"Sure, Hyung, but up until now, nothing that could point to him being a potential betrayer did not come up. He is really resolute to keep his position as the King, and you very well know on how he would do everything to keep it," Hwang Yejoon vocalised.
"Yes, that is indeed the case, and therefore, he is a weak candidate. Although he is the king, his backing is not that strong comparatively, and therefore, there could be a motive behind it. Moreover, there is an issue of the next prince," Minhyun said as he wrote 'weak' under his name in Korean.
"Han Sungmin seems to be a strong candidate," Yejoon vocalised.
He then added, "He holds a huge amount of power currently, and both of us know very well on how he is after Kim Namhyuk's position, adding on that thing."
Han Minhyun nodded and wrote down 'strong' under Han Sungmin's name whilst an impassive expression sat on his face.
So, who do you guys think the mole is based on the description? ;-)
Thank you for your support, everyone!