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45.71% Blood & Juniper (A Vampire Tale) / Chapter 48: Twin Vision (Part 1)

Bab 48: Twin Vision (Part 1)

Accounts of Ashlen. October 2017.

"Bets," Sam mutters in a displeased tone.

Game of chance? Sure, I'll play, "We're gambling? What are we betting… Oh."

A gorgeous redhead appears behind Sam seemingly from nowhere. She eyes him like an owl spotting a rodent in a wheatfield. I don't like the vibes I'm getting from this woman and I don't like her standing so close to Sa… Hey! What the hell!

I'm out of my seat without thinking, nearly snarling but catch myself just in time. She's got her boobs mushed up against his shoulder blades and has her slimy hands all over him. Who the hell is this!

Woah, what the? Why am I getting so worked up? Sam's a big man, he can take care of himself. I take my eyes off the contemptible woman to sneak a glance at Sam.

What if this is an excessively cuddly friend of his? I swallow, what if it's more than that?

To my relief, he doesn't seem to like it at all, he looks very uncomfortable. 'Nice, Ash. Take comfort in his misery, real nice.' Actually he looks about as irritated and pissed as I am. Why *am* I so pissed off? It's not like Sam and I are a thing… I don't even know if he feels that way about me... Argh! Never mind! Who is this woman!

Her seductive words make my stomach curl, "It's been a long time, Sam."

She gets even closer, her lips are touching his ear. My blood is starting to boil. I have to talk myself down from throwing her off of him as more disgusting words slither from her full lips, "Did you miss me, mi amor?"

I think I hate this skank. 'Classy, Ash.''Well I didn't say it out loud.'

Sam's eyes narrow into slits, glaring hard at the wall in front like he wants to shank it.

He's completely still except for his arm which move to pluck her off, "Enough, Betsy."

"Ugh. Well, aren't you crabby as usual," she rolls her eyes removing herself completely. 'Good, back away, woman.'

Sam turns to face her in an accusing tone, "Why are you here? I thought you left the state a while back."

"Is that anyway to greet a lover?" her scarlet mouth spreads wide, "You can be so cold."

A lover? I feel very cold suddenly. No, Sam said he wasn't romantically involved currently and I believe him. A past lover, maybe? Like an ex... Oh Sam, you poor thing. Is this your ex?

I turn back to the redhead with a start. Her upturned eyes are stabbing into mine. Two hard amethyst crystals cutting in.

"Oh?" the single scaly sound causes a shiver. Her pointed fangs pull over those insidious lips, "Who's this, a girlfriend?"

She's fast. A swirl of crimson, purple twinkling, coming for me in a blur. It's like her disembodied head is soaring straight for mine. Those wicked teeth!

My hands raises to defend and my toes curl in my boots. Something shoots out, cutting me off from the charging woman like a sliding door. Leather. Sam blocks her. A fierce gust of wind whips around like someone just opened a window during a storm.

A slutty, "Oooh," grates on me and for some unknown reason I reach for Sam to ease the tension. His leather jacket is soothing to the touch. I'm able to better ignore the next slur of lewdness, "I like it when you're rough with me."

Sam growls, "What do you want."

"I've heard rumors, Sam. You've been getting into trouble, haven't you? I have some information you might want to hear."

I listen intently but focus on the feel of Sam's shoulder beneath my palm. It's keeping me level.

I can hear Sam's aggravation, almost feel it. He snaps, "Then spit it out."

"Not here, in private."

"No, whatever you have to say just say it."

"Fine, fine, If you don't care that they hear about it all the inappropriate details."

Sam makes a click with his tongue. She can do this all night. This Betsy woman isn't going to leave until she gets her way.

"Look, it really is important. It will only take a second," she makes it sound like she's entitled to his time.

"You're going to have to wait, I'm in the middle of something-"

"Sam," I interrupt, this is going nowhere and he didn't outright reject her allegedly crucial information. It might be less complicated for him if I'm not around while they chat.

"I'll be fine for ten minutes. Go do what you need to do," I insist, trying to be mature and masking how much I hate the idea of him going alone with this woman.

"No, I'm not going to leave you by yourself."

I'm kind of glad he's fighting me on it, but then that stupid Betsy has to ruin it by adding, "She's not a kid, Sam. She doesn't need your supervision."

I clamp down on my teeth. Sam glares over his shoulder until she gets the sense to buzz off. Overbearing as hell.

"So, is *that* your ex?" I try to tease quietly. I hope it came out that way and not preachy or accusing.

He takes an exasperated breath, "Unfortunately."

"Yikes," There's not much more I can say. I don't envy him.

He wearily nods in agreement. 'Just make it easy for him, Ash.'

"Better get her out of your hair, she seems very persistent," I swallow down the fire rising in my throat, "I'll survive for a little while with Nancy."

I'm kind of touched that he's not jumping at the idea to go chat with her. It makes me wonder if he likes being with me that much or maybe he just hates that female. I don't much care for that floozy, either.

His brows furrow as he thinks it over. I'll probably need to be firm, Sam does tend to baby me like a kid. I don't want to be the thing holding him back.

He looks like he's going to refuse for that very reason, so I give him a look. A look that says, 'I'm going to be really irritated if you stay behind solely on my behalf.'

The message appears effective and even his eyes seem to smile a little.

"Alright, I'll be back in a bit," his face melts into discontentment once again and then he stares me hard in the face eyes almost pleading, "Don't wander off too far from the bar, ok?"

I smile to reassure him and he releases my hand that I didn't realize was held in his. He wanders away with all the enthusiasm of a kid going to the dentist.

I watch the overly flirtatious redhead and my gums feel a bit sore from the suppressed tension. I can't help but suck at my teeth as she drags Sam away. I *hate* her touching him.

That's so dumb, I'm being stupid. Am I jealous? Yes, alright, I'm definitely jealous. She's a gorgeous woman, there's no beating around the bush about it. It also doesn't help that she screams of bad news. At least I can take comfort in the fact that Sam doesn't seem to like her anymore than I do. I'm being so petty.

I turn to Nancy, her face is cool but her irises are startling orange making them all the more cat-like. She stares out after Sam and Betsy.

I like Nancy but there's something quite fatal about her. She seems like the quiet sort, the ones that barely speak unless spoken to.

"Do you know who that woman is? This Betsy person?" I ask.

Her haunting eyes glow even brighter against her dark skin reminiscent of a radiant black pearl. I wait for an answer, she seems tight lipped with Sam's absence.

"I do."

It comes off rather finite like she doesn't want to go into details.

She must sense my unease, "Don't worry yourself too much. Sam is better equipped to handle her than any other."

I know it was meant to comfort but I feel more queasy just thinking about them together. Feverish and sick.

An almost lanky bartender comes up to Nancy and whispers something too quiet for even my advanced hearing. My attempt at eavesdropping only makes the overpowering bass blasts more unforgiving through every quaking speaker.

Nancy sighs to the tall boy, "Already huh? A bit early for that."

She tilts her head to me, "Sweetie, sorry to leave you on your own. I'll be back in ten," she mutters to herself a bit unhappy as she stalks away, "Maybe even twenty."

Well that sucks. Alone, with no one to distract me from my crawling agitation. I glance around the moody place. Velvety purple and rosy colored bulbs project on the walls and floor, creating atmospheric mystery.

Heartbeats of unsuspecting humans bounce along to the beat of an erotic song, it's difficult not to be drawn by their perfect pulses, it's as if the music applifies the appeal. My growing upset also amplifies the appeal. Did they know what they were in for coming to a place like this?

I scan the dance floor watching some bodies sway seductively while others bob like they're floating aimlessly in the middle of the sea. The shadows from expensive LEDs spread along the walls and floor, outlining the defined silhouettes of arms and legs. It's such a diverse group of dancers fluttering in the mob.

The vampires' moments are smooth, precise and almost calculated. There is something almost uncanny about the way they slither across the floor like soaped up serpents. Did I move like that?

The humans are a bit more clumsy and sporadic. Definitely slower but warm, their moments are *warm*. I'd never thought about an action having a temperature before, how weird.

Ugh, I can not sit here any longer. It feels like I'm going to crawl out of my skin if I don't tear it off. I need to either walk around or bite something… Someone.

Walking, we're walking and we won't stray too far, just like Sam instructed.

I get up and stroll around the great dance floor. I keep my distance as to not be swallowed up in the ant hill teeming with partiers.

I pass a few tables with curious yet unashamed eyes trailing over me like a shiny object. A few are staring so intensely and directly it's taking every ounce of effort not to cower away from their weighted gaze. Undead mostly, a handful of inquisitive humans.

I look up but it seems even more eyes are beating down. They lean over the swirling gothic gating as if perched in a tree or atop a castle turret. Like archers or assassins, scarcely breathing, unmoving.

It's nerve wracking, like performing solo on stage and having the attention of countless faces waiting for you to botch the act. I clench my fists holding my head high. I won't be intimidated by them! None of these individuals hold a candle to June and the raw, astounding power that she radiates.

I ignore the prying eyes examining the strange walls hugging the main floor.

There are many large open dens along the sides, deep back rooms. No doors cover their dim entrance only loose chiffon drapes hanging over the openings, twirling from the light air rushing from the vents.

It's surprisingly private on the inside of these open rooms, I have to get pretty close to peer in. I see lounge furniture and love sacks rounding the space, even entire beds with great canopy of more translucent chiffon billowing like a willow tree.

The rooms are either empty or occupied by at least two people or more. I feel a bit uncomfortable as if coming across something far too intimate. Fresh blood seeps through the air blocked only by the thin chiffon layer. Humans and vampires sprawling over each other, embracing one another like lovers.

I'd normally be modified by the raw sensuality but the discomfort fades into something oddly longing. There's more to this than standard lewdness, I shudder unsettled by the fact that it's not exactly distasteful.

I use my peripherals as a few seem to be lacking clothing, it would be so awkward if they caught me gawking at the questionable display.

Were the humans hypnotized or so drunk they didn't know they were having blood stolen from them?

I stand off to the side, peering into one of the corner nooks. A fearless and almost haughty expression extends from a heavily made up face. Eyes thick with more mascara than lashes, eyeliner and lipstick meticulously painted on.

The human woman sits crossed-legged with her wrist held to a man's mouth, a vampire drinking from her. Her shiny hair spills just over her shoulders, her bronzed skin is pulsing with life, healthy and vibrant. She seems too aware to be drunk, no glazed eyes from hypnosis.

Maybe she's the 'human staff' the guy at the front was talking about but she doesn't have a pin like Nancy.

The man draws her wrist from his mouth with a dangerous glitter in his unabated gaze, a mix between lust and hunger. He whispers to her what a divine woman she is as pulls her into him by her wrist. He embraces with a playful growl nipping at her neck and she laughs aloud from his aggressively flirtatious gesture.

I am engrossed in the passionate scene, the blood flowing through her veins. His long curled locks fall against her bare shoulders as he continues to kiss her neck. His thick arms press her to his chest, one hand holding the weight of her head.

She moans and giggles as he continues to tease her along the collarbone. Her hand comes under and up around his arm, gripping his muscular shoulder.

She catches me peeping from the side and grins proud with a devious glint in her eye. I turn away and step back embarrassed. I can't believe I was just staring at them like that, but it was so strangely captivating.

A small sharp whimper comes from their direction and my head shoots up to investigate the noise. A delicious scent erupts. The man has bitten into her neck. She curls her nails into his shoulder, her flat teeth pressing into her own lip looking…blissful? Her eyes close and her face relaxes as if she's experiencing something simply amazing. My eyebrows raise, I didn't realize biting someone could be… Enjoyable for the victim and seemly consensual.

"Ey, Sugar. You need somethin' sweet?"

I snap to attention, peering down at a very short woman, she's definitely under five foot without the heels. Her hair is pulled into a fountain of a ponytail with straight across bangs, the right side of her hair is jet black and the left is electric blue.

She's tattooed and pierced in multiple places. Her ears are covered in metal. Her newspaper figure is clad in strappy leather and latex, like some kind of halfpint dominatrix. Skin, ink, metal and leather. What the hell is this all about?

"Yer a new face! Ever taste the willing? I'm told I'm sweet as cherry."

"Uhhh…" Is all that stupidly comes out of my mouth.

She laughs, and a lightweight chain jingles in her hand. I realize it's attached to spiked dog collar… Wrapped around some shirtless guy's neck. I'm starting to feel very uncomfortable again.

"Pixie, you come on too strong. Can't you see she's nervous?"

The soft spoken words come from dog collar guy and he's actually not shirtless just wearing a thin fishnet shirt. Yeah, what a *huge* difference!

He clearly works out but his face is surprisingly baby faced, even a few pink acne scars mark his cheeks. They wouldn't let in someone under eighteen in this place, right?

Flushed cheeks, a bit of sweat coating his forehead beneath dampened strands of hair. Man, does he look tasty, he smells so good…

"Ha! Looks like you appeal to her more, Kit!"

The short girl's bubbly voice rings in my ears as I realize how close I am to the guy, staring down one of the spikes of his ridiculous collar.

My arms snap painfully straight at my sides like a soldier. It feels like rusty hinges as I straighten and stray back.

They seem to be a bit surprised with how fast I slid away, especially the boy.

"So," Pixie chimes, "You trust this one, Kit? How much green does she need to put down for ya?"

How much *green*? I notice the shining pins on Pixie's strappy pleather and one somehow mounted on Kit's fishnet covering. These are human staff? What the…

"Oh, uh, I don't have anything on me," I lie, "Sorry."

I purse my lips feeling awkward and a little dirty, like I've been approached by a couple of prostitutes or drug dealers. And the funny thing is, this is undoubtedly the more ethical route rather than stealing.

Not to question most vampire's morals but it can't just be about integrity. There must be something special about these two or something unique about taking it from someone who's willing.

A guilt free drink is sounding better by the second. I would probably go for it if I wasn't feeling so… ravenous. Suddenly famished as their pulses push into my skin. Especially, Kit's.

"Aww, she's cute," Pixie cajoles, "Maybe next time, pumpkin?"

"Wait," I hear Kit's shy voice and I gulp, it's like a box of rusty nails sliding down, "You can have a bit, I won't charge you this time."

The springy ponytail swishes as Pixie hands pull at the boy's shoulder, weighing him down in an awkward tilt and stretching her neck to his ear.

"Ki-it," she whispers in a cautioning yet nearly condescending tone, "Most vamps are unmistakably gorgeous but if you give out freebies to all of them you're going to head home with empty pockets *and* empty veins."

Kit's mouth crumples in annoyance and embarrassment as he jerks upright making Pixie hover off the ground before hitting down with a click. His cheeks flare horribly, deliciously red.

"I have my reasons," he sharply mutters.

The strands of blue and black hair bounce as she gives an animated shrug and steps aside.

The blood is working under their skin. I can hear the two hearts crashing above the music, flowing out to their fingers and toes. Kit's is very loud, and his fragrance is a chorus of summer, raining blades of lavender. Raining all down on me.

Kit approaches, "It's ok if you're rough but I'd prefer you not break any bones, deal?"

He's too close! I need to leave, I'm not ready for this to be sprung on me. I'm not in a good frame of mind!

He slides the unlatched leather cuff from his wrist and holds it out to me. I notice bruised finger print marks pressed into his forearm and how the blood gathers beneath. I could line my fingers up with those purple marks and press, feel the live liquid react. His skin will be soft and warm as tiny kittens.

His warmth and scent is too much for me. I can't do this, not now.

Ba-dah Ba-Dah Ba-DAH BA-DAH

"No!" I snap a bit more forceful than I meant.

Kit's eyebrows shoot skyward and he backs up. Both he and Pixie back away slowly and on guard. Eyes tense and fixed on me with locked jaws like I'm some growling Rottweiler. Fingers spread as to not provoke. I'm not growling am I?

"Sorry," I grit through my lengthened teeth and quickly flee from them. 'I'm in control. I'm fine.' I keep chanting in my head.

I try to focus on calming down. Where can I go to get away from it? There's people everywhere, blood everywhere! Just keep walking, don't think, walk.

Cool air, I zombie over to a vent and stick my face in the breeze. Yes, that's better, much better.

The throbbing and nagging dulls to something tolerable. I sigh slowly opening my eyes feeling like I can handle the club again.

Uh oh. Where's the bar?

I circle around disoriented. Noticing some large rooms with the whimsy cloth waving like flags around me.

Sam is going to give me hell if he gets back before I do.

"A curious young thing, isn't she?"

My ears perk up as my head rotates to find the peculiar voice of a woman. Silky yet cutting. Two dark eyes nearly black peer at me from behind a chiffon drape.

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