "Did you really think that anyone lucky enough to find three specific items could master death? Let me tell you a story Dumbles, it's really interesting if I do say so myself."
"What story?!"
"Merlin was the original master of death" Harry began "he possessed all three hallows. The true elder wand which made other wands look like sticks" Harry's wand flew out of it's holster and began hovering in the air, Dumbledore could feel the power coming from the wand, it eclipsed his own easily.
"Then there was the resurrection stone" Harry pulled his shirt apart a bit more, the skin on his chest opened and an orb flew out of the hole and hovered in the air, next to the wand. "Capable of resurrecting the dead, and finally, the invisibility cloak"
Harry's curse costume appeared, he pulled the hood down and looked into Dumbledore's fearful blue eyes. The orb flew back and infused with him again, the wand flew into his hand. Harry smiled and returned to wearing his school clothes again.
"Bring them all together and you become the master of death" Harry continued "the thing was that not everybody could use them, only someone who Merlin approved of could use them. That was me, I'm Merlin's chosen successor and the current master of death"
"But that's impossible!" Dumbledore shouted
"Yet it's true" Harry shrugged "now back to the story, Merlin also made some secondary hallows, if someone finds all three of the secondary hallows then they are given the ability to serve the master of death. However, only if the master of death approves, if you find all three secondary hallows then I could deny you and they wouldn't work for you. You can't take mine because they only work for me while I won't allow you to serve me even if you find the secondary hallows, besides, I already have someone to serve me"
"Gwen Peterson" Dumbledore deduced "but how? She doesn't even have all three of the 'secondary' hallows"
"Simple, she does" Harry answered "just not the ones that come from this world"
"This world?" A confused Dumbledore repeated
"Yes, this world. You see, there is only one copy of the original hallows while there are many copies of the secondary hallows, scattered throughout many worlds. This isn't my first life Dumbledore, me and Ginny are at least a million years old, probably more. We've lost count"
"Not your first life? You were born in a different world?"
"Yes" Harry nodded "in my world, I was born with a prophecy hanging over my head. The prophecy said that I was the only one capable of stopping Voldemort, who was a pretty well feared dark lord at the time, my parents died when Voldemort attacked my family. I was one at the time, he fired a killing curse at me, but I survived. I earned the name of the' boy-who-lived'.
I hated that name but I did, anyway, you couldn't stop yourself from interfering and a whole lot of things happened because of you"
"What? What happened?!" Dumbledore begged to know
"Simple, during the attack Voldemort tried to make a horcrux but it went wrong because his killing curse bounced off me and struck him" Harry relied "by that point his soul was unstable from making his other horcruxes and a part of his soul latched on to me. You knew he wasn't dead, you knew he would come back. Now the logical approach would have been to take me and put me in a loving house where I could be loved and trained to defeat Voldemort, sadly you had about as much logic as a rotting plank of wood.
You sent me to my muggle relatives, knowing full well that they would hate and abuse me. See, you planned to have me weak and dependent so when I met you I'd see you as this great wizard who I would look up to. Spoiler alert, it didn't work, it definitely didn't work.
I escaped my relatives, I learnt about my history and I was trained by Merlin. Shortly after I fell in love with Ginny, we both went to Hogwarts where you tried to constantly manipulate me. Your attempts were adorable and they all failed, around my fifth year I had gotten tired with the act and just went straight after Voldemort.
I became a famous vigilante known as the 'lightning curse' or 'curse' for a shortened version. I took out hundreds of death eaters, you tried and failed to stop me, multiple times. I don't remember how long, it think it might have been a year or two but eventually I got rid of nearly every death eater alive.
I challenged Voldemort to a duel, then you interfered. You see, your pathetic attempts to control me had backfired and by this point you had nothing but a few loyal followers, most people hated you except for about a grand total of three people.
You, me and Voldemort got involved in a three way duel where the winner would receive the magic of the two losers. I won, I didn't kill you or Voldemort, despite the temptation. I turned the both of you into squibs and packed you off to Azkaban. You had lost everything, your money, fame, power and everything else, all because you couldn't back off. Much like your current life story, you constantly interfered as well.
Ginny joined me by taking the secondary hallows and we spent the last few million years travelling through many worlds, we've been pirates, thieves, warriors and heroes. We've fought in wars and I was even Robin Hood at one point in time, can you believe it? We can stay about five hundred years in each world before we have to move on to the next, a bit irritating but what can you do?"
"You…you're lying!" Dumbledore's arms began shaking "Stupefy!" He roared, Harry didn't even try to block it, the spell fizzed out before it touched Harry "What?! What happened?! Stupefy! Stupefy! Why is this not working?!"
"You really think that you could attack the master of death with one of the hallows?" Harry raised an eyebrow while smiling at Dumbledore's frustration "That won't work, even if it was a secondary hallow. Matter of fact, I don't think that you're worthy of that wand"
The wand shot out of Dumbledore's hand, it flew in the air, but it didn't fly towards Harry's hand, it flew towards his wand. Dumbledore watched as his wand dissolved and merged into Harry's wand. Harry had already observed the secondary resurrection stone when he went after Voldemorts horcruxes.
"Y…you…you're…r….really the….m….master of death?!" Dumbledore said in what would be a good impersonation of Quirrell if he had done it intentionally
"Yes, I am" Harry said calmly "and I…are you okay? You don't look too good"
"Oh" Dumbledore slowly replied as he paled and hunched over "I believe it's because you're revelations have affected me"
"In what way?" Harry asked
"I'm having a heart attack"
"Oh, those are never fun" Harry had a heart attack in one of his previous lives, it was not pleasant
"Indeed" Dumbledore clutched his chest "I must confess, this was not the sort of death that I had in mind"
"Yeah well, who needs a big and flashy ending? The journey there is just as important"
"Hmm, maybe….goodbye Mr Black" Dumbledore fell to the floor, Harry leaned over and looked at Dumbledore's body.
"Again, anticlimactic as all hell" Harry commented "but like I said, I don't really care. Goodbye Dumbles"
The next day it was announced that Dumbledore died, Harry and Ginny shared a look but acted very surprised when they found out. Dumbledore had a quick funeral but then, everyone moved on with their lives. Harry and friends made their way through the rest of school, and it was interesting to say the very least.
Remus and Narcissa got together, somehow, but they were both happy so Harry was happy. Andromeda got together with Ted Tonks, Harry wasted no time in threatening to break his bones if he hurt his cousin. And Ted Tonks decided to obey the most dangerous wizard in the world, out of self-preservation more than anything.
Sirius had gotten together with Samantha White again, they got together in his sixth year and she managed to ground him quite a bit. Regulus managed to get together with Lucy, Harry's Ravenclaw friend in his year who was two years older than Regulus. Harry didn't quite know how he managed that but applauded him for it anyway. Peter managed to also get together with a Hufflepuff girl called Becky.
After graduating Harry joined the aurors, he easily made his way past every test and was near immediately promoted once he had officially joined. Surprisingly, the crime rate of the entire country had decreased after Hadrius joining the aurors became public knowledge.
Sirius and James graduated the year after and joined him working for the aurors, Peter went to work as a healer while Remus stayed at Hogwarts as a defence against the dark arts teacher. Fortunately for him Harry was able to break the curse by suggesting the position be changed to defence class, Ginny had become a quidditch player, just like in her last life while Lily was also working at the ministry with the hopes of becoming an unspeakable. Bellatrix was also working at Hogwarts, she trained herself as Slughorn's replacement for when he retired while Severus opened his own potions store.
Shortly after that Regulus's year had finished, he had decided to join his father and become a businessmen, Andromeda chose to become a lawyer, and in Harry's opinion she was a damn good one. The year after that Narcissa graduated and joined Andromeda in her law firm, the two became the best lawyers that the wizarding world had ever seen.
Harry's parents had died natural deaths, fortunately Harry had managed to stop his mother from making another portrait of herself, even if she was much better in this life.
Soon Andromeda had given birth to Tonks, Harry argued with her a bit about the name but eventually managed to convince her to name her Dora instead of Nymphodora. Six years later James and Lily had given birth to their first child, after some convincing they made Sirius the godfather instead of Hadrius. They also named him Harry after Hadrius, James originally wanted to name him 'actual proof that I had sex with Lily Evans' but she shot that down quickly.
Shortly after that they had another child, a girl named Rose who was gifted with Remus as her godfather. Peter and Becky had a child which they named Ryan, after Becky's dad. Narcissa gave birth to Teddy and Chloe Lupin. Sirius had a girl and a boy, he named the girl Vega and the boy as Rigel. Regulus had one boy who was named Orion, after Regulus's father.
Harry and Ginny enjoyed their lives as Hadrius Black and Gwen Peterson, when they eventually got too old for a mortal to live they faked their deaths after making sure that all their currently living relatives were well protected and provided for.
The two decided that their time on this world was over, and it was time to move on.
"So" Harry said to Ginny
"So" Ginny said to Harry
"Ready to move on?" Harry asked
"Yeah, are you?" Ginny asked
"I see no reason why not"
"Me neither"
"So, what do you think our next lives will be?"
"I don't know, maybe we'll be born in a high tech world where machines do everything"
"Maybe we'll be born in the time of the founders"
"Maybe we'll be in some weird situation where we're born as brother and sister"
"Gin, do you have some weird fantasies that you want to tell me about?" Harry raised an eyebrow
"Shut up, and for all we know it could happen"
"True, but I can think of much worse"
"What could be worse? Being born as Malfoys?"
"Being born in a government where we are scientifically experimented on"
"Being born as Dumbledore's children?"
"Being born as Voldemorts children?"
"Not even close"
"Well, tell me then"
"Being born as Umbridge's children"
"Better than on my shoes"
"Shut it, let's get on with this, shall we?"
"Yes, let's do it"
"For the record, if I was born to Umbridge then the world would witness the very first suicidal baby"
"That's not an unreasonable reaction, it's underreacting if anything, anyway let's get on with this."
"Forward we go"
"To adventure"
"To fun"
"To life"
"To who knows what?"
The two held hands, and slowly disappeared, leaving this world behind. Not knowing where they'll be going, not knowing what they'll be doing, simply knowing that they'll be doing it together.
A.N: Hey guys, hope you enjoyed the chapter. When I was writing this I had many ideas on how Harry would deal with Voldemort and Dumbledore but they just didn't quite work out. Harry is too powerful by this point to even be challenged by Voldemort and he had already beaten Dumbledore, so I figured who needs a big and dramatic ending? I thought this would be better than hampering or cutting Harry's powers (see , I listen to you, I'm trying my best) and just like Harry said, 'the journey there is just as important'. Admittedly he only said that because I made him but that's not important.
The Dumbledore having a heart attack idea was suggested to me by a friend of mine, I had originally planned on having Dumbledore attack Harry and get sent to Azkaban but it was pointed out to me by my friend that I already did that in the last story. I hope you liked that bit, if not then I'm never listening to her advice again.
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