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93.75% Star Wars: Wrath of The Force / Chapter 45: Chapter 5.3: Through Strength, I Gain Power.

Bab 45: Chapter 5.3: Through Strength, I Gain Power.

Courscant, Jedi Temple, Meditation Gardens

Nadia PoV

I made my way out of the communication chambers slowly, I was nervous, fidgety. I scanned the walls around waiting for.... something.

There was a feeling in the force, one I didn't like.

One that I didn't want to feel.

It reminded me of that day.... and after that dream I wouldn't let anything happen again.

I didn't want to admit it but I could feel the fear slowly seeping into my bones as I let the force drag me through the temple, the dark side licking at my lapse in strength.

I refocused and clamped down on the fear as fast as I could and crushed it.

I was Sith, I was above such emotions.

I caused fear, not the other way around.

My eyes snapped forwards as I finally felt it, but my feet stopped, the fear returning.

There was a presence... one so familiar... one that I could never forget in the other room.


It was impossible!

I would not fall to some Jedi or force damned tricks!

The anger was good, it drove away the fear, made me stronger!

I felt power well under my skin as I let it flow through me, my mind sharp, senses ready for a fight as I walked into the room.

The sound of trickling water entered my ear first, followed close by the scent of earth and the sense of nature.

I was in.... the meditation gardens.

I frowned.

I could already feel my anger starting to drain as the serenity of this place washed over me. There was a calming nature to the room that couldn't help but set me at ease, something I didn't want right now.


And the presence... it was still there, calling me over.

My feet moved on auto pilot as I went deeper in, there were a number trees, bushes and rocks scattered about to create a sense of nature, along with flowing streams and small water ways. It was aesthetically beautiful that in a funny sense I found out of place after having walked through the stuffy and cold walls of the Jedi temple.

The small sound of insects and small creatures littered the air, it didn't even feel like I was indoors. The soft glow of the lights above, hanging even more plants that illuminated the room.

There were multiple benches off to the side as well as small places that one could sit down and meditate at. I had only been to the Coruscant temple once in the past, and such a room was not present back then.

It reminded me of my home in a sense, one filled with bountiful woodlands and wonderous nature. A small pang of guilt shot through me as I thought of the home world.

What was it like, now a millennia later?

The reconstruction efforts were still ongoing, the devastation to the royal family and institution of a new governance was still ongoing when I left. I had been able to get both the alliance, Republic and Sith Empire to send aid, technology and relief to the planet, but it was nowhere near complete when I left.

Last I heard the Voss were sending quite a few of their mystics over to help with the destruction, though I didn't know the true reason the isolationist Voss sent so many of their seer's there.

My mind was in turmoil when I finally caught sight of 'him'.

I think i stopped breathing when I saw him sitting there, the blue tinge of his body the only denotation that he wasn't truly here.

My cheeks became wet and my vision blurry, while at the same time an uncontrollable rage assaulted my mind and my fists curled in agony.

He looked so serene, so at peace with himself and the force.


The name slipped out before I could stop it, the word heavy on my lips.

He finally turned around at my words, a smile showing, though it was tinged with sadness.

It wasn't fair....

Why could he still make me feel this way...

Why could he just sit there calmly and smile....

Why couldn't he show... how much he missed me... as I missed him...


I shuddered at the words, so tender, but also so distant.

I wanted to run up and dive into his arms, to feel his warmth once more, but something stopped me. It could have been the sad look in his eyes, it could have been the rage that was still trying to bubble to the surface as he sat there, I wasn't sure.

But in the end the choice was taken from me.

"You've lost your way."

The rage I had felt before was like a small wave compared to the tsunami that engulfed me at his words. My mind was red with anger.

After all this time!

These were his first words to me!

"No, I found a new strength... a strength that I needed when you.... you left me..." The rage was still there but my voice couldn't help but break a little as I replied, my eyes set in determination looking at him.

The sadness only seemed to increase as I moved closer, a noticeable divide formed between us, like a chasm that I could no longer move over.

"I did what I had to do after that... that... After what that Knight did to my planet...my home. Can't you see that."

I was not begging for his approval; I was not trying to explain myself!

I just needed him to see that what I had done was right!

I knew he couldn't see that right now.

I could see it in how his face only got sadder, his visage more grim.

He finally stood up and moved closer, his hand reaching out.

How I wished it would rest on my cheek, his face breaking into one of understanding, his voice soft and warm and encouraging, like it used to be.

But it only came to rest of my shoulder, a serenity that forgoes any emotion sent my way but in his eyes was.....



The rage came back, but I could feel him pushing it away, channelling the force to calm me down.

"Nadia, what happened to Sarkhai was a tragedy brought by a monster. One drunk on their own power. To bring them to justice was only right..."

He could understand!

I was right!

"....But to give into anger, to dwell in the dark, this is not the way Nadia."

Could he not understand.... did he not feel the sa....

Anger was all I had left!

I ripped myself away from him as his hand fell back to his side. The dark side was calling out to me again, swirling around waiting for its chance, whispering in my ear, Kal wasn't helping.

He was only making it worse!

'He doesn't feel the same way.'

'He never did.'

'A Jedi can never love.'

'He doesn't love you.'


My eyes were screwed shut, my control slipping.

I was better than this!

They did not control me, I controlled them!

'It's all his fault, end him.'

My eyes snapped to Kal again, I could tell they were shinning a dull yellow, proof I was failing.

What had all the training been for?!

I was worthy!

I was Sith!

"Nadia, it's not too late. Remember, There is no emotion, there is Pea..."

"Don't you dare finish that sentence!" He faltered at my shout, a look of guilt passing between his eyes, but he pushed on.

"You are not lost yet, you can still come back to the light."

He was telling the truth, I could still go back...


It was the truth he wanted to believe, I was not a Jedi any more, I was on a different path now.

There was no going back....

But did I want to?

Did I want to go back?

Would Kal help me?


I had to leave now, the force was trying to confuse me!

I tore my gaze away from Kal and started to make my way out, I couldn't stay in this room any longer.

It tried to calm me down, forget my new purpose....

Make me go back to my weak self...

The one who let Sarkhai burn...

"Nadia, please don't go."

My feet stopped; it was the most emotion I had heard from his voice since I saw him.

I knew if I turned around, I wouldn't be able to stop myself, I would go back. I would listen to him. I would....

"What was that dark feeling, what do we have here, a young Padawan?"

It was as I was at this crossroad in my life, a new voice appeared. My guard went up, my hand reaching for my Saber as I locked onto the intruder.

They had appeared from one of the connecting paths on my way out, a brown robe covered most of their form. Though I could see a green undershirt, sash and skirt for ease of movement. Their skin was wooden in colour and I quickly realised it actually was wood.

The intruder was female, but stood at a large height, somewhere just below 3 meter and had wooden like branches that acted as her hair. Though they were made out of wood, they moved with a grace that denoted their trained physique and practise.

As they got closer, I felt Kal's presence disappear from behind me, though I could still feel him in the area, the Jedi before me would not see him though.

"What are you doing out here Padawan so late.... no...." She frowned as she stopped around 10 meters away from me, a frown appearing. "... A darkness clings to you, have you fallen to the temptation of the dark?"

I didn't reply, I would have to silence this Jedi should she alert the rest of the temple. Master would be annoyed if he had to deal with the Jedi right now.

My fists tightened on my hilt, something I knew didn't go unnoticed by the woman as her frown turned to one of serenity, though her posture changed. I could tell she was ready to fight should I attack.

The dark side seemed to finally find an outlet as it rushed towards me, ready to help kill my enemy.

But.... I stopped.

I could still feel Kal's presence lingering around.

I could almost feel the disappointed look he was giving me as I tapped into the dark side.

Just this once...

My hand relaxed.

Just this once, for him.

I reigned in my anger and my hand pulled back.

I began to walk back the way I came, but I should have known the force would not let me go so easily. It had already pulled me into its trap.

The Woman moved to block my way, her hand now firmly gripping her hilt, at the ready.

"I cannot let you leave Padawan, not until I can help you with the darkness inside." I gave her a closer look, I could tell she meant her words, she really did want to help me, but...

'Let her help you Nadia'

'His' whisper drifted to my ear.

"I don't need your help!"

My voice came out harsher than it needed to be, but I wanted to be left alone!

I couldn't think straight in here.

I needed to leave, now!

But once again the Jedi blocked my path.

"I just wish to help padawan."

'Please, let her help you Nadia'


*Snap Hiss*

Orange lit up the room, my eyes piercing through the Jedi as I pointed my blade at her, my eyes red.

"Let me leave Jedi!"

A great sadness passed through her eyes as, *Snap Hiss* She activated her blade.

"I can't do that, young one."

I had tried.



I rushed towards my enemy; my anger let loose.


Courscant, Jedi Temple, Archives

Mace PoV

My voice rang out in the quiet halls of the library, Vaylin not making a sound from behind. I was sure she could sense the presence in the room, if not she would soon. I could feel it become strong as it re-established itself back with the world of the living.

As the presence solidified, I closed my eyes in reminiscence. I hadn't felt the presence in a long time, though for them it must have been much, much longer. The fact that I could still communicate with them meant that even after death one would live on in the force for quite some time.

Was it forever or at some point did one finally move onto the next great adventure?

It was a question i would have to ponder another time, the presence had solidified, their strength in the force a magnitude stronger than it used to be. My will to fight was aroused as I identified a threat, something that hadn't happened since Valkorion.

I opened my eyes to look at them... her... a long time enemy... one that demanded respect even before my time...

Satele Shan.

I stared into her blue eyes, our gazes locking a battle of wills I would not concede. Though it only lasted a few seconds, to those strong in the force, they could have noticed the clash of our powers, fighting to see which would yield first.

Finally, though it was closer than I would have liked, I did come out the winner in the end, her gaze breaking first to stare around at the temple. As she looked away, I couldn't help but frown at that; she was not this strong that last time I saw her.

Was it because she was now directly connected with the force?

Was it strengthening her?

I relaxed though; she could not threaten me.

I was still stronger.

Moving my eyes away from her face, I took her new form in for the first time. It wasn't the decrepit and old appearance that I had last seen her as, though also not the aged but wise grand master of the order, slightly past her prime but still strong, that I first caught sight of on Hammer station.

No, she was in her prime, early to late 20's, a truly breath-taking sight to behold.

I smirked.

It seems even Jedi can be vain at times.

Wearing her battle worn armour, the dark-haired woman finished looking around, locking eyes with Vaylin for only a few seconds before looking back at me, a scowl on her lips. She continued to scowl for a few seconds before shaking her head in mock anger, her calm façade returning. My smile became smaller as I started to stroll towards the Holocron vault.

It wasn't everyday you meet an old friend and enemy.

"Looking a bit youthful I see there Shan." Taking a small jab at her different appearance I just caught sight of her eye roll before her face once more returned to a serine calm.

"Wrath.... I did wonder why the force would drag me back after so many years. I did not think the time would come that you would darken the halls of this temple." Though the words spoken conveyed a sense of stoicisms I wasn't fooled. I could hear the small amount of sadness that tinged her voice as she spoke of the temple.

It seems even the previous grandmaster might be disappointed with what has become of the jedi.

"So, you see it to." My eyes drifted to the side as she pulled up beside me, us now walking shoulder to shoulder through the library. Her head rotated around as she looked at the book cases, took all the knowledge the Jedi had accumulated over the years, but at the same time I could tell her senses were going further.

She was looking deeper into the force, past the walls, past the temple even... she was looking into the universe like only those at our level could.

Seeing what could not be seen... the balance of the universe as it rotated... the forces will affecting everyone and everything... as it tried to control and balance the galaxy...

…. But in the end, we could both see what was happening... what had happened.

It had ultimately failed in its mission, hindered by the so called 'Jedi' that pronounced to follow its will.

I heard her quiet sigh but said no words, I did not respect many in my time in the war, but she was one of those that earned it. Especially after the fight against Revan on Yavin.

There was an unwillingness in her eyes as words formed, I could see they were at the tip of her tongue, formulating in her mind, but in the end, she could see the truth of this time.

"They have lost their way..."

I almost snorted in derision at her words, but what could I expect? The Jedi were always the optimists, always trying to justify their actions and spin their outlook to fit their needs.

How else could they still claim to be peace keepers and still carry out mass genocide on my race!

My blood stills boil at the thought of that dark time in our history.

But what really anger me.... what really made me despise them with such passion... they would not own it.

It was a defeat of my people a victory for the Jedi, they did what they had to, to keep 'their' galaxy safe. But they would not, acknowledge why they did it.

They were afraid.

They could hide behind their platitudes and titles if they wanted, but they were just as ruthless as a Sith when threatened... when their fear took control or... they used to be.


I empathised my next words with disgust, stopping and looking her in the eye.

"...are pathetic."

She frowned at my words, a spike of anger clearly ringing in the force. I took that as my win as I continued forwards. The fact she could not deny my words spoke volume to how far the Jedi had truly fallen.

A quiet settled between us as we got closer to my objective.

One question rang clear in my mind as we made our way there though.

Why was Shan here?

She wasn't a guide; I already knew the way forwards.

She did not have any information from the force that concerned me, that I knew of and she hadn't brought it up, something she would have done by now if she were here for that reason.

My mind did play with the idea that I might be able to use my force walking ability on her, but that was unlikely to stick. I was powerful enough to overpower her, but I was still dealing with Valkurion.

Plus, that wasn't a reason for the force to bring back such a familiar face.

Then what was it playing at?

Was it just a connection to my past?

Some type of message?

Even as I tried to unravel what new game the force was playing my mouth started to move.

"If the Sith of old were to see your Jedi order today, do you think they would even bother wiping them out?"

Satele gave me a look as we reached the entrance of the holocron vault. There were a small few cameras that littered the area, no doubt keeping track of all that entered. I didn't think much as I crushed them and stood in wait.

I knew exactly how I was going to open the door. It wasn't really a difficult matter. Though in the end I guess that did depend on how far the Jedi had truly fallen.

Until then....

I turned back to the ghost before me and waited for a response. She let out a small sigh of resignation as we both knew the answer to my question and it didn't look like she would be moving back to the great beyond anytime soon.

But it was still fun making her answer.


Courscant, Jedi Temple, Training Room

Aayla PoV

*Foo* *Haah*

*Foo* *Haah*

*Foo* *Haah*

I took in deep gulps of air as I felt my adrenaline start to cool down.

My heart was beating fast, sweat dripping from my brow as I let my body relax.

My hands were slightly trembling from the hours I had just spent training.

*Snap Hiss*

I deactivated my lightsabers as I straightened up, the phantom enemy in front disappearing back into the dark corners of my mind.

My eyes shifted to the time display that hung in one of the corners of the room and shook my head.

'What was I doing?'

The thought had appeared more than once on the numerous nights that I stayed up to practice my lightsaber combat and styles. Not only that I had also started to make quick and aggressive progress with my force techniques.

I couldn't seem to stop....

I didn't want to stop....

Master Voss was worried, so where a few of the other masters, like Dralig. They didn't like that I had almost become a training maniac.... but I couldn't stop myself.

They were still out there.

The Sith.

Though most of the temple were under the lulled peace that had been brought about by the death of the Zabrak dark side user, I knew the truth and it was a truth that I couldn't let go of.

The phantom opponent that always faced me was 'him'. He and Zavros were the targets I had set for myself. It almost seemed unreachable to make it to their level, but the Sith weren't boogie men, they were beatable.

They had to be.

I hadn't been idling and only training, I had also been looking into the old texts of the orders confrontations with the Sith, looking for ways to defeat them. I couldn't understand why the other masters didn't do this.

Though maybe I was being narrow minded.

They could have looked up the information in different ways, they could be preparing in their own way.

It wasn't just me that knew the threat we faced.

Though I was one of the few that had actually faced them.

Faced them... and been toyed with.

'I wasn't even worth their effort'.....

And there it was... the thought that infuriated me.

The one that I couldn't let go of.

But I would beat them!

I would find their weakness and use it, along with my training to end their evil!

Everyone had to start somewhere, I would one day show them why the light side is stronger!

Clipping both lightsabers back to my belt, I moved over to the side to wipe myself down. It was starting to get late and if I did any more training, I would be a wreck tomorrow.

Master wanted to meet up tomorrow to 'talk'.

'Hopefully he didn't want to talk about my excessive training... again...'

I let out a sigh at the inevitable conversation that I would be subject to. But I also smiled at his care.

That smile died as I left the training room and caught sight of who was outside.


My eyes widened as I saw 'her' standing there.

My muscles tightened, my heart rate picked up, and it was like I hadn't just been training for hours, my body was ready to fight right now!

My eyes focused, my hands reaching for my weapon, when I stopped cold, a new fury that I didn't know welling up inside as I caught sight of the youngling at 'her' side.

'Her' hand came to rest gently on the young one's shoulders as I positioned my hands behind my back, clenching them in anger, trying to keep what composure I still had, but it was a weak façade and I knew it.

I could clearly see the message....

The threat...



This, Sith Spit! Had the audacity to smile at me.... as if we were friends as she gently guided the youngling into the training room.

Her venomous, deceitful, Hateful voice ringing out cheerfully as she entered.

"Hello Knight Secura."

My mind went into overdrive as I processed the fact that this Sith knew my name. I was both surprised and not at this piece of information, though I should be more focused on the fact that she had somehow infiltrated the temple.

If it wasn't for the youngling I would.....

I stopped that thought there and struggled to calm myself, I couldn't give in to anger. That was not the way of the Jedi.

I finally though of a reply, though my voice was both stiff and humourless as I locked eyes with 'her'.

"Hello again.... I'm sorry I didn't get your name last time we met." I think my eye twitched as I thought back to Tatooine, but hoped she didn't notice the crack, though it was small.

Her voice only seemed to get even brighter as she maneuverer into the room, looking around, not paying me much mind. I could feel the contempt in her actions, her back facing me a few times over the small amount of time she took to look around.

She didn't treat me as a threat at all.

I felt the familiar rage build inside but clamped it down once more as she replied.

"Ohh but I was sure I did give you my name in our last... spar."

She smirked as she replied, my fists tightened even further as I kept up a strained smile, watching as she continued with a playful voice.

"Darth Zavros at your service."

She was flaunting her title in these sacred halls, something that infuriated me to no end.

She was trying to get a rise out of me, I knew that. But it was working.

The youngling that was being held hostage tilted her head in confusion at the title.

"What's a Darth?"

I gave Zavros a death glare at the question, hoping that the innocence of the child would not be ripped away today. But you could never be certain with Sith. They could do such an act on a whim, or even for fun.

It seems though, that she wanted to keep the act up as she looked down gently at the child, deception and lies coming out of her mouth.

"It's a different term for a Jedi Masters."

I could see the questioning gaze turn to wonder and surprise as the youngling believed the lies coming from her. I felt disgust at the twisting of her innocence for her sick pleasure in deception.

Every youngling idolized the title of master in some form or fashion, even myself when I was younger, to use that and equate it to the Sith title of Darth, though they were equal in power it was not the same. The symbolism was different, Masters protected the peace, innocence and upheld the forces teachings. Darth's twisted them, enjoyed pain and pleasure of the innocence and corruption, or so the archives told.

It was as I watched this sick game Zavros was playing that I caught the flicker of the Sith's eyes in my direction, a sinister smirk directed my way, before her eye moved back to the youngling her voice gentle.

"Would you like to become a Darth in the future?"

My eyes widened at her words as they registered.

She wasn't....

My eyes quickly went to the younglings as the went even bigger in wonder. She looked so excited to be asked the question and I knew her answer before she even spoke. But she didn't know what those words would mean.

I had to stop this now!

"Why are you here Zavros!"

My voice was a bit louder than I meant it to be, I could see the youngling almost jump in surprise. Zavros looked my way, as if saying, 'you're no fun', and I thought she would say those words. But instead, she seemed to actually ponder my question before answering.

She looked back down at the youngling first though before she replied, purposely provoking me.

"I'll hear your answer another time young one. To answer your question Knight Secura, I met young Ashoka here while I was wandering the halls. She wanted to see some lightsaber techniques in the training hall and I couldn't help but aid her in that endeavour."

My eyes drifted to the now named youngling, Ashoka. I think I had heard Master Koon mention her once to Master Voss, she looked both shameful and embarrassed at the Sith words and I knew exactly what was going on. It wasn't unusual for some of the young ones to sneak out and be caught by a master or knight, it had happened to her on more than one occasion when she was younger.

She just had to run into a Sith though...

I started to think about how I could get her out of this situation. Though Zavros hadn't made any moves on her so far, who knew what sick thoughts she had. She could even be trying to corrupt her, once that thought stuck in my mind I knew I couldn't let it happen.

I would make sure of that.

But... though I didn't want to admit it, I did not have the confidence that I would be able to get us both out of here should Zavros fight me. I wasn't sure if I could even raise the alarm to the temple in this situation without being stopped.

As the thought appeared in my mind, Zavros gave me a look that just told me she knew what I was thinking, though that smile never left. No, it got even bigger as she looked like she was thinking about something.

Finally, she broke the quiet of the room, providing me an opportunity as well as a test of my hard work over the last few weeks.

"Seeing as you are also here Knight Secura, maybe a friendly spar would be a good showing of lightsaber techniques for young Ashoka here. That is if you are up for the task." Her true colours finally shone through as she sent me a challenging look.

My hands that were held tightly clenched behind my back finally became useful as I reached back around and unclipped my sabers, tightly gripping the hilt. I tried to keep my calm façade up as I replied but I was sure my own challenging glare shone through as I spat back.

"It would be my pleasure."


Ashoka PoV

I was standing to the side of the mat, though I could barely keep in my excitement as the two were about to start! Knight Secrua has two lightsabers in hand, while Master Zavros had one, but I could see another clipped to her belt, they both had two lightsabers!


I couldn't wait for them to start; I could tell they were both excited to spar!

I though after getting caught out after curfew I would have to be told off by Master Bamdel, but Master Zavros was so nice!

She even brought me to the training hall where Knight Secura was and now, they would both spar for me!

This day couldn't get any better!

*Snapp Hiss*

The lightsabers lit up, one blue, one green and ohh by the force Master Zavros had a pink lightsaber!

I had never heard of that colour before!

I only though there was green, yellow and blue! Though some in my clan said Master Windu had a Purple one!

I couldn't wait to choose my colour in the future!

Knight Secura looked angry for some reason that Master Zavros was using only one lightsabers though, maybe she also wanted to see the colour of Master Zavros's other lightsaber. .

I focused all my attention not to miss anything, but it was hard to keep up. It was only a blur of motion as they began to fight, the clash of lightsabers creating a wonder of lights before my eyes. Knight Secura looked as graceful as the other day as she blocked, parried, lunged and twirled about.

But master Zavros was just as good, dodging, leaping and attacking with a ferocity that drew my attention. Both were moving so fast it was like they were dancing together. It was unlike anything they had show us yet in the classes.

I could just picture myself doing the same in the future, it was so easy as Master Zavros looked just like me. I pictured myself in her place and couldn't help but get excited. Though I knew the masters wouldn't be happy that I was feeling so much.

They were starting to get us to meditate these days, but it was so hard. But if in the future I could become like this it was worth it!

I couldn't wait to become like them in the future!


Courscant, Jedi Temple, Corridor

3rd Person PoV

The sound of a walking stick permeated the corridor as Grand Master Yoda slowly made his way forward.

Connecting with the force to guide his way, a frown was fixed to his face as he walked forwards. He had been meditating in his room when he felt the lingering echo of death that travelled through the force from the front entrance.

With the force being clouded over the last few years it had become harder and harder to see through the force. A great sadness welled up inside the small master as he took in the loss of life and realise there were intruders in the temple.

Not only that, they were sith.

A dark presence hung over the entrance which was unlike anything the old master had ever seen, even in the times of the High Republic.

His first thought was to alert security and hurriedly confront the darkness that was swelling louder in the temple, but it was at that moment when he slowly opened his eyes that the force sent him the clearest message it had in the past few years.

It was only one feeling.


It was that one feeling that stopped his hand and made a small pit of worry grow uncontrollable inside.

Calming his emotions, he had quickly made his way towards where the force was pulling him. As he closed in on the archive section of the library, his vision in the force became clearer, there was a darkness ahead.

One he had never felt before, something that eclipse the worst horrors that he had seen in his very long life.

His steps slowed as he continued to get closer to that darkness, as he realised, 'it' was in front of the Holocron vault.

But it was also at this moment that he felt the other presence, the one that shined next to the darkness, as if a representation of the age-old battle of good and evil, their aura's fought each other as they stood there.

Clashing in battle of wills that would never stop.

Calming his raging heart, the small clack of his cane came forward and the two beings turned his way, one a force ghost of immeasurable power and surely a respected master of the order of old, the other a living breathing personification of darkness that stood armoured and seemingly prepared for battle.

Though his body posture spoke to none of that presumption.

No his posture of one waiting calmly, something one did not associate with one of his kind.

As Yoda locked onto the mask of that all consuming darkness, it was like he was trapped. A sufficating feeling came to overwhelm him, plunging him into darkness and bringing out his deepest fears and emotions.

He struggled, bringing forth his own control of the force to fight back against this devilish beast but soon came to note that it was a futile effort and as he was threatened to drown with in, it was then that the light came forth and spread serenity and hope, bolstering his weakened mind.

The being of darkness looked to the side to stare at the Ghost for only a second, she looking back at him, before the darkness receded.

Yoda took in a deep breath to calm his racing heart and weak bones while looking with slight terror towards the being before him. The being's attention seemed to be somewhere else though as he regained his calm.

Yoda wanted to talk to the light side ghost beside him, to see what their purpose was, to see if they could help fight this evil, but he kept quiet. He was not youthful anymore; he knew the virtues of patience.

Centring himself in the force and strengthening his will and mind, he straightened himself as the dark being turned back to him. The darkness restrained, but ready to come forth if needed.

"I have been waiting Jedi and I must say I am disappointed."



I wonder if anyone will guess right about who the Jedi in the Meditation gardens is?

Untill next time.


Zevren Zevren


www.pat reon.com/zevrensden

I think i'll releases a counselor chapter next week.

Zevren out!

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