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58.82% The Goddess of Death / Chapter 10: Peace Ends Now

Bab 10: Peace Ends Now

Hela rummaged idly around her closet, keeping a trained ear out for any unusual sounds. The hairs on the back of her neck were standing straight up, and she started breathing deeply to calm herself.

There! An almost inaudible step sounded and Hela's gaze sharpened. She whirled around, conjuring a sword along the way just in time to block the dagger that swung inches towards her throat. For a moment, she felt a sense of déjà vu before shaking it off. "An assassin," She gritted her teeth as the wielder pressed their attack, "How original."

The assassin was covered head to toe in black, their face covered so excellently she struggled to see if it was a man or a woman. Its figure was broad and stocky though, so she wagered it was a man. She brought up a foot to kick, but the assassin suddenly jumped out of the way. "I feel compelled to ask who sent you, but then again, no one really answers that question, do they?"

Thrown knives were his only answer, and Hela quickly ducked her head. It struck the mirror behind her and smashed it, raining shards around the two of them. "I don't really know anyone who wants to kill me though." She continued musing aloud, "By the way, that's my favorite mirror. You're gonna have to replace that." She hid a grin and noted how the assassin narrowed their eyes in irritation.

Prone to anger then. She could work with that.

The assassin suddenly lunged forward with their dagger, which Hela quickly met and parried. Frankly speaking, after facing a 13 foot tall beast, this honestly paled in comparison to the terror she felt back then. She swung her sword in a wide arc, and the assassin quickly leapt back and landed on her bed. She frowned heavily when his boots left visible dirt and stains on the pristine sheets, and decided enough was enough.

She flicked a hand in their direction and the assassin's mask promptly caught on fire.

She's tired, she's cranky, and she's just about done with everyone's bullshit. A bed sounded nice, and he just stepped all over it. She just wants this to be over and sleep until morning.

Hela watched the man scream and struggle to get it off, but a sound from behind alerted her and she instinctively ducked just as a dagger embedded itself on the wall in front of her. She turned and saw another assassin who held out his hands in front of him, and Hela swore as multiple daggers formed from his silver-colored seidr in midair before streaking through the air towards her. Hela quickly conjured a shield, holding it in front as the daggers bounced off of it before promptly throwing it at the man, who ducked.

A seidmadr! Interesting. Unfortunately for them, she had been training with both since she was young.

The first assassin finally succeeded in getting rid of the mask, and his face looked horribly burned and disfigured from the fire. He screamed in rage and launched himself at her, with the seidmadr joining the attack. Silver energy formed on his hands and blasted towards her just as the assassin swung his dagger. Hela quickly twisted to avoid both and held out a hand in a silent command. Mjolnir instantly obeyed and smacked on her palm, and she spun in a roundhouse kick that caught the first assassin right in his burnt face before throwing Mjolnir at the other in one swift move. 

The seidmadr only had time for his eyes to widen before the hammer came hurtling through the air and slammed squarely into his chest, effectively crushing his ribs and heart from the impact. She recalled Mjolnir back to her, and watched as he hit the ground dead. 

The first assassin whimpered and scrambled back as Hela approached him calmly, green eyes narrowed. She planted an unyielding foot on his chest, before leaning over him, "I have no patience for assassins, so you better answer correctly this time. Who sent you?"

Predictably, he only spat blood at her feet in defiance. Footsteps then thundered in the halls before guards began piling inside the room. They briefly stared in astonishment at the wheezing and burnt man pinned to the floor and the dead seidmadr near them before the Captain of the Einherjar Guard gestured and they began restraining him.

"Princess! Are you alright?" The Captain, who she recognized as Ingvar, the guard who always greeted her with a smile and a wave whenever she passed him in the halls, asked worriedly before quickly calling for aid. "Get me Healer Eir immediately!"

"I am fine." She protested, but a guard still went running off to get the healer. She sighed before looking to the burnt man, who looked completely furious as he was manhandled and forced to stand. "Take him away; I will speak with him later."

"Your Highness, I deeply apologize for this incident." Ingvar knelt and bowed his head before her, guilt radiating off him in waves. "I swear to you it will not happen again."

"No need for that." She waved it off, "I handled the situation just fine, no harm done."

He quickly shook his head, expression pinched. "Even so!"

Fortunately, his self-recrimination was cut off by the sound of Healer Eir suddenly sweeping into the room, clear blue eyes immediately fixing on Hela like a moth attracted to flame. "Move!" She barked to a stray guard who immediately jumped out of her way. She then approached before examining her with sharp eyes, and Hela barely suppressed a shudder at her intense scrutiny. She suddenly got the feeling as if she was being x-rayed or something.

After a long moment, Eir finally settled back and relaxed. "Just bruises, nothing serious. You called me here for bruises?! I have patients with worse!" The last part was directed at Ingvar, who weathered her ire in a way that told he was accustomed to it. Hela only snorted, no wonder everyone was afraid of the Healer; her sharp eyes and equally sharp tongue can probably make a grown man cower.

Suddenly a loud gasp and a sob was heard and everyone stiffened. A guard yelled something, and Hela and the others quickly turned to find Astrid, the old servant she saw in the courtyard earlier being carried to the main room by a guard, her cheek bruised and blood stark on her clothes. Hela instantly felt numb. "What happened?"

"We found her restrained and unconscious in one of the side rooms, Your Highness." The guard informed her, before her view of him was blocked by the healer, who ordered him to lay the servant down on the ground.

Hela quickly rushed to their side, watching worriedly as the healer assessed the old woman's condition with glowing hands. 

"Stab wound. She already lost a lot of blood." Eir reported, already moving to stand. "I will take her to the Healing Halls. Bring along anyone else you find injured." She told the guards, before whisking her patient away.

Hela clenched her fists and glared at the pool of blood on the floor. She vaguely heard quick footsteps approaching from outside before the King and Queen burst into the room, Odin's face twisted in rage. "Where is he?" 

Everyone froze, Hela included, as the pure power and fury in his voice reverberated around the room. His ominous aura seemed almost palpable then, and she could see a few of the guards beginning to sweat and tremble in fear. She couldn't exactly blame them though, since she's terrified herself.

To everyone's relief, Frigga then stepped forward and broke the tension, pulling Hela into a hug. She tensed in her arms while tuning in as the guards began reporting the situation to their King.

When they got to the part where the assassin was found on the floor and with broken ribs, Odin's gaze turned to Mjolnir, which was still in her hand the whole time. Her grip on it tightened.

Odin appraised her once the guards finished, gaze hardening at her disheveled form, before storming out again wordlessly and heading directly towards the prison.

Hela watched him leave before sighing. Well, what did she expect? Hugs and kisses? Odin would rather die before he's caught doing that red-handed.

"So I take it Heimdall got my message?" She glanced up at Frigga, who still looked worried.

"He informed us as soon as he received it." She confirmed, before letting out a shaky breath. "I am very glad you trained for this. I fear for your life if you didn't."

The Princess tilted her head slightly, "This already happened before. It was why I learned to fight in the first place."

However, it seemed the wrong thing to say when Frigga suddenly looked pained. "You shouldn't have had to worry about those things back then."

  "I am a target whether we like it or not, Your Majesty." She shrugged, "Besides, I took care of it, didn't I?"

Frigga sighed inaudibly before nodding, "I suppose you are right."

"My Queen, Princess," A guard suddenly ran up to them and saluted. "The King is currently interrogating the prisoner and requests both of your presences."

Frigga inclined her head, "Understood."

Hela was very thankful for her Asgardian body and their rapid healing abilities, because the bruises disappeared after just a few minutes and she felt good as new again. Queen and princess then headed down to the dungeons and immediately found Odin bearing down on the burnt man on his knees. They were just in time to witness Odin furiously flare his powerful golden seidr outwards, and even Hela couldn't help a sliver of fear at the sight. "I wonder," The King began softly, gaze focused on him and him alone. "how much Vanaheim paid you to do this. And how much of a fool you were to accept this job."

Hela's eyes widened, before glancing furtively up at Frigga who looked surprised as well. Her hands were clenched into fists though, and it must hurt her to know her own realm wanted to have her daughter killed.

Still, Vanaheim ordered an assassin to kill her. What did she even do to them?

The man jolted in surprise at the allegation before glaring up at the King in defiance. He spat blood at his feet, "Vanaheim didn't pay me to do shit!"

Odin's face suddenly twisted and he thundered, "You dare–?!"

Mesmerized, Hela watched as the interrogation continued, seeing with her own eyes how dangerous and ruthless Odin really was to his enemies. A simple slam of Gungnir and the defiant assassin's head was slammed into the stones at his feet. He cried out before Odin angrily lifted his spear and blasted the man off the floor and into the wall, making him scream as the golden seidr seared and melted his face even more.

She must've made a noise, because Odin immediately glanced at her before smiling. Hela instantly felt cold at the sight. "Come here, my daughter."

She tried her best to hold her head high as she approached, but the sheer power and intensity of Odin's aura made her feel like she should slump her shoulders meekly. "Yes, Father?" Thankfully, her voice stayed steady.

He nodded to the trembling man in the cell. "Kill him."

Her stomach dropped at the sudden command, "Pardon?"

Odin just stared at her impatiently. "Kill him." He repeated. "He snuck into your rooms and tried to take your head. Surely you do not intend to let him live?"

"Of course not," She began, even though all her panicking mind could think of was 'Executioner!'  "As you wish, my King." She prayed he didn't hear the slight stutter.

Satisfied, he turned fully towards her and nodded his head at the slumped figure of the man who was watching them anxiously. "Vanaheim has been our ally for a hundred years. That ends now. As its Princess, show him how Asgard deals with traitorous filth."

Hela glanced at the Queen to see her take in this, and was unsurprised when Frigga looked furious at the man too.

Hela gritted her teeth, inclined her head, before stepping into the cell. The assassin looked up as she quickly summoned an axe with her seidr. Her other hand glowed with power, pulled into a fist and abruptly tugged down, causing the assassin to slam to the floor with a shout, the back of his neck now exposed. Hela leveled the axe at his neck. "Any last words?" She asked distantly.

To her surprise, he just shot them a deranged grin. "You are a curse, girl. It was foreseen. No wonder they wanted to get rid of you."

Hela felt her heart stop, "What?"

He wheezed and laughed breathlessly, as if all this was extremely funny to him. "It was foreseen! A child of a Vanir and Aesir will bring the end to us all! What choice do we have but to remove the threat?"

Odin suddenly stepped forward, his face the epitome of rage. "What nonsense are you talking about?" He demanded.

The man only grinned with bloody teeth and said nothing.

Meanwhile, Hela's thoughts were whirling rapidly. The child of a Vanir and Aesir will bring the end? If so, she couldn't blame him then for trying to kill her, she would want to eliminate the threat too. "Who foresaw this?" She demanded aloud.

His answer caused all the Asgardians behind her to freeze and her to frown in confusion. "Mimir the Wise."

Frigga gasped and Odin scowled. Hela just tried thinking back on what she knew about Norse Mythology, but came up with a blank. Who's Mimir?

"Kill him. Now." Odin's voice sounded soft but it was layered with fury so controlled it almost gave an echo of power. Hela hastened to obey and swung the axe, forcing herself to watch as the man's neck spurted blood that coated her blade, his head making a dull sound as it hit the floor and his body slumping like a puppet with its strings cut.

He died by her hands, the least she could do was watch.

Without another word, Odin left the dungeon and the guards started entering the cell to dispose of the body. Hela was left staring at the head on the floor that was oddly reminiscent of the first assassin she encountered, before being swept up again in Frigga's arms. "Go back to your room and rest, my sweet. Quickly now."

Hela could only nod absently, her mind whirling with the prophecy she just heard as well as the endless chant of 'executioner, executioner, executioner' like a broken record. 

Original Hela was Odin's personal executioner. It was said she became desensitized to death and killing because of that. Will that eventually happen to her too?




Hela did her best not to stare into space and pay attention to Vor but it was hard. It had been weeks since the incident and she still hadn't heard a word from either of her parents about 'Mimir the Wise.' She knew he's like a prophet, if the assassin's claim that he foresaw something was true. But that's about it.

Speaking of that, the grave prophecy kept circling around her head, and she can't help but think of its implications. The child of a Vanir and Aesir will bring the end? She knew for a fact that the previous Queen Angrboda - her real mother - was a Vanir. Besides that, everyone in that cell heard it, and she's aware rumors may spread, despite their attempts at stifling it, especially because it implied that she'll be the cause of certain destruction.

But the thing is, it did come true. Original Hela was the cause of Ragnarok, wasn't she? But she wasn't planning on destroying anything anymore because she already replaced the original, so why?

On the bright side, Astrid was okay and Healer Eir was able to save her. The servant almost died again though when she prostrated herself right off the medical bed in her self blame, surprising Hela and causing the healer to threaten bodily harm if she really wanted to injure herself so bad.

"It is not normal for you to lose concentration like this," Vor suddenly said, and Hela glanced at her in surprise. "What is the matter?"

She shifted in her seat guiltily, knowing she didn't pay one whit of attention. If Vor even asked one question, she's screwed.

But wait, since Vor knows almost everything, then she must know about Mimir the Wise!

"Actually Lady Vor, can you help me with something?" Hela tried smiling sweetly, but Vor's gaze only sharpened at the sight.

"What is it?" She asked warily.

"I was hoping if you could tell me something about Mimir the Wise? Anything at all."

"Why do you want to know?" She asked slowly.

"Because it's related to the attacks three weeks ago…" That particular incident spread throughout Asgard like wildfire. Why wouldn't it, when the topic was the Princess of Asgard almost being assassinated in her own home? The assassin made Asgard's defenses a joke, and it caused a whole lot of embarrassment for Odin. She doesn't even want to know what he thinks of such rumors.

To Hela's relief, Frigga had the presence of mine to threaten all the witnesses to speak nothing about the prophecy and its terrifying insinuations. After all, it wouldn't do to have all of Asgard's citizens afraid of their own Princess. It seemed the guards kept their word, because no one had mentioned it yet.

At the reminder of the attack, Vor's gaze visibly softened and she cleared her throat. "The fact that you say Mimir was related to the attack suggested that he was somehow involved in it. Is that correct?"

"Yes and no." Hela sighed, "Truth be told, there is something I haven't told you. The assassin mentioned Mimir the Wise said something odd that almost sounded like a prophecy." At this, Vor stiffened. "I was just wondering who he is?"

"Explain." Vor's tone brooked no argument.

Typical Vor, always curious and no-nonsense.

"He basically said the child of a Vanir and Aesir will bring about the end of things."

"And then he decided to just assassinate you?" Vor raised an eyebrow, "You are but one of the many children with Vanir-Aesir blood. Countless people fit that description. It is not exactly an uncommon occurrence."

"But not a lot of people have the King and Queen of Asgard as parents." Hela pointed out, "I guess if I was the assassin, I would go for the child with the most influence too."

"That is also true." Her instructor fixed her with an unreadable gaze. "It is a good thing you know how to defend yourself, but you must also remain vigilant. You cannot allow such a thing to happen again."

"Of course. I do not intend to die," She smiled wryly, "…Not yet at least."

Vor stared in slight puzzlement, but Hela waved it off. "So now that you know, I want to ask who is he exactly?"

The instructor hummed in thought, "It would make sense you do not know of him, since he left before your time." Vor glanced at her, as if deciding how much she should say. "Mimir the Wise is Odin's past adviser and counselor. He is an exceptionally wise being who always has an answer to everything." Vor smiled a bit, "He has also occasionally foretold prophecies and events he has Seen through visions. To my knowledge, he is the only known seer amongst the Aesir."

A seer! Hela frowned in thought. That certainly explains things, but if someone knows she doesn't actually belong here, then what would that bode for her?

Vor's eyes suddenly turned melancholy, "Then the war between Asgard and Vanaheim happened. Mimir tried his best to give military advice to Odin, but both sides remained at a stalemate."

"How come?" Hela asked, "Wait, let me guess. Asgard's warriors and Vanaheim's seidmadr are evenly matched."

Vor inclined her head in acquiescence. "Indeed. Contrary to popular belief, the Vanir are extremely skilled warriors that can utilize both hand-to-hand combat and seidr in battle. They can easily match Asgard's best, and that was exactly what happened in that war.

Eventually, the fighting went on for so long that an agreement for a ceasefire came, where it was decided by both parties that the only way to stop the war was if they exchanged hostages so neither side can attack the other secretly. Vanaheim sent Freyja, Freyr and Njord to Asgard, and Asgard sent Hoenir and Mimir the Wise in exchange." Vor clenched her fists, "It has been a hundred years, and we have not heard word from them ever since."

Hela went silent as Vor got lost in her thoughts. She was willing to bet Mimir was a friend of hers. Poor Vor, she never got the chance to talk to him again. Hela's eyes softened and she opened her mouth to comfort her, but before she could, a sharp knock sounded on the doors. "What is it?" Her instructor called out.

The door opened and a servant appeared, head bowed respectfully. "Good afternoon, Your Highness. A missive from His Majesty, The King."

Hela tensed in surprise and accepted said letter, vaguely noticing the servant leaving and Vor staring at her intently as she opened it. "The King is summoning me to today's meeting." Her brows furrowed in confusion. "My father has never invited me to attend meetings before."

"This is rare, indeed." Vor voiced what was practically her thoughts, her wise eyes narrowed in thought. "Something must be happening that Odin wants you to know about." She nodded, "Our lesson is adjourned. Go on, and do not keep him waiting."

Hela almost groaned. She didn't even get to ask Vor any further about Mimir yet! However, needs must. "Understood."

Hela hurriedly strode through the halls, not knowing if she was feeling excited or nervous. She's going to be attending her first meeting with the rest of Asgard's royal court. What could be the reason she was summoned now? Has the war already started? Did someone invade the Realm? Is the economy oka-?

Hela sharply sucked in a breath as she twisted away from the body that suddenly turned around the corner. At the same time, they tried to avoid her too but the momentum carried and they fell on their front with a loud thud! making her wince in sympathy.

"I am so sorry-" She said before blinking at Tyrkir's pained face. A bruise was already forming on his forehead, but it looked like he didn't even notice as he looked at her dazedly.

"Oh no, are you alright, Tyrkir?!" She quickly helped him up and steadied him when he swayed, "Why exactly were you in such a hurry?"

"...I was supposed to join my father for a meeting, but I did not realize I was already running late." He said, expression twisting in pain as he pressed a hand on his throbbing head. 

"Meeting?" Hela tilted her head, "You wouldn't happen to mean the meeting with the King?"

He paused and looked up in surprise, "Yes, are you heading there too?"

"I am," She smiled, "we can go together." She started to tug him along, but paused as she noticed something. "Wait, you can't go to the meeting looking like that."

"Like what?" He asked nervously, but Hela ignored him as she began waving her fingers in front of the reddening bruise on his forehead. She has never been good with illusions, but surely, she could do something as simple as concealing.

Green seidr materialized in her hands, and the bruise was immediately covered by an illusion of perfect and unmarred skin. "Just don't touch it, and you'll be good to go."

Tyrkir visibly looked like he wanted to touch his forehead, but restrained himself. He smiled, "Thank you, Hela."

She waved it away. "Now, please lead the way Tyrkir."

He huffed in amusement before dutifully proceeding to lead her to the large double doors of the meeting chamber. "Why are you allowed to attend meetings like these anyway?" She asked curiously.

"It is my duty as my father's assistant."

With that, they watched as the doors were pulled open, revealing the chamber in all its glory.

Hela barely remembered to keep herself from tensing as the eyes of all of Asgard's ministers, officials, the court, and the King and Queen focused on her. She saw Tyrkir begin to salute and bow and dipped in her own bow as gracefully as she could before proceeding to meet Odin's gaze. "We deeply apologize for the delay, my King."

She could barely believe Odin was really her father at that moment. Clad in golden robes, his immense aura almost humming in the air, and with Gungnir in his hand, he just seemed so regal, majestic, and intimidating. "Daughter," He acknowledged, and Hela could only swallow. He looked furious by something, and was visibly trying not to take it out on her. "Take your seats."

With that, Hela took her seat near the end of the table opposite from her Father's end, and Tyrkir sat himself next to her and Minister Vifil, who just looked impassive.

"Now that the Princess has joined us, it is time we move on to the purpose of this meeting."

Hela immediately straightened up in interest, her eyes trained on her father who signaled sharply for Asgard's famous general to rise.

Immediately, Tyrkir straightened as well. "That's General Tyr!" He hissed. "I heard he's one of the best warriors in Asgard, second only to Odin himself!"

Hela nodded excitedly too. She also heard that, and more. It was one of the reasons why Hela wanted to learn from him instead of Herryk. General Tyr was not typically stationed in the palace, which was why seeing him was always a rare sight.

The first thing she noticed was his size. He easily towers over everyone in the room when he stood. The man looked like a virtual image of the strongest and largest Viking you could possibly imagine; a figure of immense strength that showed in each corded muscle and broad frame. He's wearing full body armor that looked extremely uncomfortable to Hela, but the general looked at home with it on. He carefully removed his round helmet which revealed black hair and a full beard before settling it down on the table with a dull 'thump'!

Nevertheless, what caught Hela's attention the most was the glint of the golden ornamental prosthetic where his left hand was supposed to be. 

The hand that was swallowed by the very Wolf that was currently roaming the palace grounds.

Hela made a mental note to let Fenris know the general was around, or vice versa. It wouldn't do for the general to lose his right hand as well.

"I will just get to the point," Tyr said brusquely. "My spies report Vanaheim is claiming that they had been cheated in the exchange of hostages during the past Aesir-Vanir war. They said one of the hostages was, and I quote, 'a witless fool who had tricked them for a long time by giving unwise counsel." He narrowed his eyes in anger, "They had beheaded Mimir the Wise due to this belief and sent back his head. Attempts to negotiate has been disregarded. It seems they are willing to go to battle for this."

The table erupted in murmurs and she straightened. This was to be the topic of her first meeting? Also, Mimir was dead?! And they beheaded him just because he gave faulty advice? Then what of his prophecy regarding her, was that faulty too?

"Mimir gave unwise counsel?" One of the Ministers said in disbelief. "Mimir? He was called 'the Wise' for a reason, General. Are you certain this was what the Vanir said?"

General Tyr visibly looked insulted at the insinuation that he heard wrong. "As certain as I am that the sky is blue, Minister." He said slowly.

"What of the other hostage, Hoenir?" Minister Vifil asked.

The General only shook his head, "There was no word from him."

Everyone fell silent at the information and Hela quickly looked to her parents. Frigga remained completely stoic, betraying no sign of worry or fear. Odin, on the other hand, only looked even more furious at the reminder, "The terms are clear, and we have honored them. What more are they demanding?"

  "Another exchange of hostages, Your Highness." Tyr scowled, "They cannot be swayed from that."

"Cheating?" A Minister angrily said. "We took great care of the Vanir hostages they sent us. Freyr and his father Njord we even let free to live their lives in Alfheim. I even heard that Freyr has the freedom to visit Vanaheim somehow. And in exchange, they sent us Mimir's head?!"

A chorus of furious yells and declarations of war filled the room, and Hela tensed in her seat. Tyrkir looked wide-eyed at the scene.

Odin suddenly slammed Gungnir on the dais and everyone promptly fell silent. "Vanaheim sent an assassin to kill my daughter," He whispered softly, but it still carried throughout the whole room. "if Hela was not trained, they would have succeeded. Then I lost my trusted adviser after they claimed Mimir was a fool and beheaded him, and now they want war?" He slowly stood, and Hela froze in her seat in alarm. "Vanaheim violated the agreement and almost killed the princess. There will be no more attempts to negotiate because nothing can excuse their actions." His gaze hardened, "It ends now."

The table was banged on repeatedly as bloodthirsty cries and shouts for vengeance filled the room after Odin practically declared war. In the resulting chaos, Hela could only meet Tyrkir's terrified gaze across the table with her own.

This was no ordinary meeting; this was a war council. A war was truly going to happen, and she might just be caught right in the middle of it.

Norns help them.


CDR_Grae CDR_Grae

Hello guys, CDR_Grae here!

The war that Vor mentioned here is the Aesir-Vanir war. You can find more details here: https://norse-mythology.org/tales/the-aesir-vanir-war/

I'm so sorry it took so long! I've decided to update every month so I can make sure to write long and detailed chapters. Please always read and stay tuned. And most importantly, please comment or review! I'd love to know your thoughts regarding the way things are progressing. As always, thank you very much! ^^

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