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3.27% Age of Adventure / Chapter 12: ULTIMATUM




The Trethelm Lake is like always an idyllic place, full of beautiful plants. The air around the lake is refreshing.

On the trees, birds would sing the song of the forest, beautiful and enchanting.

The lake is a good fishing spot. But it used to be only two people fishing around here. That would be the Sage and his disciple.

But today, there is a lot of people around the lake, being boisterous and laughing.

While it is noisy instead of disturbing the peaceful lake, it added life into this forest. For this forest have so long last heard no laughter.

It has been a week since the King exiled himself to Trethelm Lake. Dan and his party are sipping tea lounging around the lake while fishing.

In the bucket there is a lot of fish trying to jump out from it.

They left their fishing rod while they relaxingly sipping their tea without a care in the world.

It was a pleasurable and idle life, unexpected for a bunch of exiled convoy

The only one not here to enjoy this idle life is Sarah. She was ordered to do some reconnaissance work by Aero.

Sarah was happy to contribute something to the group as she was not the strongest and she felt like she did not contribute much to the group.

Aero on the other hand did not waste his time and doing nothing. Betting his life in this gamble, he of course could not sit around doing nothing.

In this past week he raised his strength stats and endurance. By fighting the monster around the forest and raiding any small caves inside the forest.

He did it alone to maximize his EXP gains.

If that is not enough Aero also makes all the dinner and repairs the party equipment when Dan party went hunting to further improve his proficiency in the related skills.

He also read all the books in the Sage house to raise his intellect which in turn help him raise his proficiencies faster.

Almost all of production type skill that Aero have almost reached Advanced.

This was Aero being anxious. An anxiousness and nervousness he could not people catch on.

Aero once tell Dan his stats, but Dan could not believe it. In a way, Aero was trying to brag and ease the tension. Though he was quite miffed that Dan did not trust him.

Aero told Dan that stat doesn't reflect your level. Levels up will only increase your health and mana. Sometimes it helps in acquiring stats.

But if you use your own experience and method you can get stats without using the traditional way.

Aero found this out, when he was trying to raise the attack stat. Practicing on monster is good but then he started practicing with rocks.

First, small rock.

Then medium rock. Then a large rock. Considering that Aero sword durability is unknown it didn't break.

It gives Aero fatigue faster but it increase Aero stats faster. While Dan was thinking about this, Aero yelled.

And then he moved to trees. Aero notices that doing that kind of training it also increases his proficiency.

'Swing your sword to a tree a thousand times, then you will understand' he said to Dan. Aero swing is fast, lethal and precise.

Aero was also present in the lake. He was lazing around in a wooden chair. Sipping tea, he pondered on certain matter.

The fishes on the lakes sometimes jump out from the water.

The water droplets fall down onto the lake and ripples forms. A small ripples that ripples endlessly before dissipating.

The bird sings the song of the forest in the distance. The winds blows and the leaves sway before falling down helplessly.

Aero soaks all of this up. He smiles and thinks to himself, his hand reaching his pocket, holding a piece of paper..

'I should no longer hesitate.' Then determination blazing in his eyes, he shouted to Marco who is protecting the King, standing beside the Majesty.

"It is time! Marco, come here!'

Marco was startled but he approach Aero.

'Order someone to write a letter like this and can you write me a letter and hire a crier to give the news?" Aero said as he handed that piece of paper.

Marco grumbled but he followed Aero orders without failed.

"Yes, I can" he said as brought over the pen. Aero was shocked that Marco would write it himself.

On the other hand Marco thought to himself. How could this young person think we can waste money to hire more people?

The gold will not reproduce like rabbits. Aero not knowing Marco thought think this general is quite efficient.

Aero went to his wooden table that he set outside and began writing onto the paper, another set of instructions.

After finishing the letter he whisper something into Marco ears and Marco nodded before he went to the stable. Then he rides the horse and went out from the Lake.

Dan seeing Marco rushing to the stables approached Aero.

'What did you ask him to do?' Dan asked. Aero just smiles and whistles in happiness.

'Something interesting' Aero replies as he went back to his chair and sipping his tea, looking at the birds, at the fish and the forest.

Dan just shakes his head in frustration

'Ok. Keep your secret. Hmph' Dan said as he roll his eyes back before he went back to the lake to continue fishing.

Aero looks at the lake and said to himself

'This people are fishing for fish. I am fishing for something else. I just need someone to bite the bait'




The letter that Aero gives to Marco will set off a great storm in Vanheim.

And it begins here in the city squire of the Capital.

A crier stand tall in the center square loudly announcing something.

"This is the letter from the Royal Highness, Protector of This Kingdom, and King of Vanheim, Duke of Vanheim and Sovereign of its People King George Vermont Vanheim.'

The crier announced loudly so everyone could hear it. Standing on a large and tall podium his word echoes across the main square.

The peasant went out from their homes, the merchant stopped what they were doing and people that went visiting also strain their ears.

The players also pay rapt attention thinking there might be a kingdom quest that is about to be given out.

Even the players strain their ears to listen.

After looking that the crowd has paid attention to what he was about to say the crier then clear his throats and continues with his loud voice.

'I no longer could bear the noble's betrayal. They have exhausted and weakened me in body and soul. They did not care about the Kingdom and its people will. All they care about is their own self-interest. And it is because of that I intend to abdicate from the throne of Vanheim once and for all."

The crier repeats the content of the letter until evening. Read aloud in public places all over the kingdom, the effect was startling.

The common people after hearing the announcement were angry. But interestingly their anger is not directed at the King but at the nobles of the Kingdom.

Because while the announcement of the King letter was also announced, in the same day there are also other criers that announce the threats looming around the Kingdom.

The Orcs invasion, Vetten arming their soldiers and covetous eyes of other nations that shares it borders with Vanheim.

In their minds their King that protected them from the threats of other Kingdom covetous eyes were weakened by the noble's greedy nature.

King George was brought down because he was noble in action and will.

As the peasant usually suffers from noble's mistreatment they could sympathize with the King.

In normal days they would not have the guts to be angry at nobles. But bandits wreak havoc every day, pillaging and marauding up and down the Kingdom like they own the kingdom.

At the borders other kingdoms armies are looking over with desire clearly expressed in their gaze while the Orc attacks are getting severe in the north.

The world is in chaos, the people are oppressed and life is hard. People in the Kingdom of Vanheim are getting desperate.

There is no greater elixir of courage than desperation. Desperation could force people to be brave.

And they are desperate.

This desperation turns to anger. And that anger was directed at the nobles that forced their King, who in their mind is their protector, to abdicate.

To them, this is the nobles fault. It is their greed that caused the Kingdom peaceful life to be broken.

The people of the Kingdom want back their King to return to the Palace and continue protecting them like in the past

No one sees this at the time…but it was like there is a dark hand guiding everything into place.

The peasants band together and started to march to the high walls of the nobles houses and riot against the nobles.

Villages rises up, with farmer s holding pitchforks, hoe, and any sharp things they could find storms the high halls of the nobles.

People dies. The private army also dies. But the villages that rise up were numerous and the private army also have a limit.

Especially for small time nobles around the kingdom.

Large Mansions and beautiful houses were burned that day, black suffocating smokes rises up to the skies coloring the skyscape black.

The riot of the peasant that almost turned into a fill blown rebellion claimed hundreds of lives, nobles dragged out from their homes and lynched by the mob of unsatisfied peasants.

Some of the nobles household were hanged, their head were stuck into a pike.

Noble ladies were raped while their children were slaughtered.

And the peasant danced among the fires of broken homes and the high halls of the nobles, spinning and spinning until their sorrow and pain disappeared.

And then they marched again.

Aero of course has predicted this tragedy and still he persist in his strategy. Hearing what happens did not fill him with joy but it was necessary to make sure his plans work.

In a way it is an unintended consequence of his plan.

Aero might have halted his studies but like his mother, he is smart in many ways especially the way he dealt with people.

Now, he has a stage to shine to use his knowledge.

The players also in a dilemma when the riots first started.

They didn't know what to do in this period of confusion. Some joined the riots only to found out later their infamy became really high.

Many players didn't like this riots and hoped it would stop at some point. Many NPCs that were quest giver were killed either by bandits or by Red Players.

In just a week, all the nobles houses started getting scared for their lives and their properties.

Even their private armies were shaken and some were even outright revolting as they saw opportunity to make a name for themselves.

And there is also the fact that the other Kingdoms are showing signs to invade. And then nobles also saw this matter clearly with their eyes.

And they know they could not rely on their private armies.

They might be a private army but even they are afraid of organized armies of other Kingdoms.

The reasons why Vanheim was strong was that in times of crisis they unite together.

The poor and peasants always unite, it is the nobles that bicker and scheme to divide the poor and making them unable to strike them.

The private armies of the nobles might be following orders but they also have flesh and blood.

They have families living all over Vanheim.

The only reasons they entered the private services of noble is because they wanted to provide a good life for their families.

If that could not be guaranteed why would they serve their lord wholeheartedly? Even the nobles sees this.

The will of the people are against them right now.

They could no longer ignore the abdication of their King.

How ironic that the King has abdicated but they found themselves suddenly defenseless with the entire world seems to want to target them.

All their plans to gobble up the kingdom halted with the insurrection of peasant and independent militant popping up bearing the banner to restore the rightful king to the throne.

This is total anarchy. And in such anarchy and chaos, who would dare to took the crown and sit himself on the throne?


Inside a candle lighted room, a gathering of people spoke to each other, debating against each other and even hurl insult at each other.

After a few hours of customary bickering they finally calmed down and began to tackle the most important issues right now.

The reasons why they are meeting today far away from the Palace is none other because of the abdication of the King..

The abdication of King George and the solution to the anarchy that has taken place in his absence.

"What should we do?" asked Duke Derka, an old man with long white flowing white beard and some bald spot on his head.

His physique look saggy and weak.

He looked towards the man opposite him a middle aged men with protruding belly and a chubby rosy face.

"How should I know?" reply Count Dritri.

There was silent for a while as the people sitting around this table is thinking many things.

They could not have imagined that the abdication of the King do not bring they any benefit instead bringing them many problems instead.

"How about this? Tomorrow, we gathered representatives from the nobles, the temples and the people to persuade King George to return to the throne. This will appease the people and we could win back the will of the people. People are like pigs. They easily forgets."

Offer a young man under a hood.

The nobles listen and they agreed. To them, the peasants and the people are simple people.

Give them something to eat they will shut up. If they are unhappy, held a fair of a festival and they will forget their hardship.

At least this is the viewpoints of the nobles.

Peasants are idiots and uncultured.

They agree silently with the young man under the hood.

This meeting was held because of the growing concern of their safety.

They invited all the nobles and anyone who could give them an idea on how to solve this crisis.

The fact that the young man was in disguises and wearing a hood to conceal his identity is not weird.

Almost everyone, low nobles and low lords conceal their faces in fear of being recognized and to avoid the low lords fears to speak their thought in front of the higher ranked lords in this meeting

They liked the idea that the young man suggest. After a round of discussion they all agreed to do that.

That night they sent pigeons and messenger to the Temples of the Seven Gods, pick a noble to represents them and contact a People representative to represent the people will.

Because of the importance of the matter by the sun was about to dawn, the people from each faction has already assembled in front of the palace.

Bringing the hopes and prayers for a peaceful and favorable resolution they ride the carriage to the Trethelm Lake.

The commotion and the fanfare that resulted in this grand procession alerted the civilians and the players who were nearby.

They spread the news and soon enough more people come to see the procession.

All the players who see this procession realize this must be about the King crisis.

They knew something big is happening.

'What the hell will happen today?' Ask one player as he follows the grand procession from behind.

The players then inform this to other players and soon enough about four thousand players were following the procession from behind as they tried to get to know the representatives from the three factions.

Finally after a few hours and an uncomfortable ride on the swamp area they all reached Trethelm Lake.

The players were also anxious as they look on in anticipation of what is about to happen next.

The representatives sent a crier to announce to the Sage to inform him that they are coming here to meet the King and talk to him

An elf welcomed the crier as the crier announced the representative intentions and names. For a while there is silence when suddenly booming voice spoke

'I will talk. Wait'

The representatives heaved their breath in relief as they wait outside for the King.

A few hours later, the crier announced the King arrival as the door opens and the King went outside the white manor.

The players was awed looking at the King of Vanheim.

He look like a picture of the warriors of ancient time with sturdy physique and having a sword sheath strapped on his left hip like a debonair and carefree hero.

But then their shocked multiplied.

'Look, at the person beside the King!' one player shouted out

The King came out accompanied by a player.

Wearing a white robe and a shining red sword attached at his left hip while fanning his face with a fan, the players finally met the rumored strategist of King George.



"Your Highness, did you hear? The nobles are sending a delegation to invite you to return to your throne."

Arcturus exclaimed in a happy tone that he almost jumped in excitement. The King was equally surprised.

He took a glance at Aero.

Truly, this Aero is no ordinary adventurer.

Nicolas judgment was not wrong. To think he could predicted this far. By announcing my abdication and the reason for it, I have gained the people support.

The will of the people went to him and with it he gained power

But what is more amazing is that this adventurer named Aero already knew that there will be anarchy.

Now the nobles that threatened him before are running scared, hiding in their homes.

Even his general who initially disapproves of my trust to Aero has had a change of heart.

Aero looked at the King smiling when Aero decided he needs to rein the happiness of the King before he did something he regrets in a moment of weakness.

So, he approached the King and said

"Your Grace, when they offer you the throne, remember what I said, do not take it. Give them an ultimatum. Either grants you absolute power to govern as you please without the interference of the nobles or find a new King."

Aero said.

The King face turns determined and he nodded. He would not be an idiot that is consumed by happiness and forgets the grand plan and scheme of his strategist.

By now The King has already regarded Aero as his people.

Aero knows what the King is thinking but he pays the King no mine. He is no one people. He is his own people.

He returned to his seat. Then slowly he sipped his tea while whistling a tune.


It was not going as the nobles thought it would be. They thought the King would easily accede to the request.

But instead, they find that King George is really adamant and determined not to enter the Palace.

For three days, the King listen to the pleas of the representatives feigning interest and shows response but his answer to the question asking him to return was always the same.

No. A resounding no

With each day passing in the Kingdom with no King on the throne the Kingdom is slowly descending into a state of anarchy.

And that increases the pressure on the backs of the representatives which become heavier as each day passes.

The already stabilized situation has shown itself to be slowly unraveling and is ready to be to explode.

And the explosion would not be good to the nobles houses and the Kingdom in general.

It wasn't until the third day, where the representatives were practically begging the King with tears and wails that the King offered his subject an ultimatum.

"Give me absolute power in the court and I will return. If not forget about it and let me live my life in peace'

The nobles hesitated for a moment but then thinking about what will happen to them and the spiraling environment t of the Capital, they chose something that they would regret in the near future.

Faced with a choice of anarchy or despotic power, they opted for a strong King, calling for King George return to the throne.

The moment this news were spread out to the Kingdom, the common people cheered while the Temples send prayers to the Gods.

The nobbles all have a sullen face and vow to maintain this kind of power for only a few months before restoring back the status quo.

They decided to appease the people and revert back to their old ways after the situation has been stabilized.

When this spread out to the players, they have a different reaction.

"This is his strategy, right?"

"Clearly. NPCs don't have that kind of intelligence."

"He's a terrifying man. To turn a country into anarchy in only a week."

"He's just one man"

"I like his style."

"He's one to lookout for "says a rugged warrior.

Sarah who is in the background is listening to all the praise and critic directed at Aero. Many players are happy because it seems that peace has returned.

But Sarah know it's not over yet.

Aero had told her that one week ago.

Two weeks from now, war is coming. And that war will change this continent.

Aero said if he plays his card right, he would be able to gain the most influence in the shortest time possible.

Aero has found the good thing about being a strategist and he intend to use that advantages to quickly become stronger and stand shoulder to shoulder with the great figures in Brave World.

And with that he will get sponsorship deals of commercial video ad if he becomes a famous player.

To become famous you must be strong or have something unique about you. So, the determination to become strong is engraved inside Aero bones.

Sarah was curios of the real life Aero.

She wondered how he would look like.

War will come and Aero would be there to stop it.


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