Unduh Aplikasi
64.21% DxDXD (Raw) / Chapter 201: Life.5 Go, the Sekiryuutei Team!-2

Bab 201: Life.5 Go, the Sekiryuutei Team!-2

(It seems like there might be an [object] nearby.)

(The reinforcements indicate that something major is happening huh.)

Indeed, the number of players in a Rating Game were limited. When fighting in such a vast field, if the situation was not at a critical junction, then it was highly unlikely that their combat power was going to be focused on a single area. —Since this was the case, it was obvious that this was a very important area for them. The opponent had already destroyed five [objects], so victory was almost within their grasp. Right now, even if they had to make some sacrifices, they were most certainly after another [object]. After all, the rules this time allowed a team to win without having to defeat the [King]. In this way, the existence of an [object] was extremely important. Having to obtain one, and allowing one to be taken away were very troublesome. —Perhaps this was a key moment?

Irina smiled wryly as she used her eyes to signal Xenovia. It seemed like Xenovia also planned to fight here. At time like these, communicating with Xenovia simply via eye contact like how they used to when they were a duo caused Irina's confidence to double. Both sides leapt into action at the same time. The opponent was dominant when it came down to numbers. And after a few clashes, it was clear that the opponents were far from being as simple as mere [Pawns]. A female Fallen Angel wielded a large sword forged by light in her hands, and based on the speed of her attacks, it almost seemed like she was a [Knight]. Her movements also seemed rather skilful…after all, they were also people who had survived numerous battlefields, and would not be defeated so easily. One Fallen Angel pulled away and began to fire arrows of light as support, but Irina swung Hauteclere to unleash a shockwave. They dealt with the more bothersome one first. Although the bow-wielding Fallen Angel dodged the shockwave, he was quickly cut down by Xenovia who had predicted the position that they would evade to. At times like these, even if they didn't use words to communicate, Irina and Xenovia were able to understand each other's thought process, and could immediately pursue. Soon afterwards, the bow-wielding Fallen Angel was enveloped in the light of retirement, and then disappeared from the field.

<<Of the [Lightning] team, one [Pawn] has retired.>>

The announcement was made. It seemed like the one that they had defeated just then was one of the opponent's [Pawns]. There were two people remaining.

As long as Xenovia and I are a combination, we can do it! As long as we can defeat the next two players, we'll be able to search for the [object] that is possibly in our vicinity.

While Irina thought that—. Thunderclouds appeared above Irina and Xenovia, and from there, fierce rays of lightning sprang out. Along with the arrival of the thunder, a man appeared—.

"Hmm, I'll help out too."

Barakiel — the Fallen Angel Cadre who had once been called the [Lightning of God], and currently the vice-governor of the Grigori. This man stood before Irina and Xenovia. …He was more experienced in life and death struggles than the two people currently before him combined, and if someone was to be struck by this man's lightning, they would not escape unharmed. Especially for a Devil such as Xenovia, light was a highly toxic poison.

(Ise-kun, I'm sorry if I get defeated.)

For now, she apologised to her team's leader in her heart. Needless to say, even if she was defeated, she would do everything that she could before that. The combination of Irina and Xenovia began to challenge the lightning that threatened them. The lightning that Akeno and Barakiel released as their allies now seemed so cold and terrifying—. But no matter what happened, he — Hyoudou Issei would surely determine the victor at the very end, this was the conclusion that Irina and Xenovia drew from their past experiences.

(So, darling. Use that…that unrivalled and impossibly powerful attack so that everyone can see!)

Indeed, although he was fated to accept a variety of evaluations, whether it was actual combat or a Rating Game, his strength was capable of overturning the entire situation—.

Part 7[edit]

"—To sum things up, Irina and I are currently fighting against the other side's [King]. That's all, from Xenovia."

"—Just as planned, we're stalling the opponent's [Queen], Armaros here."

I — Hyoudou Issei listened to the status reports from Xenovia and Rossweisse; both sides were in a heated fight.

<<Battles are continuing in various places. Since the beginning of the game until now, Hyoudou Issei-senshu's team has had the advantage when it comes to combat, whereas the [Lightning] team has had the advantage in terms of the number of [objects] destroyed. So, will the [Sekiryuutei of Blazing Truth] gain a difficult victory just as they did in the previous game, or will they lose as a result of the [objects] being captured and destroyed!? Victory cannot be obtained by relying on force and power alone, for this is a Rating Game!>>

…Damn it, this announcer is actually saying such ridiculous things during the commentary! However, I've also realised that the situation is not optimal right now! Just at this time, Ravel finally gave the signal.

"Ise-sama, it's time. This is already enough. —Please enact the plan that was mentioned earlier."

"—Alright, I understand. Although I regret it a bit, this is something simpler that I can use to make them understand."

"Yes, please show them the results of a simple and clear answer."

I began to carry out the plan that Ravel had proposed earlier — I began to fly towards the centre of the field. Hovering above a deep valley, I began the chant for power.

"—The Crimson Red Dragon dwelling within me, awaken from your dominance"

A dazzling crimson glow was emitted from the gem on my right gauntlet.

[—The Crimson Heavenly Dragon I possess within me, rise up to become a King and roar]

Ophis' voice echoed out from the gem—.

The gem on my left gauntlet unleashed a jet-black aura.

"—The jet-black God of Infinity"

An incredible crimson aura enveloped my entire body.

[—The glorious God of Dreams]

The jet-black aura of infinity was then encased over it—.

"[—Watch over the false forbidden existence we shall become that transcends the boundaries]"

This verse is slightly different from the past. The difference lies in the addition 'false'. My crimson armour was then tinged with a jet-black pattern. The power of the Dragon God had fully manifested. And then we recited the final verse together—.

"[—Thou shalt dance like radiance within our inferno]"

"<<[D∞D!! D∞D D∞D!! D∞D D∞D D∞D!!!! D∞D D∞D D∞D D∞D D∞D D∞D!!!!!! D∞D D∞D D∞D D∞D D∞D D∞D D∞D D∞D D∞D D∞D D∞D D∞D!!!!!!!!]>>"

All of the gems resounded with a voice which said [D∞D!!] and permeated through to the soul. An ∞ symbol emerged on all of the gems!

"[<<Dragon ∞ Drive!!!!!!>>]"

Dragon Deification — no, it was something similar to Dragon Deification. If I did use Dragon Deification, my existence itself would immediately collapse. So within the chant, I added on a 'restriction', and though only for a short while, I could utilise this extraordinary power. After the transformation, Ravel notified all of our members.

"Everyone, Ise-sama has already undergone Pseudo-Dragon Deification! Please move according to the plan that was proposed earlier!"

There isn't much time left! So I'll have to do this quickly! Four large cannons emerged from my four wings, and I began to prepare for ∞ Blaster! An incredibly vast amount of aura quietly gathered at the muzzle of my cannons. Starting from the very instant that I let the cannons loose, the countdown for maintaining Pseduo-Dragon Deification will begin! A total of ten seconds! I wouldn't be firing it just anywhere, but in accordance with the plan — the majority of the field will be blasted away!

"<<[D∞D D∞D D∞D D∞D D∞D D∞D D∞D D∞D D∞D D∞D D∞D D∞D!!!!!!!!]>>"

An [∞] symbol appeared on all of the gems of my armour, as the colours of red and black flashed alternatingly. I can't rely on pure power alone? I can't win a Rating Game with pure power alone? Perhaps that may be the case. If I was just relying on some half-baked strength and power, people like us who are still inexperienced when it comes to the games would be made fun of. But—. If it's not some half-baked strength, and not some half-baked power, then what happens? What will they think when they see the absolute power that we have gained through actual combat!?

—I, we, have worked hard to make it through this one intense year, so let's give them a good look at the power that we have obtained!!

"I've confirmed that all of our allies within the range of impact have retreated."

After hearing Ravel's message, I felt delighted!

"Let's goooooooooooooooo!"

"<<[∞ Blaster!!!!!!]>>"

An incredibly vast amount of aura was discharged from the muzzles of my four cannons! I maintained my firing position, drew out a semicircle as I turned, and continued to unleash the jet-black aura symbolising infinity and the crimson aura!

[V! IV! III! II!]

Until I reached the limit, I continued to bombard the field with my cannons—.

[I! 0!]

After the countdown finally ended, I also released Pseudo-Dragon Deification, and reverted back to my crimson armour. …Because of the aftereffects of Pseudo-Dragon Deification, most of my stamina and demonic energy had been depleted…but my crimson armour wouldn't be undone yet.

High school DxD Volume 22 illustration 4.jpg

—Alright, now I can continue to fight! After the potent bombardment of aura concluded, the sight that appeared before my eyes was — a barren and deserted wasteland with no mountains, valleys, rivers, nor trees. Everything had been blown away. The announcer trembled as he spoke

<<Ooooohh! W-W-What just happened! T-The field actually! More than half of the field has actually been annihilated! Incredible! Hyoudou Issei-senshu's cannons have erased the field's scenery! THIS IS TRULY POWER BEYOND IMAGINATIIIOOOOON!>>

At the same time, announcements for the retirement of our opponents and the destruction of [objects] were made.

<<Of the [Lightning] team, one [Rook] and one [Bishop] have retired.>>

<<Confirmation that the [Sekiryuutei] team has destroyed four [objects]. They have gained four points.>>

That cannon blast just now took out one a [Rook] and [Bishop] from our opponent's side! That was a good result! If they were players who were searching for [objects], then it could be described as an even better result! I also destroyed four [objects]! Our numbers have increased almost instantaneously! This pushes our total up to five! Because we kept one more on our side that we haven't yet destroyed, it'll be a victory for us as long as we can find one more!

Now then, I'll go over our strategy. Although my Pseudo-Dragon Deification can utilise an incredible amount of power, it has a time limit. I can maintain the transformation for three minutes, but if I convert that to perform attacks or switch to defence, then the transformation time limit will be reduced. A cannon blast at maximum firepower — if I use ∞ Blaster, the time limit will be reduced even further. From the moment that the bombardment began, a ten second countdown also began, and once it reached zero, Pseudo-Dragon Deification was forcibly lifted. There is also a crucial problem after the transformation is undone. —My stamina and demonic energy is vastly depleted. During our training, because of different styles of fighting that had been used, there were situations where I wasn't even able to maintain my normal armour. To put it simply, Pseudo-Dragon Deification is a final move that can only be used at a critical time, but it is also the strongest means of attack that our team has. Based on the above reasons, preparations were made for this plan at the beginning of this Rating Game. We first needed to make sure that I would be able to use Pseudo-Dragon Deification. However, it absolutely cannot be used when up against the other side's [King]. To give a reason for that, it would be because we don't know what kinds of tricks the other side has up their sleeve, so transforming and charging in recklessly could lead to my attacks being blocked, thus wasting an important means of offense. That being the case, it is necessary to find the right time to use it. After Ravel confirmed the rules for [Object Break], the gridded map was opened at the beginning of the game, and the plan was communicated to all members of the team—.

"We need to investigate the [objects] that are in our territory first."

Ravel used a pen to mark out the map. The field this time had half of a chessboard as our territory. A red circle was drawn to further divide our territory in half. That was a quarter of the field.

"However, it would not be very efficient if we were to search every corner of our territory. Moreover, there is also a time limit, so we should only target one area. We only need to perform a thorough search of half of our territory. But, it'll be bad if we allow the other side to discover our intentions, so we should still scatter all of the members of our team into the every region of our territory. And then, one group will perform a thorough search of half our territory."

"But, what are we going to do about the exploration of the other half of our territory?"

Irina asked. Limiting our search of [objects] to one quarter of the field would perhaps make it much easier to find them, but the other areas will be left unexplored.

"Indeed, if that's the case, it's impossible for us to win. Perhaps our opponent will take the lead when it comes to the number of [objects] destroyed. But once the game reaches its mid-phase, we'll change our style immediately."

Ravel smiled as she explained the plan.

"Our team has been evaluated to have nothing but power. I don't think there's anything wrong with this. Of course, some people have said that there must be a minimum level of strategy. The people who want to laugh at us can laugh all they want. —However, if they see someone significant supressed by true power, the people who laughed at us will most certainly shut up."

Ravel said to me

"Ise-sama possesses an unrivalled power that can be demonstrated by an immense cannon blast of energy with Pseudo-Dragon Deification—. This single blow will create that kind of change in the game, and they will be able to see it for themselves. —So in this game, please wait until the time is right, and then blow away the majority of the field."


Ravel's shocking plan left everyone speechless. Ravel then continued to add a few points. At the beginning, we would need to perform a thorough search of half of our territory. The area to be explored was our eastern side. The ones responsible for this would be Xenovia and Irina. At the same time, in order to prevent the other side from realising this, we still needed to visit the other areas to make it look as though we were searching. We also needed to move into our opponent's territory. But, this was all just an act. Of course, it'd be best if we came across [objects], but that was not the goal this time. After clashing several times, and when both sides had made some gains in destroying [objects], it would be my turn to shine with Pseudo-Dragon Deification. I would fly into the centre of the field, and the unexplored areas of our territory, as well as half of our opponent's territory — in other words, a vertical half of the entire field would be blown away by a semicircular sweep with ∞ Blaster. I would draw a counter-clockwise semicircle going from north to south, which would eliminate the entire western side. Because the field had a powerful barrier set up by the tournament authorities, such a plan was possible. And in this way, the majority of the field in our territory that hadn't been explored would be blown away, so any [objects] that we hadn't found would naturally be destroyed by me. After ∞ Blaster ended, we would close in on the remaining quarter of the field that we had not yet explored (the quarter of our opponent's territory that had not been hit by my bombardment), thereby moving into the final phase. It truly was a bold and ambitious strategy! Although it was an approach that fully utilised our power…the idea seemed so perfect that even Xenovia seemed slightly perplexed. Ravel revealed a calm smile.

"Simple petty tactics are completely useless in the face of true power; we shall burn this terror into the eyes of the contestants of the tournament, as well as all those who are watching it. There are a few competing teams in this tournament who are able to cause destruction to such a degree, but this is decisive power that even the lower level of god-class beings will not be able to overcome with strategy. This is what we need to demonstrate once more."

And then, Ravel said this to me in a very simple manner.

"I will use tactics different to Rias-sama and Sona-sama with this team to show everyone."

Upon seeing this haughty declaration from Ravel, I couldn't help recalling what her okaa-san had told me.

—Ravel's true nature is the path of supremacy.

...Using all of our power and knowledge on the path towards supremacy huh. This is Ravel's talent…. If Riser was able to make use of Ravel's talent — perhaps that Rating Game might have resulted in a one-sided loss for us. ...Unshakable determination and a spectacular way of executing it. All of it was so that people could acutely realise it. —Ravel was the cornerstone of this team. In order to continue surviving in this tournament, Ravel's strength was indispensable. And at the same time, because she was the heart of this team, our chances of victory would immediately collapse if she were to be attacked. …Throughout this game, there may be people who become aware that Ravel is the core of our team. And so, as the tournament progresses, there will be more people aiming for Ravel than me. …Through this tournament, the slumbering talents that people of various factions possess will be discovered. Is this one of aspects that the managers — Beelzebub-sama and the God of Destruction Shiva are expecting? Or was this an earlier plan of Azazel-sensei and Sirzechs-sama? If that's the case, then perhaps Ravel is the first person to fit this category. This reliable and promising strategic advisor-sama sent another message.

"The number of [objects] that our side has destroyed puts us into a check position. We just need one more to win. This is something that the other side also knows. They will no longer hesitate, and will probably begin to attack while looking for [objects] or seek to snatch it from us. Now is the crucial moment where everything matters, everyone!"

Alright! In that case, Barakiel-san will have no choice but to appear!

I asked Ravel

"Ravel, where is Barakiel-san right now? Is he still fighting against Xenovia and Irina?"

"—Hmm, so you want to decide the victor of the game? I understand, since you want to determine a winner, please proceed."

Ravel accepted my suggestion! Since the game had already progressed to such a stage, it was perfectly feasible for me to act like this as a [King]. Although Armaros-san was caught up in the western side of our territory which was within the range of my Blaster, we did not hear an announcement about his retirement, and so I was somewhat worried, but my team members would deal with him.

"Ise-sama, acting as a [King] to take down another [King] will greatly boost morale, and the evaluations from everyone definitely will not be low! Please show them just what kind of man the [King] of Hyoudou Issei's peerage is!

"No problem!"

As expected of my peerage! And my manager! I then flew towards the location where Xenovia and Irina were fighting against Barakiel-san! They were in the north-eastern corner! I focused my strength into my dragon wings, and flew towards there at high-speed! Although Pseudo-Dragon Deification had used up the majority of my stamina, I could still continue to fight!

"Hold on!"

"We've found Hyoudou Issei!"

On the way, several of Barakiel-san's team members attempted to stop my progression—.

"Don't get in the way of my lord!"

The one who crashed into the Fallen Angels from their flank was my [Pawn], Bova! Bova spat out a powerful torrent of flames which did not lose to his chichi's in intensity, and then stood in front of the Fallen Angels to block them off! Bova fearlessly said

"[King]! Leave this to me!"

"Alright, I'm counting on you!"

I left that to Bova, and then flew towards Barakiel-san's location without any hesitation! Although I was panting heavily with 'Haa haa…' noises…I could not stop here to rest!

<<Of the [Lightning] team, one [Pawn] has retired.>>

Yeah! An update from our side! It seems like Bova has already taken care of an opponent! As I flew at high-speed over the field, I was soon able to see thunderclouds! That's where Xenovia and Irina were fighting! Xenovia and Irina were up against Barakiel-san and two other Fallen Angels in a two-to-three fight. One of the two Fallen Angels was a woman who used a greatsword forged of light, while the other one was a male Fallen Angel who wielded a halberd of light.

"Ise! You came!"

"Sure enough, my darling was thinking of having a showdown between the leaders!"

Both Xenovia and Irina welcomed my arrival. Speaking of which, even if it was the two of them up against Barakiel-san's lightning, they had done very well! Although their uniform had already become tattered, and they were low on stamina, both of them were still fine and lively, and evaded a direct strike from the lightning.

"I'll leave the other two to you two!"

I left the two other Fallen Angel opponents to Xenovia and Irina, while I flew directly towards Barakiel-san!

"Barakiel-san! Let's finish off what we started!"

I changed my right arm into its Solid Impact mode whilst I evaded Barakiel-san's lightning—.

[Boost Boost Boost Boost Boost Boost Boost Boost Boost Boost Boost Boost!!!!!!]

[Solid Impact Booster!!!!]

I quickly sent Barakiel-san flying through the air! Barakiel-san's beaten body was languid, but he steadied himself and prepared for a direct confrontation.

"Very well. But, do not be careless. Are you able to understand what I'm thinking?"

From here, it was a melee fight between [Kings]! My punches and kicks all hammered down upon Barakiel-san's face, shoulders, torso, and legs! On the other hand, Barakiel-san's lightning-imbued punches and kicks also struck my face, torso, and my legs! His attacks of lightning, a combination of electricity and light, were transmitted to me through my armour, and because my reserves of stamina and demonic energy were low, I couldn't stop myself from trembling due to the damage that was done to my entire body! And amidst the heated exchange with Barakiel-san, I deeply felt it.

—Barakiel-san had pulled the rug out from underneath me when it came to strategy. It was as if he was trying to guide me. It was as if this person was acting in the place of Azazel-sensei. Even his words just then were the same. He deliberately said "Are you able to understand what I'm thinking?" in order to guide my thought process. …He was encouraging my growth through this Rating Game. A year ago — I died once because of a Fallen Angel. And in the year following that — I've grown to this point by the hand of a Fallen Angel. And precisely because of that, I know that I have to repay that debt now! I have to respond to their expectations! Barakiel-san, I will defeat you! But before that, I have to repay you for what you just did! I faced Barakiel-san directly and said

"I…at night, I occasionally sleep together with Akeno-san! Being caught between Rias and Akeno-san while I sleep is the best!"

Instantly, Barakiel-san seemed taken aback by what I had just said! At first he was embarrassed, and confused, and then he became mad!

".... …Kuh! Y-You're using that trick!"

My attack accurately struck Barakiel-san as he let his guard down! However, my breathing had already become heavy and disturbed! My stamina had almost reached its limits as well! But I didn't care about that and continued to speak!

"Also, for breakfast, lunch, and dinner, Akeno-san often cooks for me! Akeno-san also makes bentos[7] for me!"

By combining my attacks with these verbal outbursts, Barakiel-san was gradually falling into a downward spiral! His intense tremors were the best evidence of that! But, I needed to properly convey how I felt about Akeno-san to him!

"Akeno-san has always acted as the elder who stands before us as a leader, she is in fact together with girls of a similar age to herself, but she can be hurt by the little things, and I know how delicate she is! Akeno-san worries about all of us; regardless of whether I or someone else is injured, she keeps the pain inside her heart, that's something I'm also very clear on!"

Akeno-san is actually nothing more than an ordinary girl! Although she usually acts like an onee-san at school, I know that she also has the side of an ordinary girl because we've been living under the same roof together!

"To me, not only is she a caring onee-san, she's also a cute girl, as well as a woman who can reveal a beautiful smile. I'm absolutely certain of these things!"

But in response, Barakiel-san widened his eyes, his expression became even more imposing, and he sent me flying through the air again! Barakiel-san shouted out whilst sparks of lightning erupted from his entire body!

"Even if you say that! Even if you understand Akeno! You — still chose Rias Gremory didn't you!?"


When Barakiel-san said that one sentence…my body froze. Barakiel-san charged at me with a flying kick and continued

"You chose Rias Gremory! Everyone also understood that, and agreed with it! I also heard about your promise of the future with her! You will be together with Rias Gremory from now on! Well…well! What about Akeno!? Akeno…who will be together with her!? My daughter's heart is attracted to you, and yet you've been taken away by Rias Gremory, so what will my daughter do from now on!?"

Speechless, I could only allow myself to be beaten by Barakiel-san unilaterally. His eyes — shed tears.

"Akeno…she will never put the blame on Rias Gremory nor you! To Akeno, both of you are important people! From the bottom of her heart, she sincerely wishes for the happiness of you two! But where is Akeno's happiness!? Who else can ensure the happiness of my daughter!? Akeno's future…will only be marred with sadness! Since that's the case…"

Barakiel-san grabbed my neck — and wept.

"…I should have split you and Akeno apart from the very beginning. As long as she likes someone else, Akeno will also become happy, right? You…will you tell Akeno this? Or do you have other ways to make Akeno happy…? I am her father. …My daughter, Akeno, she is in love with you. So, tell me your answer! The Hyoudou Issei whom my daughter loves! How will you treat my daughter!?"

Barakiel-san's tears and a penetrating punch struck my face squarely. My helmet was shattered, exposing my face underneath it. …Barakiel-san had also cried during the graduation ceremony. I think as he watched the graduation ceremony, he must have been recalling the past, and also casting his eyes towards Akeno-san's future. And because of that, he was worried about Akeno-san. The cry of Barakiel-san's soul was carried forth in that punch, and rang through to my mind and body. …Akeno-san's happiness. In love with me…. I had already sworn on my future with Rias, so for Akeno-san…what about her? Could it be as Barakiel-san said, would it be better if Akeno-san liked someone else…?


…Memories of the time spent together with Akeno-san gradually surfaced within my mind.

—…How do you feel, Ise-kun, after hearing that? You hate Fallen Angels, right? They killed you and Asia-chan once, and tried to destroy this city once, there's no way you can hold good thoughts about them.

The first time that Akeno-san told me the truth about herself in front of me, she was prepared to accept that I would hate her, and still she said all of that. But, I — simply could not find a reason to hate Akeno-san.

—Not only that, I have the blood of a fallen angel in me, you know? Can you forgive me? Although I reincarnated into a Devil, the fact that I have the blood of a Fallen Angel in me doesn't change. …I may have approached you wanting to get hated, you know? No, that's definitely the case. I…am the worst kind of woman….

No, Akeno-san…you're the best woman! Not only are you gentle, you're also more delicate than anyone else—.

—Kaa-sama…! I…! I wanted to see tou-sama more often! I wanted tou-sama to pat my head more! I wanted to play much more with tou-sama! Tou-sama… tou-sama and kaa-sama…I wanted to live together more with the three of us…!

She was lonelier than anyone else, and sought love more than anyone else.

—Ufufu, that would make it my first French kiss, I guess.

She really surprised me. But, Akeno-san's first kiss was with me, and that really made me feel proud.

—She's right, if it's the same fallen-angel then I will be able to make Ise-kun happy. That's why please have more confidence. If you don't take another step with Rias, then I can't—

When I was frightened by the shadow of Raynare, and didn't dare to even think of going further with Rias, you said those things to motivate me. Now, being able to enjoy the happiness I have with Rias is also thanks to your encouragement back then, Akeno-san—.

—…Yeah. Yeah, I'm okay now. I will live on for the sake of you, Rias, and everyone else. I will become stronger with you, Ise. I will be with you forever.

I also cherished Akeno-san, I definitely wouldn't die again, because I had to keep living with her—.

—Ise, I love you. Ufufu.

I also—.

...Have Akeno-san like someone else? Separate her…from me…? Akeno-san…and a man other than myself….


…Something like that, how could I possibly forgive it! Neither will I allow something like that to happen! Akeno-san and I…our hearts are linked! I like all of Akeno-san! Akeno-san has always been watching me! She belongs only to me — Himejima Akeno! —Letting some other bastard take her away is something I cannot forgive! Akeno-san's sleek black hair, her smile, her gentleness, her S side, her personality which makes her easily saddened, her lips, her well-endowed oppai, everything, all of her — I want to make it mine!

—I decided.

I decided! I steeled my determination! Azazel-sensei, I am the Hyoudou Issei who is determined to become a harem king! So, no matter how many people it is, as long as it's me…whether they pursue me or if it's a woman that I pursue — I will make them happy! Whether it's Rias, Asia, or Akeno-san — I will definitely make them happy! That's right! Hyoudou Issei! You must say it! You have to say it! I need to make sure that the media of the Underworld, and even all of the factions hear it! I cried out with a voice that reverberated across the entire field!

"Then, I — love Akeno-san!"

And I went on!

"Barakiel-san, please allow me to take responsibility…I will be responsible! I will not give her to anyone else! I will…take Akeno-san! I will treasure Himejima Akeno for the rest of my life! Just as I have made Rias happy, I will also make Akeno happy! My dream is to become a harem king! The women who like me, and the women who love me, I will make all of them happy without leaving anyone out!"


Barakiel-san was shocked! This was the confession from my heart! Yes, I will take responsibility! Barakiel-san! Please accept my thoughts!

"I promise to make her happy! —I will take care of Himejima Akeno for as long as I live! Akeno is mine! Akeno, I LOOOOOOVVEEE YOOUUU!"

I faced the speechless Barakiel-san directly!

[Boost Boost Boost Boost Boost Boost Boost Boost Boost Boost Boost Boost Boost Boost Boost Boost Boost Boost Boost Boost Boost Boost Boost Boost Boost Boost Boost Boost Boost Boost Boost Boost Boost Boost Boost Boost Boost Boost Boost Boost Boost Boost Boost Boost Boost!!!!!!]

[Solid Impact Booster!!!!]

With one strike enhanced to the limits, I completely blew Barakiel-san away! The resulting shockwave also decimated the small mountain in front of me. Feelings are the most important things for Sacred Gears. In other words, my feelings for Akeno-san are overwhelmingly strong!

Ddraig pleasantly said

[As usual, as long as it's related to your desires, the power of the Sacred Gear will instantly elevate. As expected of you, partner.]

Yeah, that's what I thought too. Until now, I've always fought with feelings of anger against villains using my Sacred Gear. But when facing good opponents, I use my dreams and desires! Now, Akeno-san. You should have heard my shout just then through the broadcast right? That is what I've finally understood, and finally noticed, my feelings for you. Hearing my confession — the cry of my soul, Barakiel-san shed tears at the same time as he was knocked down.

"...Ah, how could this be…! How could I be crying at a time like this…! Azazel, he has finally set his path — he has personally said that he wants to go down the path of a harem king…!"

Due to my powerful strike, although Barakiel-san was able to stand, he was trembling non-stop. On the other side, Xenovia's Durandal and Excalibur released an exceedingly powerful holy aura, which cut down the wielder of the greatsword of light.

<<Of the [Lightning] team, one [Knight] has retired. >>

The broadcast announced Xenovia's victory. It looks like her opponent was also a [Knight].

"…Using destructive power is not only the privilege of my [King]. But, that was a really good confession, Ise!"

That's right, my [Knight], Xenovia! Irina was also easily avoiding the fierce onslaught of the halberd from the Fallen Angel in mid-air. The halberd's shockwaves caused the air to vibrate tremendously, and it also dug out trails on the ground. On the other hand, Irina used Hauteclere to perform a series of high-speed slashes. Her opponent was unable to counter it. Irina-san then extended a long whip of light from her left hand and cleverly wrapped it around her opponent's foot. By pulling on the whip, her opponent's stance was broken. This was the special offensive light energy technique that only Irina was able use, though some inspiration was taken from [Excalibur Mimic]. Her opponent was forced to his knees, and he was instantly cut down by the enormous amount of aura that Irina released from Hauteclere.



After suffering from that attack from the holy aura of Hauteclere, her opponent was finally enshrouded in the light of retirement.

<<Of the [Lightning] team, one [Pawn] has retired.>>

"Fufu, in fact, I can also use some fancy attacks! It's all because of darling's confession that I became so excited all of a sudden!"

Irina had also dealt with her opponent! In that case, I should also finish off my final task as [King]! Well, Barakiel-san! Please accept this final blow! Cannons emerged out from my dragon wings, and then pointed forwards! A red aura gathered at the muzzle of the cannons!

"These are! My true feelings, towards you, and towards Akeno-san!"

[Boost Boost Boost Boost Boost Boost Boost Boost Boost Boost Boost Boost Boost Boost Boost Boost Boost Boost Boost Boost Boost Boost Boost Boost Boost Boost Boost Boost Boost Boost Boost Boost Boost Boost Boost Boost Boost Boost Boost Boost Boost Boost Boost Boost Boost!!!!!!]

[Fang Blast Booster!!!!]

"Crimson Blasteeerrrrrrrrrrrr!"

An overwhelming and bright red aura was expelled from my two cannons, and beamed towards Barakiel-san—. Enduring the red aura, Barakiel-san seemed to have a relieved look.

"…Shuri, our daughter…has found a good man."

Leaving behind only these words, the [King] of the [Lightning] team, Barakiel-san was enshrouded in the light of retirement—.

<<—Of the [Lightning] team, the [King] has retired. The [Sekiryuutei of Blazing Truth] team are victorious!>>

After that, the announcement that the game was over arrived—.

After this game, the opinions of the critics changed. The voices pointing out that we were not familiar with strategy, and that our experience of the games was shallow did not change, but this was added on to the end of all that.

—To the majority of teams, they are a simple and straightforward terror.

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