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100% "Tōseki no chō" / Chapter 1: I Hate Butterflies
"Tōseki no chō" "Tōseki no chō" original

"Tōseki no chō"

Penulis: Rirodo_Suru

© WebNovel

Bab 1: I Hate Butterflies

  I will never forget the day everything began. It was supposed to be a normal mediocre high school day, and I got the chance of a life time to walk home with my high school crush.

Unfortunately, later it went all south like really bad as if a tsunami of emotions hit me, we ended up being mugged and she... she was shot right in the chest falling to the ground going "SPLAT".

I fell there crying and begging her to stay with me like a little kid begging his mommy not to

leave him on first day of school, and then that's when it all happened, I saw static like what you would see from a TV and then these three red lines on it that spoke to me at that time. 

"Do you regret doing nothing," I answered yes. 

"Do you want to try again," I answered yes more than anything!

Then the final thing I was told from that strange occurrence.

"Do you want to make it right no matter what happens," I answered yes, I do and then everything went blank.


            "Naru wake up already, it's time for school." Those words I can't hear them that well, what are they saying? I don't really care right now though, I just want to lay here in bed and sleep forever.

"Azuma Naru wake up right now." That one I clearly heard it, not only that it was my childhood friend trying to wake me up but she just slammed her elbow into my stomach. "Ow, ok I'm awake already, that hurt a lot Chiyo," I yelled at her for hitting me. Maki Chiyo was my childhood friend since we were 4, I'd say. She has hazel eyes and long dark orange hair, she's also, pretty slim too. Right now, she's crying because of the fact that I yelled at her, I guess I can say she's sensitive in some ways like a normal girl. I walked up to her and gave her a hug.

"I'm sorry for yelling at you Chiyo," I said it in a calm manner to calm her down easier. She ended up turning her head and then gave me a small lick on the cheek. I immediately backed away falling into my bed with my back against the wall. She started laughing at me and pointing "that's payback for yelling at me, but seriously get ready for school." My embarrassment turned into rage with my right eye twitching while I tried to hold it all in "just get out already and let me get ready then," it all rushed out, I yelled again. That's was the one thing Chiyo does which was always joking around, so in the end that sensitivity crap is a joke.

  My day went by as usual, it was boring as always, but the one thing that gets me excited

is that my high school crush Akiba Mine was my classmate. The long silky light pink soft

looking hair, her purple eyes that were like shining amethyst, her body slim and soft to the touch, I would easily drool at the single thought of her. It was no wonder she was an idol at the school, not only that but her grades were perfect too. After my fantasies of Mine were done.


It was already time for lunch, I usually eat in the classroom and Chiyo would come by and eat with me.

"Hey-o it's time for my second favorite part of my day." I know Chiyo usually jokes around but this one was no joke especially when it's about food.

"Oh, what's your first favorite," one of Chiyo's friends popped up behind her.

"It's obviously dinner." 

"Geesh, Naru you need to stop spoiling her."

"Believe me I tried to," Chiyo turns around and links her arm with mine, while having her chest pressed up against my arm.

-what is this sensation I'm having.

"Aw don't worry Naru-Chan enjoys my

company otherwise he would be alone."

It was true my parents died in a plane crash when I was six, ever since I've been alone but Chiyo was always there for me.

After that embarrassing moment yet again by the works of Chiyo the rest of the day went by as usual, and It was time to go.

"Hey Naru, I'm going with a friend so I'll see you later," Chiyo smiled and walked away, but I knew what she was really saying

"I'm going with a friend but make sure you make me dinner because I can't do anything myself te-heh."


I walked out of the class going to toward the gate to leave and then I saw Mine at the gate texting on her phone, but something felt weird like I seen this happen already, but from where did I see this. That's when I got a huge headache and as if someone took my brain and smashed it with a mallet, it all came rushing in. The time Mine and I walked home together and then we got mugged, and she was shot.  I started to Hyperventilate.

-am I going to die, is she going to die, what's happening, i don't want to see it. I don't want to feel it, someone anyone. Mine noticed me and that something was wrong with me. "Oh my gosh are you okay," She looked at me with worry in her eyes. I eventually started to calm down, I guess the very sight of

her could cure me "yah... I'm fine," I conjured up a smile to ease of the tension I made. "Your Azuma Naru right," she slightly tilted her head while putting a finger on her lips as if she were confused or something. "Yeah I am, are you heading home this way too." 

"yes, I live this way, why don't we walk together," she still had a smile on her face, probably to keep me calm or even herself calm. I nodded and walked beside her, we ended up talking for a while, but I realized what happened before to us. I started thinking of a way to go somewhere else rather than here anywhere would be better. "Oh shoot, I forgot I had to go get dinner," I grabbed my wallet to look at what I had since I didn't plan on shopping till just now. Luckily, I had just enough for a little shopping "I don't mind helping you hold your bags especially since I don't want you to overdo yourself, but you owe me a pudding okay," she lets out a giggle while covering her mouth with her hand to hold her laughter in. I chuckled a bit along with her "sure I don't mind." 

Eventually we got to my house after the shopping we did, "thanks for the help and here's your pudding I owe you." She took the pudding and smiled "Alright pudding! Well I'll

see you around Naru-Chan," she walked away while waving back to me. After Mine was

out of site I went in to the house to find Chiyo wrapped up in a blanket. "Hey what's wrong

Chiyo." I saw that she was crying when I looked at her face, she obviously was crying for while her eyes were all red and snot running down from her nose. "The news a man mugged and shot a friend of mine. I couldn't believe what I heard when she told me that, then I remembered the previous time when I walked with Mine that we ran into two girls that were wearing our school uniform. I hugged Chiyo immediately knowing that was all I could do for her "I'm so sorry." I stayed by her side till she fell asleep, after that I went to my room. That's when I got a weird notification on my phone from an app I didn't recognize, it had a red TV symbol on it. I clicked on the app to find a message there "welcome my new time traveler, I am sure you realized by now this is your second time living this day. I have granted your wish to change your reality, but there is a rule that being said you are only allowed to go back in time to the previous day. I hope you enjoy this app." I couldn't believe what I was reading, but at the same time I did believe it after all I did restart my day. I looked at the app more in depth to find a button that said "TRY AGAIN" on it. From my observation I guess this button is what restarts the day. I remembered Chiyo and her friend, then I remembered that man who started this all. All that pain and suffering, I can't let it slide if I can do something about it, I'd feel terrible letting him kill people over and over again. Right now, all I can think is that this time I'm going for the hero route were I'll save Mine and take down the villain. At that moment I hit that button and everything went blank.


-A girl on the verge of death.

-A girl crying. 

-A boy who shut himself out.

"Azuma Naru wake up right now." Once again Chiyo woke me up by she slamming her

elbow into my stomach just as before.

"You know that really hurts both times," and just as before I yelled, I guess time does really

repeat itself. Except I will change that so no one suffers. For right now it's payback for what Chiyo did to me in the last time line. I lift her chin in a seductive manner "I'm sorry I yelled could you ever forgive me," I spoke in a manly voice. "I... I oh... uh... ye..yeah sure," she was bright red both face and ears, you could practically see the steam coming from her head from how embarrassed she was. I busted out laughing, Chiyo ended up slapping my face and stomping out of my room "jerk." I'd say this was totally worth it, besides Chiyo's easy to please so she won't stay mad. I walk down to see Chiyo at the table all pouty, "so what do you want for dinner." The second I mentioned food Chiyo immediately perked up "something with pork!" We both started to laugh, well we should get going don't want to be late.

I walked into my class and find Mine staring out the window. It was such a glistening moment, this just reminds me why I'm doing this in first place. I wanted to protect that shinning sun in front of me no matter what. Although all the previous things she had done for me was her just being nice there was no way she was interested into a plain boy like me. My looks were average, my height was average, and my personality was plain or you might say bland. The day went by just as before but this time I decided to eat at the cafeteria.


From behind me a boy spoke to me,

"This is a rare sight seeing you eat here."

Perry Ryan my best "guy" friend who also happens to be a blonde foreigner.

"Yeah I decided for a change of pace."

"Chiyo-Chan didn't drain you again did she."

"No not at all," Ryan knows that I happen to make Chiyo's breakfast, lunch, and dinner. Despite the fact I feed her all time as if she some cat that keeps coming back to have you give her food, I do enjoy having her company but I'll never say that to her face. We chatted awhile till we saw a glimpse of Akiba Mine-San passing by.

"Man, I know you have a crush on her, but that's some high standards my friend," Ryan held me close to him by having his arm around my neck.

"Yah well just you wait, one day I will..."

I ended up stopping my conversation at the sound of the bell.

"Well see yah buddy," he gave me a thumbs up and left. Well it's time to get the rest of the day

over, my plan is to borrow a bamboo sword from the kendo club. This is my only hope to fight off that guy so no one gets hurt. After school I head to get what I needed.

Afterwards I found Mine still at the gate. This really must be fate, I mean three times now and she still there for me to talk to. 

"Hey your Akiba Mine-San right," I started off our conversation easily to reel her in so she ends up walking home with me.

"Oh, hi you're in my class right, let me think for a second your Naru-Chan right?"

"Yup that's me Azuma Naru," I smiled with a little chuckle.

"I see you practice kendo," she said while pointing at what was over my shoulder.

"Not much now in days, but I did back then. By the way are you head this way," I pointed

towards the direction we both take.

"Yeah, I do, want to walk with me?" She extended out her hand encouraging me to walk with her.

"Sure, I don't mind at all," now everything was set in motion. This time I will save her and

prevent Chiyo going through what she did in the other time line.


"Hey you two drop everything you have or I'll shoot. Mine let's out a scream 

"Ahhh... no please don't shoot." 

Startled by Mine's scream the man pointed the gone at her. At that moment there was no better time than to stop this guy. I pull the sword out and whack his wrist causing him to drop the gun. The man turned around and tried to run in a panic, but I hit the back of his neck rendering him unconscious. The man was about I'd say in his late twenties, a bit on the round side, and looked as if he hasn't been out of his room in weeks.

"Thank you so much for saving me Naru-Chan," She looked up to me with a smile while still having some tears in her eyes.

"It was nothing really," I got a little embarrassed by her comment and by her current appearance. I called the police and discussed the situation with them, after that they left with the man in handcuffs.

"I really can't thankyou enough, you saved me I mean who knows what could have happened if you weren't here," she runs up to me and gives me a slight kiss on the cheek. My face

immediately turns red and my mind explodes.

"Re..really it was n-nothing," I couldn't even speak properly. She ended up laughing and thanking me once more before she left this time. I'd have to say this was worth it, I mean what normal day do you get that let's your high school crush kiss you even if it's on the cheek? I walked rest of the way home with complete happiness. 


"Hey you seem to be in a good mood," Chiyo was on the couch watching TV.

"I'd definitely say that so I'll make you the best dinner I can tonight as a celebration."

"Really this is great, I can't wait for dinner," Chiyo was jumping up and down in excitement. I went to my room to put my things away, then I noticed I had a notification on my phone. It was that app, it seemed I received a message, I ended up clicking it and ready what it had to say.

"Here is a reminder, butterflies and equivalent exchange, remember it well."

Butterflies and equivalent exchange I have no clue what it meant by that, but u was soon about to find out what it meant.

It was a brand new day, a happy morning I'd say. I went to school and ran into Chiyo 

"Hey sorry I wasn't home this morning, I was busy."

"You make it sound like we have the same home," I added to that smart remark of hers. I walked into class but Mine wasn't there, I mean she's always one of the first ones here. I heard some of my classmates whispering,

"Hey did you hear what happened to Mine-Chan?"

"No, what happened to her?"

"Apparently her parents got in a car accident."

My heart sunk deeply at the sound of those words. I rushed to Ryan for some answers knowing that idiot knows something.

"Ryan what happened to Akiba-San?"

"Her parents got in an accident and passed away." My heart sunk even lower as if I felt guilty but why. That when it hit me, butterflies that message could it have referred to the butterfly effect. So that means if I didn't keep her out so long yesterday this wouldn't have happened. Now it's too late I can't change anything, than it hit me how my life took a turn when my parents passed.


-I can't leave her all alone.

"Ryan where does Mine live I know you know."

"Oh, how would you know though I suppose this will mean you owe me one."

"Yeah sure what ever just send it to me," I ran out without carrying I was going to b skipping. I walked up to her door and rang the bell. 

"Hello," Mine was at the door l, she spoke softly and looked a little pale.

"Hey it's me may I come in."

"Oh my gosh Naru-Chan what are you doing here, but I suppose you may since your here


I walked in then I bowed with complete prostration.

"Please forgive me this was all my fault because I was so selfish."

"What no, this wasn't your fault there's nothing you nor I could have done."

"I know how it feels to lose someone you care for and how lonely you can feel."

"Yeah I don't know what I'm going to do know, "she breaks down crying."

"Well I have an Idea, you can take it as an apology of mine so if you want you could stay at my place."

"Oh no I couldn't do that, I would just mean I would be taking advantage of your kindness."

-wait no no no no, what was I thinking. What did I just tell her?

I shake the thought off in my mind, 

"Don't worry it would be nothing especially compared to Chiyo."


That's right she never met Chiyo, oh well.

"Anyways don't worry, my place has three bedrooms and a guest room so it wouldn't be a bother."

"I..I don't know what about expenses and what not."

"Don't worry about that the main family covers my expenses as long as I keep a healthy lifestyle and good grades." This was true, after my parents died around when I was in the end of the year of middle school, I convinced the head family to let me live at my parents' house.

"Well I won't be just freeloading, I will be helping out." She looks up to me with a smile on her face, you could see the dark circles on her eyes, she clearly hasn't slept yet. I sit down next to her,

"Here rest your head on my shoulder."

I took her head and lay it on my shoulder and put my hands over her eyes.

"Wh..what are you doing."

"Shh it's alright, just keep your eyes closed."

A couple of seconds later Mine was fast asleep.

-this is going to be really stressful and painful for me since I'm going to be seeing her beauty almost 24/7 now. Seriously what... was I thinking.


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