Reviews of Everything will be my way! by Wing_Span - Webnovel



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I wasn't expecting anything tbh since I've read too many novels already. I won't say its completely New as I don't know every existing novel but it's a breath of fresh air to me and I would absolutelty recommend it

Lihat 17 balasan

This is one of the better slowly developed novels out there on this platform. It’s not too fast pace as with some other novels where other MCs just go * here * and there. This book has one of the best by far character developments and gives you an insight on how really each persons relationship to the MC is. The character development is too a point where you may even feel connected and share feelings with them. Another great thing of this novel is the MC powers and strengths. By that I mean how it is slowly growing from weak to strong but not in a fashion you’d feel like it is “just another” novel, such as the MC actually experiencing failure, issues that prevent him from doing something; basically he has challenges and as a quick summary, overall this is a great novel! Keep up the great work author! Cool perk is as of this moment, reading this novel is 100% free! TLDR: Amazing novel with really good character development and his “OPness” isn’t instant which leads to quite an exciting read overall. Give this a try if you haven’t already!

Lihat 3 balasan

If theres one thing this author does right its building up a rhetoric with the characters, you actually care and enjoy reading about all of them and their conversations with the MC. The downside to this is the author sometimes drags on arcs or plot points for far too long, at least in most readers opinions and from my personal viewpoint. The author seriously drags on the MCs torture/mansion for quite a few chapters, but in exchange it awards us with the feelings of actually caring about the dynamics with Juno, Dinah, Anna, and others. For example we understand why Juno and the MC hate each other to their cores, and the narrative does a very good job reminding us, without being obnoxious. TLDR I would say this story is very mediocre, the one redeeming feature is the character dynamics and development. I hope Author finishes this story without a rushed ending and goes on to make an even better one. **. this story might be harem however every girl except one (stephanie) hates the MC so I cant actually say its harem, at least not for the first 200 chapters. There is quite a few women around the MC, and they might fall in love with him later in the story and/or gradually.

Lihat 1 balasan

One of the best novels! and the dark side of it is also very interesting to read. I just love it, i wish the author was still active… i literally created an account to post this, i also checked up to chap 700 in pateon, please god make the author see this comment

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LV 14 Badge

One of the few books I enjoyed a few years ago, sad that the author doesn't update it anymore cuz webnovel sucks

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The power system is all over the place....the MC isnt too likeable....the MC has a high IQ but then later on you would think his IQ dropped 50% ...why because they say high iq fights his childishness or emotional he is struggling with it....apparently MC struggles and even till chapter 130 ...its such a slow process to understand the power system , how to get stronger, and then randomly someone super OP shows up drags mc somewhere questions him and then puts him back...I mean whats even the point of that whole interaction...this is just stupid

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I love this novel, too bad that the author has stopped with the translation, However, I recommend the author to publish the chapters already translated on lightnovel pub, it is more used and I think it would help you to make this pearl more known, I do not know how the payment method on light novel pub works, I honestly do not even know if it has it, but I strongly advise you to do so, in case it starts to be known you could open a patreon

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I like it because it has a straight forward power system that still has room for flexibility and no unnecessary power ups and the system is law

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What happened to the story? Did author dropped? Or in hiatus.... Update update update update update

Lihat 2 balasan

Well written novel, there are some bad points but overall it is good and is one of the best novels i have read. Good world building and strory progression and not that cultivation bs like every other novel.

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I have been following this novel since last year, I don't know ever since I read it. I just can't seem to read anything else sigh It is just so good. Still don't know why people hate it

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I must say that I liked it so far. It is the only project that I am pending on this website, I do not want to write much, it would be a bible.

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This Isn't a review... I've done my review a long time ago, It's just a question... what chapter does things turn over for the mc... atleast for real this time... not just temporarily?

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Over 100 chapters in, and I can firmly say that it is a reasonably good novel to read. However, this doesn't mean it is free of any issues. Namely, the world development is barely noticeable. We get glimpses of what the rest of the world has to offer our MC but these come far and few. I found myself worrying that the MC would never leave home in some instances. And with little to no discussion of the outside world, I too felt caged in by the novel and story that I read, with no place for my imagination to wander. The only other reason I stopped reading dealt with the large amount of time dedicated to the inner thoughts of characters. Sometimes, simply a break would suffice.

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You would all of have to admit, the author did a great job in showing us how a world like that would really look like... while other stories show "a normal civilian from earth that has never killed before becomes a freaking god in another world"... they make it all look flowery and sweet, but this story highlights just how gruesome it actually is... the story doesn't just revolve around the mc like in other stories... he's more like a side character in his own novel... unlike other stories that it feels like life is waiting for their mcs... in this story everyone is doing their thing (like on earth where everyone is an mc in their own story)... it sometimes will obviously clash and destroy the mcs plans (it's usually ladies that do that)... btw, the story is kinda too feminist to me... the goddess is a lady, the empress is a lady, the king in their small kingdom got bewitched by a woman.. and of cause the woman is now ruling... even the assassin group... every single position of true power is held by ladies... btw, if you're thinking it's a matriarchy... no, it's actually a patriarchy, and they all try to interfere with the mcs plans (I'm talking about those ladies in power).... Also mc has no sense of loyalty... in other stories, when mc is caught in something troublesome (the kind he can't handle).. he just some how gets a power up, or someone saves him, or something cliche happens.. but the mc here, just sacrifices people close him or sometimes exposes something he's supposed to keep secret although it's the most logical thing to do in that situation... cause it's survival of the fittest.. meaning no one is coming to save you, unless they want to use you or you have something they want... well, unless they need you for something... this story is just adding logic into a gruesome fantasy world, and removing the cliches... honestly, it's actually hard to read, cause of how you'd feel... so many different kinds of emotions... writing quality is 5.0/ stability of updates is 5.0/ story development is 4.0/ character design is 4.0/ world background is 4.0 ... the total is 4.4

Lihat 3 balasan

O que desanima é a demora de produção de capítulos,se fosse um por dia teria o maior prazer de pagar para ler mais.Mas em relação a novel não tenho do que reclamar começa horrível,mas depois te prende,pois o prota começa,pelo menos eu espero que ele pare de pensar com a cabeça debaixo,porra o cara viveu 1000 anos e não controlou a sede de sexo,fora que não consegue ver uma menina bonita,tomara que ele melhore essa parte e comece a ter controle das garotas e da situação,tentar valer o título da novel pelo menos.leiam vale a pena.

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dude after reading this I cannot read other novels because I want a book similar to this but I can't find any.If anyone knows of a similar novel recommend it pls Btw author if you are reading this review for the sake of your fans pleaseeeee release more chapters every week.

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It's actually funny how mr. bai wants to kill the mc for killing a few people that threatened his life directly or indirectly... but said nothing about how his daughter punched slaves to death to fuel her sadistic desires while smiling... Mr. bai always avoided conversation about it... which means he knows how wrong what she is doing is... but he still says nothing even juno is an hypocrite... because when lovr asked her about the facts... she intentionally hid somethings to cover her action... cause she knew what she did was wrong... I'm saying this because I'm tired of watching the mc blame the parents... they screwed up, but she knows the right and wrong thing to do... in other words... she is not a kid then, Dinah... she tried various times to kill him... that was before he did anything against her... she tried to kill him on various occasions... even tortured him... and that was even before he stole her underwear... to get the elemental stones Kara tried to kill him on various occasions because she was jealous of his relationship with juno, she tried so hard.. when she couldn't... she then enchanted him.. so he fell in love with her and almost raped the princess in public... she was looking for a "noble" reason to kill him in public as a princess of the kingdom yegorka burnt his face... and tried to kill him because juno told him to... that was how their feud started... just like he always says... he would repay good with good... and repay evil with evil Even that black assassin lady... he helped her figure out her enemies.. when he should've tried to get stronger instead.. when he was done helping her... she stole all the money and things he had saved up to help him grow... while saying her fee for everything he did for her is that, he got to seat next to her... such level of arrogance.... even she is an hypocrite... she says her family was destroyed by the empress... but she is also doing the same to others... while saying it's the client's fault... that she has nothing to do with it, but she receives payments... WHAT AN HYPOCRITICAL STATEMENT! btw... they are others... if you read the story... you'd figure it out yourself... In this story... everything isn't white and black.. like in other stories It's in shades of grey

Lihat 1 balasan

I wasn't expecting anything tbh since I've read too many novels already. I won't say its completely New as I don't know every existing novel but it's a breath of fresh air to me and I would absolutelty recommend it

Lihat 17 balasan

This is one of the better slowly developed novels out there on this platform. It’s not too fast pace as with some other novels where other MCs just go * here * and there. This book has one of the best by far character developments and gives you an insight on how really each persons relationship to the MC is. The character development is too a point where you may even feel connected and share feelings with them. Another great thing of this novel is the MC powers and strengths. By that I mean how it is slowly growing from weak to strong but not in a fashion you’d feel like it is “just another” novel, such as the MC actually experiencing failure, issues that prevent him from doing something; basically he has challenges and as a quick summary, overall this is a great novel! Keep up the great work author! Cool perk is as of this moment, reading this novel is 100% free! TLDR: Amazing novel with really good character development and his “OPness” isn’t instant which leads to quite an exciting read overall. Give this a try if you haven’t already!

Lihat 3 balasan

If theres one thing this author does right its building up a rhetoric with the characters, you actually care and enjoy reading about all of them and their conversations with the MC. The downside to this is the author sometimes drags on arcs or plot points for far too long, at least in most readers opinions and from my personal viewpoint. The author seriously drags on the MCs torture/mansion for quite a few chapters, but in exchange it awards us with the feelings of actually caring about the dynamics with Juno, Dinah, Anna, and others. For example we understand why Juno and the MC hate each other to their cores, and the narrative does a very good job reminding us, without being obnoxious. TLDR I would say this story is very mediocre, the one redeeming feature is the character dynamics and development. I hope Author finishes this story without a rushed ending and goes on to make an even better one. **. this story might be harem however every girl except one (stephanie) hates the MC so I cant actually say its harem, at least not for the first 200 chapters. There is quite a few women around the MC, and they might fall in love with him later in the story and/or gradually.

Lihat 1 balasan

One of the best novels! and the dark side of it is also very interesting to read. I just love it, i wish the author was still active… i literally created an account to post this, i also checked up to chap 700 in pateon, please god make the author see this comment

Lihat 0 balasan
LV 14 Badge

One of the few books I enjoyed a few years ago, sad that the author doesn't update it anymore cuz webnovel sucks

Lihat 0 balasan

The power system is all over the place....the MC isnt too likeable....the MC has a high IQ but then later on you would think his IQ dropped 50% ...why because they say high iq fights his childishness or emotional he is struggling with it....apparently MC struggles and even till chapter 130 ...its such a slow process to understand the power system , how to get stronger, and then randomly someone super OP shows up drags mc somewhere questions him and then puts him back...I mean whats even the point of that whole interaction...this is just stupid

Lihat 0 balasan

I love this novel, too bad that the author has stopped with the translation, However, I recommend the author to publish the chapters already translated on lightnovel pub, it is more used and I think it would help you to make this pearl more known, I do not know how the payment method on light novel pub works, I honestly do not even know if it has it, but I strongly advise you to do so, in case it starts to be known you could open a patreon

Lihat 1 balasan

I like it because it has a straight forward power system that still has room for flexibility and no unnecessary power ups and the system is law

Lihat 0 balasan

What happened to the story? Did author dropped? Or in hiatus.... Update update update update update

Lihat 2 balasan

Well written novel, there are some bad points but overall it is good and is one of the best novels i have read. Good world building and strory progression and not that cultivation bs like every other novel.

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I have been following this novel since last year, I don't know ever since I read it. I just can't seem to read anything else sigh It is just so good. Still don't know why people hate it

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I must say that I liked it so far. It is the only project that I am pending on this website, I do not want to write much, it would be a bible.

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This Isn't a review... I've done my review a long time ago, It's just a question... what chapter does things turn over for the mc... atleast for real this time... not just temporarily?

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Over 100 chapters in, and I can firmly say that it is a reasonably good novel to read. However, this doesn't mean it is free of any issues. Namely, the world development is barely noticeable. We get glimpses of what the rest of the world has to offer our MC but these come far and few. I found myself worrying that the MC would never leave home in some instances. And with little to no discussion of the outside world, I too felt caged in by the novel and story that I read, with no place for my imagination to wander. The only other reason I stopped reading dealt with the large amount of time dedicated to the inner thoughts of characters. Sometimes, simply a break would suffice.

Lihat 0 balasan

You would all of have to admit, the author did a great job in showing us how a world like that would really look like... while other stories show "a normal civilian from earth that has never killed before becomes a freaking god in another world"... they make it all look flowery and sweet, but this story highlights just how gruesome it actually is... the story doesn't just revolve around the mc like in other stories... he's more like a side character in his own novel... unlike other stories that it feels like life is waiting for their mcs... in this story everyone is doing their thing (like on earth where everyone is an mc in their own story)... it sometimes will obviously clash and destroy the mcs plans (it's usually ladies that do that)... btw, the story is kinda too feminist to me... the goddess is a lady, the empress is a lady, the king in their small kingdom got bewitched by a woman.. and of cause the woman is now ruling... even the assassin group... every single position of true power is held by ladies... btw, if you're thinking it's a matriarchy... no, it's actually a patriarchy, and they all try to interfere with the mcs plans (I'm talking about those ladies in power).... Also mc has no sense of loyalty... in other stories, when mc is caught in something troublesome (the kind he can't handle).. he just some how gets a power up, or someone saves him, or something cliche happens.. but the mc here, just sacrifices people close him or sometimes exposes something he's supposed to keep secret although it's the most logical thing to do in that situation... cause it's survival of the fittest.. meaning no one is coming to save you, unless they want to use you or you have something they want... well, unless they need you for something... this story is just adding logic into a gruesome fantasy world, and removing the cliches... honestly, it's actually hard to read, cause of how you'd feel... so many different kinds of emotions... writing quality is 5.0/ stability of updates is 5.0/ story development is 4.0/ character design is 4.0/ world background is 4.0 ... the total is 4.4

Lihat 3 balasan

O que desanima é a demora de produção de capítulos,se fosse um por dia teria o maior prazer de pagar para ler mais.Mas em relação a novel não tenho do que reclamar começa horrível,mas depois te prende,pois o prota começa,pelo menos eu espero que ele pare de pensar com a cabeça debaixo,porra o cara viveu 1000 anos e não controlou a sede de sexo,fora que não consegue ver uma menina bonita,tomara que ele melhore essa parte e comece a ter controle das garotas e da situação,tentar valer o título da novel pelo menos.leiam vale a pena.

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dude after reading this I cannot read other novels because I want a book similar to this but I can't find any.If anyone knows of a similar novel recommend it pls Btw author if you are reading this review for the sake of your fans pleaseeeee release more chapters every week.

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It's actually funny how mr. bai wants to kill the mc for killing a few people that threatened his life directly or indirectly... but said nothing about how his daughter punched slaves to death to fuel her sadistic desires while smiling... Mr. bai always avoided conversation about it... which means he knows how wrong what she is doing is... but he still says nothing even juno is an hypocrite... because when lovr asked her about the facts... she intentionally hid somethings to cover her action... cause she knew what she did was wrong... I'm saying this because I'm tired of watching the mc blame the parents... they screwed up, but she knows the right and wrong thing to do... in other words... she is not a kid then, Dinah... she tried various times to kill him... that was before he did anything against her... she tried to kill him on various occasions... even tortured him... and that was even before he stole her underwear... to get the elemental stones Kara tried to kill him on various occasions because she was jealous of his relationship with juno, she tried so hard.. when she couldn't... she then enchanted him.. so he fell in love with her and almost raped the princess in public... she was looking for a "noble" reason to kill him in public as a princess of the kingdom yegorka burnt his face... and tried to kill him because juno told him to... that was how their feud started... just like he always says... he would repay good with good... and repay evil with evil Even that black assassin lady... he helped her figure out her enemies.. when he should've tried to get stronger instead.. when he was done helping her... she stole all the money and things he had saved up to help him grow... while saying her fee for everything he did for her is that, he got to seat next to her... such level of arrogance.... even she is an hypocrite... she says her family was destroyed by the empress... but she is also doing the same to others... while saying it's the client's fault... that she has nothing to do with it, but she receives payments... WHAT AN HYPOCRITICAL STATEMENT! btw... they are others... if you read the story... you'd figure it out yourself... In this story... everything isn't white and black.. like in other stories It's in shades of grey

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