Today's another Sunday, a fairly good Sunday I got to see my church friends, eat good food with several drinks a very good way to end the day. But anyway apparently my own mum seems to think I'm drab, I don't dress well, I don't look good enough and I just felt woah I'm I that bad, I mean if my mom can consider me to be that way, I wonder how other people will think I am y'know. Right now I just feel another kick to my self esteem. It sucks that I can't seem to do anything right and I really hate it. The funny thing is I don't look bad by choice I can't afford to buy so many things, do my hair and get a good makeup kit. when I also see all this pretty Instagram ladies all slayed up I wish I was like them. I've not been able to do my hair for the past few weeks and I know I've especially been looking like an hobo (homeless person) what do I do, I don't even have the money to make my hair these past few days I've hated the way I look while leaving the house for work and to hear this it particularly sucks, all this makes me so self conscious that I find it hard to talk to people because I'm always wondering what they think of me.
Today's rant