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66.28% How to survive in the World DxD with Fragment Memories / Chapter 115: Masaru vs Agares Team

Bab 115: Masaru vs Agares Team

[Good Afternoon my fellow Devilish People! Today first round, the second match between the Younger Generation Devils is about to begin!! And let me tell you all that this game was chosen not to display their powers but instead their intelligence! Yes! Each of them will be restricted and the game for today's Rating Game will be called: Capture the Flag!] The people were all cheering when they heard the newest game released for the Rating Game,

[The flag will respawn at random areas in random intervals where the teams need to capture it before it runs away! Naturally, each time the flag is brought back to the base the enemies can steal it from the base as well!] The announcer explained,

The announcer began to explain the principles behind the capture the flag game while Masaru and his girls were all getting dressed in black/white tight fitted attires for today's match, this combat suit was installed with a temperature controlling device. The material used to make these combat suits, was Hell Minotaurs, native beasts found in the outskirt forest in the Belial Territory.

"What restriction did they place on us?" Akeno asked Masaru who was the one to get the rules.

"Not much, each of us will have a gravity seal. No destruction of buildings." Masaru smirked as he answered, his smile came with a reason and even the girls knew why. it was because they were always using gravity seals to train each second of the day to the point they were used to it.

"Besides it is not like the restrictions is that difficult to deal with, honestly I am feeling a bit excited to try out this kind of match that requires speed and stamina the most," Masaru said,

After everyone checked their equipment, Ulrika came towards Masaru with a sword wrapped in a white cloth. Looking at the cloth Masaru was quite surprised to think they would complete the sword so soon,

"This is not a complete sword, it's still incomplete but since the researchers require data from you whenever you use it. Since it's a Rating Game, this will be the best opportunity to try it out" Ulrika said with a warm smile.

The sword was 1.7+ meters in length, quite broad flat blade made out of special adamantine alloy mixed with Demonic Quartz metal, it was quite heavy however thanks to Masaru's training this kind of sword was not that difficult to handle for him or the girls.

When he gripped the hilt he could feel a trace of Holy Demonic energy pulsating from the blade, when he took off the cloth was entered his sight was a black broad sword blade with a golden edge.

Waving the sword around to get the feeling for it, Masaru smile grew wider before nodding with a satisfied smile.

[Now then the scores will be given according to their respective pieces! 1x Pawn = 1 Point, Bishop = 3 Points, Knight = 3 Points, Rook = 5 Points, Queen = 8 Points and the King Piece is 10 points!!! Once the flag is captured, it can't be given to another party member!] The announcer said with a sinister smile as if he already squashed the hope of ending the game fast,

[The game will be set for 8 hours, but the first team to reach 100 points will win the game automatically! And there are only ten flags that will spawn throughout the game!] The announcer said as he smiled

[Also note that there is also water dispenser stations around the field for each team to hydrate during the game] he added on,

The entire field was decorated with abandoned buildings having a similar scene old battlefields during wars, half demolished buildings with rubbles scattered all over the place with very few solid complete buildings but everything was showing signs of decay and dust collected everywhere.

Covering the entire region, were grains of sands with no signs of life or artificial lives at all. On the east side and Westside has both large buildings taller than the rest of the buildings which is the bases of Masaru's team and Seekvaira's team.

Masaru entered the eastern building together with his team, he immediately used magic to scan the entire surroundings to create a map, when the scan was complete he pulled out a roll of clean white paper placing it on the table before he printed the map onto it.

"Is this allowed?" Akeno asked,

Roygun nodded answering Akeno's question, "It is, there are no rules against scanning the area using your ability if they have not restricted it, as long as you don't scan the enemy building during the preparation period, this map could be considered perfect"

Masaru looked at the map, from the looks of it flying will make it easy for them to reach the roof of the bases but that would leave them wide open as targets so the easiest way to enter the base undetected will definitely have to be done on foot. However...

"From the looks of it, we will have to divide into three teams. One team will be the Defenders of the base, two teams will be the assault team. The assault teams will..." Masaru began to explain the responsibilities of each team for everyone to know, that way it will make it easier for them to cover one another if something happens.

Masaru saw how the girls were getting quite a bit excited to play this kind of game, "Ingvild, Akeno, Everest and Ichika will be the defence team."

he continued, "Shirone, Sakura, Ulrika and Stephani will be First Assault team while Jeanne, Angelica, Yui and Roygun will be assault team two"

Masaru split the girls into teams.

Ingvild & Akeno can use the combination of water and lightning to cover both the air with a raining thunderstorm or cover the building with water and paralyze the enemies while Everest can take them down. Ichika will be the last layer defence as breaking through space barriers is more difficult.

There were other tips Masaru provided for them to use for their defence since he will be around to cover the weak points, he will be the moving Joker of the team.

The First assault team was a combination of mostly Speed, close range, healing and minimal long-range firepower, while Team two was speed and long-range firepower without a healer since Assault team one will also function as a medic team in case of emergencies.

"What about you?" Roygun asked feeling intrigued at Masaru's plan,

"I will be the field player, I will keep my eyes on all three teams while moving freely to support you all" Masaru answered,

Ulrika who heard this looked at her master with a sly smile since she realized what he wanted to do, "Will master be using Elizabeth's new creations on them?"

Masaru smiled and did not even twitch at Ulrika's words that surprised the girls, he answered instead. "It will be fine, remember. Keep your senses sharp, stay vigilant and treat this game like a real battle to gain experience."

After the meeting was over the girls and Masaru relaxed since they still have 30 minutes to go before the game start, in the meantime, things at Seekvaira was a bit tenser.


"Their team is really unreasonable to go up against for a younger generation match, they're even further above Sairaorg and his team" The queen of Seekvaira's peerage began to speak about Masaru and his team,

"The method he trains them is completely different from the traditional way" Seekvaira added,

Seekvaira did not say much as they all knew the current opponent was someone simply too overpowered but they did not feel threatened nor demotivated, instead, they felt excited.

When the clock countdown was starting they started to move onto the roof of their base where they could see the other base opposite of them, Masaru could swear he was currently staring into the eyes of Seekvaira.

[Now that both teams are in their positions let the game begin!] The announcer cried out,

Upon hearing the go-ahead the two Assault teams grouped by Masaru moved swiftly using the cover the buildings to hide their trails, they went separate directions while searching buildings to keep an eye on for enemies, it was already agreed that Masaru will not use his scanning magic since it was their practical training.

Seekvaira broke her team in two instead of three like Masaru while she was in the defence team.

"Nya! I found the flag!" Shirone called out as she dashed towards the flag, the moment she touched it. The flag changed into a red colour to symbolize her team colour as well as the Belial Crest that appeared on the flag.

[Belial Team Rook has captured the flag!] The announcer cried out when he noticed the first flag was already found by Shirone and she was already heading back to the base while the others were covering for her, luckily they have not come across the opposing team but they were moving through the buildings swiftly as if their lives were at stake.

[Masaru: 5, Seekvaira: 0] The scoreboard highlighted up

Seekvaira was currently giving commands to her team, she was informed that one of her knights found the flag. Upon taking the flag, it became blue along with the Agares Family crest.

[Agares knight has captured a flag!]

"Found you," Jeanne said with a childish voice, her right hand began to pulse with holy light as she shouted "Shed light! Blade blacksmith!"

Suddenly tens of holy swords appeared around her floating while the edges were pointing towards the Assault team Agares. Roygun stomps the ground to create a small crack within the ground before she created an earth rupture using her bloodline ability to drop the opponents in her tap.

"Let's go!" Jeanne called out as she and Roygun ran back to their team to take the flag back.

Realizing that getting the flag back would be unreasonable right now, Seekvaira to order her team to retreat. however, a mysterious smile appeared on her face as she glanced at the scoreboard

What Jeanne did not realize was,

[Agares Team Queen has captured a flag!]

"What!?" Roygun and Jeanne both felt surprised, but they did not stop.

At the same time, the Queen of Agares team managed to capture a flag secretly, by the time the queen and Jeanne delivered their respective flags the score updated for both teams at the same time

[Masaru: 8, Seekvaira: 8],

'What is Masaru thinking?' Seekvaira thought, feeling anxious since Masaru did not appear to make a movement throughout the game, nor did they know where he was currently.

'Could it be he is in the Defence team like me?' she thought before that idea was destroyed when she heard the announcer's yell

[Belial Team King has captured a flag] suddenly the score refreshed [Masaru: 18, Seekvaira: 8]

Seekvaira who saw this sudden turn of the event called her two knights and sent them to attack the base. Masaru who was standing on top of the building roof overlooking the base where Seekvaira was located at noticed when two Knights were fast approaching his base.

Masaru smiled warmly since he was already waiting for them, he knew she would test the defence once she begins to think he was not with the defence team. However, he needed to make her think he was within the assault team.

Masaru called out his sacred gear, his hands were covered with white fingerless gloves, soft layered metal emerged behind his ears and calves to increase his senses as well as his speed. Without the need to use his demonic energy, Masaru rushed in the direction of the two knights intercepting their path towards his base.


"He is not in the defence team!?" The two knights was taken by surprise when Masaru appeared before the two of them alone without anyone to support him. Without hesitations the two knights attacked him immediately, covering his hands in dragon aura he gently swiped the blades away from his as he approaches the two of them up close.

When the two of them realized that he wanted to intrude their personal space, they slashed horizontally towards each other since he was between the two of them. a Mysterious smile appeared on Masaru as he dropped down all four on the ground dodging the sword strikes, the two knights were taken by surprise and exerted their bodies to forcibly stop their attacks.

Using the opening, Masaru stood on his two hands before he spins around kicking the chins of both knights knocking them out with a spin kick. When the two were down, Masaru pushed his hands down and back up like a springboard landing on his feet. "Not bad" He muttered as he clapped the dust off his hands.

[Agares Team: Two Knights retired!]

"What!? So he is part of the Assault team?" Seekvaira said while biting her thumbnail, she was feeling distressed since she could not figure out what Masaru was doing until she glanced at her map once more. "I see..."

Meanwhile, Ulrika was currently fighting against a fellow pawn who enjoyed fighting with their fists, their fight was naturally over a flag. Unlike the pawn who loved fighting with his fist, Ulrika was keeping them at bay with her dual customized Glocks,

"You cheating witch! Why are you using such disgraceful weapons!" One of the pawns screamed out,

Seeing the pawn's angered face Ulrika could not help but giggle when she saw this, she still remembered Masaru once told her [If there are no rules against it then it's not cheating] and he also mentioned that with her using Firearms, it will sooner or later become the bane of barehanded warriors with exception to Sairaorg.

"Nya!?" Just as Shirone was about to attack from the back she was instead ambushed by two rooks, causing her to be delayed in her own ambush.

"Hehe, you won't be attacking our allies so easily!" The Rook declared to Shirone,

The rest of the first assault team was completely occupied in keeping their enemies at bay, "Master, we are currently facing the assault team of Masaru's peerage but their number is smaller than expected"

"Come back, it's time I make my move" Seekvaira ordered her Queen to return. [

Belial Team: Knight has captured the flag!]

Shortly afterwards the score updated [Masaru: 2, Seekvaira: 8],

"Wow, look at those kids!"

"How nostalgic, it reminds me of the time we played tag when we were kids"

"But hell, Masaru and his peerage is unreasonable as ever"

The people were cheering more for the current combat between the two teams that blew away several buildings from their aftermath shocks.

Masaru who rarely appeared would even use magic to repair the buildings instantly causing the people to wonder what this odd king was currently doing, he was like a ghost appearing and disappearing all the time but not making major movements.

"Wonder what the Wonderchild is going to surprise us with today!"

"Hehe, the wonderchild making us wonder"

7 hours have passed and the current score was [Masaru: 81, Seekvaira: 42],

If it was not for the fact that Masaru trained his girls in both Magic and physical aspects they would have had a harder time dealing with a tactical team, however, Masaru still did not make many movements other than keeping the score high while supporting his girls.

Seekvaira managed to steal flags, however, she too lost flags to Shirone and the girls during her defence. With Masaru's absence looming over them, Seekvaira and her team were tense throughout the entire game waiting for Masaru to appear.

It was only when there were only 30 minutes left when Masaru appeared, the first thing he did was pull Ingvild into his embrace before he took the two of them off into the skies.

The rules stated that buildings should not be destroyed however bases were a different story since their defence would naturally include keeping the building intact, the best assault he intends to do is directly at Seekvaira's base itself.

"Seekvaira" Masaru spoke clearly enough for everyone to stop their actions wondering what Masaru was up to, a mysterious smile appeared on his face as he continued, "You wanted to see my real power I will not able to grant it but I will show it to you... The Belial Team's true power"

Masaru flew in circled while holding Ingvild at her waist and her arms were around his neck like they were dancing while Masaru was casting a Raindance spell using the peculiar flight dance as the initial steps required to activate the spell.

Shortly, clouds began to gather. With rain falling upon them, soaking the two of them in water. Masaru gently caresses Ingvild's cheek.

"It's time to show off, my queen" Masaru muttered before he gave her a deep kiss, the ties that bound him and her as one began to pulsate strong energy force within her body while generating a chant for her.

"This water represents my pledge. Purify the evil surrounding my beloved! Downpour Catastrophic Ouroboros!" Ingvild called out, with both her sacred gear and bloodline power resonating with her spell.

Suddenly the water that was pouring from the clouds began to gather before transforming into massive snakes that slithered pass each building like a tidal wave all heading towards the defence building.

"This---" Seekvaira who saw this sudden massive attack was shocked beyond belief, she wanted to tell her peerage to retreat but the snakes were simply too fast!

[Agares Team: Knight, Rook, two pawns retired!]

This was just the beginning as Seekvaira created a time barrier to hold back the attack, however, the power of this attack was not something she could contend against as she was blown away losing her consciousness.

[Agares Team: King Retired! Team Belial won the game!]

"Fufu, isn't it too much to use the Kiss prayer for the Game?" Ingvild asked despite showing such a happy smile, this move was close to really cheating as she could not imagine herself being able to perform such a massive scale attack so fast. And she was still holding back!

"There was no restrictions, however, they might apply restrictions on this" Masaru chuckled shamelessly, he might have used an overhanded method to win but he managed to achieve several things at once.

A Warnign for the Council,

Promise to Seekvaira,

Demonstration to Competitors,

Entertainment to spectators,

And upholding his honour as the heir of the Belial Family.

Masaru held Ingvild till they landed on the roof below them where the rest of the team were waiting for them, from the looks of the girls' eyes and expression a smile appear on his face. He will have to spoil each of them to calm their jealousy at the scene of Masaru kissing Ingvild, but looking at their angry faces was simply too cute.

"So this is the benefits of Kissing prayer?" Roygun spoke while unconsciously caressing her lips, a faint blush appears on her face as she knew she too kissed Masaru quite deeply back then. It was the first time she actually witnesses the power of this vow in flesh, she first read of it on a report and saw the aftermath of it on a recording but never the process.

"Yes," Masaru said as he led the team towards the main hall where there is an event for both teams to give signatures and hear compliments from their fans, however, it was on Masaru's team that appeared since Seekvaira was still recovering so they will have their event the next day. The fans were ecstatic after witnessing another wonder work by their beloved Wonderchild causing Masaru to cringe when he realized that he did not manage to remove his cursed title.

"I will be heading to visit Seekvaira," Masaru said to the girls before leaving the hall, he went alone to the hospital while allowing his girls to head home to accompany Diana who watched their rating game on the tv broadcast.

Entering the hospital where Seekvaira was currently resting, Masaru came to the reception. "Here to visit Agares Heiress sir?" One of the nurses asked.

"Yes," Masaru nodded at the nurse, so she led him to the room Seekvaira was currently resting, from the looks of it, Sona was there as well.

"I knew you would come here" Sona spoke with a rare smile on her face, she would have loved to give him a hug and kiss to congratulate him but since they were in public and in front of her friend she could not do so.

"I feel stupid for challenging your so brazenly" Seekvaira muttered with a pouting face,

Masaru gave Seekvaira a light chop on her head causing the latter to hold her head glaring at him, "I already said it, that I rarely admire people and your one of them. Despite knowing it will be hard you still challenged me. You should not wallow in your sadness and instead get stronger. You have already seen the base of the mountain have you not?"

Seekvaira widens her eyes in surprise as she never expected that he would not be here to pity her but instead to encourage her, Masaru nodded when he noticed this girl already probably came up with countermeasures against his team. Masaru yawned a bit light feeling slightly tired.

"You--- You played the game while feeling tired?" Seekvaira asked with an exasperated face,

Masaru chuckled shaking his head, "Just mentally tired, too many things to think about"

"Grrr..." Seekvaira was about to challenge Masaru,

But Sona intercepted by offering Seekvaira a glass of water, "You are lucky today, I will have my revenge tomorrow" Seekvaira said with a snort looking in a different direction while blushing.

Masaru smirked at this girl while resting his head on Sona's shoulders, "I look forward to it, but next time we can bet your hand in marriage to make it more meaningful"

Seekvaira blushed beet red at Masaru's teasing even Sona was looking at Masaru with a stern gaze while Masaru was only smiling,

"Hmph!" Seekvaira only humphed, it was rare for this girl who is more noble and caring than others to display such a sight,

"Well since your fine, I will have to go soon. That old man is waiting for me" Masaru stood up,

"You leaving for Odin?" Sona asked,

Masaru nodded, "I might have to ask for some days off from the school can you help me with that?"

Sona smiled warmly while nodding, Masaru turned and left.

"You did not get angry at him for trying to flirt with me?" Seekvaira looked at Sona who was currently peeling an apple,

"Why should I? You know him just as long as I do, so you know how he treats you. Besides, he already engaged with many girls but all of them loves him dearly and he loves them equally dearly." Sona said with a smile,

"One more won't make a difference, other than our sisters will grow in number" She said.

Seekvaira felt her friend had changed ever since she has gotten engaged with Masaru, Sona herself knew this as well but she felt like this current lifestyle was more to her liking. Masaru allowed them to pursue their dreams without restrictions and even supporting them.

"Should I accept his proposal then?" Seekvaira asked teasingly,

Sona looked at Seekvaira with a smile that was not a smile, "That depends on how sincere you really are with it, I will accept you within our family anytime. However, you must be serious about it. You know what I mean right?"

"K-Kiss prayer!?" Seekvaira asked with a beetred face


"You finally arrived boy" Odin spoke while sitting on a chair, loud music were playing with waitresses wearing little to almost no clothes were serving the customers, Masaru had to alter his appearance to look like a 21-year-old male.

Azazel was sitting next to Odin, he had been keeping the perverted old man company and was even enjoying himself in the process. Barakiel was nowhere to be found but naturally, he will not come close to another woman unless he wants to anger Shuri.

"You really have to visit the Titty Bars huh? You two old men" Masaru spoke causing Azazel to only laugh at him, Masaru took his seat and ordered a closed can of cola.

"Are the girls not going to be angry if they know you are in this place?" Azazel asked,

Masaru only smirked "I already told them where I am going, including that it was your order so I had no choice. Akeno said she would make some time available to have a word with you"

Azazel who heard this felt cold sweat running down his spine thinking this boy set him up in a trap, Odin burst out laughing when he heard this, "You really know how to set up traps boy"

Masaru only smiled when his drink arrived he opened the can before taking a sip, "So what is up with China, remember you told me to investigate them once we dealt with Loki. Do you know anything else?" Masaru spoke while looking at Azazel.

"Yes, from the looks of it there is a potential internal war there. If possible I hope you can find a way to stop it or at least pull the group that advocates peace into our alliance" Azazel gave a general idea of the situation, Masaru nodded as he understood what he had to do more or less.

Odin thought for a moment before saying with a stern expression. "There are reports from my secretary that there have been Valkyries going missing there too"

Azazel nodded as he too lost a few people over there, "Currently, the gods of China has not been in much contact with us nor any other mythology so it is hard to know what is going on there which is why we are sending you. If any of us top brass were to go, we will end up causing more problems than solutions."

Odin nodded at Azazel's point, Masaru thought for a moment before accepting this mission "Very well, I will assist in fending off Loki. Once that is complete I will take two members of my peerage for a trip to China then"

CompleteNoob CompleteNoob

22/08/2020 - Changes made

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