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28.57% Harry Potter: Discarded Life / Chapter 4: Sorting into a house. The sorting hat can do that???

Bab 4: Sorting into a house. The sorting hat can do that???

Once in the Great Hall, Alex finally found some food to eat. Unlike the train ride, the selection here was much better. Reaching over he places a bunch of veggies and fruits to his left. Eating away he was not like most of the other kids who were all talking excitedly. Right now his only concern was stuffing his face with a healthy amount of food. After eating for about half an hour Alex was full. Every time he finished a plate he activated his regeneration. He could feel his bones popping and body sores calming down.

"Ah finally." Alex exhaled. Unknown to him one young witch watched what happened. She looked curious at how he put all that food away. Alex grabbed a turkey leg and some bread. Making a simple sandwich he sipped some tea and finally started to interact with the others nearby.

Luckily his two buds had a big appetite too.

"Alright, students settle down." Professor Dumbledore said. He then passed the proceedings on to his coworker.

"Alright, students as your name is called. Please come forward and place the Sorting Hat on your head." Professor McGonagall said ever so politely.

"Timothy Mcain."..... "Hufflepuff..."

"Teresa Mcford."..... "Gryffindor..."

"Ronald Weasley."... The hat finally paused... It contemplated which house to put him in. 'Oh ho, boy you are quite the cunning type. Squirrely and secretive... prone to jealousy and envy. What say you... Slytherin?'

"What?! It has been ages since my family has been in anything but Gryffindor!"

'Are you sure boy? You could do great things there.'

"I..I... no, please. I know where I belong. It's Gryffindor."

"Oh ho ho, that's the spirit. Gryffindor!" The hat bellowed. The students applauded loudly.

"Draco Malfoy."... The hat shocked everyone again as it grumbled about. 'So another Malfoy. Where oh where to put you... You are not as sly as your father... no... I can see you changed recently... a bit more care like your mother..'

" I .. can't go anywhere but Slytherin. I wish it wouldn't be a problem if I did.." Draco was wanting to break tradition but the crap he would get was not worth it. ".. just send me there.."

As was the custom the hat did so, but with regret.

"Christian Hufflepuff Gryffindor." Right as she finished calling out, Christian ran up to the hat. Picking it up he sat right on top of his head tightly. "Let's do this Sorting Hat!"

'Oh, a wild one we have here. It is good to be energetic. You remind me of those Weasley twins. Ok, let's see what we have here.' With a quick grumble and a little prodding, the hat had its mind made up. But just to check it went ahead with a few questions. 'You have a great love for animals. You even spoke with quite a number already. You have not wasted your last few day. That's good. Hobbies are good. I am inclined to say Hufflepuff. But you are bold and trying to make others brave as well.'

'Just doing my thing!' Christian was still excited.

"So… Gryffindor!" Before the applause could start Christian had already removed the hat and jumped and danced to the Gryffindor table.

"Wooh hoo. Gryffindor number one!" He ran like a striker just making the last goal in soccer. The hall erupted in applause. The Gryffindor students banged on the tables until the prefects got them to calm themselves. Three minutes later the hall was peaceful once again.

"Let's continue. Tatianna Crouch." A young girl walked up. A little pale but extremely confident. Sitting down the hat remained for a minute before yelling,"Ravenclaw!" The table clapped. Some of the Ravenclaw students, not so much. They were aware of the Crouch family scandal a while back. As she walked by, the girl winked at Alex.

'Ahhh, do I know her?' Shaking his head no. He finished eating his sandwich passively. '

"Hermione Granger." The girl walked up slightly scared. Sitting down she waited. 'I would say Ravenclaw but.. that would not be good for your mentality. Gryffindor it is, just a few less bullies there for someone like yourself..'

"My mentality. What do you mean?" She asked insipidly. Before the hat could announce Hermione had to know. 'Very well child. You would not survive the female groupings there. Or the one in Slytherin. The safest option is that house.' Before Hermione could protest the hat bellowed, "Gryffindor!"

Walking down, she wondered if she should talk to someone about what was said. 

"Alexander Slytherin Ravenclaw." Walking to the seat Alex slumped a little on the stool. For some reason, he felt a little tired. "Hahaha, what a spacious mind you have here young man. So wide and expansive." The sorting hat chagrin. The entire hall erupted in laughter but the teachers paid closer attention.

"Oh, boy can we just hurry this up. I am a little tired. Just don't put me in Gryffindor or Hufflepuff and we will be all good." Sitting up straight from the outcry and laughter, Alex looked around the place. He was fascinated by the size of the dining hall. "not to be rude or anything but I would talk your head off if we were to get to talking.'

'I didn't mean anything by it kid. What an inquisitive mind you have. Most wizards around your age have not gotten this far in their studies. Hmm, give me a moment here.'

After a few minutes, the professors started to sit up and pay closer attention. All except Dumbledore. He remained poised in his seat. But he was busy mumbling a spell of sorts. Trying to assist the hat in checking for the proper places for students.

The hat gave a final snort when it couldn't pry deeper into Alex's memory. 'I say boy. You have been through a lot. Care to talk about it?' The hat was referring to the kidnapping that Christian and Alex had been exposed to. It was the only memory the hat could see. Thanks to Rowling's abilities it was a perfect cover for any prying eyes.

"Sure, stop on by when you have the chance. However, can you put me in a house already? I do believe people are getting restless." Alex didn't really care. He figured he would end up in Slytherin.

'Very well then. The way Gryffindor students act, you most likely would break some of their teeth in. As for Hufflepuff, you might start all kinds of mischief there. One bad apple spoiling the whole batch and whatnot. Ravenclaw would fit for that mind of yours. However… Slytherin might be perfect for your personality.'

"Ok, so Slytherin it is. Glad we could get that figured out." Reaching to remove the hat, Alex was in for a surprise.

"Ravenclaw!" The hat yelled. Alex almost fell off the stool.

"Bloody hat, you tricked me." Staring at it fiercely now that he removed it, he was surprised when the hat winked at him.

"I will see you soon Alexander." For a few moments, people were confused until a girl started clapping. It was Tatiana. Then the girl who watched Alex eat joined in. Followed by his friends and a few other people from the various tables.

The biggest applause came from Slytherin and Ravenclaw. Thanks to Draco and Titania.

"Magdalene Honeydew." The girl who eyed Alex as he ate made her way to the stool. When she picked up the hat it almost recoiled in unease. It was only fleeting but it caught the eye of Dumbledore.

Christian stared in wonder he didn't remember anyone like that. But then again there were so many students so it was expected that he would know every person. Alex, on the other hand, felt weirded out a little. His hand itched something fierce. Raising his sleeve he noticed a small scale pattern on his wrist. Running his regen kept the pain away. The scales retreated post haste. He was so concentrated on the scales he didn't even notice when the girl sat near him.

"It is quite rude you know," Magdalene said sitting down. She had a little pout on her face as she eyed him. "I mean, I clapped for you. You could have at least clapped for me."

"Right.. that would be the polite thing to do." Alex gave her a little clap and then apologized. "Sorry about that. I was distracted." Checking his sleeve again he wondered even more what this was about.

"Apology accepted." Turning back Magdalene watched the rest of the students get called. Luis ended up in Slytherin while Adam ended up in Hufflepuff.

A few members at the Ravenclaw table were surprised when Alex clapped for them. A few joined the suit as well. Those in the know didn't want to offend him.

As the hat started to speed up everyone noticed how late it had gotten. Dismissing everyone the students broke up into groups and were led by older students. At one point when the ghost came down around to Alex, it gasped exaggeratedly at him.

"I say! You look just like him! The very spitting image I do say!" The ghost flew around in jubilation.

"That's nice. Do leave me alone. I am not feeling too good." The ghost continued to move near him and caused Alex to yell at it, "I say.. buzz off!" Alex shouted very deeply. He was in no mood to be nice.

Ever since leaving the feasting hall his skin felt like ants were moving about. With none of his housemates around him that he knew, he decided to just wait till they made it to the dorms to ask for directions to the medical wing.

"Oh, how rude boy." The ghost said in mock indignation. "You should at least ask me who I think you resemble." The skinny ghost continued to bother Alex as they traveled up the stairs. When the group of students finally made it to the dorm area, Alex had enough. Pulling out his wand he pointed it at the ghost.

A few of the students laughed. What could a first year do? Most of them thought that way considering he would not know the very limited spells to hurt or have any of the charms to ward it off. As the older students laughed the Prefect that led them waited to interfere.

Unknown to them, The Grey lady watched in anticipation.

"Ad Requiem Tuam!" A blackish-white glow traveled from the wand base towards the tip. It stopped at the very end and pulsed. It was calling for something.

"HA! Ah haha, you see that boy. Know your.." The ghost said before a sense of dread overtook him.

"Begone!" Alex's brown eyes turned ghostly blue. Two spectral hands flew from his wand grabbing the ghost and dragging him away. All throughout the staircase and the dormitory wing of the castle people could hear a ghostly wail.

"AAhhhh pleaseee. Leeettt meee goo. I am sorry." The ghost begged for mercy.

Alex, on the other hand, turned back to the Prefect. "What were you saying about how we enter the dorms again?"

"Right… so you give the password and that is it. The ghost presiding over the entrance will let you in. There is a curfew in place. All the rules can be found in the common room. Girls on one side boys on the other. Do not get caught in the wrong dorm after hours." The prefect said in the beginning quickly. As soon as Alex's eyes returned to normal he had calmed himself. "Also Alex, I understand the ghost may not be to everyone's liking but they live here as well. Do try to be social with them."

"Uh huh. So next time a ghost comes and bothers me, I will make sure I come to get you. For what you may ask. So you can take care of it, like you did just now." Alex said folding his arms. "Oh, wait you did jack squat. Everyone here is a witness. As well as the other ghost too. I asked him to buzz off he refused. He bothered me all the way up the stairs and all everyone did was laugh in the end."

"It was wrong of me. But still," the prefect started to say.

"Still nothing. My fucking name isn't doormat! If he didn't want anything to happen, he should have backed off. Next time I won't just get rid of him for a bit. I'll make his death permanent!" Alex felt his body start to ache again. "They live here too.. I am not a master of languages but you are a dumbass for even saying that sentence. They are not alive!"

A lot of the students watch to see what would happen next. At that time a teacher passed by. "What are you all still doing? Get in your rooms an unpack." It was Professor Snape. Apparently, he wanted to see what the commotion was about. As the prefect went to explain what happened, the other students started whispering about Alex.

Tatianna walked up to him "Hey are you ok?" She had a little worried look on her face. Her thoughts said something different. 'What the hell was that spell? Why was it so dark? This assignment is starting to get so much better by the hour.'

"Just tired is all. Also not feeling well. Been that way since the train." Leaning against the wall Alex removed his outer robes. "It's so bloody hot. Why the hell do we need all these clothes?" Tatiana moved away back to where she was. She elbowed a boy next to her. Whispering in his ear the boy was ensnared. He walked over and helped Alex up. "Professor Snape I believe Alex is sick."

Magdalen watched in wonder before she walked over.

"Very well. I will take him to the infirmary myself. As for the rest of you… get into your rooms!" Snape helped Alex along with the boy and started to walk away.

"At least he didn't take any points from the house. Sigh." The prefect said scratching his hair. "Okay, everyone. The fun's over. Off you go. The students scattered to their rooms excitedly. As for Tatiana, she walked with some other girls. Magdalene just stared before walking off as well.

Down the hallways, Alex already passed out. Placing him on the bed they helped remove his shirt. The boy was sweating at a high rate. His clothes became soaked in a matter of minutes.

"Go get the nurse now!" Snape said with authority. Taking out his wand he moved it over Alex. He could find nothing wrong so far.

*Clack, clack, clack, clack!* The sound of shoes could be heard in a rush. Madam Pomfrey arrived slightly unkempt. She looked to be snoozing maybe. Who really knew anyway? Shooing the boys away to return to the dorms she went to work.

As the hours passed by Alex came to. Opening his eyes he saw Madam Pomfrey next to the bed. "So how bad is it?" Alex sat up and grabbed the water and drank the whole pitcher down. 'Ugh, I passed out before I could activate my regeneration ability. But at least I am in the hospital.'

"You should probably lay down." Madame Pomfrey placed a rag over Alex's head. She would have gone to bed when his fever broke but the scars on his body drew her attention. If she could have gotten the medical work from the ministry it would be a cinch to find out what was wrong. Seeing Alex stare at her she decided to let it be. The boy was quite stubborn it seems. "I need to run a test. I may have some bad news for you. You have... an affliction. I think. I would need to test your blood to make sure."

"Just wait one second. Is there patient confidentially and all that. You know like the muggle world." Alex didn't want her to say anything before he knew if it was safe.

"I would not divulge your information so easily young man. Who do you think I am?" Madam Pomfrey was slightly teasing. She became serious at Alex's next words.

"Somebody who serves the interest of herself. Hogwarts, the Ministry. I don't know you at all Lady. What do we say? Is it just between us or not?"

"I... yes it is. Just me, you, and the Headmaster."

"Why does the Headmaster have to know? That seems suspicious as heck."

"I assume you would want him to know. I do not see that as being wrong. I can perform the test and destroy the remains right after. How about that?" Seeing Alex nod his head yes, she started the spell.

Drawing a needle from the drawer she drew an inch of blood from his thigh. Placing it in a bowl she recited some words Alex could not make out. Madame Pomphrey then stood up and went to get a paper from a cabinet. Getting the bowl she poured it on the paper and watched as it transformed.

Alex had placed all his clothes back on and stood up. He watched Madam Pomphrey intently. In a minute or so. The blood stopped moving. "Gasp!" Madam Pomphrey stumbled backward falling on the floor. Alex went to help her up sitting her on the bed next with strength a child should not have. "You are a boy correct?" She asked Alex incredulously.

"What… the. Of course, I am a boy! Do you want me to whip it out and show you?!" Slightly angry Alex reached for his wand. It felt like a sixth sense was guiding him. Turning to the paper he saw the blood had turned into a snake. "What the?" Reaching his wand hand out he burned the paper. The fire burned bluish white.

Just in time as Professor Dumbledore came into the room with Professor Snape. "Madam Pomfrey is everything all right?" Dumbledore asked seeing her shocked face still.

"Everything is fine. Just that..." Madam Pomfrey started to say.

"Just that nothing. It is my own medical problem. Has nothing to do with it or anyone else." Alex said quite crossed that the woman was getting ready to blab. It didn't take him too long to kind of figure out what happened. Well, what she meant after she asked if he was male. "Madam Pomfrey was just giving me a little info to help me sleep in the future. Whatever is wrong with me, will be between me and her."

"Are you sure young man?" Professor Dumbledore walked over. Snape just stared looking around. His senses told him something was wrong.

"Yes, I am."

"I am sorry Professor Dumbledore. But the patient refuses to share what is going on. However. If it turns out to be dangerous to the students. I will let you know at once." Looking to Alex she said," that is the most I can offer you."

"I don't have a choice in the matter. Can anyone show me how to get back to the dorms?" Alex asked Professor Snape. Not really looking at Dumbledore. Seeing him turn away to leave, Alex followed.

Dumbledore just looked at Madam Pomfrey. "You do not have to tell me what's going on. I will not press for answers. Just know this. Alex the same as Christian has been through a lot. It would be nice if you could be someone he counts on. I am afraid I already have my hands full. I bid you good night Madam Pomfrey." Professor Dumbledore turned and left.

Madam Pomfrey sat on the bed in wonder. She couldn't believe what just happened. Feeling exhausted she decides to think about it in the morning. Moving to her bed she couldn't stop thinking about it however.

'A boy that has the Maledictus. This is a first. It's a snake of all things. But why did it have wings?'

FrozenTide FrozenTide

Alexander Slytherin Ravenclaw II

Abilities: Linguistic Understanding, Controlled Regeneration, Magical Syphon

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