Society will develop a new kind of servitude which covers the surface of society with a network of complicated rules, through which the most original minds and the most energetic characters cannot penetrate. It does not tyrannize but it compresses, enervates, extinguishes, and stupefies a people, till each nation is reduced to nothing better than a flock of timid and industrious animals, of which the government is the shepherd.- Alexis De Tocqueville.
Four years had passed since the events on Noil-16 and in the events that took place in the light dimension. Since John was the cause of the Giant Fruit Forest burning down, laws changed. The Giant Fruit Forest was the only thing Grey had that kept him rich. He was not only cut from participating in the Grand Auction that took place three years ago, but he also was cut off from obtaining was Night stone. Grey was fucking pissed. He was the type of person to hold a tight grudge. He blamed the downfall of his career on Cross. That is why he placed a personal vendetta against Cross. He got out of his throne and threw it against the wall. The throne was lodged in the wall. John walked in and asked: " Do you still want me to kill the man you requested me to kill four years ago?" Grey looked at John with his red and yellow orifices that glanced at John's soul.
"Of course, I do." "Do whatever it takes to kill that fucking bastard." "Destroy city's, kill woman and children, I do not give a fuck." Once that asshole is dead I might have the opportunity to become a rich and powerful Councilman again. That was one of the laws for being a Councilman. Only from time to time, certain members from the Council of Fare was giving a giant chunk of Night stone. Grey ripped the throne out of the wall and sat back down on it. "Here take this." Grey handed him two green beads with the number five on them. When Grey placed the beads in his hand he just remembers something. Before he becomes a Councilman he was a Master Alchemist. All he had to do was sell the Night stone he currently had and make copies from the pebbles. Grey began smiling. John left the palace with a strange look on his face. Over the past four years, he had enhanced the demon blade past its normal capabilities. His destination was now Earth.
Manhattan, New York City. Cross and Sarah's house.
Sarah had a baby boy. Cross and Sarah named the boy Jesse. Jesse was born a talented boy, with advanced abilities. He could walk when he was eight months old. He could read and write when he was only one year old. He learned two defend himself when he was two. He was born with super-strength, advanced senses, super speed, and he could also breathe underwater for some reason. He could also talk like a philosopher. Just like Socrates. At the moment right now, Cross and Jesse were training with each other. Since Rider fused with Cross, Rider made a clone of himself he named Loki. Loki was now in Jesse's body. Loki had the personality of an uptight asshole. Only when Jesse was three years old Cross learned that he also had a supreme being inside of his body. He would of expect Rider to tell him. After Cross and Jesse trained they went to watch some tv with Sarah. Every day at 5 p.m. Cross and Jesse trained. At 8:30 p.m., Jesse attended Moore Elementary School.
Cross drove his BMW Series 6 to Moore Elementary School. When Jesse got out of the BMW Series 6 he said goodbye to Cross who drove to work. When Jesse stepped in his best friend Cathy confronted him. "Hi, Jesse!" "How was your weekend?" It was relatively tremendous." Cathy was in six grade. She secretly liked Jesse but she didn't have the guts to express her feelings towards Jesse. After all, he was only four years olds. Jesse was also smart he belonged in first grade. He was in the same grade and class as Cathy. No one was aware of his extraordinary abilities. Jesse had the mind of Albert Einstein and the lungs of Aquaman. When he sat down in his chair class was in progress. The math teacher's name was Mrs. Rodriquez. After the class solved a couple of two-step equations she said: "Do any of you know who made two-step equations?" "Created by Sal Khan and Monterey Institute for Technology and Education." The teacher was shocked and the entire class was shocked. Cathy started smiling. "Do you know why it takes two steps to solve two-step equations?" "It takes two steps because he first has to subtract 2 from both sides and then multiply both sides by 4." "That is entirely accurate." Mrs. Rodriquez only found out how to created two-step equations during her first year in college. Jesse was an honor roll student. He was probably the smartest student in the entire school.
During lunchtime.
Lunchtime was the same food was S.S.D.D. Same shit different day. The food was pizzas, sloppy burgers with giant onions the lunch people didn't bother to cut, French vanilla cake, can peaches, coca-cola, sprite, Niagara water, and whole milk. While Jesse was in line he already knew wanted. "I will like to have a slice of pizza, a sprite, and a slice of french vanilla cake." "No." "Get the sloppy burger!" Jesse totally ignored Loki. "That pizza tastes like fucking shit!" Jesse sat down by himself and picked the pizza which was instantly smacked out his hand. It was the school bullies. A white boy named Carter Murphy and a black boy named Jamal Stephens. "Give us your lunch money now." Everyone in the cafeteria eyes set on them. Jesse picked up his sprite and opened it. Jamal then smacks the sprite out of Jesse's hand. "I advise that you do not do that." "What are you going to do about it?" Cathy shouted across the room. "Leave him alone!" Carter threw a punch at Jesses face.
Jesse dodged Carter punch easily. He then tried to punch him and missed it. Jesse then grabbed Carter's fist and crushed his fist like an apple core. Carter scream echoed through the entire cafeteria. Carter collapsed on the ground screaming some more. Jamal tried to rush Jesse but Jesse moved out the way. Jamal turned around quickly. Jess then flicked him in the nose. His nose was broken into pieces. Blood sprayed all over the cafeteria grounds. School security instantly rushed into the cafeteria. Cathy rushed to Jesse saying: " How did you do that?!"
Three hours later..
Jesse was in the principal's office. Cross and Sarah were contacted.
John's Location.
John had just landed in New York City. John looked around New York City and his head began to hurt. Memories from the past echoed in his mind. He collapsed on the ground holding his head. Blood began to come out of his tear ducts. He banged his head on the ground buying open his head. The images in his head suddenly disappeared as he did this. He wiped the blood away from his head and got back on his feet. He clutched the demon's blade in his hand and began walking again.
Moore Elementary School.
Your son brutally beat up two of our students this afternoon after twelve. "So what did our son do?" "He broke a boy's nose and crushed another boy's fist." "Both of them were rushed to the hospital." "Since your son is a first-time offender I will suspend him for two days." Jesse then whispered something to the principal. I know you embezzle money from the school. You have been doing ever since you got to this school. I can have you thrown in jail if you suspend me. The principal gritted her teeth and said: On second thought I decided to change my mind. "He is only four years old." Jesse began smiling. Loki took over Jesse's body for only a split second. When they left the school Cathy was with her mother who wanted Jesse to a sleepover. Jesse was a four year old with the brain of a college professor. He could make the teacher look dumb if he wanted to. He went in Cathy's mother's car which drove in the opposite direction of Cross's BMW Series 6.
Jesse did not want to hurt anyone. He would only fight someone when he had to. To defend himself. "How did you do all of those things?" "It's rather complicated." "You wouldn't understand."You know you can tell me anything." "I am your best friend." "I was born with abnormal abilities." Far greater than the regular human being." "What are you two talking about back there?" said Cathy's mother. Cathy's mother was a friend of Sarah. They both worked at the same place. "Nothing." "It did not sound like anything, Cathy." "We were just talking about our favorite superheroes from the DC comic book universe." Cathy's mother pulled up to a traffic light. Jesse looked through the car window and saw a man with a cigarette. The man's face was unnoticeable. When the car drove off the man took his hoodie off he had a scar on his face, with a tattoo on his neck. The man turned the corner and jumped off the building with no sweat. He then focused aura around his body which was dark blue. This person was not John Santana. He was not even with the Council Of Fate. This man was put for revenge against a certain person.
John's Location.
John was always the type to find his target immediately. The rate he was going at, it would take all week to find his target. Suddenly he saw a BMW Series 6 pull up. Cross and Sarah got out of the car and walked to the door of their house. John looked at Cross and saw that he was his target. He instantly walked up to the BMW Series 6 and stabbed it, Causing all the gas to spill out of it. Both Cross and Sarah turned around. When Cross saw John he believed that he was glimpsing at a spirit. "John?" "You know this person?" John collapsed on the ground and blood came out hears. The demon blade started to talk to him. The thing about the demon blade was that it was actually made from a demon's soul. The demon blade had a deep dark voice. "You must ignore these images of the past." "Follow along with the mission." John got off his fee hand wiped the blood away from his ears. He shot the demon's blade at Cross who grabbed Sarah avoiding all necessary damage. The front door immediately busted into pieces. The demon blade was lodged in the wall. He pulled the demon blade out of the wall and gritted his teeth. "You avoided that perfectly." Cross got off the ground helping Sarah up. Don't you remember me? "Your own younger brother." Ignore him. He doesn't know what the fuck he is talking about. "All he wants to do is trick you do he could strike at the right moment." John shot the demon blade at Cross who deflected with his hand making it cut the neighbor's house into pieces. I do not want to harm you." Tch." "You think you can beat me?" "I have the demon's blade!" John took the demon's out of the neighbor's destroyed house and shot it towards Cross who deflected it once again. "Stop that!" Cross rushed John who quickly pulled the demon's blade towards himself slicing Cross on the chest. Cross tried to grab the demon's blade but John ripped it away from his hand stabbing him in the stomach. Cross crashed into the ground causing a crater. Sarah rushed to Cross's and helping him out of the crater. Cross wiped the blood away from his mouth getting back up on his feet. You are not even worthy to be killed by the demon's blade. "I will kill you with my bare hands." John made the demon's blade disappear. He cracked his knuckles and cracked his neck. It has been a while since I killed someone with fists. If you don't remember me I will just have to beat it into you." Cross shot towards John who stood in the same spot. John chopped Cross in the neck making him crash into the people's house across the street. The other people across the street were on vacation, while the neighbors were at work. Their son was shipped off to military school. Cross jumped out of the rubble of the house with blood gushing out of his mouth. He coughed up blood on the clean streets breathing heavily. John was the better martial artist. He disappeared and combo up Cross with a different arrangement of attacks. Cross had bruises and cuts all over his body. He punched John in the face kicking out five of his teeth. Blood poured out his mouth. Cross was almost roundhoused but he caught his leg and smashed John into the ground which cracked up. The ground was destroyed causing a giant hole to appear. A Mercedes pulled up. "Get the fuck out of the way you dickhead!" John walked up to the Mercedes- Benz and grabbed it with one hand. "What the fuck?!" "Put my car down! "It costs more than your life, you bum!" John threw the Mercedes-Benz at Cross who sliced the Mercedes-Benz in half like it was a loaf of bread. Both halves of the Mercedes-Benz crashed on the ground. John punched the ground and threw a piece of the road at Cross who swiftly dodged it. "John, you need to stop this." John rushed Cross and threw the demon's blade at him. Cross channeled aura around his fist and fired a beam at John. The beam went through his stomach spraying blood all over the place. John dropped on the ground. Blood flew all over the place. Cross walked up to John and stook out his hand. John was in pain. John had the demon's blade hiding behind his back camouflaged. When he grabbed Cross's hand he shot the demon's blade into his heart. He clutched his hand into a fist. Veins appeared all around his body. Cross's skin was turning light green with black veins around it. *I may not be able to kill you now but later next will be your funeral." John stops back on his feet and disappeared.
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