After I have gone my path of life down, there was no one beside me. Each step I have taken, has created a heap of corpses. In the eyes of my subordinates was ridicule and not respect. In the eyes of humans was hate, even after all I have done for them. They just saw me as a Demon, to be precise, the Demon King, Alexander. Then one day a Human appeared, the Hero. I was really happy. All my suffering can be ended with the appearance of the Hero. My loneliness, my pain and my life will be ended.
As the Hero finally appeared before me, he just gazed at me with questioning eyes. There was no hatred and no fear in his eyes, just puzzlement. I was amazed, I was happy, and I was surprised. In my whole life, I have never experienced something like this! The Hero slowly opened his mouth, before he closed it again. I just waited for him, brimming with full of expectations. Then, after a moment, he spoke his first word before me.
"Why did you kill Humans, destroy villages and cities and why did you treat them like this in your Kingdom?"
I laughed and refused to answer this questions. Shortly I just shacked my head in disappointment.
"Was it all on a whim? For fun?"
Even after the Hero doesn't see any answer from the Demon King, he doesn't become enraged just sad, empty and disappointed.
"I have really expected more from you. I am sorry.", after the Hero said this, he rushed to me. His gleaming sword was deadly near, but I didn't do anything. I was sick from Life. My whole life once again rushed past me like a movie. All my foolishness was show. And all my naivety was shown.
I closed my eyes in peace and started to speak for the first time with the Hero.
"I must thank you Hero."
Unexpected the death didn't come even after a while. The Hero stopped before my throat. I smiled with puzzlement.
"Why didn't you kill me? Wasn't it your life goal?"
"You aren't my goal!"
After he has said it, he threw a knife at a dark corner.
"Kekeke, have you already found me? Please, proceed."
"Don't be ridiculous!"
In the next moment the Hero disappeared, just to crush in the wall at the other side, in which he threw the knife.
"Kekeke, I thank you, Demon King."
"Shut up, Minister of Military!"
"Kekeke, Your will is my command."
A red snack coiling around my neck flashed for a moment before it dimmed again.
"Hero, I hope you can understand my situation. Kill me!"
As the Hero crawled out of the crumbled wall, he laughed.
"I never thought the great and feared Demon King is just a puppet."
Without a further hesitation the Hero rushed and severed my head from my body. Finally, I died. Freed from my chains and duties.
"You have my gratitude, Hero!"
Suddenly the snack around started to devour my body and soul. With a few bites and I was eaten. Then the snake crawled to the Hero, but a bright and holy light flashed by. A white snake with wings pressed down the red snake. Even tough the snake can't speak in our language, we somehow understand it.
"You aren't worth to be a Divine Beast. You are even betraying your host, which your Lord choose for you! Where are your respect and reverence?!"
"Why does this even matter? I am not a dog like you! Where are your self-respect? You don't even know that our Ancestor created all!"
As the white snake was crushing the red snake, a new idea surfaced.
"Demon Lord, I pity you. I shall give you a second chance. You shall entertain me!"
The Minister of Military walked with slow but decisive steps to the snake and immediately afterwards fall to his knees. His head pressed against the floor and hand laid bare before the snake.
"My holy Lord, please let me beseech your blessing and accept my offering."
Above his hand a head appeared. From the head a small stream of blood flowed down. It was the head of the Hero. Some steps away from the snake laid the other half of the body. A surprised look emerged on the snakes face.
"You are pretty interesting."
At the same time somewhere at the river of time. There was a little red sphere fighting against the flow. During it struggle it parted the flow of time and a new river of time was created. In the red sphere was the Demon King Alexander, me.
During this struggle I was once again experiencing the past. But this time not mine past, but the past of the world. Even this I wasn't experiencing chronological but reverse chronological. It was all weird. A bit like a dream and a bit like illusion.
Abruptly red bite marks emerged on my skin. It feels like I was slowly eaten alive. But the more unexpected was the feeling that something important was taken away from me.
All of a sudden the surrounding river of time turned wild and tried to drown me under their waves. As the different waves comes in contact with the red sphere, they were repelled. It was like the waves are fearing the sphere, but want to devour the thing the sphere. Each time a wave was repelled, a whole new world appeared in mind. The world was different, but somehow the same as my world. More and more such world appeared in mind and all become a bit blurry.
Then the sphere exploded like a bubble would burst. All the repelled waves crushed down all at once. The details of the worlds in my mind became more vividly, but at the end it was blurrier for me. The immensity on details crushed my head and finally I fainted. Strangely all the waves pushed me uniformly away to the newly created river of time.
I hope the prologue was after your taste. If not, I would request from you to stay for a further chapter. After this chapter, the story will be written in the 3rd narrative perspective.
If you find some error, I would appreciate it, if you tell me.
Thank you, for reading my story!