Rainy- I have a bad feeling...
Ron- but about what?
Rainy- everything... I don't like the diary, I don't like the fact that we don't know who's the culprit. I feel that I'm missing something.
Hermione- we need more facts. For the moment, we should rest... and tomorrow we can try a lot of different things to make the diary change.
Rainy-... yeah, that would be good... see you later Harry, Ron.
Harry/Ron- yeah, bye.
I went to the bed with a bad feeling, and it got confirmed when I heard screaming and the such on the common room. I went to investigate even if I was sleepy, and it came from the first year girls room. When I entered I saw everyone awake and looking to the open window with fear.
Rainy- what happened?
Girl 1- Rainy? A- a shadow, has taken Ginny!
Girl 2- I-I t-think it w-was a cloaked p-person...
Rainy- what!? (who?)
I looked outside the tower from the window but I saw no one. When I went to get out of the common room, Harry and Ron were also there.
Rainy- Harry, Ron!
Harry- Rainy! Someone has entered my room and has stolen the diary!
Rainy- more important than that! A cloaked person has kidnapped Ginny!
Ron- WHAT!?
Rainy- you guys go to the professors! I'm going to see if my guess is correct!
Hermione- guess?
Rainy- Hermione! Yes, guess. I'm going to the chamber!
Hermione- then I'm going with you.
Rainy- no, you are going with them to talk with the professors. If my guess is right, we'll need Dumbledore there.
Hermione-!! you can't?
Rainy- no... so go!
Hermione- don't do anything reckless!
She went with Harry and Ron after that, and I went to my training room. There, I opened the passage to the chamber of secrets and begun to go down the spiral staircase.
When I reached the bottom, I was on a cavern under the castle and I used a Disillusionment charm. Not long after that, I saw the two enemies who infiltrated the Gryffindor tower. The one that Kidnapped Ginny had her on the shoulder, knocked out. He had a full black ninja suit, it's normal that the other students said it was a shadow... but the other one, is a girl not much older than me, with light green sleeveless ninja? clothes. I mean, it screams ninja when you see it... but it's not going to hide you that much with those colors... and without sleeves, you still have your skin exposed, so no blending with the surroundings... but she has a lot of shurikens, so I guess they both are ninjas. So, I begun to follow them, and they begun to talk.
Girl- I don't get why we have to do this! We are doing the evil deeds of a dark lord... I just signed in this Daijuroku project because I needed the money...
Guy- stop complaining. If The Last Half needs us to do this, we just do it.
Girl- oy! I don't know how are the ninjas on your world, but in Wutai we choose what we want to do! One of my ancestors was a hero you know? She saved the world with some other guys!
Guy- this has nothing to do with how the ninjas are. The Last Half saved my life, so for the rest of it, I'll serve him as a perfect tool.
Girl- well, that's depressing! I get that you should pay your debts, but the freedom is the first thing someone should search! Once I have enough money, I'm out of the group!
I continued following them until we reached a round door with stone snakes as the lock. Then the guy got in front of the door and took the diary from the girl. Then I saw how the diary took partial control of the guy and said in parsel ''Open''. The door opened and they entered the chamber of secrets, with me following close behind, but I stopped on the entrance. All the floor had water and they would hear my steps. So I just entered the chamber and begun to hear them from the entrance, without moving.
Girl- and what is going to happen with this girl?
Guy- it seems the diary belongs to the dark lord we are making the favor to. So he will use the life force of the girl to revive.
Girl- you mean... the diary is going to kill her?...
Guy- that's right. Remember, we are not here to question the why. We are just here to do what The Last Half tell us to do.
Guy- Juny? Am I clear?
Juny- ...yes... Juichy.
Juichy- ...Good.
Rainy- (Ifrit, I know that I haven't showed you my strength yet, but would you let me junction you to me? If I'm going against two enemies from the Daijuroku, I need the extra strength and defense.)
Ifrit- (... I will allow it. You better don't disappoint me! You have to show them your strength!)
Rainy-(yes. I will)
I begun to use the junction system and I got strength, defense, elemental attack, and vit junctions with Ifrit. I junctioned thundaga! with attack, Life! with vit, Aura! with defense and Blizzara! With elemental attack.
Rainy- (I feel the power... let's begin the party! Command! Magic! Double! Haste! Bravery!)