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52% Reincarnate Into High School DxD / Chapter 11: Chapter 10 - Vice

Bab 11: Chapter 10 - Vice

(Authors Note - I started writing this after I got back from my vacation. Though I only wrote a few hundred words the day after I got back due to the headache that's killing my head. I also only wrote like 400 words and then I picked up on July 1st again as it was the first day off work since I got back from college where I wasn't busy doing stuff with the family all day long.)

There was a sudden knock on the door while Angus was mulling over the details of his previous trials in front of his experimental result journal.

(Koneko) - "We found it. It's currently at the abandoned warehouse in town. I will go ahead of you. Buccho is still waiting for me."

(Angus) - "Alright, thank you, Koneko."

(Koneko) - "Excuse me then."

With that Koneko left Angus behind and teleported over to Rias. While Angus quickly traveled over to them. While traveling, however, a thought came to Angus' mind.

(Angus) - "I currently can't use my ultimate attacks as my shadow magic proficiency is so low... Perhaps I need to experiment with shadow magic one day to increase it to the next level. Every 5 percent proficiency left is an ultimate move with the last one being a move that would definitely break the balance of powers in this world. I must reach that before the fight against TriHexa begins. Otherwise winning will take a while."

After speaking Angus spoke his thoughts out loud while moving towards the location of the Stray Devil. Upon arriving Angus greeted everyone while heading staying at the back to watch. However, before that Angus decided to give a little help to Koneko as upon seeing the building he remembered that in the fight her clothes were partially damaged.

(Angus) - "Hey, Koneko. Can you come here for a second?"

With the prompt from Angus, Koneko came over to him.

(Koneko) - "What do you need? Bucho is ready to go in already."

(Angus) - "It's nothing much. Just let me enchant your clothes to make it more durable. I fear that as a close combatant and as a female you might get leered at if your clothes got damaged in battle."

(Koneko) - "Okay. If it won't take long then."

(Angus) - "<Shadow Defense> There we go. Your clothes shouldn't be easily ripped or damaged now."

(Author's Note - There's like a wide variety of uses of shadow magic that I still haven't revealed yet. For those curious, the magic he has revealed so far are mostly the basic shadow magic. Only <Shadow Gate> from when he stored his mother's body was a high-level move. Moves like the <Traveling Shadow>, <Shadow Sword>, <Shadow Weapon>, <Shadow Shield>, and <Shadow Force> are all the five beginning level shadow magic moves. While Angus has 81% shadow magic proficiency he has obtained. With each 5% gaining another magic skill.)

(Koneko) - "Un. Thank you, Angus-san."

(Angus) - "It's not a problem."

(Rias) - "Now that everyone is here and ready, let's hunt the Stray!"

(Everyone but Angus) - "Oh!/Oh."

Ignoring the banter between Issei and Kiba, Angus head in last behind the group in order to watch them and while mumbling away theories of about the current world.

(Angus) - ... Hmm... Is it possible that this world's demon race ... are they actually more susceptible to diseases or demonic diseases ...?... I mean that could why as far as I know there are none of the old war's devil clan heads anymore... It would also explain why many of the angels, Grigori, and the Gods are still alive but they aren't... but, why would that be the case...? Is it a curse from the biblical god...? No, that shouldn't be possible... he didn't have a chance to do so when he died... There was no magic used at the end either...

(Author's Note - This is where I picked up on. P.S. I'm having a headache and it's been a while since I've had time to write until now as my cousins finally left to return back to their house.)

(Rias) - "Issei."

(Issei) - "Y-Yes, Bucho?"

(Rias) - "Do you know about chess?"

(Issei) - "Chess? Do you mean the board game?"

(Rias) - "Like a master, I am the king. Additionally, there is a queen, the knights, the rooks, the bishops, the pawns. A special devil can give special powers to their various pieces."

(Issei) - "Special Powers?"

(Rias) - "We call this technique 'evil piece'."

(Issei) - "Why do you do that?"

(Rias) - "Anyway, tonight, take a close look at how devils fight."

(Issei) - "O-Okay."

(Koneko) - "It's here."

(Vise) - "I smell something foul- but, I also smell something delicious. Are you sweet? Or are you bitter?"

(Issei) - "O-Oppai!"

(Rias) - "Stray Devil, Vice. You have abandoned your master, and you have let your powers run rampant. You will face punishment for your sins. In the name of the Gremory Nobility- I will destroy you!"

(Vice) - "Oh, what an impudent little brat you are. Shall I dye you all in a bright red, just like that hair of yours?"

Finishing her line Vice who was partially hidden in the shadow with only her large upper half appear suddenly started grabbing and massaging her breasts in front of everyone.

(Rias) - "That is the line of a desperate small fry."

(Issei) - "S-So this is a Stray Devil? ... Shell just looks like a slutty exhibitionist to me."

Finishing his words Viser stepped out of the shadows that covered her lower half revealing a leg that looked similar to an arm with sharp nails. and a lower half similar to that of a human looking chimera.

(Issei) - "Wha!?"

(Kiba) - "Didn't I tell you? Her body and heart are both a monster."

(IsseI) - "But her oppai are so nice... What a waste!"

Suddenly a red magic circle formed around the pair of nipples on her breasts as she was massaging them. As the magic circle continued to spin her nipples suddenly turned long and erect as she prepared to attack using them.

(Issei) - "Isn't that a magic circle!?"

(Vice) - "Hahahaha!"

Vice launched lasers from her large erect nipples where the magic circles were focused on causing Issei to be stunned while Konkeo dodged to the side and Rias turned around and grabbed Issei on the go. While Angus who was nearby just disappeared into the shadows completely avoiding the lasers without much effort by melding his body into the darkness. When Issei turned around to look to see all he saw was parts of the lasers melt part of the wall nearly all of the way through.

(Issei) - "Okay, yeah, she is definitely a monster."

(Rias) - "Don't let your guard down. Yuuto!"

Rias called Kiba who then accelerated while holding his sword that was on his waist.

(Issei) - "He disappeared!?"

(Rias) - "He's too fast for you to see him. Yuuto's position is a knight. His specialty is speed. While his weapon is the sword."

While Rias explained to Issei, Kiba had already sped up to Vice and sliced off her two large arms leaving her blood squirting everywhere.


While Vice was screaming Issei noticed Koneko walking up to Vice.

(Issei) - "Watch out, Koneko-chan!"

(Vice) - "NN!! AAHHHH!! ARH!!"

Stretching her lowers body open a mouth appeared there and bite at Koneko.

(Issei) - "Ah!"

(Rias) - "Don't worry."

(Issei) - "Huh?"

(Vice) - "Hehehe. HEHEHE!"

(Angus) - "If anything happens to her this bitch is going to have a rough death ..."

Angus continued to mumble away threats softly watching this happen. However, as if to prove as if he had nothing to worry about Koneko appeared by forcibly stretching Vice's mouth where her lower body was.

(Issei) - "Ah!"

(Rias) - "Koneko is a rook. Her specialty is simple, she can defend against attacks. See? She's not even flinching."

Unlike in the anime due to Angus' magic protecting her clothes she was now standing there with damaged clothes revealing her bra and panties.

(Koneko) - "Fly away."

With a punch, Koneko destroyed Vice's teeth that were trying to restrain her.

(Vice) - "AARRRHHH!!"

With that punch, Vice was sent through a pillar in the building, destroying the pillar that Vice crashed into.

(Angus) - ... Weak... No potential... Ugly... Creepy... No point in taking Vice under me it seems...

(Issei) - "Koneko-chan is someone I think I'll leave alone..."

(Rias) - "Akeno!"

(Akeno) - "Yes, Bucho?" Ara, ara. Whatever should I do, I wonder? Hm hm hm."

Issei noticing something move in the corner of his eye quickly realized Rias was in danger and called out to her.

(Issei) - "Bucho! Sacred Gear!"

Summoning his gear Issei punched Vice's arm away.

(Angus) - "... Issei can currently barely be considered a low-class devil without powering up... Being able to punch away an arm unpowered up... Seems that Vice is truly weak..."

(Rias) - "Th-Thanks."

(Issei) - "Oh, it was nothing." Was what he said scratching the back of his head seemingly embarrassed. "I guess my arm moved on its own. Ah hehe. Huh?"

(Rias) - Akeno, finish her off."

(Akeno) - Those who try to lay their hands on my Buccho. Will be punished!"

(Rias) - "She is my queen. She is my invincible vice-president with powers unmatched by the rest of the pieces."

(Vice) - "Uhh..."

(Akeno) - "Ara ara, you still look alive. Then, how about this!?"

(Rias) - "Using magic powers is her specialty. And on top of that, she is-"

(Akeno) - "Ara ara. You still look quite alive."

Angus noticed that Akeno licked her lips also as if in a state of extasy.

(Rias) - "She is a supreme- sadist."

(Vice) - "ARRGGHHH!!"

(Akeno) - "I wonder how much you can take! Hahaha!"

(Issei) - "She's laughing..."

(Rias) - "That will do Akeno."

(Akeno) - "It's over already?" Turning around with a slight blush and an extremely happy expression Akeno said. "Oh, what a pity. Hm hm hm!"

Rias slowly walked up to Vice.

(Rias) - "Do you have any last words?"

(Vice) - "You bitch-"

(Rias) - "Oh? In that case, time to be extinguished. Checkmate."

Launching her clan's unique ability of destruction on Vice, Rias completely destroyed Vice's body leaving nothing behind, not even a speck of blood.

(Rias) - "It's over now. So- Time to go home."

(Everyone but Angus and Issei) - "Yes, Bucho."

(Issei) - "Um, Bucho!"

(Rias) - "What?"

(Issei) - "So what am I? What piece am I? What is Angus-san? What piece is Angus-san?"

Angus hearing his name in Issei's question appeared out of the shadows behind him to answer Issei's question about himself.

(Angus) - "I'm not part of her group. I just happened to meet her shortly before you do. I just came for- my own- personal reasons."

(Issei) - "Wha- Ahh! You scared me Angus-san."

(Rias) - "Angus-san is right. And Issei- your piece is a pawn."

(Issei) - "A pawn- you mean."

(Rias) - "That's right. Issei, you are a soldier."

(Issei) - "A soldier? You mean the one closest to the fucking front line!?"

(Angus) - "Hahaha... you're worth more than eight pieces if we really consider your potential though... though you won't know that for some time yet of course... new host to the Longinus arm that holds the Red Dragon Ddraig..."

After this everyone went their own separate ways. Issei was the only one who had to go do a devil contract job for his work experience as a low-class devil currently. Rias, Akeno, Koneko, and Kiba all went back to the Occult Research Club's building. Meanwhile, Angus despite knowing what would happen during Issei's devil contract job today still decided to let things play its course. Thus, Angus decided to leave them alone and go fine Sona to find out if she is back from the underworld yet with her family's response to his reappearance.

(Angus) - "I'm still a ways away from the school but it's no matter right now. Not much later Rias, Akeno, Koneko, and Kiba will have to go save the kid. Then, later on, I will have the time to take those Fallen Angels under me. The three females should have some potential, unlike the male Fallen Angel. That is clearly discernable by their visible age. The male already is more than 60% through his life span and is still only at 1-pair of wings. Little potential, little room for growth, and not as ascetically pleasing to have around as girls are. Meanwhile, the three females are at least physically appear young. They still have possible room for growth. With the powers from my super pieces, they will be able to have 4-pair of wings. That means they will be in the same class as Kokabiel.

Angus continued to mumble as he walked along thinking about his plans, after all, wanted to take the three female Fallen Angels in the town's church under him as his pawns and make the male Fallen Angel a shadow body after killing him off. That way even if he is weak and has no potential he can still forcibly promote him through using it to kill to forcibly promote it to a 2-pair at the least. As Angus was lost in thoughts, he arrived at the school and headed to the student council office where Sona and her peerage usually reside at during and after school hours.


(Author's Note - Hey, I just wanted to apologize for the late chapter... I feel bad about it I really do... I just can't help that my life is getting in the way of my hobbies. Also, I hate those kids I swear... They made me drink a bottle of Magnesium Citrate and cause me to have diarrhea all day the second to last day they were here. I was forced to stay home and be stuck on the toilet cause I had to run back to it every damned 15 minutes! I couldn't even afford to leave the house that day!)

Raikou1688 Raikou1688

Anyways, thanks for being patient with me... I have recently found a site that has the dxd light novel for free to read. So I will be using that to try instead of using the anime after I am done with the first arc. A.K.A. when the riser part ends.

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