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89.41% The Six Guns: The Library / Chapter 75: Chapter Seventy-Five: Peace

Bab 75: Chapter Seventy-Five: Peace

 "Manage your positions." Max says over radio from Germany to the crew in Ireland. "Our tanks have already been rolled up to position. The rest is up to Doyle and Bachanan."

 "If I may." Siran suggests. "If anything goes down with my team in the middle of it, I want them immediately extracted until we can reconvene and make a full-scale attack. I'm aware of how dangerous those drones can be. With that in mind, we also have no idea how many more drones are going wild from within the UK. With there still being some unknown factors here, I'd rather not take any chances and bring my crew home safely."

 "And bring them home safely, we will." Max replies. "Trust me. Mister Kieran Doyle of the Irish Resistance Militia is a capable man. We are ready to take precautionary measures in case something goes wild, but trust in Mister Doyle. He can work something out here."

 "We're holding our positions now." Alex says back over the radio. "Most of the armored division moved ahead and we're trying to remain unseen as to not spark immediate conflict."

 "Good, good." Max replies. "For now, we pray and leave it up to Doyle."

 "Have a seat, Mister Kieran Doyle." Roger Bachanan says as Kieran enters a fancy looking conference room in Coleraine. "Thank you for making it out here."

 "I should be thanking you for finally answering our call for such an occasion." Kieran replies. "I trust there weren't many issues persisting in your travels?"

 "None." Roger replies as he reads through some documents on the table. "It seems you've made good on your word of ushering in a safe arrival. Tell me, what has you in such a rush that you'd offer a protected visit to the enemy?"

 "I'm hoping to not remain enemies, regardless of the current animosity." Kieran replies. "I believe both sides have suffered enough. Our people have made their voices heard, now I simply want to hear your answer to their voices. They're suffering and need this treaty to go through, lest we return to a state we both wish to avoid."

 "Ah, yes." Roger replies as he looks up from the documents, the terms of the treaty in his hands. "You see, despite the royal family's decisions, I do wish to avoid further bloodshed." To this, one of the Secret Service agents who came with Roger looked at Roger in shock. "My goals and views differ from theirs. I don't wish to keep sending my men here to die. It's rather hurt our country enough, having the recent attack from these mindless monsters been made public. But rest assured, measures are being taken for... accountability for recent issues. I see the terms in your treaty are rather direct as well as... short."

 "We simply want our land back for crops, and to lighten the barring of our purchasing of environmental magi-tech." Kieran replies.

 "Simple enough terms, if you ask me." Roger says as he signs the paper, then stands up to shake. The agent stands up in horror and angrily stomps out of the room. Roger lifts up the collar of his blazer jacket and whispers into a hidden microphone, then says "We'll have that taken care of. Now then, Mister Doyle, I'm glad we could end this conflict like gentlemen."

 "I couldn't agree more." Kieran says as he goes to shake his hand.

 A few moments later, Max contacts everyone over the radio and announces the results of the treaty meeting. "It's over." Max says. "The treaty has been signed. The U.K. will begin withdrawing from Ireland. Well done to everyone involved, the conflict has come to a peaceful resolution."

 "We... won?" Rose asks.

 "We didn't have to do anything this time." Haru says, relieved. "That's a nice change of pace."

 "No, you all didn't have to do anything this time." Vivi adds. "We've been busting our asses off for months with mission after mission!"

 "Look at the bright side." Ying adds. "It wasn't for nothing."

 As the crew in Ireland began to relax, relieved they weren't in for another big fight, they began to hear an approaching screeching sound. Suddenly, a British tank speeds into and rams some of the nearby German tanks, with crews in both tanks dying from the intense impact. "Hey! What the hell!?" Tanya asks as they all jump up in surprise. "I thought you said it was over, Max!"

 "It is over!" Max assures, now panicking. "At least, it should be!"

 "What the hell is happening over there?" Siran asks as he grabs another radio. "Holly, what's the situation?"

 "Someone just rammed a tank into another tank." Holly says. "We haven't been able to see who or why. Safe to assume the driver is dead."

 "Is that all that's happening?" Siran asks. 

 Suddenly, the sounds of gunshots can be heard as yelling slowly starts to pick up from behind them. "No, apparently it is not." Holly replies.

 "Did the British guy really just sign a treaty and call an attack?" Vivi asks.

 "Not likely." Max replies. "Doyle is still with Bachanan. There hasn't been any reports of something fishy coming from-"

 "Can you read me?" A sudden voice interrupts on the radio. "This is Kieran Doyle, can you read me?"

 Max was too weary to answer. He felt that if he answered, it would become clear that the Germans were behind helping the Irish. "I can read you." Siran says. "What's your status?"

 "I'm currently safe with Bachanan." Kieran replies. "We're halfway to Bachanan's exfil zone. I heard something was going on? Can someone fill me in?"

 "It appears some of the British began to attack from behind the lines." Siran replies.

 "We have visual contact." Haru adds over the radio. "It's more drones!"

 "Drones?" Siran asks.

 "Drones?" Kieran asks.

 "Who the hell brought drones!?" Another voice, Roger, calls over the radio.

 "Do you know anything about it?" Kieran asks. 

 "No, nothing at all." Roger replies. "I came here with just small security staff and... and a Secret Service agent who stormed off mid-signing! That must be it! He's a spy! He's trying to prevent the treaty from going through!"

 "How many drones are there?" Kieran asks.

 "Well, I'd love to tell you." Holly replies. "Let me try asking them nicely to line up for roll call."

 "Tch, dammit! Get out of there!" Siran yells over the radio."

 "I don't think we have much of a choice!" Ying replies as Siran hears fighting over the radio.

 "Shit shit shit shit shit!" Siran yells. "Max! Get them out of there!"

 "On it!" Max replies. "Vivi, I am sending additional armored caravan your direction. Can you hold out for five minutes?"

 "You mean I finally get to work the way I wanted to all along?" Vivi asks. "No problem."

 "Group B, rendezvous with Group A!" Siran calls out. "Help them get away! The main issue has already been resolved, we have no reason to stay here!"

 "As much as I'd like the help, I'd have to agree." Max says. "We can't make risks when there's no need. Chao, take your group and meet with Vivi's group. Prepare for extraction."

 Chao's group, consisting of Chao, Tanya, Blake, Finn and Rose immediately set out with an armored truck to go meet with Vivi, Alex, Ying, Holly, Haru, Mikoto and Satomi. By the time they arrived, they could see many drones running from many directions at Vivi and the others. "Speed up." Chao says as he stands in the back of the truck.

 "Hey! No!" Rose says as she suddenly becomes alarmed. "What are you planning?"

 "You got it." Tanya says with a smile as the truck accelerates.

 "She may hate me..." Chao says as he remembers Ying's face from when she was a young child. "But she's still my daughter!"

 "Wait!" Rose calls out, but it was too late. Chao had jumped out of the truck as it swerved to avoid hitting the wrong people and Chao was flung as he jumped at an incredible speed. Using nothing but a buff spell to resist the harsh landing, Chao grabs the back of the heads of two drones and drives them into the ground with the force from the truck. The ground beneath him sank just a little bit as a loud thud and muffled crack could be heard from the skulls of the drones. "That man is beyond insane!" Rose says.

 "I can't exactly blame him, what with having been locked away for so long..." Blake replies.

 "Well, I can." Finn says. Suddenly, the truck swings to the side as it comes to a screeching stop in front of Vivi's group. "Climb on!" Finn calls out.

 "There better be enough room in the back for all of us." Vivi complains as they get in.

 As they all get in, more drones rapidly close in on them to attack, before they all get away. Vivi and Ying prepare to fight them off as they're the last two to get on the truck, but then Chao leaps in and tackles them to the ground. Holding them down as they squirm under Chao's hands, Chao shouts "Go! Now!"

 "Wait, he's doing something crazy again!" Rose complains.

 "I'm not leaving you behind like that!" Tanya argues.

 "Get out of here!" Chao yells. "I'll keep them from chasing you!... It's the least I can do."

 Ying looks down, then turns to face Tanya through the back window of the truck, from the long bed of the truck. "Go. Get us out of here." She says calmly, yet sorrowfully. Ying then turns to face Chao, and speaks to him for the first time since he arrived in Germany. "You!" She says as she looks him in the eyes. "Come back alive, or I won't forgive you..." Chao responds by nodding his head, trying to hide his smile as they drive off.

 "How could we leave him behind like that!?" Rose panics. "Ying! What are you thinking?"

 Ying looks down, feeling guilty as Vivi says "Relax. He made his choice. Besides, that wasn't the look of a dead man. That was the look of a determined father. Which just means Ying's gotta be ready for when he comes back."

 "Yeah... he better come back." Ying quietly complains.

 "It would appear time can heal even curses..." Holly says to herself.

 "Hm?" Rose asks.

 "I didn't say anything." Holly says.

 Back in Antrim, the crew rests at the safehouse they had been staying at during their stay in Ireland in preparation for this treaty. The crew waits around nervously in the house, as Siran waits nervously to hear word about Chao's safe return. "Yeah... understood." Max says over the radio. Max looks over at Siran and says "Let's get your crew on the radio. It looks as if the conflict resided. The out of control drones have been taken care of."

 "Guys, we're bringing you back here to Germany soon." Siran says. "The drones have been dealt with and Bachanan has successfully returned to the U.K. with a signed copy of the Treaty. Mission complete. Any word from Chao yet?"

 "No, not yet." Holly says.

 "Should he have come back by now?" Rose asks.

 Just as the crew began to talk about whether or not they should go search for Chao, they heard a banging on the door. Ying was the first to walk up to the door to answer it and found Chao covered in injuries, with some of his own blood on him and some of the blood from the drones. But aside from that, he was still standing and didn't seem critically injured in any way. "Just like I promised..." He says, exhausted. "I came back." Suddenly, Chao collapsed from exhaustion and fell into Ying's arms. A few others rushed to help Ying, but stopped after Ying caught Chao and asked if he was okay.

 "Don't worry." Ying says as she carries him. "He's fine. He made it..."

 "We have Chao now." Holly reports as Ying drags him onto a nearby couch and lays him down carefully.

 "Great news." Siran replies. "We'll have you all return here tonight. Soon after, we'll be heading back to Omnia."

 The next day, Chao wakes up in a medical room in the barracks back in Germany. Next to him was Ying, who fell asleep by his bedside and a plate with a recently peeled apple. Chao raised him hand to gently pat Ying's head but froze as he remembers the harsh words Ying said to him when he first saw her. After a moment of freezing, he gently places his hand down on top of her head anyways and Ying lightly jolts awake. "Sorry, I didn't mean to wake you..." Chao says, pulling his hand back."

 "Good, you're awake, finally." Ying says as she wakes up. "I'll consider us even then, for helping us back there."

 Ying suddenly stands up and prepares to leave the room, when suddenly, Chao grabbed her hand and she stopped moving. "Thank you." He says.

 "I don't know what you're thanking me for..." Ying says, without looking back at him.

 Chao thinks for a moment, then says "You really are just like your mother." Ying froze, then Chao says after a long silence. "You know I miss her too. What happened back then... it was my fault. If I could take it all back, I would. If not for her... for you. I just... wanted you to know that." Ying yanks her hand out of Chao's grip and opens the door. "Can you please forgive me, Ying?"

 Ying freezes, her body halfway through the door, then says "Slowly." Chao looks up at Ying as she slowly turns to look him in the eyes, her eyes a little swollen. "Slowly, but surely... if not for you, then for mom." After Ying gently closes the door behind her, a light smile formed on Chao's face as a single tear ran down his cheeks from a sudden burst of pride and happiness made him too emotional even for him to control. As Ying enters the meeting room with the rest of the crew, plus Max, she yawns and rubs her eyes a little. "So, are we going home today?"

 "This evening." Max replies. "Before we send you all off, I feel I should personally thank you. Especially the three of you, Ying, Vivi and Alex. Your presence has been an immense service in our efforts here. Additionally, I should mention, we received news of the resolution of the conflict. The drone situation was fully taken care of, as well as Agent Cameron Baker was found and arrested, who is believed to be responsible for the drone attack following the signing of the treaty. He will be held in martial court in the U.K. and trialed there."

 "Any idea why that happened?" Alex asks.

 "That may have something to do with the next set of news I have received." Max replies. "I got word from Doyle, the agent in question stormed off in opposition to the signing of the treaty. It seemed there was mention of the treaty not somehow aligning with the wishes of the Royal Family, but Bachanan signed it anyways without much push back at all. It would seem there is, or rather was, some sort of division within. I say was, because we also received word that the Royal Family was found dead this morning. all of them. It has been made clear it was an assassination. Somehow through all of this, Roger Bachanan holds his position as Secretary of Defense."

 "So, he was acting on his own because they planned on taking over the U.K.?" Siran asks. "I can't believe something this big was being planned under our noses."

 "It's not hard to think that something big would happen without anyone knowing." Max says. "After all, the only things in their media these days is drones this or Ireland that. With that in mind, it would be easy to miss something happening right as everyone's attention is drawn to something that isn't directly affecting them back at home. Likely, he's aligned with an internal faction that has some sway over the government. The rest is mere speculation, of course. This is where our data ends. But that is no longer our conflict. I'd rather not pry where we are not needed. We have done enough."

 "I... guess that's true... for now." Siran says. "But I get the feeling this will bite us in the ass one day." 

 "Then it'll have to wait for that one day, now won't it?" Vivi asks.

 "I agree." Holly adds. "We really should be heading home."

 "Yeah... yeah, you're right." Siran replies, hesitantly.

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