"Inspirational Life" was a show hosted by a famous host in Chinese Television System, Zhao Qun. It specialized in finding real life, inspirational stories from the common folk.
The ratings weren't spectacular, but it had a huge influence. The older generation loved it especially.
Yun Xiangxiang and Yang Qi arrived at the scene in military training clothes. The two sets of clothes Yang Qi tried out in the makeup room didn't make him look as energetic as when he was wearing the green military clothes. That was what the program planner thought.
They decided to not apply any makeup; they only straightened the clothes and combed their hair. Both of them would go up there in their military training clothes.
"Don't be nervous later," Yun Xiangxiang noticed that Yang Qi was clenching his fists and breathed deeply. She calmed him down smilingly.
[1] It’s a pun. Yun Xiangxiang’s character’s name, “Yang Qi” is associated with beauty. In this context, “Qi” can be used in the adjective “Qi Li” which means gorgeous. On the other hand, “Qi” can also be a homophone that is used in “Qi Te” which can have a gamut of meanings, from ‘bizarre’ to ‘strange’. Which is why he said he was a weirdo.
[2] Asian online viewing habits. Usually if a show did something to enrage the audience, they would threaten the station by sending sharp items like knives and razor blades to show their dissatisfaction. It was said in good (dark?) humour though.
[3] Around US$ 0.57.
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