"I've been hankering to clobber something!" "Flame on!" Ben and Johnny sprang forwards first as Sue held onto Reed. The Doom squad said nothing as their amours powered up. Not willing to be left behind, Peter sprang to the roof and assessed the situation.
'I forgot how fast I was when we were connected.' 'It has been a long time, it's…refreshing.' The content in Venom's voice as he spoke the word wasn't lost on Peter as he watched the fight begin. Flying above and behind the group, Johnny started barraging the group as two of them started to fire back.
Being nimble in the air he dodged the blasts, but almost got hit a few times. While that was going on the other two were firing at Ben. Because of his stature even though he tried to dodge the blows, he was still hit by a few stray blasts. Peter's eyes narrowed as he looked at the slight scorch mark left on Ben's brick like skin. He may not have made a sound, but Peter could tell that it hurt.
Taking a quick peek at the anger in his blue eyes, Peter could hazard a guess at how much that hurt. A small smile came to his lips as he prepared to jump into the fray, the power coursing through his veins was heightened by the symbiote combine in his DNA. 'Let's show them what a spider can do.' "Time to kick some shinny but!"
Peter yelled out softly as he dropped from the air to help Ben, Johnny was fine for the moment. Sue and Reed didn't actively join the fight as Reed was still out of commission, though Sue would produce a barrier every now and then helping out.
Landing swiftly behind the pair of metal heads Peter reared his hand back as he slammed his fist into the side of their helmets. He used about 50% of his enhanced strength as too much could lead to possible taking their heads off.
*Clang* *Hiss* Peter let out a small hiss as he backed up and started to shake his hand. 'That was a lot tougher than imagined.' Before he dwelled on what just happened, his spider sense blared a warning and his body shifted to dodge the right hook that had just been sent at him.
Raising an eye brow up at the person standing over him, he couldn't help but grumble. "Could you give a guy a minute to contemplate life, Jesus, B-rate henchmen, no manners these days." A low growl came from the man as he started to attack Peter.
As their fight started Ben closed in on the other man and started to brawl himself. Surprisingly the armour they were using only showed slight dents after being pounded in by the heavy blows of the Thing. Reed rubbed his chin at the sight, a frown on his face.
Even though the armour was protecting the doom squad, they were still losing the fight. The other two still hadn't hit Johnny yet when the one fighting Ben spoke up. "Tactic Icarus. Go." Moving in unison the two at the front disengaged and quickly retreated from the fight. One of them reached for his side and pulled out a type of metal net.
Swirling his arm around to get momentum, the other 3 aimed at Johnny forcing him into a corner as the last one threw they net. Seeing no way out without getting hit Johnny sent a stream of fire right at the net hoping to burn it before it reached him.
Sue was too far away to get a barrier up for him, and Peter and Ben were just getting close to their missing opponents. The fire connected right with the net as it approached Johnny's flying form, but did nothing as it continued on.
Johnny's eyes widened in fear a little as he saw a small spark of electricity coming from the net before it hit him. "Argh!!" Wrapping around his body and forcing him to the ground, the electricity started to come off the net in torrents as Johnny screamed in pain.
"Johnny!!" Sue screamed from the side as she let go of Reed, he stood shakily on his feet as Sue rushed over to help. She was panicking as she started to unleash all her power. Multiple barriers appeared forcing the doom squad to back up away from her brother.
"That's it!" Ben fumed as he rushed head long into one of the squad that was just pushed back. Before he could get out of the way, Ben speared tackled him through one of the nearby castle walls into another room. The rest lost sight of him as Peter closed in on his opponent.
Knowing that they could withstand his full force blows, Peter didn't hold back as he shot a web out. *Thwip* Being stunned for a second, not having concrete information on Spider-Man beforehand, the goon was caught unaware as he was pulled into a cloth line from the resident web head. Using the strength he usually reserved for the Rhino or Scorpion, as well as boosted by Venom at the time, his body flipped two times before he crashed into another wall.
His body stuck into it for a second, before the wall itself turned to rubble after a few seconds. The helmet had a huge dent in it and a bit of blood coming from the side. Peter knew that the person inside was still alive and kept his composure, he had dealt with people like them before, the helmet would have given him one hell of a concussion though.
He didn't get up as the sound of Ben pummeling into one of the squad out of sight resounded in the room. Everyone had stopped for a second as they watched Spidey manhandle his opponent so easily. Sue was the first to recover as she made her way to Johnny.
Making a quick assessment of the threats the leader reached to his side and pressed a small button on his forearm, he attended to call for backup as soon as possible and to inform everyone of the threat. "This is…" But his words didn't continue as he looked down at the comm. link on his arm, it was flashing red, denoting the fact that his signal was not transmitting properly.
A frown came to his face, hidden by his helmet; it shouldn't be possible for him to reach no one. He was in the main complex of Doom, his castle, his fortress, unless he was half way around the world, in an area specifically shielded from the frequency, he should be able to get a signal out. He had been given the armour by Doom himself, he was so powerful and smart, everyone in the country knew of his genius. 'What was going on?'
Add i'm back! Finished with Exams! Yay!
Hope you guys enjoy the mass release.
#Mass Release number 1!
Also, I do think it is important that you guys read all the chapter notes, for changes and little notes I have for each chapter in this mass release.
It wasn't know to the commander of the squad, but if he could have looked inside his own armour systems and networks right then and there, he would have been able to see the smirking face of Crystal as she looked at the man's shocked expression.
She had been able to carry over from Doom's main network into the doom squad's suits, if she wasn't so busy fighting Doom's internal security she might have been able to completely lock up their suits. But she was still working on cracking everything open, the system was good, but she was better. All she needed was time, then not even Doom could stop her, probably.
For now she settled with an inside view of the suits system, including the visual display helping them assess the situation. Seeing that he wasn't going to get his signal out, the man's eyes hardened as he gave his commands.
"Deal with the invisible woman, Mr. Fantastic is low priority. One you deal with her, go after the Thing." A new protrusion extended from the man's arms, a long blade made of metal sprouted from both his forearms as he started at Peter. "I will deal with the Insect."
Peter stepped back for a second in shock. "I thought you guys were professionals. How in the hell don't you know the difference between an arachnid and an Insect? I mean common. You were competent up until this point." The leader said nothing else as he advanced upon his prey. As he walked closer the blades lit up a small tinge of blue as electricity coursed through the metal.
Peter raised an eye brow that somehow showed through his mask as he tilted his head. "Electrified blades? Really?" Seeing his opponent say nothing Peter just shrugged his shoulders. The fight had been taking too long, if they didn't get out soon they would be surrounded and outnumbered again.
Peter's eyes narrowed at the incoming foe. 'It's time I got serious.' 'Hahaha.' Venom let out a small chuckle in his mind at the thought, it couldn't wait for what was about to happen. Dropping his shoulders and entering a loose stance Peter spoke up as the commander entered range. "They won't help you in the end and you know why…"
Peter sprung forwards too fast to follow as his body moved like water; he had shifted behind the man and gripped his shoulder before the commander knew what was happening. Peter leaned in for a whisper. "….Because I know kung fue!" If he had been able to say anything before he was flipped the commander might have got out the one word that summed up what was about to happen, the same thing he was thinking as his body was effortlessly picked up. 'Fuck me.'
As Sue dealt with the other doom guard who couldn't get within 5 meters of her without being flung backwards, Peter had already flipped the commander to the ground, face up. The ground cracked from the blow as the armour also showed signs of how strong that throw was.
Peter didn't give him a chance to do anything as his hand struck out at the key joints in the armour. *Crack* *Crack* *Crack* One by one the key points of the armour were destroyed in such fashion that it sent a chill down the commanders spine. He had been in the latverian army for a long time. He had trained in a few martial arts, and had been a commando of their special forces before he was picked to be a doom guard. But he couldn't do anything before this hero! If he didn't have the armour he would be a cripple for life!
And it was this fear and almost respect at what was happening that kept him from moving as his armour was destroyed. After Peter was done, the armour couldn't move anymore, the joints connected each part were destroyed beyond repair.
One last quick blow to the head was all it took for the command to enter the land of unconsciousness. Just as Peter finished that he looked over at Sue and Johnny, who was knocked out cold. The net had turned itself off, but the damage had been done, if it wasn't for the suit he wore that protected against his high heat factor, it would have left quite a few burns on his skin.
Luckily his face had been missed by the huge net and it had been mainly his body that had been caught. Sue was still sitting in front of her brother and had his head in her lap. She held him tightly a bit afraid to let go. He was her only relative left alive, should didn't want to see anything bad happen to him, even if they did put their lives on the line all the time as heroes.
Ben was engaging the last Doom guard that was standing while Reed moved over to Peter. Whatever happened to the other guard that had been speared through the wall, only Ben knew. Using a few grappling moves Ben finished the fight quickly and the fantastic five grouped up once again.
Sue carried Johnny who was out cold on one of her barriers as Reed could walk by himself now. Sue, Reed and Ben looked like they wanted to talk about what they just encountered but Peter jumped in before they got side tracked.
"I'm sure all of you are wondering what the hell they were, and what they meant by 'killing the fantastic four', but we need to get out of here pronto. Crystal says the vibranium is close by, we need to get out of here as fast as possible."
Stopping to look around at the destruction they had just caused Peter urged them towards a certain passage way. "After that ruckus, they'll know we've escaped pretty soon. My tech genius can only do so much." Reed looked like he wanted to do some research on the Doom guard armour but moved off with everyone as Sue hugged Johnny closer to her.
Peter noticed the anger and desperation that dwelled in her eyes as he took a look at her. He felt a pang of sympathy as he thought over all that had happened to himself over the years as they moved on. As Ben and Reed walked a bit ahead, Peter hung back and slowly placed a hand on Sues shoulder as they walked.
Sue looked surprised for a second at the contact and snapped her head in his direction. She had been so concentrated on Johnny that she didn't notice those around her for a few seconds. Seeing that it was Spider-Man that was holding her shoulder she calmed down.
She might not be able to see his face, but she could tell what he was doing. She gave a small nod as she let the repressed air out of her lungs; she didn't realize how tense her body had been. "It'll be ok." Peter's soft voice came through his mask producing even more calm as they walked steadily towards their destination.
Finally after a few minutes and not running into anyone else, thankfully, they finally arrived at their destination. The vibranium was on the other side of the door. Ben and Reed stopped waiting for Sue and Spider-Man to catch up. Just as Peter moved ahead Sue whispered to his back. "Thank you."
"No prob." Peter let out a small smile that no one could see as he reached the door. He gave Reed and Ben a look as they prepared themselves for anything behind the door.
# Mass Release 2
Just going to put it here so there is no confusion, NO SUE IS NOT GOING TO BE PART OF HAREM, unless i got past ultron. Which if I do, will be a long way off. So don't ask.
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