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Bab 165: 5.15

Mr Garth pauses, a little surprised that the usually strict and reserved Alaric from the even stricter Rong family, actually said yes to this sort of taboo, though an admittedly quite vanilla one. After all the Rong family were notorious for their love of rules and respect for the hierarchy of things. 

It wasn't that everyone in that family was such a stickler for these things, but with the way they were raised generally, it took a lot of coaxing to get a Rong to be induced into a rebellious phase. They were given a very extreme upraising, throwing the younger vampires out into the wild every once in a while to gain independence while also training them harshly. 

But at the same time there was not too much pressure on them, the only thing expected was to contribute well to the Golden Rose coven. Follow the basic rules, respect the royal family and uphold the ethics of the coven, it doesn't matter if you become an artist, an accountant or an astronaut as long as you help uphold the values of a noble vampire and help the king you will be accepted. 

Obviously, there was still a lot of bias where many ambitious parents will still want their children to become royal advisors and retain good grades, produce powerful offspring and such, but generally many noble families were like that anyway. The point was, that only the children of the Rong family were consistently 'good children', and then 'good teenagers' and then finally 'good upstanding adults'. 

So seeing Alaric, who in his impression, was the most sensible, uptight child in this new generation of Golden Rose vampires like this, he found it surprising and… very interesting. 

Smirking, Mr Garth slid down to his knees and pulled down Jia Hyson's panties to reveal the hard, trembling cock underneath. It was already throbbing, pre-cum making the head glisten. 

"Tsk, youth," Mr Garth was amused despite himself. His student was about to explode it seems. 

"Mr Garth.." Jia Hyson pants, voice tinged with an admonishing whine as the other idly touched his dripping erection. 

"Sorry, sorry, you just looked so cute," The older vampire chuckles, making Jia Hyson bite his lip to suppress a soft moan as he was praised. Mr Garth raises an eyebrow at the reaction but chooses not to comment at the moment. Instead, he says, "Also, didn't I tell you to call me Darrian instead?" He smirks, a little bit of fang flashing, "Seems like I have to punish you."

Of course, he didn't actually do so, despite his words, he just pressed his lips to the tip of Jia Hyson's dick and slid it into his mouth. 

"Ah!" Jia Hyson cries out, surprised by the way Darrian had took him all in so suddenly, his cock encapsulated by a wet heat. As a tongue skilfully rubs the underside of his shaft while a large hand fondles the soft ballsack connected to it, Jia Hyson's knees tremble, threatening to give out. 

This was his body's first blowjob, and when he played with himself, Jia Hyson had developed a habit of using his ice powers, so experiencing another person's heat again was really- intense! 

Impolitely, Jia Hyson grabs the older vampire's hair to steady himself, surprised for a second how soft it is before he entangles his fingers into it. "Mr- Mr Ga-ah-rth," He pants heavily as his dick twitches in his teacher's mouth. 

Mr Garth hums disapprovingly, the subsequent vibration making Jia Hyson gasp and tug the other's hair, silently trying to tell Mr Garth he was very close. "Mr G- nmmgh, hah, D-Darrian, nm," He manages to squeeze out through his breathy light moans, pulling Mr Garth's hair harder, "Don't I'm… I'm going to.."

The older vampire laughs, admiring the flushed face of Alaric, his usually clean appearance distorted with pleasure and lust. Like a fiery red dye being dripped onto a white rose, it was mesmerising to look at and made one want to smear the colour further into the soft petals, staining it completely under your hands. 

Of course, a rose has thorns for a reason, and Mr Garth did not intend to pluck Alaric's defences while it was still young and pliable. As tempting as it was, Mr Garth had no intentions right now to nurture a romantic relationship, as he held no serious feelings.

This was simply just… giving his cute student a small lesson into adulthood. 

However to his surprise, before he could lay the finishing blow, he gasps as he suddenly felt an icy touch on suddenly on the tip of his ear. In the moment of distraction, his student pulls his head back and pushes him down. 

Mr Garth winces a little, after all, he had been kneeling before and now he was in the slightly uncomfortable position of kneeling while laying on his back, stretching his quadriceps without warning. He wasn't young anymore, his flexibility had degraded in the past fifty years or so not that he likes to admit it. 

Alaric still flushed and with a slight glaze in his eyes, looks down and notices his discomfort, lightly he chuckles. Even though he looked so sweet, soft and pretty, especially in his feminine clothing, Mr Garth couldn't help but suddenly feel a little chilled. Alaric seemed a bit dazed and high, but there was a predatory glint that could not be missed.

"Don't worry Mr, I mean, Darrian," The younger vampire smiles as he drops down and crawls on top of his teacher, "I just want you to enjoy it as well ah~"

Mr Garth stiffly smiles, "Alaric, there's no need. I'm not, uh, I'm not interested in going further." He only intended to let the other release a few times until he was satisfied, maybe stroke himself off in the process to sate his own desires. 

It wasn't that he wasn't interested. Alaric was legal, beautiful and the taboo plus the character gap he revealed was incredibly erotic. But Alaric was a young virgin, and he worried that the young vampire may believe he was in love after the rush of losing his innocence. As a free and easy playboy who needed to sleep with others for his migraines and didn't want to be troubled, he didn't dare get into some messy romantic entanglements with a fellow Golden Rose Coven vampire much less his own student. 

Mr Garth's ideas were good but they couldn't meet the expectations of reality*.

*What he imagined is not the same as what happened. 

"But it seems like you're very interested oh~" His usually uptight and rule abiding student smirks as he presses the obvious bulge in the other's pants, making his hips buck a little at the unexpected pressure. 

Mr Garth groans before frowning. Feeling he has to be a bit blunt and cruel he awkwardly says, "Alaric, you… I want you to know that I don't want you to have any… expectations about, uh, us." He tenses, preparing for his naive student's expression of hurt. But he was doomed to be disappointed. 

Scum Hyson: 'That's so cute, he thought I was going to fall in love with him hahaha.'

Maybe it was because their characters were quite similar, Jia Hyson tacitly understood the other's thinking. If the other took off his tinted glasses*, Mr Garth would probably understand him quite well too. 

*Preconceptions/assumptions that slightly distort the perception/understanding of what's happening (Eg. rose-tinted glasses)

Of course, it was because Jia Hyson understood that he sympathised. After all, as a man who had slept around and eaten his fair share of delicacies, he also knew that virgins tend to hold romantic expectations to the people who take their first time. While this isn't applicable to everyone, there was enough examples to reach a general consensus on the matter.

Who hadn't heard stories of a young lady fighting her parents and running away from home with a man, because of love? Who hadn't heard about a young man who gave away millions of dollars to a female scammer, convinced they were in love and about to get married? It didn't matter what gender, she, he or they, there would always be victims of this amazing 'true love'. 

Jia Hyson had also experienced his fair share. Virgins were neither common nor uncommon across various ages. As a man who didn't disdain one's experience or lack of it, he treated them all the same- kindly, and then simply breaking things off when he was done. Some were more sensible, some were heartbroken, some were devastated, some were clingy and didn't believe reality and some just went really batshit for a while. 

Jia Hyson: 'I almost got forcibly married to a young businesswoman once because of this ahaha. She took the break up really well in my opinion and then a week later I woke up handcuffed to her in a bride dress.'

Bebe: '…What happened then?'

Jia Hyson: 'Of course, you must play along ah. The main thing is to recover from the shock quickly and not aggravate the other party. Then when the guard is more or less lowered you can fight back somehow. In my case, the businesswoman was really enamoured, after apologising and giving some excuse, showing both weakness and shamed shyness about running away from my feelings, I coaxed her to free me from my handcuffs. I hugged her and told her my biggest regret was that I couldn't propose to her properly, and our wedding is so rushed like this.'

Bebe: 'Fuck, you scum, tell me more.'

Jia Hyson: 'We had only recently broken up, so I still vaguely remembered a few things like her favourite flower and colors, and the fact she had one really loud dog, so I brought them up as I spouted nonsense so she can picture the wedding I thought up for us. She was so moved she let me go, and then I ran to call the police.'

Bebe: Applause.gif 'There should be a crime show just dedicated to the consequences of your dick.'

Jia Hyson: 'It would make a pretty bad crime show ah. The police didn't do anything except provide me a restraining order so I took it gracefully and then killed her a week later.'

Bebe: '…' It's really amazing. What's more amazing is Bebe would definitely watch this show if it aired.

"Don't worry Darrian," Jia Hyson smiles, "I'm a good student, I don't want to have a relationship with my teacher either ah."

Mr Garth: '…' Your words are good but the hand palming my dick really ruins your reliability. 

Leaning over Jia Hyson kisses him chastely on the lips, his hand conversely rubbed the hard length of his teacher even more aggressively, going from teasing to more explicit in intention. "There's a bit of a drug in me, we're both consenting vampires above legal age, and to be honest you're not even my favorite teacher so I think we'll be okay."

"…I'm not your favorite teacher?"

Jia Hyson laughs, "I don't think you're anyone's Mr Garth." He says half seriously. 

He recognised the other's heart was good, and he personally liked and was attracted to him, but it didn't change the fact that, as a teacher, he was really terrible. Chain-smoking, crude, with a hard mouth* and puts little effort into teaching. Fortunately, his classes were social classes that didn't actually need strict educational standards, but the lack of effort was fairly obvious. 

*Means the person's words are bad/fierce/poisonous. Also a related term is Hard mouth, soft (tofu) heart- which is having a fierce/harsh personality but actually really goodhearted under the spikiness. 

The only people who would like him would be the lazier students, and even then there were nicer teachers with gentler temperaments and similar salted fish mindsets toward teaching. Jia Hyson would say Mr Garth was in his personal top 5, and was fairly confident nobody hated or disliked him, but it would be hard pressed to find anyone who would consider the other their favourite either.

Mr Garth: '…Oof.' 

However after a moment of being slightly offended Darrian Garth also chuckles, also finding the humor in his student's straightforwardness. It wasn't like he was passionate about his side job as a teacher babysitting a bunch of brats anyway. 

"It turns out you're so mouthy," He reaches up to ruffle the the other's soft hair before cradling his head and leaning forward for another kiss, this time much less innocently than his student's actions. "That's good, now let's see if I can teach you to use that mouth to soothe my now bruised ego then." He breaths out huskily.

"I'll be in your hands, teacher," Jia Hyson pants, licking his lips in anticipation. 

Adjusting his positions so he was more comfortable, Darrian sat back, still on the floor, with his legs spread open to give Jia Hyson space to kneel down. Jia Hyson cups his own erection through the thin fabric of his nightdress, still slick with Darrian's spit and his own pre-ejaculate. Because he stopped the other vampire before he finished, his dick was throbbing and begging for release, giving Jia Hyson a sweet torturous heat that had built at the bottom of his stomach. It filled him with a frustrated excitement that made his now predatory eyes even more heated. 

It had been a while since Darrian had been on the end of such a passionate gaze and he couldn't help himself from blushing a little. "Y-you, have you done this before?" He asks suspiciously. Ever since he was pushed down he had a little doubt but the good student impression Alaric gave was so strong he ignored it but the raw sexual aggressiveness and hunger the other was giving off was really hard to dismiss. 

Jia Hyson blinks a few times before trying to reign in some of his excitement. Unfortunately, his body was stimulated by the mixed-up perfume's effect and his own delayed orgasm, it was a bit difficult to do. In the end he just unzips Darrian's pants and pulls out the sizeable dick out. Feeling the hot pillar twitch in his hands, Jia Hyson smiles lewdly as he presses the tip to the corner of his lips producing an incredibly stimulating image. 

"You're the first person whose ever done anything to my body," Jia Hyson clarifies truthfully, before snickering, "Of course, that doesn't mean I haven't done some self-education ah~" With that teasing line he strokes Darrian's shaft and sucks the tip of his dick, licking the wetness of the slit before pushing it deeper into his mouth.

"Fucking hell!" Darrian curses as he throws his head back, clenching his fists as his hips subconsciously thrust up. But Jia Hyson was already half-expecting it, his hand pushing firmly the other's hips down to minimise the movement as he relaxes his throat and bobs up at down at a languid pace. 

Because his throat was still not too used to the intrusion, he could only swallow part of his teacher's thick dick without gagging. To compensate he used his hands to stroke and fondle what his mouth couldn't touch, mirroring his movements so it looked like he was using Darrian's previous blowjob as a template for his own actions. 

But did Darrian appreciate this detail? Not particularly. He was too busy gasping under the sensation of Alaric sucking his dick. Even though the other looked like he was a bit sloppy and tentative, Darrian could feel all his weak points being attacked and experienced an intensity of pleasure that he didn't expect from someone inexperienced. 

The pressure and rhythm of the hands were perfect, never too tight and the strokes were surprisingly purposeful and confident after a little adjustment time. Occasionally light and painfully teasing as Alaric licks his frenulum before sucking the tip hard. Such a beautiful vampire taking his dick so skilfully into his mouth, even the occasional slip-ups like teeth scraping against the sensitive skin, only served to stimulate Darrian to even greater heights. 

"Nghe, mnhn, haah," Darrian moans as he could no longer sit up under Jia Hyson's skilful tongue and fingers, lying on his back he didn't even care about his pride as a teacher, writhing and gasping, a hand covering most of the noises from his mouth as he tries to retain his last shred of dignity. 

Jia Hyson of course notices and frowns slightly. What he likes is seeing the other party completely submit to the pleasure, giving the other a sense of helpless embarrassment as their bodies complete betray their wanton natures. Taking his mouth off Darrian's trembling and twitching penis, making the other muffle a groan of confusion. 

"Teacher~" Jia Hyson coaxes, throat a little raspy, "Don't hide your voice ah, how can I learn properly if I don't get any feedback?"

Mr Garth chokes, "You- don't you worry Alaric, I'm pretty sure you're a prodigy." He's had pretty sure he's had prostitutes that were less capable of pleasuring himself with their mouths. If Alaric claims were true, then forget prodigy, this kid was a genius at cocksucking. 

Like a good student being praised by the teacher, Jia Hyson flushes happily and touches his cheek shyly. Aiyah, it's so nice to be appreciated. "Thank you Mr Garth, I tried my best."

Bebe: 눈_눈 

Amused and feeling a bit absurd looking at Alaric's cute and narcissistic expression after sluttily sucking his cock with such vigorous enthusiasm, Darrian smiles back, infected a little by the other's happy appearance. 

Quickly though, the pleased expression of a good student being praised becomes an aggrieved expression of a good student who had just received a poor grade. "But Mr Garth I want to be even better." Reaching out to stroke his teacher's dick, wet and pulsating in his hand, Jia Hyson admires how Darrian immediately falls back down and writhes with a surprised and incoherent noise of pleasure. "So make sure to be more vocal so I know where to improve okay~♡?"

After that, he quickly takes Darrian's member back into his mouth and continues his previous ministrations, this time a little faster and more energetic than before. 

Under an even more aggressive barrage of pleasure, the older vampire could no longer hold back the embarrassing sounds from his mouth. "Agh, hah… ahh, ah, fuck, nhgnm…" Darrian curses inwardly. Was this kid a vampire or an incubus??

Suddenly he arches up and trembles as suddenly an icy touch skates up his shaft. "Hyaah?!" 

Jia Hyson chuckles, letting the vibrations stimulate the tip of Darrian's sensitive organ in his mouth as he playfully touches his teacher lightly with the tip of his fingernail with had a light coating of frost on it. Darrian moans and squirms uncontrollably as his cock throbs and spurts more liquid into Jia Hyson's mouth. "Ah, Alaric, this… nhgnm, no, this, haah… it's, ah!" 

Seeing how quickly his usually crude teacher was becoming even more incoherent in pleasure, Jia Hyson's eyes curve into pleased cresents. 

Soon under Jia Hyson's skilful hot mouth and the sparks of cold lighting up his nerves, Darrian completely lost his composure and became a drooling, groaning, gorgeous mess. 

Popping his mouth off Darrian's dick which was gushing with pre-cum, threatening to explode at anytime, Jia Hyson grins and kisses the palm of his hand wet with slick, a faint mist attaching itself onto the surface of the skin. Without his mouth and hand holding Darrian's dick up, it slaps messily against the older vampire's stomach, a small puddle quickly forming as his dick uncontrollably drools. 

"You look so good like this Mr Garth," Jia Hyson teases, making Darrian flush with arousal and humiliation, once again reminding him how he had been reduced to this by his own student. 

"D-don't look Alaric…" Darrian turns his head in shame but the way his nipples perk up through his thin shirt and the dilation in his eyes showed how much this was provoking his libido.

"So messy and submissive," Jia Hyson tuts as he swipes a cold finger against the slit of Darrian's dick making the other jerk and shudder as more pre-cum shoots out. "Ah, what to do? I really want to bully you even more."

Leaning over he licks the length of the twitching and trembling dick, while he flicks the wrist of the hand he kissed for a second. 

Seeing that Jia Hyson seemed to be going back to lightly teasing him, Darrian who was so close whimpers. "Please, I, ngh, I, ah, I'm close…"

With a smirk, Jia Hyson smirks and moves down and nips at the base of the other's cock, causing it to jump, "I know."

He then clicks his fingers and activates his ice magic, coating the palm of his hand with a very light coating of ice, and grabs Darrian's twitching dick.

Darrian: "♡~!!!!!"

The older vampire's whole convulsed, his hips instinctively thrusted even though it pushed his oversensitive dick against the icy cold hand, the chilling cold blinding Darrian with a sensation he couldn't fully process. Climaxing, his semen rushed out, spurting over his body, thick and messy, the release feeling extremely good and even the icy feeling urging him on. 

Jia Hyson was also extremely aroused by the erotic sight, and with his other hand stroked himself frantically before also submitting to his own pleasure and releasing over his teacher's muscular body with a groan. 

As they both recover from the high of their orgasms, panting heavily as they try catch their breath, both of them admired each other's bodies. With the memory of what they just did fresh in their minds, both noticed each other's dicks twitching and hardening slightly. 

Darrian's eyes darken, his eyes which had gone red sometime during the blowjob and was fading back to brown, immediately flashed red once more. Jia Hyson bit his lower lip, his blue eyes also going red once more as well. They both look at each other, and with tacit understanding they both smile depravedly.

"Teacher, I think I still have more to learn," Jia Hyson bats his eyes.

Darrian pretends to be reluctant and annoyed like he was usually during classes, "Hah, well I suppose I can't turn down a student eager for education. But-"

Jia Hyson suddenly squeaks as he finds himself floating in the air before being thrown onto the bed. Darrian stands up and crawls onto the bed toward his cute and slutty student with a smirk. "-this time just let your teacher give you a nice physical demonstration okay?"

Jia Hyson found his arms lifted up above his head like there was an invisible rope tying his hands together. Jia Hyson was both in awe and incredibly excited. So this was Mr Garth's telekinetic powers. Amazing. 

Darrian tilts Jia Hyson's chin up, "Okay?" He asks for confirmation, eyes questioning and probing, trying to find any hesitation or reluctance. 

But how could Jia Hyson stop now. With a smirk he replies, "I trust Mr Garth to teach me the full curriculum, thoroughly~♡"

The other stiffens for a second before pushing the other down and enthusiastically kisses him, "With pleasure."




Author's note:


I am always way slower to write smut (ngl most of the last half was written today though, and that's cuz I binged and was a bit inspired a smutty danmei called- I Reincarnated as the Villain in an Eroge, But Before I Realized, I Became a Capture Target- kekeke. It's not fully translated yet but like it's at a good stopping point tbh which was very good cuz I hate waiting at cliffhangers and stuff. The plot isn't groundbreaking but it's more than you expect for like, a smut BL novel in my opinion, plus, like, smut :3  I recc you read it hehe).


Due to the high activity of our BTBAF (beta be a fan) discord server and how I'm kinda tired of so many newbies (not that I hate newbs but it's just hard to keep track of people tbh) I and the other members thought it would be good to temporarily close the server. 

I have also started a server special- Live posting of extras. Currently, I'm working bit by bit on the It Would Never Happen BTBAB stories but obviously as you know, I am slow snail writer. So while I write the extras everytime I finish a few paragraphs I'll post it on discord thread so members can  read as soon as possible. Only when it's fully done will I post on WN. The current extra I'm working on is a Hysonrella AU and it is.... interesting _(:3」∠)_ 

Anyway, the server is closing.... like 5 days ago. Yeah. It's closed already lmao. So rip ig. If you are old member who left and wasn't a lurker (wuwu and zece we still waiting for ya~) just DM me or current members and we'll let you in. The rest of y'all can sit cutely uwu.

I will probably re-open the server... uh.... in a few months? Idk I deactivated links so I would have to replace links and stuff later and I'm lazy and forgetful so who knows when the server will come back. _(:3」∠)_ _(:3」∠)_ _(:3」∠)_ 

Muah~ <3




LittleBlueLake LittleBlueLake


Ko-fis are super appreciative, but if your poor reviews and love is good too.

Also thank you for everyone's patience, especially to the people who didn't ask me when new chap is. Love ya especially so. I am rebellious and spiteful UwU the more you ask the lazier I am ,,,UwU,,,

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